HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 786 (1979) ORDINANCE NO. 786 2 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIl, OF THE CITY OF TUSTlN,AMENDING THE TUSTIN CITY CODE RELATIVE TO · '~ TRAFFIC REGULATIONS AND BICYCLE LICENSING. ~ The City Council, of the City of Tustin, California, ordains that Chapter 3 and Chapter 4 of the Tustin City Code be amended to re~d as 5 foll. o~.:s: 6 SECTION 1: Section 5311 is amended to read as follo:-.:s: ~ "5311 DEFINITION OF ~,.,'ORDS AND PH!L,\SES 8 The following words and phrases when used in this Chapter shall for the purpose of this Chapter have the meanings respectively 9 ascribed to them in this Chapter. -Whenever any x,:ords or phrases used herein are not defined, but are defined in the Vehicle Code !0 of the State of Cslifornia and amendments thereto, such definitions ~ shall apply. ~ 1! "Central Traffic Diatrict~' shall wean all streets and portions of 12 streets within the area describe~ as fol].ows: All that area ~ bounded by Tustin City I,imit's. Co~.. shall mean any F~otor bus or motor coach u~,;ed as a common ! !4 car~i.er of passengers. ~ !5 :' "Council" shall mean the Counci]of the City of Tustin. <i ~'~ !6 "Cu-~'' shall mean the lateral boundary of ti~e roadx.:av wh~,ther ~ !i such curb be marked by ct:rbing construction, or not so marked; ~r~:: the word, u_o as herein u.qed shc:ll not include the ].ine '~ 'i, dividing the roadway of a street from parking scri.ns in the Z8 i! cen~er cf a street, nor from tracks or rights of x.:ay of public !i utility companies ;i ,, . . · - Dmvmsienal Island" shall mean an island located in the roadway, 20 ~d delineated by curbs, lines or other mark:lags on the rosc:~-:a!' no~ ~ less than two feet in x.;idth, and separating opposing or conflicting E! ''! streams of traffic. 22 "tlolidays" shall mean all legal State Holidays as defined in the Code of the State of California. Loac mn Zone" shall mean the space adjacent to a curb reserved " -I' g '( ~ for the exclusive use of vehicles during the loading or unloading of passengers or materials, and desi-nated by painted curbs or ~35 signs. 26 "Official Time Standard" shall mean, whenever certain hours are named herein, the standard time or daylight savings t~me as may 27 be in current use in this City. "" 28 ,, , ~ ~ ,, Par~.:a,- shall mean that portion of right-of-way between the property line and the: curb ].ine excluding, the paved sidewaIk. 29 "Parking :later" shall mean a mechanical device installed within or upon the curb or sidewalk area, itnmc~di. ntely adjacent to a parking space, for the purpose of controlling the period of time occupancy · ~]-]~ of such parking meter space by any vehicle. 32 1 "Passenger Loading Zone" Shall mean the space adjacent to a curb reserved for the exclusive use of vehicles during the loading or 2 unloading of passengers and designated by painted curbs or signs. Z5 "Peace Officer" shall be defined as outlined in Chapter 4.5 of the California Penal Code. "Vehicle Code" shall mean the Vehicle Code of the State of California 5 SECTIO~'~ 2: Section 5312 is an~ended to read as follows: 6 "5312 POLICE AD~,~INISTRATION a Traffic Section 8 There is hereby established in the Police Departn~ent of this City a 9 traffic section to be under the control of an officer of police appointed by and directly responsible to the Chief of Police. b Duty of Traffic Section It shall be the duty of the traffic section with such aid as may t~e 12 rendered by other rae,~ibers of the Police Department to enforce the street traffic regulations of this City and all of the State vehicle :L~ laws applicable to s~reet traffic in this City, to make arrests for traffic violations, to investigate traffic accidents and to cooperate 1~ with the City Traffic Engineer and other officers of the City in the administration of the traffic laws and in developing ways and means 15 to improve traffic conditions, and to carry out those duties specially imposed upon said section by this Chapter and the traffic ordinances 16 of tills City. 17 c Traffic Accident Studies !8 Whenever ~he traffic accidents or tr. aLf~ic violation's at any particular location become nu~2,erous, the traffic section shall cooperate ~,:ith the 19 City Traffic Engineer in conducting studies of such accidents and determining remedial measures. 20 d Traffic Section to Submit Annual Traffic Safety Report The traffic section shall annually prepare a traffic report which 2~ shall be filed with the City Council. SUch a report shall contain information on the traffic matters in this City as follows: (1) The number of traffic accidents, the number of persons 2~ killed, the number of persons injured, and other pertinent traffic accident data; 25 (2) The number of traffic accidents investigated and other 26 pertinent data on the safety activities of the police; 2~/ (3) ~he plans and recommendations of the section for future traffic safety activities." 28 ~9 ZSO ~2 -2- SECTIOi'I 3: Section 5314 is amended to read as follo',~;s: "5314 ADVISORY TRAFFIC CO;.",F.1I'FTEE a Traffic Comii:ittee There is hereby established an advisory traffic comnffttee, consisting of the City Traffic Engineer, the Chief of Police or his designee, a member of the City Council and a. representative each frown the City Engineer's Office and such nun~,ber of other City officers and representatives of unofficial bodies as may be deter,nined and appointed by the Mayor. The chairman of the cor.."..i~Httee shall be appointed b5' tile ~.~ayor and. may be removed by him. b Duties of Traffic Coi~t~nittee It shall be the duty of the. traffic conmiittee to suoqest t'he most practicable means for coordinating the activities o~'all officers and agencies of this City having authority :.~iti~ respect to the administration or enforcenlent of traffic regulations; to stir.-~ulate and assist in 'the preparation and publication of traffic reports; to receive paints having to do with traffic matters; and to corn 1 recol'!~mend to the legislative body of this City and to the Ci'~y Traffic Engineer, the Chie'F of Police and other City officials ways and means for i~provi:~c.I traffic conditions and 'administration and enforcement of traffic regulations." SECTIOn! ~'' Section 5315 is a~ended to read as follows: "5315 E~iFORCEI~iENT AND OBEDZE[~CE TO TRAFFIC REGULATIOn. IS a Authority of Police and Fire Department Officials Officers of the Police Department and such officers or persons as are assigned b~' the Chief of Police are hereby authorized to direc.% all traffic by voice, hand, audible or other signal in con'formance with traffic laws, except 'that in the event of a fire or other emergency or to ex.nedite traffic or to safeguard pedestrians, officers of,the Police Department or members of the Fire Department may direct traffic as conditions my require, not~iithstanding the provisions to the contrary contained in this Chapter or the Vehicle Code. b Persons Other That Officials Shall Not Direct Traffic No person other than an officer of the Police De;3artment or men~bers of the Fire Departrnent or a person authorized by the Chief of Police or a person authorized by law shall direct or attempt to direct traffic by voice, hand or other signal, except that persons may operate, ~.:hen and as herein provided, any mechanical pushbutton signal erected by order of the City Traffic Engineer, c Obstruction or Interference with Police or Authorized Officers No person shall interfere with or obstruct in any way any police officer or other officer or employee of this City in their enforce- merit of the provisions of this Chapter. The removal, oblitera'Lion. or concealment of any chalk mark or other distingushing mark used by any police officer of other employee or officer of this City in connection with the enforcement of the parking regulations of this Chapter shall, if done for the m~rpose of evading the provisions of this Chapter, constitute such interference or obstruction. -3- 1 d Exemption of Certain Vehicles 2 (t) The provisions of this Chapter recjulating the operation, parking and standing of vehicles shall not apply to vehicles operated -z by the Police or Fire Department, any public ambulance or any public utility vehicle or any private ambulance, which public utility vehicle ~ or private ambulance has qualified as an authorized emergency vehicle,__ when any vehicle mentioned in this Section is operated in the manner 5 specified by the Vehicle Code in response to an emergency call. 6 (2) The provisions of this Chapter regulatinq the parking or standing of vehicles shall not apply to any .vehicle owned or operated ~ by the United States postal service while in use for ~he collection, transportation or delivery of United States mail. 8 e ~$hen Vehicles Hay Be Removed From Streets 9 Any regularly employeS and salaried officer or other employee or officer of the Police Department of this City designated by separate ordinance may remove or cause to be removed: ( (1) Any vehicle that has been parked or left standing upon a street 1~ or highway for 72 or more consecutive hours, when properly tagged and marked. (2) An~z vehicle which is parked or left standing upon a street or I ~ :, highway between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. when such oarkincj "';i! or standing is prohibited by ordinance or resolution of this City and 3.5iI signs are posted giving notice of such removal. ~i (3) Any vehicle ~.:hich is parked or left standing upon a street or 16~i hiG~,~n,/where the use of such street or highway or a portion there- l~ ~ ~ ....~ for the cleaning repair or construction of the ~i of is necessary street or highway or for the installation of underground utilities 2L8~ Or ~vhere the use of the street or highway or any portion thereof ,~ authorized for a purpose other than the normal flow of traffic or !9 H where tne use of the street or highway or any portion thereof is ~ necessary fo/the movement of equipment, articles or .structures of ~0~ unusual size, and the parking of such vehicle would prohibit or interfere with such use or movement; provided that signs giving ~ ~i notice that such vehicle may be re~3oved are erected or placed at least twenty-four (24) hours prior to the removal- gg ,, (4) Dismantled vehicles in excess of twelve (12) hours. SECTION 5: Section 5320c is amended tO read as follows: " "C Installation of ~raffic Signals ~5 ~ (1) The City Traffic Engineer is hereby directed to install and 26 maintain official traffic signals at 'those intersections and other places where traffic conditions are such as to require that the ~ flow of traffic be alternately interrupted and released in order to prevent or relieve traffic congestion or to protect life or ~8 property from exceptional hazard in accordance with the uniform standards prescribed by the California Department of Transportation. ~9 30 (2) The City Traffic Eng~'neer shall ascertain and deterthine the locations where such signals are required by field inves- tigations, traffic counts, and other traffic infDrmation as may be pertinent and his determinations therefro~a. shall be made ~n accordance with tt~ose traffic engineering and safety standards and instructions set forth in the California ~aintenance ~.ianual issued by the California Department of Transpor'tation . (3) $lhenever the City Traffic Engineer installs and maintains an official traffic signal at any intersection, he shall like- wise erect and main~ai'n at such intersection street name signs clearly visible to traffic approaching from all directions unless such street name signs have oreviously been Dtaced and are.maintained at any said intersection." SECTION 6: Section 5320d is amended te read as follows: "d Lane Marking The City Traffic Engineer is hereby authorized to mark center lines ant! lane lines upon the surface of the roadway to indicate 'tile course to be traveled by vehicles and may place signs te~Dpo- rarily designating lanes to be used by traffic ~aovin[l in a particular direction, re[~a:dtess of the center line of the hi ghway." SECTION 7: Section 532De is amended to read as follo~.~s: "e Dis~nct~ve Roadwav h'arkinc:s The City Traffic Engineer is authorized to place and maintain distin.stiv~ ro-,,~w~TM, i~a:kir~,:s as described in the Vehicle Code on those streets or parLs of streets whare ti~e volume of traffic ~ h,-. ' or ~,.~-. vertical or othe: curvature o'f the roadway renders it hazardous to drive on ish2 ief'L side of such n~arking or signs and markings. Such markin.:: or signs and markings shall have the same effect as similar markings placed by the California Depart- ment of TransportaLion pursuant to orovisions of the Vehicle Code." SECTION 8: Section 532.Df is amended to read as follows: "fAuthority to Remove, Relocate and Discontinue Traffic Control Devices The Council shall authorize the City Traffic Engineer to remove, relocate or discontinue the operation of any major traffic--- control device not specifically required by the Vehicle Code or this Chapter whenever the City Traffic Engineer shall determine in any particular case that the conditions which warranted or re- quired the installation no longer exist. SECTION 9: Section 53~0g is amended to read as follows: "g Traffic Control Devices: Hours of Operation The City Traffic Engineer shall determine the hours and days during which any traffic control device shall be in operation or be in e'ffect, e~cept in those cases where such hours or days are specified in this Chapter." -5- SEC['I(.~:': ]0: Sc;ckjon h is amendec! to read as "h Ilnauthori. zed Painting of Ct:rbs No pearson. un].ess attthorized. shall Dai. ut. any street or curb surfac:c; provided, however. that this Section shall not apply to the r~ainting of numbers {,f a curb surface by any parson who has coz2pl:[ed with the ,rovisions of any resolution or ordinance of this City pertaining th~reto." SECTIOi': 11: Section i is dale tail from the City Code. SECTIOY ].2: Sdction 532[c is amc, nc]cd to read as follows: "c Signal. Control. lacl Intersections- - Right Turns (1) The City Traffic Engineer shall ;~ost appropriate signs; giving effect to th'is Section where he de:ertaines that the making of right turns against traffic sign:~l. "stop" indication wo,.~l.d seriously interfere with this safe' .and orderly flo~.y of traffic." SEC'['iC:i'~ 13: Seer ion 5223 is amended to road as [ollows: "5323 SPECIAL SlrO?S I~EQU'iRED -,. a The. City TraffSc Engir',eer to Erect Srol} Si~;ns ~Ynenever any ordinanc. e or resolution of this C~ty designates and describes any st, rc~:,t or ~ortion thereof as a through strec~t: or any intersection at which veh.lclcs are recuired to stop more: entrances ~hc~reto, or any railroad trade cross,ln~% at wltich vehicZes are required to stop, the City Traffic Engineer shall erect and maintain stop signs in accordance with the standards of the California Department of Transportat:ion- b Stop at Throug!~ Street or Stop Sign (1) Those streets and parts of streets established by resolution of the Council are hereby declared to be through streets for the purposes of this Section. (2) The provision of this Section shall also apply at one or more entrances to the intersections as such entrances and intersections are estab],ished by resolution of the Council. c Emerging from Alley, Driveway or Building The drive of a vehicl.e emerging from an alley, dri, veway or building shall stop such vehicle immediately prior to driving onto a sidewalk or into the sidewalk area extending across any alley way or driveway" SECTtOZ'~ 14: Section 5324 is amended t'o read as follows: "5324 >IISCELI,ANEOUS DRIVING RUt.ES a Driving Through Funeral Processjon No operator of auy vehicle shall drive between the vehicles -6- comprisin,:: a funeral procession or a oar~::'.e, provided that such vcl~ic:]es are conspicuously so des.i~nateS. The direct.~ng of a]] vehicles and traffic: on any street over which such funeral procession or parade traffic on any street over which such fu~eral procession or oararia wishes to pass shall be subject to the orders of the Fo]ice Department. b Clinging to Yov'ing Vehicl_e No person shall attach himse]~ ~,ith his hands, or to catch on, or hold onto with his hands or by other means, to any movi~R vehicle or train for the purpose of receiving motive power therefrom. c Com:narc i. al Vehicles Using Private Driveways No person shall cD~.~rate or drive a cc~r:'.::~c,rcial vehicle in, on, or across any private driveway approac!~ or sidewalk area or the driveway itself ~.yithout the consc.:~t of the owner or occupat~t of the ~r;~r~er~y, if a sign or r~arl, ings are in place indicating that the use of such drivt~wav is orohib~tecl. For the Purpose of th~s Section, a c:c~n:::~crcia]. vehicle sha]l mean a vehic]e ha','i.n~, a rated capacitv i:~ ~:-:~-ess of one ton. d R~c}i.t'~:-; or Dr[':i:~:4 on Sick,walk No person sha]'l rici~.. oroDe] or cause r~.~ b,~ 9toga]let~ aav vehicle or animal ac:rnss or upon any s'idcwatk excepting, over permanently cDnstructcd dr.ire, ways and e:.:ceptT.in}: when it is necessary for any tempo'rary purpose ~o drive a .lo:~cle~! vehicle across a sidel.ya]k; provided furthe, r. that ~;aid side- walk area be sub2ta2~:ial!y protected as dirt. cted by the s . . City Traffic Engineer, and under con~[t'iens directed in xcriting by the C~t,.' Traffic Engineer. e New Pavement and Harkit gs NO person shall ride or drive any animal or any vehicle over or across any newly made Daveturret or freshly painted markinEs in any street wher~ a barrier sign, cone marker or other warning device is in plac:e warning persons not to drive over or across such pavement or markings, or when any such device is in place :indicating that the street or any portion thereof is closed. No person, pub].it utility or department in the City shall erect or place any barrier or sign on any street unless of a type approved by the City Traffic Engineer or disobey the instructions, remove, tamper with or destroy any barrie~ or sign lawfull. y placed on any street bv any person, public utility or by any alepar[meat of this C']tv. g No Entrance Into II]tersect'lon that l-7ould Obstruct Traffic No person sha].l drive a vehicle into an intersection or marked crosswalk unless there is surf lenient space on the other side of the intersection or crosswalk to acc~mmodate the vehicle they are operating without obstructin~ the passage of other vehicles' or pedestrians in such intersection or cross~;alk nGtwithstanding any official traffi. c control or signal indri cat ion to proceed. h M!nitcd Access No ~>c, rson shall. dr:ire a vehicle onto or [rom any limited acc(,s~; roack. zr~v OXC'CDt at such e~:~tI-anccs and ~,.l.:'i. ts as are - lawfully est-ab I i ~;hed." -, "' SECTION 15: Section 5325a(1) is an:ended to read as ' "a Traffic E~ginec~r to Establish >:arked Crosswalks (1) Other than cro:~;walks at intersections, no cross- wall.~ shall be estab l. ished in any block ~-;h~ch is less than four hundred (400) feet in length and such cross:~i-ttk shall located as neariv as practicabl.e at mid-block and shall be accompaniecl by a pede~;trian activat'.ed traffic signal, if determined necessary by the City Traffic En:.;ineer-" SECFION 16: Sc~cticwt 5330a is; amended to read-as "a Application of Regulations (1) The prcv:i. sions o'[ th'[s Chagter impos'~ng a tithe li~rit on standing or parki. n~; shall not relieve any ~erson froln the duty to ob~;ervc' other l ~!ore rastr'ict!ve ~rowi. s'ions of the Vehj c!a Code or th,:- ,~rdinances of this; City 9roh'ibi. ting or ]i~:':itin~: the stand-i~;t or parking of vel~ic-lc, s in spc, c~f-lcd ~]aces or a~ s!~c, cific, d ti;n~s." SECTION !7: Sect, ioi~ 5330e is amended to read as follows: "e Use of Street:s for Storage of Vc4~i. cii:s-Frohibited custcdy or N.~ r~erson who or-ms or Itas possession, any vehic].e shall park, store or cause tc, be parked or stored any vehicle u~cm any stree~ or a]~cv for more than a consecutive period of 72 hours-" SECTION 18: Section 5330g is antended to read as follow:4: Repairing or Greasing Vehicles on Public Strects "g No person shall construct or canse to be constructed, repair or cause to be repaired, grease or cause to be greased, dismantle or cause to be dismantled any vehic].e ~r any part thereof u~on any pub].it street in this City. ~mporary emergency repairs may be made upon a m:b!ic street, one hour for private vehicles and two hours for commercial vehicles." SECTION ].9: Section 5330(' is amended to read as follows: '.~. Unlawful Parl-::it~g - Peddlers, Vendors (1) Except as otherwi. sc= provided in this Section, no person shall stand or Dark any vehicle, wagon or pushcart or ot:hcr devi. ce fro~ which ooods, wares nerchandiso fruits vegetables or food stuffs are sold, all. splayed, solicited or offered for sale or battered or exchanged, or any lunch wagon or eating car or vehicle, on any portion of any street within this City -8- ]- except that such vehicles, wagons or pushcaYLs may stand or park only at the request o'F a bona fide purchaser for 2H a period of ti,~e not to exceed ten (lO) ,~nut. c~s at any [i one place. The provisions of this subsection shall not ~ apply to persons deliverin~ such articles upon order of. or by agreement with a customer from a store or other ~ ~ fixed place of business or distribution. 5 (2) No person shall park or stand on any street any lunch wagon, eating cart or vehicle, pushcart. or other 6 device from which any foodstuff or beverage are sold or offered for sale withouL first obtaining a written perFlit to do so fro;~ the City Traffic Engineer which shall designate the specific location in which such 8 car~ shall stand. 9 (3) No person shall park or stand any vehicle or v,~,on or other device used or intended to be used I0~ in the ~.ransportatior~ of property for hire on any ~.~ street while awaiting patronage for such vehicle or :L']. ~ wagon without first obtaining a written Derby:it tc~ .... ,~ designate the SPeCifiC location where such vehicle ~ iL4~~ (4) ~.menever any p~rmit is grantecl unde'r the ~ " of this Section an~ a particular location to par'k or stand is specified there~n: no person shall park or stand a~y vehicle, wagDn, or pushcart or other device on any locaticr~ other than as ~esignated in such permi L. In ~ event that the holder of an~ such ~er~:~t is convicted '~ in a~, court of , jurisdiction for violati~;9 ~, 3 CO~ 3atelit ~ 9-~ any of ~h~ provisions of this Section, such p~rmit shall be forth~i th revoked by the City Traffic EngineQF upon Z~ the filing of the ~'ecord of suc:h convictio~ ~.~ith such of=ica~- and no per~i~ shall thereafter be issued to !9 such person until six (6) months have elapsed from the date of such revocation. ~0 2~,~ SECTION 20: Section 5330n is hereby deleted fro~ the City Code. 22 SECTIOH 21: Section 5331i is hereby deleted from the City Code. ~.o SECTION 22: Section 5332b(1) is amended to read as follows: ~ :-~:" "(l) The City Traffic Engineer is hereby authorized. subject ~ to the provisions add limitations of this Chapter. to place. and ~ 25 when required herein shall place, the following curb t~arkings to ~ indicate parking or standing regulations, and said curb tarkings  25 shall have the meanings as herein set forth. 3 ' 27 ~38 bO i! li (a) Red sh,ql! mean no stopping:, stanctj;:g or parking at any t.ime e:<c'c:pt as pc. r2i ttcd by the Vehicle Code, aild except th~.t a bus may StOD in a red zone: :narl:ed or signed as a bus zone. (b) Yellow s!~all ~ean no stopping, standing or parking at any t.in~e between 7:00 a.m. and 6:00 i}.m. of any day except Sunday (and t~olidays) for any purpc, sa other than tLhe loading or unloading of vas~;engers or materials, r~rovidcd that: the loading or unloading pas;scngers sh211 not consume nore than thr~e (3) minutes nor the loac!.Lng or unloading of the macer:ials more than twenty (20) ninutes. (c) White shall mean no stoppi. ng, standing or park.lag for any purpose other ~h~p loadin:: or unloading of ~r. ssen~:ers, or for the purpose of dc:~ositing r':ait in an adjacent mail box, which shall not exceed three (3) minutes and such restrictions shall. a??lv between 7:00 a,m. and 6:00 p.m. e5 any day excevt' Sundays (and holidays) and except as; .. (1) ljne:~ such zc~::e :is in front of a hotel or in front of a mai]bc,:.: the r~:str'[c. ticms shall. apply at all ti.n~es. (2) t.3~e:: such zone. is in fronE of a theater the restr.[ctions shall apply at all t:i.r~es except whltn such theater is closed. (d) iFnen the- Citv 'fraf:'~,: Zngineer a~ authorized under this Chapter has c;!used c-~:rb ~:~arki:',--:, :'c, be ~]a'.:~ ', no shall sto:~. stand or ~ark a vehicle acl'iz!~-'c::: t~ any such ]e~Lible curb marking in v:io].tlon of :::nv of ti':~- :r,~visions of this Section- re) Green curb .... '~": ~;i~ai1 I:iei!n lit~ Sl.c[ildi[]~ or parking 'for a ~,-qod of ti:'-c~ longer uhar~ twcmt,.'-four (24) ainulos- (f) Blue curb inclicatc,~ t~arking li~vi. ted c.:-:clusivelv to th~ vc~hic~ of physica].]y handicappe~: SECTiOY 23. Sectic'n 5332f is ar~ended ro read as follows: Standin% in Any Alley No person shall stop, stand or park a vehicle for any purpose other than the load.Lag or unloading of persons or materials in any public or dedicated alley and anv pr'/vate allay as stipulated by s:~acial ordinance" ' SECTION 24. Section 5340 js a:nended to rea'd as follows: "5340 p~STRiC'FED USE O7 CERTAIN STREETS a Advertising Vehicles No person shall ogerate or drive any vehicle used for advertising purposes or any advert2sin'Z vehicle equipped with a sound amplifying or ]oudspeak!ng device upon any street or alley at any time within the Ci. ty ]imi. ts, except as approved bv ,~ermit issued by the City Trn ffic Engineer- b Truck l~eutc~s (1) ~.Sn~ncver any resolution of this City desi:~nates and desci'ibes any street or portion thereof as a street the use of which j.s permitted by any vehic:]e exceeding a nazimum gross weight limit of three tons, the City 'fraff.[c lCngineer i.s hereby authorized to -10- ]- ~ designate such street or strcct.~ by appropriate s:igns as "Truck _out~s for the movez~cmt of vehLc-'les exceeding a ma>:imun~ gross 2 g limit: of three tons. ~ t~ (2) l'~en any such truck rou~e or rottt. c:~ are established and li designated by appropriate signs the oDerat:or of any vehicle t-~ exceeding a maxir~um gross weight limit of three tons sha].l drive on ~ - .: w such route or routes and none other except that nnthin% in this 5 'i Section shall prohibit the operator of anv w.h-i. cl.e exceeding a :~ maximum gross weight of three tons coming from a "Truck 6 i~ having ingress and egress by direct route to and from restricted ~I streets when necessary for the purpose of making pickups or deliveries V ii of goods, wares and merchandise from or to any bui.].ding or structure 8 q located on such restricted streets or for the. purpose of delivering materials to be used in the actual and bonz~ fide repair, alteration, ~, remodeling or construction of any building ~r structure uDon Such 9 i~ restricted strcc, t.~: for which a building perre:it has previously been :i - . obtained therefor. · ln ~ (3) The provisions of this Sectie:~ shall t~ot apply to (I) ...... passenger buses under the jurisdiction of the Public Utilities H Commission, or to (2) any vehicle owned by a public utit ity while 15 '~ fray public uti ] it'y. :i (&) Those s~reets and parts of streets est'ablisbed by 'J./L reso!utio:l of the, Counci. l are hc,-ebv dc,r!nr~d to be truck routes f~r c the mf,vc;nctt; of vehic les c:-:c.:.cd~ng a max[~ut:n grc)s~:: weight o[ three c~n~;. (Ord. No. 370, 5c.c. l). 3.5 (5) As an a]ternative to the, establishment of truck routes n- ~ the ion o~ he. of all streets other tha~ truck ,.~c Drohfbi~ . t use =f rou:es bv vehic]es e:.:ceedi. t~g a certain weight ]imit, City may by c~rdinar:ce or resoJut ion designate the use of any street or portions 15 thereof to be described in the ordinance or resolution upon which =t shall be prohibited to operate any vehicle exceeding a max[mum grcss weight of 6,000 pounds, provided, however, that there shall be exempted from the Drchii~itions hereinrtbove provided the following 20 vehicles: 21 (a) Any passenger stage vehicle certified under Public Utilities Code Sections 1031 through 1036; ~ (b) Any vehicle owned, operated, controll. ed or used by public utility in connection with the construction, installation, operation, maintenance or repair of any public utility 24 facility. t .. '¢ (c) Any vehicle of licensed contra~:tor while necessarily in use in the construction, installation or repair of any ~6 public uti].ity; 27 (d) Any vehicle coming from an unrestricted street having ingress and egress by direct rout:e to and from the ~8 restricted street when necessary for the purpose of making pickups or deliveries of goods, wares or merchm~dise from 29 or to spy building or st'ructurc l. ocated on the restricted street, or for the putpost, of delivering materials to be D0 used in the actual and bona fide repair, al. teration, remodeling, or construction of any building or structure upon the restricted street for which a building permit has ~2 previously been obtained: -1I- (c:) Any araby lance or hearse; (f) Any vehicle bein~ c~Dc~rated in the coJ]ect-it~n of solid waste within thc~ C'i ty of 'fus~ in; (g)Any City vehicle be.trig operated for construction, ma:intenance or repair or for street tree inst'all.ation or n~aintc. nance- Such prohibition shall not be effect. ive until appropr]ate s~[%ns are erected indicating the: streets so restricted- (Ord. No. 6't6) c Commercial Vehicles Prohibited from Using Certain Streets (1) ~.~enever any resolution of this Cttv dcsigt~ates and describes any street or portion thereof as a street the use, of which ].s prohib- i[ed by any comn~erc4al vehicle, the City Traffic Engineer shall er{:ct and maintain appropriate signs on thos~e streets affected by such ordinance · (2) Those streets and parts of streets establ'ished by of the Council are hereby declared to be streets, the use is :;rohibired by any cc~x~=ercial vch:ic]e- The Dr~,vjsions of Secticon shall not app!7 to passenger buses under the jur~sd~ct of the Public Utilities Conmission- (Ord. No. 370, Sec. 1) d parking of Commercial Vehicles No .~erson shall sto;~ s;~a:~c! or park any veh'iu].e of an unlad<.n of p~ ~ or c':~':r ~n any publ.ic street, h]gj~wav, thorough - Citv of Tustin. o~' alley in any resid:'::: f~i district of the def~nc~d by the Zoning :l)rd~nance of the City of '[ustin, for a period of r:3re than two (2) ccns~=c'utive hours, nor in any part of the Cit'v cther than a rc,.s.identi:;! distr'ict for p. ore than eight (8) consecutive hours, e:.tcept: l-:h'ile loading or unloading property for such time as said work; or (2) ~.~en such vehicle is parked in'connection ~,ith, and in aid of, the performance of a service to or on a property ~n the block in ,-J~ich suclq vehicle is parked, for a t~me reasonably necessary to complete such serv~.ce; provided, however, that there shall be s~ecjficallY excluded from rucks Danel trucks, station the provisions of this Section pickup t , wagons and limouisines; (See California Vehicle Code Section 390 r~:~ weight ratings- See Health and Safety Code ~].8255 regarding of ~'lobilehomes); and provided further, believer, that upon a showing of special circumstances the Police Department may grant a special per:nit for parking for a =~eriod not to c:<ceed tvrenty-four (24) consecutive hours-'; SECTI. ON 25: Sect i-on 5341 is amended to read, as follows: "53~] TRAINS a 'Erains Mot to Block Cross:ings - No person shall cause er Deft-it any railway train or rai. lwav cars or similar vehicle on rails to stop or stand or to be operated in such ~nanner as to orevent the use of any street for the purpose of travel for a period of time longer than t-n (10) minutes or as outlined in Section 5341b below, exce:~t thct this provision shatl not apply to rail~.:ay trai:'is, cars or simila:- vehicles on rails :.chile blocking or obstructinq a crossing because of an accident which ' requires tile operator of the train, car or similar vehicle on rails to stop at or near the scene of the accident. (Ord. No. 370, Sec. l) b Walnut Avenue G~'ade Crossing This crossing with the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railway Company shall be restricted Lo the following: No railroad traffic shall be allowed to obstruct vehicular traffic on ~alnu~ Avenue between the hours of 6~30 a.m. and 9~00 a.m. and 3:30 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. excerpt for urgency rail operations and then not to exceed a continuous period of m~re t~an five minutes." SECTION 26: Section 5342b(~) is amended to cead as follows: "(2) Signs shall be posted and maintained by the respective o~ners of each such property at the entrances to such roads, ways and dr~ve- ways, which shall be not snaller than 45 inches by 30 inches, v:ith letters not less than 3 inches in height, and o'F such size, sha~e and cc~lor as to be readily legible during daylight hours a~ a distance of 100 feet, which shall s~ate: TRAFFIC & PARKT~G REG. BY C.V.C. TUST!N CITY CO[IE. V~OLATING VEHICLES ~';A'm' BE CITED TOWED AWAY. Tustin P D. 544-5424 - "~i cur~, cmrkings, signs, designated parkin~ soaces no Darkin{; areas; Fi~ lanes etc shall be clearly marked anr~ located so '- ' ' -' ti~at appropriate enforce~=ent action can be taken, if necessary." SECTION 27: Section 5343 is added to the City Code to read as follows: "5343 SKATEBOARD REGULATIG:.~S a For purposes of this Section, the term "skateboard" shall include all wheeled objects, coasters, scooters, toys, conveyances o~~ similar devices used for transportation or sport which are propelled by human power and which are not classified as bicycles in this code; b Skateboards shall be prohibited on all City streets and public highways in the City. The prohibited area shall not include City sidewalks. Skateboards shall yield the ricjht of way to pedestrians at al 1 times." SECI'ION 28: Section 5344 is added to the City Code to read as follows: "~3 ~4 USE OF MOTORIZED CYCLES a A "motor-driven" cycle for purposes of th s section is any motorcycle, moped, motor scooter or m~ni-bike with a motor which produces not in excess of five horsepower, and every bicycle with a motor attached. -13- b lio person shall drive a motor-driven cycle on any public sidewalk, walkway, parkway or in any public park or recreational area or upon any other publicly owned property except City streets and public highways within the City, ~>rovided, however, that bicycles with 5 motors attached may be ope~'ated on off-street bicycle trails under pedal-power and without use of their ~otors." SECIIOZI 29: Section 5345 is added to the City code to read as follow "5345 USE OF BICYCLES a Persons riding a bicycle on any public sidewalk walkway parkway off-street bicycle trail or in any pt~blic park, recreational area or =, upon an,/other publicly or/ned property shall yield the rioht of way 8i~i to pedestrians at all times'=. ~/,m SECTIOT'~ 30: Section 5400 is an~ended to read as follows: io'i "54o0 BEFINtTIO !S As used in this Chapter, the following terms and words shall have the foliowing m~eanings: ,, '~ "Bicycle" shall mean and include any device upon which a person Z~ may ri:~e which is propel~' by huii!s~n oower through a system of :; belts, c):ains, or gears ansi which has wheels at !east 20 inches in 3,~.' dian~eter and a frame size of at leas'L 14 inches. .1 .t.z, '~ '~Ov ne:.-s~ip Card'' shal 1 rancan and include i~:e Ownershin Card issued I .... · by the F<egistra'Lion &3ency uoon reoi~traLion of bicycles as provided in this Chapter. 3_~' '!' "Bicycle Plate" shall mea~ and include the registration or decal ~ ifornia in accordance with Section ) desiG~atec', by the State of Cal 3.8 390.01 c.f the California Vehicle Code, to be permanently affixed ~ to ~h~ bicycle and which bears a unique number permanently assironed 19 ,i to thaT. bicycle by the State, ~0.=~ "Registration Agency or Agent" shall n~ean and include the party or ~3 ~ parties designated by the City Council as the official Registration -- Agency or Agent for bicycles in the City. For purposes of this 2~ Chapter, the Chief of Police and his representatives shall be i~ 'deemed as the Registration Agency. The Chief of Police shall be ~ given the authority to recommend for aDoointment by the City Council 2~ J -- ~i any person or persons to assist this City in the capacity of '~ Bicycle Registration Agents. Each Registration Agency or Agent 2~ shall register bicycles for persons residing in this City only; ; all other bicycle registration applicants shall be referred to their ~[~ ~ respective city or jurisdiction of residency-" ~6 SECTIOH 31: Section 5401 is amended to read as follows: ~7 "5401 BICYCLE REGISTRATIO;I REQUIRED i No person residing in this City shall ride or propel any bicycle ~9 H upon any public street, sidewalk, alley, bicycle lane or path, H or any other public property, or, have in his possession any bicycle ~0 '; which has not been registered or which does not bear a Bicycle Plate as required by the provisions of this Chapter. -14- ! SECTIO;i 32: Section 5402 is amended to read as follows: "5402 OWHERStlIP CARI}/DICYCLE PLATE 5 a Issuance r'= ~: At the time that any person registers a bicycle in accordance ~-:ith t. he provisions of this Chapter, the Registration Agency or Agent 5 shall provide him with an O;.mership Card bearing the owner's name, address, telephone number, Bicycle Plate number, the bicycle 6 manufacturer, type, model and frame num,Ser and any other descriptive material concerning the bicycle deemed necessary by the Registration ~/ A'gency, and provisions for the transfer of ownership of said bicycle. In adciition, also at the time of registration, the bicycle 8 owner shall be issued his permanent Bicycle Plate bearing the unique number permanently assigneci to that bicycle by the State. The 9 Bicycle Registration shall remain in effect for the period designated by the State in accordance with Section 39001 of the Vehicle Code. b Records The Re:istration g y or Ageny shall compile and maintain records ,, A enc ( 3.~ of each bicycle registered. Such records shall contain, but not be l iF.~ited to, the nerve, add:'ess and telephone nu!;!Ser of 'the Z3 registrant, the Bicycle Plate number, the frame number, the bicycle manufacturer, type and model. Records shall be maintained during l<~=' the pe,'iod of tile validity of the reaistration or until notification !i that t~';.e bicycle no longer is tO be operated." !51 _- 16~J SECTTO;: 33: Section 5403 is amended to read as follows: .; 17 [~ ""403 SALE OR .'[RA;~SF-~R OF BICYCLE ;i 18!i Whene;'er any person se, l]s, trades, disposes of, or transfers any ~i bicycle registered pursuap, t to tile provisions of this Chapter, h.e ~9! shall er.,dorse upon the O:.:nerhsip Card previously issued for such i! bicycle a written transfer of same, setting forth the name, ~Oii address, and telephone number of the transferee, the date of transfer, the s~gnaEure of the transferer, arid shall deliver such ~' Ownership Card, so endorsed, to the Reoistration Agency at the tim? .of transfer. The transferee shall, within ten days after such ~ transfer, apply to said Agency for a transfer of the Ownership Card." ' ~ SECTIOR 34: Section 5404 is amended to read as follows: ~5 "5404 CHANGE OF ADDRESS ~-lhenever any bicycle owner changes his place of residence, he shall notify the Registration Agency of such change of address within ten days. ,,, SECTIO~ 35: Section 5404 is amended to read as follows: 99 "5404 LOST OR STOLEN OWHERSHIP CARD/BICYCLE PLATE 30 In the event that any Ownership Card issued pursuant to the :S]. provisions of this Chapter, be lost or stolen, the o~.;ner of such bicycle shall ir,!mediately notify the Registration Agency, and :5~ ~ ~.;ithin ten days after such notification shall apply to said il Registration Agency for a duplicate Ownership Card, whereupon said Registration Agency shall issue to such owner a duplicate Ownership Card, upon payment to said Registration Agency of a fee of One Dollar. In the event that any Bicycle Plate issued pursuant to the provisions of this Chapter, be lost or stolen, the owner shall immediately notify the Registration Agency of such loss, and shall within ten days apply to said Registration Agency for a new Bicycle Plate; whereupon, said Registration Agency shall issue to such owner a new Bicycle Plate, upon payment to said Registration Agency of a fee of One Dollars. SECTION 36: Section 5408 is amended to read as follows: "5408 BICYCLE DEALERS SALES REPORTS REQUIRED Any person engaged in the business of buying, selling, or trading bicycles within this City is hereby required to prepare and file with the Chief of Police a weekly report setting forth the name, address, and telephone number of all persons with'whom or to whom they have either bought, sold or traded a bicycle or bicycles during the preceding week, and the bicycle manufacturer, type, frame number and bicycle registration number, if any, of each such bicycle. Such report shall be filed each week on a date and to a place designated by the Chief of Police. SECTION 37: Section 5408 is amended to read as follows: "5409 BICYCLE IMPOUNDING FEE The registration Agency shall have the right to impound and retain possession of any bicycle in violation of'the provisions of this Chapter, and may retaih possession of such bicycle until the provisions of this Chapter are complied with. A fee of Three Dollars shall be charged for each bicycle so impounded." · PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Council, City Tustin, California, held on the 5th day of February, 1979. ATTEST: CITY STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) ) ss COUNTY OF ORANGE ) -16- STATE OF CALIFOP~NIA) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) SS CITY OF TUSTIN ) RUTH C. POE, City Clerk and ex-officio Clerk of the City Council of the City of Tustin, California, does hereby certify that the whole number of members of the City Council of the City of Tustin is five; that the above and foregoing Ordinance No. 786 was duly and regularly introduced and read at a regular meeting of the City Council held on the 18th day of December , 1979 and was given its second reading and duly passed and adopted at a regular meeting held on the 5th day of February , 1979, by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN: WELSH~ SCHUSTER, SHARP, KENNEDY NOES: COUNCIL~N: SALTARELLI ABSENT: COUNCIL}~N: NONE Cit~~ of Tustin, CalifFrnia PUBLISH TUSTIN NEWS February 15, 19 79