HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Minutes 04-25-94MINUTES TUSTIN PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING APRIL 25t 1994 CALL TO ORDER: 7:03 p.m., City Council Chambers ROLL CALL: Present: Weil, Baker, Butler, Kasalek, Stracker PUBLIC CONCERNS: (Limited to 3 minutes per person for items not on the agenda.) At this time members of the public may address the Commission regarding any items not on the agenda and within the subject matter jurisdiction of the Commission (NO action can be taken off-agenda items unless authorized by law). IF YOU WISH TO ADDRESS THE COMMISSION ON ANY MATTER, PLEASE FILL OUT ONE OF THE CARDS LOCATED ON THE SPEAKER'S TABLE SO THAT YOUR REMARKS ON THE TAPE RECORDING OF THE MEETING CAN BE ATTRIBUTED TO YOU. WHEN YOU START TO ADDRESS THE COMMISSION, PLEASE STATE YOUR FULL NAME AND ADDRESS FOR THE RECORD. CONSENT CALENDAR: (ALL MATTERS LISTED UNDER CONSENT CALENDAR ARE CONSIDERED ROUTINE AND WILL BE ENACTED BY ONE MOTION. THERE WILL BE NO SEPARATE DISCUSSION OF THESE ITEMS PRIOR TO THE TIME OF THE VOTING ON THE MOTION UNLESS MEMBERS OF THE COMMISSION, STAFF OR PUBLIC REQUEST SPECIFIC ITEMS TO BE DISCUSSED AND/OR REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT CALENDAR FOR SEPARATE ACTION.) 1. Minutes of the April 11, 1994 Planning Commission Meetinq. 2. Subject: Final Parcel Map 93-177 APPLICANT: PROPERTY OWNER: LOCATION: ZONING: ENVIRONMENTAL STATUS: REQUEST: PHILIP BETTENCOURT 110 NEWPORT CENTER DRIVE, STE 150 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660 CHAMANREAL, INC. N.V. C/O UBS ASSET MANAGEMENT (NEW YORK), INC. 1211 AVENUE OF THE AMERICAS, 38TH FLOOR NEW YORK, NEW YORK 10036-8796 2911 AND 2961 DOW AVENUE, TUSTIN PLANNED COMMUNITY INDUSTRIAL (PC-IND) THIS PROJECT IS CONSIDERED MINISTERIALLY EXEMPT PURSUANT TO SECTION 15268(b) OF THE CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT AUTHORIZATION TO SUBDIVIDE A SINGLE DEVELOPED PARCEL INTO TWO PARCELS. Recommendation - It is recommended that the Planning Commission adopt Resolution No. 3253 recommending to the City Council approval of Final Parcel Map 93-177, as submitted or revised. Presentation: Daniel Fox, Senior Planner Commissioner Stracker moved, Butler seconded, Consent Calendar. Motion carried 5-0. to approve the Planning Commission Minutes April 25, 1994 Page 2 PUBLIC HEARINGS: IF YOU CHALLENGE AN ITEM CONSIDERED AT A PUBLIC HEARING IN COURT, YOU MAY BE LIMITED TO RAISING ONLY THOSE ISSUES YOU OR SOMEONE ELSE RAISED AT THE PUBLIC HEARING DESCRIBED IN THIS AGENDA, OR IN WRITTEN CORRESPONDENCE DELIVERED TO THE CITY OF TUSTIN AT, OR PRIOR TO, THE PUBLIC HEARING. Subject: Zone Chanqe 94-001, Desiqn Review 94-001 and Variance 94-002 (OCTFCU) APPLICANT: LAND OWNER: LOCATION: ZONING: ENVIRONMENTAL STATUS: REQUEST: 1. ORANGE COUNTY TEACHERS FEDERAL CREDIT UNION 2115 N. BROADWAY SANTA ANA, CA 92706 ATTN: MR. STAN TODD CATELLUS DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION 1065 NO. PACIFICENTER DRIVE, SUITE 200 ANAHEIM, CA 92806 ATTN: MR. DAVID DYKE 15442 DEL AMO AVENUE PLANNED COMMUNITY (PC); PACIFIC CENTER EAST SPECIFIC PLAN - TECHNOLOGY AND REGIONAL CENTER LAND USE DESIGNATIONS THIS PROJECT IS COVERED BY A PREVIOUSLY CERTIFIED EIR (90-1) FOR THE PACIFIC CENTER EAST SPECIFIC PLAN. NO ADDITIONAL DOCUMENTATION IS REQUIRED. APPROVAL OF AN AMENDMENT TO THE PACIFIC CENTER EAST SPECIFIC PLAN TO CHANGE THE LAND USE DESIGNATION FOR PLANNING AREA 14 (15442 DEL AMO AVENUE) FROM "TECHNOLOGY CENTER" TO "REGIONAL CENTER" TO ACCOMMODATE OFFICE AND FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONAL USES; APPROVAL OF A CONCEPT PLAN FOR PLANNING AREAS 11 AND 14 OF THE PACIFIC CENTER EAST SPECIFIC PLAN; AND APPROVAL OF A VARIANCE TO REDUCE THE REQUIRED LANDSCAPE SETBACK FOR THE ULTIMATE STREET IMPROVEMENTS ON THE FUTURE NEWPORT AVENUE FROM VALENCIA AVENUE TO A POINT APPROXIMATELY 370 FEET NORTH OF VALENCIA FROM 30 FEET TO APPROXIMATELY 15 FEET. Recommendation - It is recommended that the Planning Commission take the following actions: Approve the Environmental Determination for the project by adopting Resolution No. 3254; Recommend to the City Council approval of Zone Change 94-001 by adopting Resolution No. 3255, as submitted or revised; Approve Design Review 94-001 by adopting Resolution No. 3256, as submitted or revised; and Approve Variance 94-002 by adopting Resolution No. 3257, as submitted or revised. Presentation: Daniel Fox, Senior Planner Commissioners Straoker and Butler stepped down on this item due to conflict of interest. Planning Commission Minutes April 25, 1994 Page 3 The Public Hearing Opened at 7:16 p.m. The Public Hearing Closed at 7:16 p.m. Commissioner Baker asked how many properties were involved in the noticing of this item. Staff indicated there were 12. Commissioner Weil asked the time frame of street improvements due to the new interchange. Doug Anderson, City Transportation Engineer, stated that it is not known since the plans are still being processed for Caltrans review. The Director noted that the process is called a "project study report" and that the final process was under preparation through a consultant hired by the City. The City Council has authorized this contract which will take from 90 to 120 days. Caltrans may take from 4 to 6 months to review and final approve preliminary design for the interchange and only after that can the City begin final design of the Newport Avenue alignment, since it is impacted by ramp design. Realistically within the next 12 months final design could begin. The Public Hearing was opened at 7:20 p.m. Paul Sundermann, Chief Financial Officer for Orange County Teachers Federal Credit Union, noted that they have been located in Santa Ana for the last 60 years but have close ties to Tustin with three of their board members residing in Tustin. He noted that they are looking forward to the move to Tustin. He indicated that this acquisition represents the largest investment the credit union has ever made and they appreciated the help of City staff. Commissioner Baker asked how many employees were involved. Mr. Sundermann indicated that there would be 430 employees at the Tustin location. Commissioner Baker asked if the Santa Ana facility would remain open. Mr. Sunderman answered, "yes". The Public Hearing Closed at 7:23 p.m. Commissioner Kasalek moved, Baker seconded to approve the Environmental Determination for the project by adopting Resolution No. 3254 revised as follows. Strike from the Environmental Evaluation Initial Study, Page 7, Section 3, 2b, "Project in lieu fees for a daycare center in the early phases of the project to reduce vehicular trips." Page 26, Item BS, strike, "The project shall accommodate access provisions for garbage trucks, locating stationary trash compactors in individual buildings in order to minimize waste hauling demand, and providing and maintaining solid waste storage areas in accordance with City of Tustin requirements". Renumber items B6 through B9 accordingly. Motion carried 3-0. Commissioner Kasalek moved, Baker seconded to recommend to the City Council approval of Zone Change 94-001 by adopting Resolution No. 3255 as submitted. Motion carried 3-0. F ............ 111 .......................... I II ......... Planning Commission Minutes April 25, 1994 Page 4 Commissioner Kasalek moved, Baker seconded, to approve Design Review 94-001 by adopting Resolution No. 3256 revised as follows, Exhibit A, Condition of Approval 7.6, should read "Prior to the issuance of any building permits in Planning Area 14, the Engineering and Building Divisions shall ensure compliance with Conditions 6.1 through 6.5, 6.8 and 6.9 identified above". Motion carried 3-0. Commissioner Kasalek moved, Baker seconded, to approve Variance 94- 00Z by adopting Resolution No. 3Z57 as submitted. Motion carried 3-0. 4. Subject: Vesting Tentative Tract Map 14447, Conditional Use Permit 93-033 and Design Review 93-031 APPLICANT/ OWNER LOCATION: ZONING: ENVIRONMENTAL STATUS: REQUEST: IRVINE APARTMENT COMMUNITIES 550 NEWPORT CENTER DR., SUITE 300 NEWPORT BEACH, CA. 92660 ATTN: MR. RICHARD E. LAMPRECHT LOTS 18 AND BB OF TRACT 12870, ROBINSON DRIVE, WEST OF JAMBOREE ROAD PLANNED COMMUNITY RESIDENTIAL - (MEDIUM-HIGH DENSITY RESIDENTIAL) - EAST TUSTIN SPECIFIC PLAN THIS PROJECT IS COVERED BY A PREVIOUSLY CERTIFIED EIR (85-2) FOR THE EAST TUSTIN SPECIFIC PLAN. NO ADDITIONAL DOCUMENTATION IS REQUIRED. 1. AUTHORIZATION TO SUBDIVIDE 18.02 GROSS ACRES INTO 8 NUMBERED LOTS AND 6 LETTERED LOTS TO ACCOMMODATE 436 CONDOMINIUMS; 2. APPROVAL OF THE SITE PLAN AND ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN OF THE PROPOSED PROJECT; AND 3. AUTHORIZATION TO LEASE THE CONDOMINIUMS AS APARTMENTS. Recommendation -It is recommended that the Planning Commission take the following actions: Approve the Environmental Determination for the project by adopting Resolution No. 3248; Approve Design Review 93-031 by adopting Resolution No. 3249, as submitted or revised; Approve Conditional Use Permit 93-033 by adopting Resolution No. 3250, as submitted or revised; and Recommend to the City Council approval of Vesting Tentative Tract Map 14447 by adopting Resolution No. 3251, as submitted or revised. Presentation: Daniel Fox, Senior Planner Commissioner Butler asked if each of the lots was to have a separate association. Staff answered that there would be only one association for the entire project. Commissioner Stracker asked if the Sports Park was located across from this project and what type of garage doors would be used. Planning Commission Minutes April 25, 1994 Page 5 Staff noted that the garage doors are the roll up type and that a condition has been included under the noticing requirements for both tenants and future property owners noting that they are located across from the sports park which does include sport field lighting. Commissioner Kasalek noticed that there were no perimeter walls around the whole development and asked if there was a gated entry. Staff stated that the entry was gated and the open space was consistent with what is happening with the Venturanza project with walls necessary only on orientations where there are arterial conditions present. Commissioner Stracker asked where the vehicular access for the sports park was located. Staff answered that it was further east on Robinson Drive, opposite the golf course. Commissioner Stracker noted that the upper knuckle of the access loop roadway concerned him because of the lack of visibility and asked if that entrance could be relocated. Commissioner Butler asked if there was any parking allowed on the loop road. Staff noted that in working with the applicant, the distance for the street parking had been limited to provide the required site distances. Parking is restricted at the entrance drive and at the knuckle area. Commissioner Weil knuckle location. asked how high the landscaping was at the Staff stated that the landscape concept indicated a 36" high hedge. Commissioner Butler asked how many other apartment projects like this there were and if staff had any idea if they had undergone condo conversion and if it had been done successfully. Staff noted that three apartment projects had converted to condos for a total of 900 units, none of which have been a problem for the City and that excluding this project there were four existing apartment complexes currently being leased as apartments. Commissioner Butler questioned the use of three access ways into the center of the project and asked if this would put a burden on two of the openings. Staff indicated that two access points were sufficient. The Public Hearing was opened at 7:40 p.m. Rick LamDrecht,Vice President of Development for Irvine Apartment Communities, expressed appreciation of staff, noted that all of the conditions imposed were acceptable and with regard to the question raised by Commission Stracker, if the access point were moved, parking would be lost and they believe there is adequate site distance and that tenants will be familiar with the location so as to ensure traffic safety. Commissioner Weil asked if speed bumps had been considered. Planning Commission Minutes April 25, 1994 Page 6 Mr. Lamprecht stated that speed humps have been put in the interior drive areas but not on the main perimeter loop streets. Commissioner Stracker asked the length of the lease. Mr. Lamprecht stated that their turn over ratio was 50% which amounted to about half in a 6 month period. Commissioner Butler noted that he receives many complaints concerning narrowness of stairs and the difficulty it presents in moving in and out and asked if the issue had been addressed in this project. Mr. Lamprecht noted that he was very sensitive to this issue and had made provision for wider stairs and landings. Ronna Smith, homeowner at Venturanza del Verde, stated that she was not at all in favor of this project because the prices on the apartments existing in this area would lower her property value; there would be an increased amount of traffic at Keller and Jamboree and Robinson to Irvine Boulevard west which already has a tremendous traffic backup and, that the noise level would also be increased. Staff noted that lot 13 consists of a patio home product currently built at just under 9 units per acre when the site could accommodate 18 units per acre so they are at about half the maximum allowed density. The street system at Robinson Drive and Keller was designed to accommodate the maximum density and that the area around Robinson Drive has been identified at 25 units per acre. Both ends of Robinson Drive are presently signalized with full turning movement in all directions. The starting patio homes prices are at $220,000. Commissioner Butler asked if federal or state guidelines had been used in figuring the percentages of allowable apartments for the East Tustin Specific Plan. The Director responded that to reflect general plan policy at the time, the City wanted to see a balance of housing type. Currently housing balances are weighted toward apartments in the City with 68% of the unit count as rental and the remaining portion as ownership. There is strong general plan policy in place for a number of years that asks for that balance to be turned around so that in developing new areas parameters are set giving a higher percentage to ownership stock. Goals and objectives of the specific plan encourage housing affordable to a wide range of households. A cap of 25% is currently laid out in the East Tustin Development Agreement. Commissioner Butler asked if this 25% was below average. The Director stated that the normal ratio in most communities was 70/30 and the City would be very close to it if the current ratio was turned around. Lourie Stratford, 2867 Ballesteros Lane, stated concern about falling property values and also how this project would impact Robinson Drive. She stated that the signal lights do not accommodate the present traffic volume. Doug Anderson, stated that the signals at that location are set on a 120 second cycle. The signals will be set to accommodate the additional traffic as the area grows. Planning Commission Minutes April 25, 1994 Page 7 Commissioner Butler asked if there was any construction at Robinson Drive and Keller. Staff noted that currently grading is being done for the sports park. The Public Hearing was closed at 8:02 p.m. Commissioner Butler stated that he was in favor of the project. Commissioner Baker noted that 20 years ago when Tustin Meadows was going in people had the same concerns about property values and traffic on Red Hill Avenue but as the City has grown in population from 15 to 50 thousand, things seem to work out. He stated that he appreciated the comments from the homeowners who came to speak because it shows they care and helps to keep the Commission informed. Commissioner Stracker stated that he did not like to see such large density projects but it is within the parameters established for the East Tustin Specific Plan. Regarding the traffic signal situation, there are some high volume arterial highways adjacent to the project which impact them and must be worked with. He remained concerned with the access into the parking area and would like to see a condition placed on the project to put in another access point off the parking area. Commissioner Kasalek feels the density is higher than she would have liked but it is in keeping with the plan and feels that the Public Works Department is on top of the traffic situation. She feels it is a nice looking development compatible with the ownership properties in the area and doesn't think it should make property values go down. Commissioner Weil was concerned with the density but feels that in the overall view with the open space adjacent to the golf course and the sports park down the street it is probably the best placement of a high density project. She asked staff if a yield sign could be placed at the access spot. Doug Anderson stated this was a similar condition to the Monterey Homes where double yellow lines were used to channelize the traffic with raised pavement markers. Commissioner Baker asked if speed was a factor. Doug Anderson stated that he did not believe that corner would accommodate 20 mph and the traffic calculations were based on a 15- 20 mph range. Commissioner Weil noted that Resolution 3250, Item C-1 states consistency with development standards for condo's yet there is no covered parking and asked if this would be a cause for problems in the future. Staff stated that the plans show the location of the future carports and plans have been provided to accommodate additional covered parking spaces. This is covered by finding No. 3. Commissioner Stracker asked where the tower would be located and what it's height was. Planning Commission Minutes April 25, 1994 Page 8 Staff replied that the tower was for the recreation facility and located opposite the entrance at the leasing office. There is also a smaller tower at the recreation facility at the top of the project at the golf course which includes the weight and exercise rooms. The smaller tower is 36 feet in height and the main facility tower is 40 feet in height. The Director stated for the record that the City was not to be placed in an enforcement position with the addition of the stop signs and modifications to private streets. During the term that the project remains as apartments and without an association, property management will be responsible for enforcement and once the association takes over it would become their responsibility. Commissioner Butler moved, Baker seconded, to approve the Environmental Determination for the project by adopting Resolution No. 3248. Motion carried 5-0. Commissioner Butler moved, Baker seconded, to approve Design Review 93-031 by adopting Resolution No. 3249 revised by adding the following conditions. "*** 2.6 to read, "Double yellow striping with raised pavement markers shall be installed in accordance with applicable private street construction standards on all corners of the loop street, subject to approval of the Building Official and the City's Traffic Engineer." Condition *** 2.7 to read, "Stop signs shall be installed at all private drives exiting on to a private street in accordance with applicable private street construction standards, subject to approval of the Building Official and the City's Traffic Engineer. Motion carried 5-0. Commissioner Butler moved, Kasalek seconded, to approve Conditional Use Permit 93-033 by adopting Resolution No. 3250 as submitted. Motion carried 5-0. Commissioner Butler moved, Baker seconded, to recommend to the City Council approval of Vesting Tentative Tract Map 14447 by adopting Resolution No. 3251 as submitted. Motion carried 5-0. REGULAR BUSINESS: 5. Subject: Amendment to Conditions of Approval- Design Review 88-67 APPLICANT/ OWNER: LOCATION: ZONING: ENVIRONMENTAL STATUS: REQUEST: IRVINE COMMUNITY BUILDERS P.O. BOX I NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92658-8904 TOWNSHIP DRIVE, RAWLINGS WAY AND LA COLINA DRIVE PLANNED COMMUNITY RESIDENTIAL THIS PROJECT IS CONSIDERED CATEGORICALLY EXEMPT (CLASS 1) PURSUANT TO SECTION 15301 OF THE CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT AUTHORIZATION TO INSTALL LOCKABLE PEDESTRIAN GATES AT PRIVATE STREET ENTRIES Recommendation -It is recommended that the Planning Commission adopt Resolution No. 3252 to delete Condition 3.6 of Resolution No. 2664 to authorize the installation of lockable pedestrian gates, as submitted or revised. Presentation: Daniel Fox, Senior Planner' Planning Commission Minutes April 25, 1994 Page 9 Commissioner Kasalek moved, Stracker seconded, to adopt Resolution 3252 to delete Condition 3.6 of Resolution No. 2664 to authorize the installation of lockable pedestrian gates, as submitted. Motion carried 5-0. 6. Status Reports Received and filed. STAFF CONCERNS: 7. Report on Actions taken at April 19, 1994 City Council Meeting The Director reported that there was a short agenda with election of the new mayor and agency chairman, Thomas Saltarelli, and Councilman Potts elected as the new mayor pro tem. COMMISSION CONCERNS: Commissioner Kasalek Requested staff to investigate lights in the Irvine Business Center on the east side of Tustin Ranch Road which appear to be shining toward vehicles exiting the freeway at that location. Commissioner Stracker Reported that the sprinklers in the median at Tustin Ranch Road, south of Irvine Boulevard, were on continuously for six hours on Saturday 4-23. Commissioner Baker Commented that he had enjoyed attending the Volunteer Day activities at the Senior Center this past weekend and thanked the Director for her participation. Commissioner Butler Congratulated the new City Council members on their newly elected positions. 8. Report on CDBG Participation Meeting. Christine Shingleton reported on the CDBG meeting held Wednesday, April 20, 1994. Each year the City asks the standing commissions to formally sit as a citizen participation committee to prioritized ranking and make recommendations on City funding projects to go on as a recommendation to the City Council. This year, 94-95, is the first year in which the City of Tustin is an entitlement city. Previously the City received only $100-125,000 in federal funds under the county's urban county program however, as an entitlement city, Tustin expects to receive $490,000 in funds. Sixty-five organizations were contacted by mail with 25 applications received back with requests for funding in the amount of $772,000. The internal ranking committee considered such things as completeness of application, financial ability to implement programs, ability to service Tustin residents and current services these groups were providing to the city. There were also a number of City projects recommended; Mitchell Street widening design, design and complete · F' NNT I Planning Commission Minutes April 25, 1994 Page 10 renovation of "C" Street, construction of new restrooms at Frontier Park, continuation of commercial rehab loan and grant program, assistance to commercial business along First Street from Old Town to Newport all the way to Sycamore Avenue, renovation of the Utt Juice Factory, providing an additional incentive for the Perfit property site along Main Street, graffiti removal, continuation of support for housing rehab and code enforcement efforts for funding for an intern for assistance in the southwest neighborhoods. These projects total $224,000 with the remaining $74,000 allocated among 11 to 12 agencies. An agreement was reached with the Boys and Girls Club which will be presented at the next meeting of CDBG, for the City to provide a federally funded lunch program and lunch monitoring and added support for special programs like soccer and baseball programs. A range of other programs were recommended such as continuation of "feed back" which provides meals for homebound seniors and those at the Senior Center, significant contributions to organization that provide benefits and referrals to the Police Department for troubled youth and family counseling, contribution to Laurel House which aids abused children, Mercy House for abused women, and a multitude of other smaller contributions which provide a range of community based direct support such as the Dale Mcintosh Center which provides training for American Disability Act compliance, the Fair Housing Council which acts with the City in referral of housing discrimination complaints, and the Homeless Task Force which acts as a clearing house for the needs of the homeless. The next meeting of CDBG will be Wednesday, April 27, 1994 at which time the committee should have all its program recommendations ready to go on to the City Council meeting May 16th. Commissioner Kasalek Asked how the order for removal of architectural barriers was determined. The Director stated that the City had prepared an American Disability Act plan which gives a time allowance for compliance to 1996. The program considers the most intense uses first with the Senior Center as first priority and Frontier Park next since construction of a restroom is already planned. Most of the remainder of the work will be undertaken by general fund resources where CDBG funds are not available. Commissioner Weil - Asked if these funds would be available every year. The Director stated that the City must apply and it is discretionary. From year to year, depending on legislative authorization a 10% increase or decrease. Commission Baker Asked if the $50,000 set aside for the Utt Juice Factory will assist them in mitigating a substantial portion of construction. The Director stated that the City has also applied for matching funds from the state. Planning Commission Minutes April 25, 1994 Page 11 Commissioner Butler Asked if the Perfit's had availability of these funds. been notified of the The Director stated the Perfit's had not been informed since it was just applied for and these funding procedures take a period of time. She also felt that news of this funding may delay the procedures required through the recent Tustin Board of Appeals hearing concerning that property. Commissioner Baker - Asked when compliance was to be complete. The Director stated that the demolition was to be complete by June 10, 1994 and the renovations by September. She stated that the work could easily be accomplished in 120 days. ADJOURNMENT: Commissioner Stracker moved, Baker seconded to adjourn the meeting at 8:45 p.m. Motion carried 5-0. The next regular meeting of the Planning Commission is on May 9, 1994 at 7:00 p.m. in the City Council Chambers at 300 Centennial Way, Tustin. · Barbara Reye~y Secretary Chairperson