HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 762 (1978) ORDINANCE No. 762 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING ARTICLE 8. BUILDING REGULATIONS, OF THE TUSTIN CITY C0DE AND AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 755 The City Council of ~e City of Tustin, California, does ordain that Ordinance No. 755 and Article 8, BuiXding Regulations, Tustin City Code, is hereby amended .as follows: 1, Building Code, Chapter 1 is hereby amended to read as follows: ARTICLE 8101 - A~NDMENT OF TIIE 1976 UNIFORM CODE The 1976 edition of the Uniform Building Code, is hereby amendca by adding the following new chapter to read as follows: C/~APTIiR 41: SECURITY '- Sections 4101 Purpose 4102 Scope 4103 Limitations 4104 Definitions 4105 Keylag ReCuirements 4106 Frames/J~mbs/Strikes~Hinges 4107 Windows and Sliding Glass Doors 4108 Garage Type Doors-Rolling Overhead, Solid Overhead, Swinging, S!idin~ or Accordjan Style 4109 Special Residential Buildin~ Provisions 4110 Special Commercial Building Provisions, Other than Type R-l, R-3, and M-1 4111 Tests . 4101 Purpose. The purpose of this chapter is to provide minimum standards, as required in Section 1~051 of the California Penal Cede, to safeguard property and public welfare by regulating and controlling the design, construction. qmality of materials, use and occupancy and maintenance of all buildings and structures within this city and certain equipment specifically regulafed herein. 4102 Scope. The provisions of this chapter shall apply to new construction, and &~l~ruction to bulldines or structures to ~]ich additions alterations or repairs are made except as specifica!lV provided in this chapter. When additions. alterations, or repairs within any 12 month period exceed 25 percent of the value of the existing building or structure, such building or structure shall be made to conform to the requirements of this chapter. When additions, alterations, or repairs made within any 12 month period do not exceed 25 percent of the value of the existing building or structure. only the new construe=ion shall be required to conform with the requirements of this chapsere 4103 Limitations. Any building as defined in this code and Title 19 - califor~S"l~jm'ih'i~trative Cede, requiring special type releasing, latching, or locking devices, other than described therein, shall be exempt from the provisions hereof relating. to locking devices of interior and/or exterior doors. 4104 Definitions. "APPROVED" means approved. as meeting the requirements of this chapter by the enforcing authority or 'its authorized agents, or by other officials designated by law to give approval on a particular matter dealt with by the provisions of this chapter with regard to a given material, mode of construction, piece of equipment or device. "AUXILIARY LOCKING DEVICE" is a secondary locking system added to the primary locking system to provide additional security. "BOLT" is a metal bar which, when actuated, is projected (or "thrown") either horizontally or vertically into a retaining member, such as a strike plate, to prevent a door from moving or opening. "BOLT PROJECTION (OR BOLT THROW)" is the distance from the edge of the door, at the bolt center line, to the farthest point on the bolt in the projected position, widen subjected to end pressure. "BURGLARY RESISTANT GLAZING" means those materials as de- fined in Under~nciters Laboratories Bulletin 972. "COMMERCIAL BUILDING" is a building, or structure thereof, used for a purpose other than for R-l, R-3, M-l, usage. "COMPONF,'.]T", as distinguished from a Dart, is a subassembly which con~-ines with other components to F~ke UD a total door or window assembly. For example, the primary comDon,-~nts of a door assembly include: door, lock, hinges, jamb/wall, jamb/strike and wall. "CYLINDER" is the subassembly of a lock containin~ the cylinder core, tumbler mechanism and the keyway. A double cylinder lock is one which has a key-actuated cylinder on both the exterior and interior of the door. "CYLINDER CORE OR CYLINDER PLUG" is the central part of a cylinder containing the keyway, which is rotated by the key to operate the lock mechani~. "CYLINDER GUARD" is a hardened metal ring or plate sur- roundin~ the otherwise exposed ?errion of a cylinder lock to resist cutting, drilling, prying, pulling, or wrenching with co~on tools. "DEADBOLT" is a lock bolt which does not have a spr~ng action as opposed to a latch bolt, which does. The bolt must be actuated by a key and/or a knob or thumb turn and when projected becomes locked against return by end pressure. "DEAD LA%~H" is a spring actuated latch bolt having a beveled end and incorporating a plunger which, when depressed, auto- matically locks the pro3ected latch bolt against return by end pressure. "DOOR ASSEMBLY" means a unit composed of a group of parts or components which make up a closure for a passageway through a wall. For tile l~ur..Doses of this chapter, a door assembly consists of the followin~ parts: doors; hinges= lockin~ device or devices~ operation contacts (such as handles, knobs, push plates); miscellaneous hardware and closures~ the frame, including the head, threshold, and jambs plus the anchorage devices to the surrounding wall and a portion of the sur- rounding wall. extending 36 inches from each side of the jambs and 16 inches above the head. ~ -2- ~56 I 'DOOR STOPS" are the projections along the top. and sides of a door jamb which check the door's swinging action. 'DOUBLE CYLINDER DEADBOLT" is a deadbolt which can be activated only by a. key on both the interior and exterior. 4 "FLUSHBOLT" is a manual, key or turn operated-metal bolt, normally used on inactive door (s) , that is attaci~ed to the top and bottom 5 of the door and engages in the head and threshold of the frame. "FULLY TEMPERED GLAZING" means those materials meeting or exceeding ~J'~SI Standard Z 97.1 - Safety Glazing. V "JAMB" is the vertical members of a door frame to which the door is secured. 9 "JAMB/STRIKE" means that component of a door assembly which receives and holds secure the extended lock bolt; the strike and jamb used 10 together are considered a unit. 11 "J~a. IB'WALL" is that component of a door assembly to which a door is attached and secured; the wall and jamb used together are considered lZ a unit. ~5 "KEY'IN-E/~0B',' is a lockset-.having the 'key cylinder and =other lock mechanisms contained in the knob. 14 "LATC]{ OR LATCH BOLT" is a beveled, spring-actuated bolt, which 15 may or may not have a deadlocking device. 16 "LOCK OR LOCKSET" is a keyed device (complete with cylinder, latch or deadbolt mechanisra, and trim such as knobs, levers, thumb turr.,.s, 17 escutcheons,etc.) for securing a door in a closed position against forced entry. 18 "LOCKING DEVICE" is a part of a window or sliding door ass~n~blv 19 which is intended to prevent movement of the movable sash or door. "PANIC HARDWARE" is a bar which extends across at least one half the width of a door leaf, which will open the door is subjected to pressure. This pressure shall not exceed 15 pounds if applied to the releasing device in the direction of exit travel. These bars shall be placed at heights sutiable for the service required, not less than 30, not more than 44 inches above the floor. "PART", as distinguished from component, is a unit (or subassembly) which combines with other units to make up.a component. "PRIMARY LOCKING DEVICE" is the single locking system on a door or window unit whose function is to prevent unauthorized intrusion. . "RAIL" is the horizontal member of a sash frame. A meeting rail is one which mates with a. rail of another sash or framing member ef the window frame when the sash is in the c?osed position. ~8 "SASH" iS an assembly of stiles, rails, and, sometimes, mullions assembled into a single frame which supports the glazing material. A fixed sash is one which is not intended to be opened. A movable sash is intended to be opened. "SILL" is the lowest Horizontal member of a window frame. 52 .-., ..~ ..-.=.- ..... .-.~=,. -.. , .... .,-..: -3- 4-57 1 "SINGLE CYLINDER DEADBOLT" is a deadbolt lock which is activiated from the exterior by a key and from the interior by a knob, 2 thumb-turn, lever or similar mechanism. ~ "SOLID CORE DOOR" means a door composed of solid wood or ~ compressed wood equal in strength to solid wood construction. 4 "STILE" is a vertical framing member of a window or door. 5 A meeting stile is one which mates with a stile of another. sash, or a vertical framing member of a door or window frame when the sash is in 6 the closed position. V "STRIKE" is a metal plate attached to or mortised into a door jamb to receive and to hold a projected latch bolt and/or deadbolt 8 in order to secure the door to the jamb. 9 "SWINGING DOOR" means a door hinged at the stile or at the head and threshold..' 10 "U.L. LISTED" means tested and listed by Underwriters 11 Laboratories, Inc. 12 "WINDOW ASSEMBLY" is a unit composed of a group of parts or components which make up a closure for an opening in a wall or roof (in- 1~ cluding the anchorage) to control light, air, and other elements. 14 "WINDOW FRAME" is that part of a window which surrounds and supports the sashes and is attached to the surrounding wall. The members 15 include side jambs (vertical), head jamb (upper~ horizontal), sill and ~,~ mullions. I6 4105 Keyinq Reouirements. Upon occupancy by the owner 17 or proprietor, each single unit in a tract or conunercial development, constructed under the smne general plan, shall have locks using combine- 18 tions which are interchange free from locks used in all other separate dwellings, proprietorships or similar distinct occupancies. This specifi- 19 cation is intended to prohibit master keying. 20 4106 Frames/Jambs/Strikes/Hinges. Installation and construction of frames, jambs, strikes and hinges shall be as follows: (A) Door jambs shall be installed with solid backing in such a manner that no voids exist between the strike side of the jamb and the frame opening for a vertical distance of six (6) inches each side of the strike. ~4 (B) In wood framing, horizontal blocking shall be placed between studs at door lock height for three (3) stud spaces each side 25 of the door openings. Trimmers shall be full length from the header to the floor with solid backing agaxnst sole plates. 26 (C) Door stops on wooden jambs for in-swing doors shall be 27 of one piece construction with the jamb. Jambs for all doors shall be constructed or protected so as to prevent violation of the strike. ~' 28 (D) The strike plate for deadbolts on all wood framed doors 29 shall be constructed of minimum sixteen (16) U.S. gauge steel, bronze, or brass and secured to the lamb by a minimum of two screws, which must penetrate 50 at least two (2) inches into solid backing beyond the surface to which the strike is attached. 51 - -4- I (E) l{inges for outswinging doors shall be equipped with non- removable hinge pins or a mechanical interlock to preclude removal of the Z door from the exterior by removing the hinge pins. ~ 4107 Windows and Sliding Glass Doors. The following require- ments must be met for windows anu sliding glass doorsx 4 (A) Except as otherwise specified in Sec.tion 4109 (Special 5 Residential Building Provisions) and Section 4110 (Special Commercial Building Provisions), all openable exterior windows and sliding glass doors shall 6 comply with ~e tests as set forth in Section 4111. V (B) Louvered windows shall not be used when any portion of the window is less than twelve (12) feet vertically or six (6) feet horizontally 8 from an accessible surface or any adjoining roof, balcony, landing, stair tread, platform or similar structure. 9 4108 GaraGe Type Doors-Rolling Overhead, Solid Overhead, SwinQing, 10 Sliding or Accordian Style. The above described doors shall conform to the following standards: 11 (A) Wood doors shall have panels a minimum of five-sixteenths (5/16) 1Z inch in thickness with the locking hardware being attached to the support framing. (B) Aluminum doors shall be a minimum thickness. of .0215 inches ~4 and riveted together on eighteen (18) inch centers along the outside seams. There shall be a full width horizontal beam attached to the main door structure 15 which shall meet the pilot, or pedestrian access, door framing within three (3) inches of the strike area of the pilot or pedestrian access door. 16 (C) Fiberglass doors shall have panels a minimum density of six 17 (6) ounces per square foot from the bottom of the door to a height of seven (7) feet. Panels above seven (7) feet and panels in residential structures 18 shall have a density of not less than five (5) ounces per square foot. 19 (D) Overhead doors shall be e~uipped with belts which shall ~e capable of utilizing padlocks with a min~.mu~ nine thirty-seconds (9/32) inch ~0 shackle. (E) Doors utilizing a cylinder lock shall have a minimum five (5) pin tumbler operation with the bolt or locking bar extending into the receiving guide a minimum of bne (1) inch. (F) Doors that exceed sixteen (16) feet in width shall have two (2) lock receiving points, or, if the door does not exceed nineteen (19) feet, a single bolt may be used if placed in the center of the door with the locking point located either in the floor or door frame header. 25 (G) Slide bolt assemblies shall have a frame a minimum of .120 inches in thickness, a bolt diameter a minimum of one-half (1/2) inch and protrude at least one ax~ one-half (1~) inches into the receiving guide. A bolt diameter of three-eighths (3/8) inch may be used in a residential building. (H) Slide bolt assemblies shall be attached to the door with bolts which are non-removable from the exterior. Rivets shall not be used to attach such assemblies. ~0 (I) Padlocks used with exterior mounted slide belts sha~ll have a hardened steel shackle a minimum of nine thirty-seconds (9/32) inch in diameter 51 with heel and toe locking and a ~inlmum five pin tumbler operation. The key shall be non-removable when in an unlocked position. 1 4109 Special Residential Building provi~ionso The following special provisions st~all apply to all rn~idential dwellings (R-I, R-3 and 2 (A) Except for vehicular access doors, all exterior swinging doors 5 of any residential building and attached enclosed garages, including the door ~'~ leading from the garage area into the dwelling unit, shall be equipped as 4 follows: 1. All wood doors shall be of solid core construction with a minimum thickness of one and three-fourths (1-3/4) inches, or with panels not less than nine-sixteenths (9/16) inch thick. V 2. A single or double door shall be equipped with a double or single cylinder deadbolt having a minimum projection of one (1) inch and 8 an embedment of at least three-fourths (3/4) inch into the strike receivin~ the bolt. The bolt shall be constnlcted so as to resist cutting tool attacks. The 9 cylinder shall have a cylinder guard, a minimt~ of five (5) pin tumblers, and shall be connected to the inner portion of the lock by connecting screws of at 10 ast one fourth (1/4) inch diameter, 11 (The provisions of the preceding paragraph do not apply where panic hardware is required or an equivalent device is apDroved by the enforcing authority. Further, a dual locking mechanism, constructed so that both the deadbolt and latch can be retracted by a single action of the inside door knob or lever. may be substituted provided it meets all other specifications for locking devices.) 14 3. The inactive leaf on metal frame double doors shall be equipped with flush bolts having a minimum projection of five-eighths (5/8) inch 15 at the top and bottom of the leaf. On wood f~ame double doors the projection ~ shall be a minimum of one (1) inch. 16 4. Glazing in exterior doors or within forty (40) inches of a i? door locking mechanism shall be of fu!lv tempered glass or rated b~r~lary resistant glazing, except where double cylinder deadbolts are installed. 18 5. All front exterior doors shall be equipped with a wide 19 angle (180~) door viewer, except where clear vision panels are installed. (B) Street numbers and other identifying data shall be displayed as follows: 1. Every dwelling unit shall display a street number in a prominent location on the street side of the residence in such a position that the number is easily visible to approaching emergency vehicles. The numerals shall be no less than three (3) inches in height and shall be of a contrastin~ color to the background to which they are attached and illuminated during hours of darkness. ~5 2. There shall be positioned at each entrance of each R-1 occupancy complex an illuminated dia~ramatic representation of the complex 26 which shows the location of the viewer and the unit designations within the complex. In addition. each individual unit within the complex shall display Z7 a prominent identification number which is easily visible to approaching vehicular and/or pedestrian traffic. i ~8 (C) Lighting in R-1 type occupancies shall be as follows~ S9 1. Aisles, passageways, and recesses related to and within 50 the building complex shall be illuminated with an intensity of at least .25 footcandles at the ground level during the hours of darkness. Lighting devices 51 shall be protected by weather andsvandalism resistant covers, 52 -6- 460 '21 Open parking lots and carports shall be provided with a maintained minimum of one (1) footcandle of liqht on the parking surface during hours of darkness. Lighting devices shall be protected bV vandal resistant covers. These lighting devices shall be automatically energized during hours of darkness. 3 ~ Each residential unit of R-I type occupancies shall have an enclosed parking space with a garage door equipped as in Section 4108 of this chapter° 4110 Special Commercial Building .Provisions, Other than Typ~ R-l, R-3, and M-1. The following speclal provisions shall apply to commercial buildings: (A) All exterior swinging doors shall be equipped with a double or single cylinder deadbolt. The bolt shall have a minimum projection of one (1) inch and will have an embedment of at least three-quarters (3/4) inch into.the strike receiving the bolt. The bolt shall be constructed so as to resist cutting tool attacks. The cylinder shall have a cylinder guard, a minimum o~ five pin.tumblers and shall be connected to the inner portion of the lock by connecting screws of at least one-quarter (1/4) inch diameter. (The provisions of the preceding paragraph do not apply where panic hardware is required or an equivalent device is approved by the enforcing authority.) (B) Wood doors shall be of solid core construction and have a minimum thickness of not less than one and three-fourths (1-3/4) inches. (C) Hollow metal doors shall be constructed of a minimum sixteen (16) U.S. gauge steel and have sufficient reinforcement to maxntain the de- signed thickness of tile door when any locking device is installed; such re- inforcement being able to restrict collapsing of the door around the locking device. (D) The inactive leaf on metal frame double doors shall be equipped with flush bolts having a minimum projection of five-eighths (5/8) inch at the top and bottom of the leaf. On wood frame doors the projection shall be a minimum of one (1) inch. (E) Double doors shall have an astragal constructed of steel a minimum .125 inch thick which will cover the opening between the doors. The astragal shall be a minimum of two (2) inches wide and extend a minimum of one (1) inch beyond the edge of the door to which it is attached. The astra~al shall be attached to"the outside of the active door by welding or non-removable bolts spaced apart on not more than ten (10) inch centers. (F) Any glazing utilized within forty (40) inches of any locking mechanism on a door, other than a double cylinder deadbolt, shall be secured as follows: 1. Fully tempered glass or rated burglary resistant glazing; or 2. Iron or steel bars of at least one-half (1/2) inch round or one inch by one-fourth inch (1" x 1/4") flat metal, spaced non more than five (5") inches apart.and secured on the inside of the building; or 3, Iron or steel grills of at'least one-eighth (1/8} inch metal with a maximum two (2) inch mesh, secured on the inside of the building. I Items two (2) and three (3) above shall not interfere with the operation of opening windows if such windows are required to be openable 2 by this code. 9 (G) Aluminum frame swinging doors shall conform to the following: 4 i. The jamb shall be so constructed or protected to withstand 1600 pounds of pressure in both a vertical distance of three (3) inches and 5 a horizontal distance of one (1) inch each side of the strike, so as to prevent violation of the strike. 2. The bolt projection shall be a minimum of one and one- V half (1~) inches; or, a hook shaped or similar bolt may be used as long as it engages the strike sufficiently to resist jamb spreading. 8 (H) In multiple occupancy office buildings all e~tra~ce doors to 9 individual office suites shall meet the requirements for exterior doors. 10 (I) Where panic hardware is required by this code, or Title 19, California Administrative Code, it shall be equipped and installed as 11 follows: 12 1. There shall be a minimum of two (2) locking points on each door; or 19 2.' On single doors, panic hardware may have one (1) locking 14 point which is not to be located at either the top or bottom rails of the door frame. The door shall have an astragal constructed of steel .125 inches 15 thick which shall be welded or attached with non-removable bolts to the outside of the door. The astragal shall extend a minimum of six (6) inches ~ 16 vertically above and below the latch of the panic hardware. The astragal shall be a minimu~ of two (2) inches wide and extend a minimum of one (1) 17 inch beyond the edge of the door; or 18 3. Double doors containing panig hardware shall havean astragal attached to the doors at their meeting point which will close the 19 opening between them but not interfere with the operation of either door. (J) Exterior transoms or windows shall be deemed accessible if less than twelve (12) feet above ground or ~djacent to any pedestrian walk- way. Accessible windows and transoms not visible from a public or privaze thoroughfare and having a pane or opening exceeding ninety-six (96) square inches shall be constructed or protected as follows: ~5 1. Fully tempered or rated burglary resistant glazing shall be used; or Z4 2. Interior or exterior steel or iron bars of at least one- 25 half (1/2) inch round or one by one-quarter (1 x 1/4) inch flat steel or ~ron may be used if spaced not more than five (5) inches apart and secured by bolts ~6 which are non-removable from the exterior~ or ~ 3. Interior or exterior iron or steel grills of at least one-eighth (1/8) inch metal having a mesh of not more than two (2) inches may ~ 28 be used if secured with bolts which are non-removable from the exterior. 4o Protective bars or grills shall not interfere with the opening of the windows if required to be openable by this code or other code requirement. 91 , 92 -e- 462 (K) Roof openings or skylights shall be secured as follows: l. Glazing shall be rated burglary resistant or fully tempered glass; or 2. Interior steel or ~.ro. bars of at least one-half (1/2) inch round or one by one-cuarter (i x 1/4) inch flat steel or iron may be used if spaced not more than five (5) inches apart and secured by bolts which are non-removable from the exterior; or .3. Interior iron or steel'grills of at least one-eighth (1/8) inch metal having a mesh of not more than one (1) inch maV be used if secured with bolts which are non-removable from the exterior. (L) All hatchway openings on the roof of any building used for business purposes shall be secured as follows: 1. If the hatchway is of wooden material it shall be covered on the inside with a minimum sixteen (16) gauge sheet metal or its equivalent, attached 'with screws. 2. The hatchway shall be secured from the inside with a slide bar or slide bolt. The slide bar or slide bolt shall automatically release when accuated by smoke or heat from a fire. 3. Outside hinges on all hatchway openings shall be pro- vided with non-removable pins and shall use non-removable screws for mounting. (M) All exterior air duct or air vent openings exceeding ninety- six (96) square inches shall be secured by one of the following means: 1. Iron or steel bars of at least one-half [1/2) inch round or one by one-fourth (1 x 1/4) inch flat metal, spaced no more than five (5) inches apart and secured by bolts ~ich are non-removable from the exterior; or 2. Iron or steel grills having a minimum thickness of one-eighth (1/8) inch, a mesh of not more than one (1) inch, and secured by bolts 'which are non-removable from the exterior. 3, The above must not interfere with any venting require- ments. (N) Permanently affixed ladders leading to roofs shall be covered with sheet metal to a heicht of ten (10) feet. If the ladder pro- trudes more than six (6) inches from the building the sides must also be covered with sheet metal. The covering shall be locked a~ainst the ladder by means of a case hardened hasp, secured with non-removable bolts or screws. If hinges are of the pintype they shall be equipped with non-removable pins. Padlocks shall ]mve hardened steel shackles, heel and toe locking, a minimum five (5) pin tumbler operation and a non-removable key when in an unlocked position. (O) All exterior cor=nercial doors shall be illuminated with a minimum of one (1) footcandle of light. Such lights shall be maintained during hours of darkness and be protected by vandal resistant covers. (P) Open parking lots providing more than ten (10) parking places and for use by the general public shall be provided with a maintained minimum of one (1) footcandle of light on the parking surface from dusk until the termination of business every ~perating day. -9- (Q) Every commercial buildin~ shall display an address number' in a prominent position so that it shall be easily visible from the street. The numerals in these numbers shall be no less than six (6) inches in height, of a color contrasting to the background and located so that they may be clearly seen and read, Any business which affords vehicular access to the rear of the building through any driveway, alleyway or parking lot shall also display the same numbers on the rear of the building. 4111. Tests. (A) It shall be the responsibility of'the owner, or his designated a~ent, of a buildin~ or structure falling within the provisions of this chapter to provide the enforcing authority with a written specification performance test report indicating that the materials utilized meet the mini- mum requirements, (B) Whenever there is insufficient evidence of compliance with the provisions of this chaDter or evidence that any material or any construction does not conform to the requirements of this chaDter, or in order to substanti- ate claims for alternate materials or methods of construction, the enforcin~ authority may require tests as proof of compliance to be made at the expense of the owner or his agent by any agency which is approved by the enforcing authority, (C) Specimens shall be representative, and the construction shall be verified by assembly drawings and bill of materials. Two complete sets of manufacturer or fabricator installation instructions and full size or accurate scale templates for all items and hardware shall be included. (D) Tests for sliding glass doors shall be conducted as follows: 1. The construction and size of the test door assemblies, jambs and headers, and all hard~,'are components shall be representative of that for which acceptance is desired. The door assembly and mounting in the sur~r~o=t fixture shall simulate the rigidity normally provided to a door assembly in a building by the ceiling, floor and walls. 2. Sample doors submitted for testing shall be glazed. Panels shall be closed and locked with the ~rimary locking device only. 3. Tests shall be performed on the samples in the order: TEST A. With the panels in the test position, a con- centrated load of 800 pounds shall be applied to the vertical pull stile in- corporating a lockin~ device, at a point on the stile within six (6) inches of the lockin~ device, in the direction parallel to the plane of the glass that would tend to open the door. With the load removed, determine if the primary locking device can be unlocked by manipulation as described in Test H~ TEST B. (1) With panels in the test POSitiOn, a concentrated load of fifty (50) pounds shall be applied to the vertical pull stile incorpor- ating a locking device, at a point on the stil~ within six (6) inches of the lockin~ device, in the direction parallel to the plane of the glass that would tend to open the door while, simultaneously, an additional concentrated load of 200 pounds is a~plied to the same area of the same stile in a direction Der- ~endicular to the plane of ~lass toward the interior side of the building. With the load applied, determine i~ the primary locking device can be unlocked by manipulation as directed in Test H. (2) Repeat Test B (1}, substituting 800 pounds for the indicated fifty (50).pounds. Perform the manipulation tests with the load removed. 464 '~TEST Co (1) With the panels in the test position, a concentra- ted load of fifty (50) pounds s]~ll be aPPlied to the vertical pull stile incorporating a locking device. at a point on the stile within six (6) inches of the lockin~ device, in the directidn parallel to the plane of the glass that would tend to open the door while simultaneously, an additional concentrated load of 200 pounds is applied ~3 the s~me stile in the direction perpendicular to the plane of the glass toward the exterior side of the door. With the load applied, determine if the primar~ locking device can be unlocked by manipulation as described in Test H. (2) Repeat Test C (1), substituting 800 pounds for the indicated fifty (50) pounds. Perform the manipulation tests with the load removed. TEST Do With the movable panel lifted UPWard tO its full limit within the confines of the door frame, a concentrated load of 800 pounds shall be appl.ied separately to each vertical pull stile incorporating a locking device, at a point on the stile within six (6) inches of the locking device, in the direction parallel to the plane of the Glass that would tend to open the door. With the load removed, determine if the primary locking device can be unlocked by manipulation as described in Test H, TEST Eo (1) With the movable panel lifted upward to its full limit within the confines of the door frame~ a'concentrated load of fifty [50) pounds shall be applied to the vertical Dull stile incorporatin~ a lockiD~ device, at a point on the stile within six (6) inches of the locking device, in the direction parallel to the plane of the glass that would tend to eden the door while, simultaneously. an additional concentrated load of 200 is applied to the same area of the same stile in the direction oerpendiculnr to the plane of the glass toward the interior side of the door. With applied, determine if the primar~z locking device can be unlocked by maDipu] ation as described in Test H, (2) Repeat Test E (1). sub-.~titutinq 800 pounds for the indicated fifty (50) pounds. Perform t. he manipulation tests with the load removed, TEST F, [1) With the movable panel lifted upward to its full limit within the confines nf the do~r oanel, a concentrated load ~f fifty (c0) pounds shall be applied to the ,?ertical stile ~corDoratinq a lozkin-. ~evic. q. at a point n.~. th- .--tile within six (6) inches of the lockin~ device, in the direction parallel to the plane of ~lass that would tend to open the door while. simultaneously, an additional concentrated load of 200 pounds is aPPlied tO the same area of the .~-me stile in the direction perpendicular to the plane of the glass toward the exterior side of the door. With the load a~olied, deter- mine if the primary locking device can be unlocked by manipulation as described in Test (2) Repeat Test F (1), substitutin~ 800 pounds for the indicated fifty (50) pounds. Perform the manipulation tests with the load removed, TEST G. For inside slidin~ doors, repeat Test D, while simultaneously applying a concentrated load of fifty (50) pounds at the end of the movable bottom rail near the meeting stiles inward. For outside sliding' doors, repeat Test D, while, simultaneously, applying a concentrated load of fifty (50) pounds at the end of the movable bottom rail near the meeting Stile and outward o TEST H. Lift, push, DUll or otherwise manipulate by . hand the door relative to the clearances within the frame while attemptinq to open the door. This test shall be conducted continuously for five (5) minutes. Examine the assembly and determine a method' and position for inserting a tool through the asselnbly from the outside so as to contact the primary lockinq device or the latch. Two different tools shall be used: a knife or spatula with a thin blade approximately 1/32 inch thick, not more than one (1) inch wide and no longer than six (6) incheS; and a piece of stiff steel wire with a diameter of approximately 1/16 inch. Determine whether it is possible to insert the wire or manipulate with either of these tools so as to unlock the door within a five (5) minute time period. TEST I. With the followin~ tools~ i1) A knife or spatula with a thin blade approximately 1/32 inch thick, not more than one (1) inch wide, and no longer than six (6) inches; and '2) A straight or Phillips screwdriver with a maximum six (6) inch shaft, ,re from the door assembly all screws, glazing beads, or other mechanical fasthers which can be removed readily from the exterior within a time limit of five (5) minutes. Determine if the primary lockinq device can be unlocked or entry gained by manipulation as described in Test H. 4. Fixed Panels. Fixed panels shall be fastened in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions.- Tests shall be performed in the following order: TEST A. With the panels in the normal position, a concentrated load of 300 pounds shall be applied at midspan of the fixed jam/o/ stile in the direction parallel to the plane of the ~lass that would tend to remove the fixed panel from the frame jamb pocket. With the load applied, determine if entry can be gained by manipulation as described in Subsection (D)~ paragraph (3), Test H, above. TEST B. With the panels in the normal position° a concentrated load of 300 pounds shall be applied at m~dspan of the fixed jambstile in the direction parallel to the DIana of the ~lass that would tend to remove the fixed panel from the frame jamb Docket, while, simultaneouslY, an additional concentrlted load of 150 ~ounds is applied at midspan of the fixed panel interlock stile in the direction ~eroendicular to the ~lane of the ~lass which would tend to disengage the m~etin~ stiles. With this load applied, determine if entry can be ~ained bv manipulation as described in Subsection (D), Paragraph (3), Test H, above. TEST C. Repeat Test A, with the fixed panel lifted upward to its full limit within the confines of the deor frame. The lifting force need not exceed 150 pounds at the bottom of the exterior face of the meetin~ stile. With this load applied, determine if entry can be ~ained by manipulation as described in Subsection (D), Paragraph (3), Test H, above. ~8 5. A slidinq door a~sembly shall fail the~e tests if at any time durinq or after the te~t, the sl]din~ door a~sembly does not remain Z9 enqa~ed, intact, and in the closed and locked position or by manipulating an exposed comFx3nent; or if one can enter through displaced or damaged portions. 30 6. The report.shall include the followinq: Identification 5~ of the samples tested; type, size~ location, and number of lockin~ devices~ type, location, and number of anchors; type and thickness of qlazing material 3Z and an indication of whether or not the subject passed the test. The report shall be certified to be a true copy by the testinq laboratory and shall be forwarded direct from the laboratory to the enforcinq authority. (E) For the purpose .of this ordinance, windows are classified as follows ~ TYPE A. Window assemblies incorporate one or more ~sbes that open by slidir~ in the plane of the wall in which t/le window is installed. TYPE B. Window assemblies incorporate one or more framed sashes which are hinged at or near ~w~ corners of the individual sash and open toward the exterior of the wall, TYPE C, ~qindow assemblies incorporate one or more sashes which open toward the interior and are hinged~at or near two corners of the s h. TYPE D, Window assemblies incorporate one or more ~ashes which are hinged or pivot near the center .~o that part of the sash opens into the interior wall and part opens toward the exterior, 1, Window assemblies shall be mounted following the manufacturer's installation instructions. Install the window assembly in a test fixture which simulates the wall construction required by Chapter 25 of the Uniform Buitdinu Code. The unit shall be fully ulazed, The sash shall be closed and locked with the primar~ locking device only, ao Tests for Type A window assemblies shall be performed in the following order: TEST A~ With the stidin~ sash in the normal position, a concentrated load of 200 .pounds shall be applied separately to each member incorporatin~ a locking devi~e, at a point on the sash member within six (6) inches of the lockin~ device, in the direction parallel to the olane of the ~lass that would tend to open the window, With the load removed, apply the manipulation test described in Subsection (D) , Paragraph (3) , Test H, above. TEST B, With the slidin~ sash in the normal position.~ a concentrated load of 200 pounds shall be applied separately to each sash member incorporatin~ a lockin~ dr.-vice~ at a F~int on the sash member six (6) inches of the lockin~ device in the direction parallel to the ~!ane of the. ~lass that woul~ tend to open the window while, simultaneously, an additional concentrated load of 75 pounds is ~DDlied in ~he same area of s~me sash m~mber in the direction perpendicular to the plane of the glass toward the interior side of the window. With the load removed, apply the manipulation test described in Subsection (D) , Paragraph (3}, Test H, above. TEST C. With the sliding sash in the normal position~ a concentrated load of 200 pounds shall be applied separately to each sash member incorDoratin~ a ].ockin~ device, at a Point on the sash member within six (6) inches of the tockinu device in the direction parallel to the plane of the ~lass that would tend to open the window while° simultaneously. an additional concentrated load of 75 pounds is applied to the same area of the same sash member in the direction perpendicular to the plane of the glass toward the exterior side of the window. With the load removed. a~ply the manipulation test described in Subsection (D), Paragraph (3), Test H, above. TEST D, With the sliding sash lifted edward to the full limit within the confines of the window frame, a concentrated load of 200 Ty3,ands shall be applied seDarutely to each sash member lncorTMDratin~ a ].ocking device, at a point on the sash ~ithin six (6) inches of the locking. device, in the direction parallel to the plane of gla.~-~ that would tend to eden the window. ~qith the load removed, apply the man~Falation test described in .~ub~ection (D), Paraqr~ph (3), TeS't tl., above. 67 'TEST E. With the slidin~ sash lifted upward to the full limit within the confines of the window frame, a concentrated load of 200 pounds shall be applied separately to each sash member incorporating a locking device, at a point on the sash within six (6) inches of the locking device, in the direction parallel to the plane of the ~lass that would tend to eden the window, while, simultaneouslY, an additional concentrated load of 75 pounds is applied to the same area of the same sash member in the direction perpendicular to the plane of the'glass towards the interior side of the window. With the load removed, aPPlY the manipulation test described in Subsection (D) , paragraph (3), Test II, above. TEST F. With the sliding sash lifted upward to the full ] within the confines of the window frame, a concentrated load of 200 ~ounds shall be apulied separately to each sash mem~mr incorporating a locking device, at a point on the sash member within six (6) inches of the lockin~ device, in the direction parallel to the plane of the glass that would tend to open the window while, simultaneouslY, an additional concentrated load of 75 pounds is applied to the same area of the same sash member in the direction perpendicular to the plane of the glass toward the exterior side of the window. With the load removed, apply the manipulation test described in Subsection (D), Paragraph (3), Test H, above. TEST G. For inside sliding windows. re~eat Test F, while, simultaneously, applying a concentrated load of 25 ~ounds inward at the end of the movable bottom rail near the meeting stile oPPosite the lock stile. For outside sliding windows, repeat Test F while, simultaneouslY, a~plying a concentrated load of 25 pounds in the same direction as the perpendicular load inward at the end of the movable bottom rail near the meeting stile opposite the lock stile outward. TEST H. perform the disassembly and manipulation test as described in SubsectiOn (D), pars.graph (3), Test I, above. b. The tests for Type B and C window assemblies shall be performed in the following order: TEST A. With the swinging sash in the normal position, apply a concentrated load of 100 pounds within three (3) inches of each end of the .rail or stile which is opposite the hinged side, in the direction pendicular to the plane of the glass that would tend to open the window. TEST B. Repeat Test A and simultaneously apply a con- centrated load of 100 pounds on the outside within one (1) inch of the end of the stile or rail which is opposite the hin~ed side, in a direction parallel to the plane of the glazing-which would tend to disengage the lock. TEST C. With' the swingin~ sash in the normal position, apply a concentrated load of 200 pounds on the rail or stile containing the locking device within six (6) inches of the lock. TEST D. Repeat Test B while simultaneously applying Te~t C. The manipulation test described in Subsection (D), Paragraph (3), Test H, above, ~ shall be applied in Tests A, B, and D to the sash with the load removed.. TEST E. perform the disassemblY and manipulation test as deseribed in Subsection (D), paragraph (3), Test I, above. ~. Tests for Type D window assemblies shall be 30 performed in the following order: 31 TEST A. With the sash in the ~ormal ~osition, simultaneousl apply a concentrated load of 100 ~ounds within three (3) inches of the ends of 3Z each rail or stile which is perpendicular to the pi~ot sides in the direction that would tend to open the sash. 468 TEST B. With the sash in the normal position, apply a concentrated load of 100 pounds on the rail or stile containinn the pivot within one (1) inch of the pivot in a direction parallel to the pivots, TEST C. Repeat Tent B, applyinq the load to the opposite rail or stile. TEST D. With the sash in the normal position, apply a concentrated load of 200 pounds on the rail or stile containing the locking device within ~ix (6) inches of the lock. TEST Eo Repeat Test D while, ~imultaneously, aoplyinq the load specified in Test B. Pepeat Te~t D, while. simultaneously, aOp!yin~ the )oad specified in Test C above. The manipulation test described in Subsection (D), Paragraph (3), Test H, above, shall be applied in Tests A, B, C, and D above to the sash with the load removed. TEST F. Perform the disassembly and manipulation test as described in Subsection (D), Paragraph (3), Test I, above= d. A window assembly shall fail these tests if at time during or after the tests, the assembly does not remain engaged, and in the closed and locked position, or bV manipulating exposed component; or if one can enter through disDlaced or damaged portions. e. The report shall contain a description of the results of the test performed in accordance with the test methods above. The report shall include the following: Identification of the sa/nDles tested: type, location, and number of anchors= type and thickness of clazing mate~ial and an indication of whether or not the subject passed the test~ The ren~r~ shall also indicate at what point the assembly fails. The test report be certified to be a true cop,/by the testinc laboratory and shall be fcrw~rded direct from the laboratory to the enforcing authority. 2. Dwelling, Chapter 7, Article 8700 and Ordinance 755. is amended Dy ~ne addition of a new Article 8703 to read as ~oliows ARTICLE 8703 - SECURITY (~) At the bottom of page 11, dwelling construction under the Uniform Building Code add a new title and paragraph to read as follows: SECURITY Rll dwellings constructed under this code shall comply with Chapter 41, 1976 Uniform Building Code, adopted by the City Council by Ordinance 755 as amended,by this Ordinance. (B) Add a new Section R-217, 1975, one and two family dwelling code to read as follows: R-217 SECURITY All dwellings constructed under this Code shall comply with Chapter 41, 1976, Uniform Building Code, adopted by the City Councel by Ordinance 755, as amended by this Ordinance. 3. General Penalty; Continuing Violation No person shall violate any provision, or fail to ComDly with any of the provisions, of this Code, or of any Code adopted herein by reference. Any person violating any of the provisions or failing to comply with any of the mandatory requirements of this Code, or of any Code adopted by reference herein, unless otherwise specified in this Code, shall be punishable by a fine or not more than $500.00 or by imprisonment in the City or County Jail for a period of not exceeding six months, or by both such fine and impri- sonment. Each such person violating such provision or failing to comply with such requirements shall be guilty of a separate offense and each day during any portion of which any violation of any provi. sion of this Code, or of any Code adopted by reference herein, is committed, continued, or permitted by such person, shall constitute a separate offense, and shall be punishable accordingly. Provided further that each such person violating a provision which limits the time an act may be permitted or continued, each such period or portion thereof of which any violation of such provision is commit- ted, continued or permitted by such person shall constitute a separate offense, and shall be punishable accordingly. In addition to the penalties hereinabove provided, any condition caused or permitted to exist in violation of any of the provisions of this Code, or of any Code adopted by reference herein shall be deemed a public nuisance and may be summarily abated as such by this City, and each day such condition continues shall be regarded as a new and separate nuisance and offense. (Ord. No. 612) 4. Constitutionality If any subsection, subdivision, sentence, clause, phrase or portion of this chapter, or the application thereof to any persol is for any reason held to be invalid or unconstitutional by the decision of any court of competent jurisdiction, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portion of this chapter or its application to other persons. The City Council hereby declares that it would have adopted this chapter and each subsectio] subdivision, sentence, clause, phrase or portion thereof, irrespec- tive of the fact that any one or more. suvsections, subdivisions, sentences, clauses, phrases, or portions of the application thereof to any person, be declared invalid or unconstitutional. PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Tustin, held on the 21st day of February, 1978. day of ~A~OR ATTEST: ' 47O STATE OF CALIFOTLNIA) COUNTY OF OTLANGE ) SS CITY OF TUSTIN ) RUTH C. POE, City Clerk and ex-officio Clerk of the City Council of the City of Tustin, California, does hereby certify that the whole number of members of the City Council of the City of Tustin is five; that the above and foregoing Ordinance No. 762 was duly and regularly introduced and - read at a regular meeElng of the City Council held on the 6th dav of February , 1978 and was given its second reading and duly passed and adopte~ at a regular meeting held on the 21st day of February 1978, by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN: SHARP, WELSH, EDGAR~ SCHUSTER NOES: COUNCILbIN: NONE ABSENT: COUNCILbIN: SALTARELLI ~--i"'Y~, bity of Tusti'n, Caiifornla ]