HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Minutes 10-13-86 MXNUTES TUSTIN PLANNING COI~ISSIOM REGULAR I~ETING OCTOBER 13, 1986 CALL TO ORDER: 7:30 p.m., City Council Chambers PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE/INVOCATION ROLL CALL: Present: Puckett, Wetl, Baker, Le Jeune Absent: Ponttous PUBLIC CONCERNS: CONSENT C~ENDAR: 1. Minutes of September 22, 1986 Planning Commission Meeting. Moved by Commissioner Baker, Well seconded to approve the Consent Calendar. carried 4-0. PUBLIC HEARINGS 2. USE PERMIT 86-30 Applicant: Location: Request: Motion Trt State Engineering on behalf of Exxon Co. USA 14082 Redhill Avenue Authorization to demolish an existing service station and reconstruct a mini market service station. Presentation: LAURA CAY PICKUP, Assistant Planner Chairman Puckett opened the public hearing at 7:38 p.m. Ron Baker, Tri State Engineering, made himself available for questions. Commissioner LeJeune questioned if deisel fuel would need a separate sign. Ron Baker responded it isn't usually advertised, just a small sign on the island depicting availability. Commissioner Well commented this is one of the most uncontroverstal use permits to come before the Commission, congratulated the applicant on a good project proposal and saw no problems with approval. Planning Commission Minutes October 13, 1986 page two Commissioner Puckett complimented Exxon for not asking for a liquor license. Commissioner Baker questioned the condition of the fuel tanks in the ground. Ron Baker responded they used to use steel tanks with 10 to 20 year life spans. This locatton wtll have new fiberglass tanks wtth a butlt tn alarm system for leaks. Seeing no one further wishing to speak Chairman Puckett closed the hearing at 7:45 p.m. Commissioner LeJeune expressed concern with the outdoor storage areas at gas stations and if they will be restricted in the future. Rob Balen explained that according to our service station guidelines they are already restricted, but it is a difficult enforcement problem. Commissioner Wefl moved, Baker second to approve Use Permit 86-30 by the adoption of Resolution 2366. Motion carried 4-0. 3. DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT 86-1 Applicant: Location: City of Tusttn East Tusttn Specific Plan Area Issue: The City of Tustln Development Agreement with The Irvine Company in relation to development of the East Tusttn Specific Plan area. Presentation: ROBERT W. BALEN, Planning Consultant 4. SUPPLEMENTAL ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT Applicant: Location: City of Tustin East Tustin Specific Plan Area Issue: Consideration of a Supplemental Environmental Impact Report; impacts that would result from the proposed Development Agreement will be considered Presentation: JEFFREY S. DAVIS, Acting Senior Planner Robert Balen recommended the Chairman combine the public hearings for both the Development Agreement 86-1 and the Supplemental Environmental Impact Report. Mr. Balen informed that the Development Agreement implements the Specific Plan and the mitigation measures required in the EIR 85-2 and the Supplemental EIR. The Development Agreement is consistent with the East Tustin Specific Plan and the General Plan of the City. Jeff Davis gave the staff presentation on the Supplemental EIR and explained that the EIR addresses issues related to transportation, circulation, water and hydrology, public services, and other civic needs. Planning Commission Minutes October 13, 1986 page three Tom Smith, Michael Brandman & Assoc., explained that the Supplemental EIR had a 30 day public review period which concluded September 26th; seven agencies responded {6 governmental and I advisory council); there were no environmental questions raised at the Sept. 22nd Planning Commission workshop. The content of the comments on the environmental document basically clarifies and corrects the draft. The SEIR will be forwarded to the City Council for certification on their next agenda. Montca Flortan, The Irvlne Company, concurred with staff's analysis that the Development Agreement embodies and further clarifies the objectives and commitments made during the Specific Plan process. She further urged Commission recommendation of approval to the City Council. Chairman Puckett opened the public hearing on Development Agreement 86-1 and Supplemental Environmental Impact Report at 7:54 p.m. Michael Caruso, 1841 Bent Twig, was concerned with park planning and that adequate team sports facilities be provided, specifically baseball. Jeff Davis responded that East Tusttn has several areas designated for parks. In addition there are plans and negotiations for a regional park which includes multi purpose facilities. Chairman Puckett advised Mr. Caruso to make an appointment with Rob Balen to make all of his concerns known to the staff. Jantne Harmon, Foothills Community Association, acknowledged Klm Luce and Cora Lee Newman of The Irvine Company for their assistance to FCA during the East Tustin approval process and the City staff in responding to concerns of the community. Seeing no one further wishing to speak Chairman Puckett closed the hearing at 8:00 p.m. Commissioner Well commented that she received a phone call from Pat Seman, NTMAC, extending the MAC's concurrence with staff's recommendation on the Development Agreement and EIR. Chairman Puckett complimented staff and The Irvine Company for the excellent job on the Supplemental EIR and the Development Agreement. Commissioner Baker commented that everybody involved has worked to negotiate to make this a workable project and expressed his excitement that it has come together with little or no discussion. Commissioner Wetl requested correction be made to the Development Agreement page 19 paragraph 3 to add "mixed use" after and/or .... and to Resolution 2367 I. to add an "S" before EIR. Commissioner Wetl moved, Baker second to recommend to the City Council adoption of an ordinance approving the Development Agreement between the City of Tustin and The Irvine Company for the East Tustin Specific Plan. Motion carried 4-0. Planntng Commission Mtnutes October 13, 1986 page four Commissioner Wet1 moved, LeJeune second to recommend to the Ctty Counct1, through the adoptton of Resolution 2367, that SE[R be forwarded to the City Counctl for certification. Morton carried 4-0. OLD BUSI#ESS None. NEW BUSINESS None. STAFF CONCERNS 5. Report on Counctl Acttons of October 6, 1986. Presentation: ROB BALEN, Planntng Consultant 6. DOW/MYFORD INDUSTRIAL PLANS Rob Balen presented plans for a proposed industrial project located at Dow and Myford Road for the Commission's preliminary review. He requested initial feedback for the developer who is on an escrow deadline to understand if there would be any major problems with the site plans or elevations. Mr. Balen noted that the item would be on the agenda at the next meeting for a formal site plan review. Commissioner Baker was concerned with the sidewalk width requirement; 5' or 8'. Commissioner LeJeune was concerned with the space between buildings and if the parking is to code. Commissioner Well was concerned with adequacy of landscaping and requested landscape plans be clarified. Mr. Balen responded that these items would be taken care of prior to the October 27th meeting. COMMISSION CONCERNS Commissioner Wetl questioned if staff had done any research concerning a specific plan for the Old Town area. Mr. Balen responded there are other alternatives for addressing disinvestment in properties. A Specific Plan for Old Town may be appropriate at a future date, but, the neighborhood sentiment is such that staff is not in a position to initiate any planning or zoning solutions in the Old Town area. Other remedies can be investigated including use of Redevelopment funds for housing projects or housing rehabilitation to address property conditions and disinvestment in housing in the area. It was noted that some properties in the area do not comply with zoning and/or building codes and should be fixed up. Mr. Balen added that it was staff's intent to preserve the Old Town and protect the quaint character of the area and that this could be done through special preservation provisions in a Specific Plan. Mr. Balen further pointed out this was not being recommended at this time. Planning Commission Minutes October 13, 1986 page five Commissioner LeJeune expressed concern wi th the water company's equipment being visible from the street. He suggested screening. Rob Balen will bring it to the attention of the Director of Public Works. Commissioner LeJeune further questioned how the freeway widening would affect the 6th Street area. Rob Balen explained that properties south of 6th St. and east of "B" Street are potentially affected by the freeway widening. Commissioner Well would like to add more specifics in the minutes of the Planning Commission and also reflect any corrections made from a previous meeting. Commissioner Baker asked if any restrictions or formal commitments were made by the Council concerning the 6th Street area. Rob Balen responded negatively. ADJOURI~qENT Commissioner Well moved, Baker second to adjourn at 8:30 p.m. to the next regularly scheduled Planning Commission meeting. Recording Secretary Motion carried 4-0. Chairman