HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Minutes 07-10-89 '1 [ '.~ !~ T E S '(E,?!LA!I '.tEET! July 1,,), 19Ra CALL TO ORDER: 7:()~ p.,'~., City Council Cha,qhers PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE/INVOCATION ROLL CALL: Present: Raker, Pontious, Shaheen, Kasparian ~k'~sent: I_e Jeune PUBLIC CONCERNS: (Limited to 3 minutes per person for items q~)t on the ag~nda~ IF Y.)',J ~.~ISII T<) SPEAK T,) T~IE C,Y!HISSI,~"~ ,IN A SU~Jr~CT, PLE'~SF FID. J~IT TliE CARolS Lt)CATE'I ,)'t 'rile SPEAKER'S T.~LE. ALSO), PLEASE DIVE Y')I. JR F'JLL 'lA~F &'ii3 ~'))RESS F()~ T~E i. Reom]anization ~f t~e Co,m',i~sion Co,,qissioner ~aker moved, Kasparian seconded to no,qinate Co~.,qi ssi oDer Pmqti~us as Chairman t~ the Plannin,.i Cr)qmissimq. '~oti~n carried 4-[). Comvdssioner Shaheen ,qoved, t~aker seconded tn qc)r~inate Co,'~missioqmr Le ,.leuqe as Vice-Chair:Dan. rlotion carriPd 4-(1. CONSENT CALENDAR: (ALL ';ATTERS LISTE) JN')E,~ C.):ISE;iT CAI.E'IDAR ARE C;1IS[')ERE;/ R,')UTIqE Aqi') '..!ILl_ ~E E:iACTE~ RY ~')NE ;!{)TIO;i. T}IERE diLl_ i~E ~<,./ SEPARATE ')ISCUSSIi).'I .)F 'F'~ESE ITE~.!S PRIOR TO T~IE TIDE ~)F THE V,JT[qG ')'.( T~tE '.h)T[Oi 'I~.iLFSS '.tE~.IRERS ~)1: T~tE Ci)t'I.4ISSIt)'i, STAFF :~URLIC ~E'}~JEST SPECIFIC [TE'.IS T~)qE '.)ISCUSSE') A;I;I/:IR FRO q THE C~'I.~SE'!T CALE'i~IqR F~.~ SEP~RATE ACTI(IN.) 2. :-~inutes of the June 25, 19H9 Planning Co,',,~lissi(m vleetin!l Co,'~,aissioner Baker move. d, Shahe~'~n seconded to apprnv(? th~ coqs,,~nt calenq]r. '-lotion carried 3-(I-1 (Pontir),~s abstained). PUBLIC HEARING ,¥'lend,,~ent to !Jesi(]n Review 87-3/ - ~.)ew Accent Col(Irs APi;L ICY]T: SUITE :'.IE' I;K)RT arlninU Co,,imission Action '~in,Jt~s two L~V';U(1' FIE:(: L:!CATI.)!;: I:'i :/I ~, 3'ME q'I'AL ST'\T' IS: '~,E?.!"'ST: ¥!iE I'~.VI'IE C..r.1.),~'IY ,E.~aORf ,.,~,u'~ CALIF,'I!~NI,"~ "~2;iSq-4q{la T'!STI'! "'ARKET tq. ACF "PR l..] ECT" A':.) T;IF C,.ql_ [ F,,)R :41A q,:cori,'~endati on: [~. i s recr),'l;'lended that the Pl anti nU ,r;Omrli ssi,'m ..~pprnve two new accent, colors and deny the ti:jhtest proposet acc.~qt color for us(, on tho r..',~.ail tower ;~le,'~.eqts and Entertainment Village, in addition to the existinq approved :)as(, aq.! accent colors ',)y ,'liqtlt~, motion. · >resentati Oil '. Steve R,jt~i n, Seni or ;~1 annr, r Co,-li,lissioner '~aker noted that in tile hack;lround section of the Staff R~port, first para,.lralm, tt~(? color "orange" was subsequently ..'tropped. 'le wondered if cnlr)r number six cr)ul:l be considered orange, and wh,,'~r~, it would be used. Staff replied that it was actually a .:ie~i) yellow, ochre color. The orange color in q'.~estirm was a true oran,lc wt~ich was originally approved in January ]9%~ that ~iq~licant elected not to use as an acc~,nt on this site. fo date it has q,)t been used. COrl~dssiormr .'.tasparian wondered if the com,nent m, gar,tirl:i the "washinq color that Staff is not s'J4qPstin,i was a s,~hj~,ctive one. :te w,.)ndered if every,me ~ne staff felt that the "washing out" of thP color would be objectionable. St,iff replied t. hat the ter,,! "washirlq mit" was as thou!ih the color was li.'iht~min tn the point whPre a person would not a.?preciate the f,lll color as they wmll,'i '.itl,let rowl lisjht. The color !~ecr),,,PS extremel.y light. Tho colors approved for th~ c~,nter are 'iePper earth ton~s, aqd the color in '4uesti')q could he a ,Jel)arturp awa.y fro'l the original sche,qp. If the color was used as a hasp CO]Or, th~' qpi)earanco structures would he ,'lllch .'lor<~ noticahle iq the distance. Hf, qote.'i th:it he could a~swer for every,me regarding tt~eir opiqioq of the color, hut that throu,]hout the process they each tried to keel} their pprsonal tastes o,.it of the decisian. Fhe ')irector or)ted that there is qot a direct oppositinrl I:o tile color, b!lt the..7 viP:q its place,'~ent, particularly in the Entertain,:leqt :lilla.je, as nee,lin~I ,,,~r(, inf',)rma- tion reqar4ing its al~plication. Co,'l,,lissioner Sha!leeq asked v/hat tile Jrvin¢ Compa,]y's reaction was to the '.l(~cisioq re,jardinq this color. Staff replied that in CO,lVersations with the preys, ct architect, they agree that it is a reasonable process for the ?lannin,.i Co:'~mi ssi on to view this color more specifically at. the ti~e ']esi,]n rnview a,~i)lications were reviewe~l, rt~ere have '~e~m mn COlm'lents fret the Irvine Co,'lt~any rf~(lar,'tin~] thp Staff ;'1 anni nlj ,r.r),.md ssi on '~ct inn :!i flutes Jul y Page t h r~_,,.? public n.~,aring './as oponed at 7:20 Slenn "ly(:rs, of !lonahue Schriher, co,'l,'~ent~,d that tt~ey felt that the review nf all three b~i;]es would be more suited within the c.~ntext of the flesi,jn of the Villaue. Ideally, they wmlld >,av~ had the desitin nf tt~p Village to thP Co,'l,'lissioq hy now, and feel that the issue will resolv~ itself at the ti,'~e of presentation. P~ey have no ~)r~)hlem in deferring the decision nq that particular hei,je. At this ti,~e, they are more interested in a Final decision sn that they can ~pen ~lome ',)epot by the ,'fiddle nf ~u,.,ust. So as not to dela~ th~ opening, Staff had aureed to hrinq the c~)lors in at this stage. This same ~eige is pr~)posed as an alternative to the p,~rple wall aloq($ I-5, the Jarlboree thr~e-foot hi:ih ~al}, an:t the siqn mnnoliths that had be~n apprnv~rl as purple. Comrlissioner ~:;aker asked wh~re color rlll~qh(~P six wo~Jl'J I~(: ~lSed. '.lr. :~ynrs replied that it was originally sche.q~Jled for the pickets, and is an accent color under the arcades, in t. he stor~ fronts, inside the colu,qns an,! along th~ shops. C,)rnr:li~sinner Raker asked if the palette that they wer..'~ referring to was the former palette without the oranqe. H:? noted thai. he .lid not see a colnr like nu,~her six the approved palette. Cnm~issioner Ponti{)us n,~ted that there was a ~uhstantial difference in color niJFiher six, and asked the staff if the color sh,luld he incl,,lded in tile ap[)rr)val prncess. Th..'? i)irector n()ted that du.~ to experimentation iq color pigrlents at toe sit(:, Lt~, final palette changes hein(t requested w~re the ones s~own ,~n t'Ie rign. t. Th~ ones previously approved were on the left. Co.'l;'lissioner Shaheen asked if the Irvine Co'ii)any was intendinll Lo follow staffIs reco,~,,en'.iatioqs. '.h? woq,lered where the disa~jree,'~ent was, and if it was resolved. :!r. :yers replied ti]at they agreed to approve the one hei!l:? and hold the other. .Staff replied that there was n~ ,iisaqree,qent at this ti,'~e. Co~,'dssioner Raker noted that ne was afraid that the variation of colrlr nu,~her six, ;reich had not been approved, ~:~i~ht he ~lilq}ed in without a',q)roval. CO,'lrlissioner Pontious asked if the amendment could he chang, led Lo include all (If the colors oq the palette to include the new yellow, since it was not origiqall,y intendo'l in the oriuinal palette. The !]irector a~jreed that it had ri<it been included in th,, mri:]inal palette. Commissioner I~,aker asked if it had been used without heind on the original, approved pal otte. !r. 'yers replie'l affir.'latiw?ly. 'hvmvqr, h,', anted, as ;'mqti')ne,t in previm~ s~,q~i/)ns, ~he design t~,a:~ and archit(~cts do not really kn~}w h()w tn,~ colors will look !)q .:, i)roject ~lqtiJ t,h,?y ar.~ a[)j)lir~d. Th(~ original '/(,1low '.ids .~pplied, h,lt after ~'lan.y attem:~ts they settled on the color' b~f'nre toe Cn,'~:H~sinn as the color that the d~,sign t~,a'~ and ,'~r'chi~(~cts would l ik~, t.n sr~e as the accent color. CO.;l~:)ission,:?r ,~ak:)r ask'?:i if' thi~ ~veninq's vote would loci'ida t~'.? heign a~ well as th(? .yellmv an ar] accent color; if this was part of th~) Staff i(ei)art; an',l co,,~'lent(,d that the ,liscllssion r~)gar,iiq:; color ql],q;)er six tg~)k lb ,dq,,,tes, unneCeSSarily. "i,, ;.~lt that the hmiue color, ..?sp(~cially alon!l the wall lr)nqs !lreat, hut h,.~ did nat like a new col ~)r heing i ntr,)d~med ~ithout th(? Cor,,'lissi 'in' s kq,m.~l n;!()e. SLal'f replied affirmativ~q.y regar',linq tho vote; and that. iL was not incl!J:'!e;l in the Staff :~.ei~,')r t. ','];):"ll'lissir)rl(.)r Sba I.(.1 ;lskc~,l if on~ .:ir)re color was Ca, l. lissi()ner P()rltious re~li;,d that it ,/as a rcq)lace;'l~nt col()r, hy r'e,,lovir,] th'.~ ,)riuinal yellow an,.! replacin9 it witq th(, okra. I'qe Director a:)pt)logize,'l for the st<~ff ~)verqiilht, but note'! that they try t~) h.'., as c,~,,pr~h.ensivc~ as possihl(~. In this case, they tried t() ext)e.,tite the r.'~.,pJest of t~:? ai~plicant .t,~e to th~ exi~e~tit, ed sche<tul~ of 'In,f,? ')~pot. Shn F,,lt that ct~,~.,y have~ c,')rrnc!,,':,l th~'~ lack of inf()rmation at this [)()int. "r. 'l).ers C;):'lr'lerllc(?~ that from the [rvirte Co,,q)any' s an(! :l~)nahu~ Schri bet' s start(ti)nj nt th:,r(, was no i ntnnt of sl i i):)i n,.] sn,'lethi rl~] thro',J:]h. ']o,'u'lissioner Kaspari.~n ask,,,.1 if this resnllitioq is passed, does it autn,',aticall.y tho pro/in!is one, or is it c¢)nc~Jrr~?rlt. ,'Staff affin.uul thaK it wmJI.i s:~percede the original res()lntioq. .','ichar:l l'aylor, a resident nf Sycamore 3lea, rioted that he purchased a ho,'~e there because q,e thou~tht it woul:l he a cn?~q.lnity ~)f conservativ(, people. 'te was glad to s(,r) the heig~ colors hain,:) intr[)dlic~,d. )),, felt tqat the thr(ee accent colors ,~oiJl ,'idk~ this a "tren(t.y 1 ookiq~}" plaza, as i n 'toll ywon'l an4 certain to,~ngrad~.l heacv, c()ri,')unities; and that witl)in two years the cent()r would he )elna repainto't. Fh~re is a fePling within th() co,~,u)nity, at l(,ast within his co,')'l'init.y of brand new '.mo are proud to be a part of T,]stin, of "what's going on over there?". ~1~) hope,~ that the beige tones wnuld caJ]q the pal~'~tte down a hit. 'te realized that the Irvine COmlJan.y I~ad spent a lot of :~oney on this, hut felt that the color co,,)hinatioqs in certain li.,)hting st]c)ul,) have hec)n work(,,I mJt way in a.,lva,,c(). 'lesion and architec- l, ural classes which he has been a part of Kaught hi,'] to establish the colors in vario~)s lig,~tiogs bef()re act,]al aj)plicati~)n. ~Ie .~qrm)d ~iiti~ Co:'.),lissinn~r ',~aker r,).j,~r,Iin,; tn[, qmw yoJJow, and that the pink and purl)l(, ,.,ere a bit lm]d for what th")'JUhC was a qiff(,rnnt cor)'u)nity fq(~l. The i;lihlic hf:arin.] ~..las closed at '/:33 C;),,m,issioner Pontious noted toot she felt that tho mi:idle culnr tan was a iilore aHHroi)ria~e color, which was closer in i)alntte to the terra c,.)tta. She staff's concern, thou(Ih, ~)n the li:lht~',r shade and ;vo~Jl4 like to withhold il. until l~ter. P1 c~lrlrl i July Page fi ve Cm'lvdssioner S.hahe;:n askm] if they wore hei;lg asked to "lodify th.'.~ r(:s~}lution. Staff replied that the Co,q.,ission was not adopti.qg a r~solution, t.heir action I~m by ,'ill, ute motign. Th~? :)iroctor ~r)~d that for the ,q,~tion approvmrt tqis evenin~t, staff ,-~ould l,~hel t~e col:~r hoard as 7/lII/:~; with the r~xception of denyin,1 th~ li!jqtest proposed account cr~lor, aq,I wi I I !)e specific. ,COl:lmissioner iqaker qote,i that ne was not ori~iqall.y in favor of the deep colors, and still i~as a prohle,-i with there. '~ith the grass it is i,:lF)roving, and he likes the beige colors, incl~Jding 1:he li:.jht hei',le. ~te does pot like n,.i.qher six, hut in order to <?xpeditn, he would ap~)rove the palette. Corl:'dssioner PontiotJs agre¢~.d tqat %he, Leo, wa~ not ov(,rl.y preferred it ovPr th~ light, er yr~llows. (~r)rl,qi ssioner Stlahoon movL~rJ ~ l~aker secoqd(:,! to approve, h..v Flj qtlte or.:l~-r, the col or board su'.),,dtted ;~q J:jly LU, 1959 with th~, exception of color q,J,qher one. 'lotion carried 4-:~. OLD BUSINESS NEW BUSINESS STAFF CONCERNS CO,~fMISS[ON CONCERNS ADJOURNMENT At /:3b p.m. [:orqmissiont)r ShaheCm r~ow:d, 9. akr.,r s~,corlrt¢;,i to a.l,inurn to the nnxt re.]ular Planning Commission ,qe~:tin.;l on J~ly ')4, !(~'qq at 7:~1(] p.m. in the City Cmlncil Chambers. !otion carrie;I 1-0. £hai rman P~nrli Fol e.y ~ S(:cretary