HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Minutes 04-28-86MINUTES
APRXL 28, 1986
CALL TO ORDER: 7:30 p.m., City Counctl Chambers
Present: Wetl, McCarthy, Puckett, Baker
Commissioner Well presented a proclamation to Ronald White,
former Commissioner, for his service on the Planning Commission.
1. Minutes of April 14, 1986 Planning Commission Meeting.
2. Final Tract Map, Tract No. 12345
3. Resolution No. 2323 for Variance 86-3, Carver Development.
Commissioner Puckett moved, Baker seconded to approve the consent calendar.
Commissioner Wetl asked that Item 3 be removed from the calendar and considered
separately. The Commissioners all agreed. Motion on Items 1 and 2 carried 4-0.
Vote on Item 3:3-1 (Well).
4. USE PERMIT 86-17
Applicant: St. Cecilia's Catholic Church
Location: 1301 Sycamore Avenue
Request: To construct two permanent storage areas onto existing parish
Presentation: Jeffrey S. Davis, Associate Planner
Commissioner Well asked if there were any responses to the Public Hearing notice.
Staff responded that there were none.
The public hearing was opened at 7:40 p.m. It was closed at 7:41 p.m.
Commissioner Puckett moved, Baker seconded to approve Use Permit 86-17 by the
adoption of Resolution No. 2325. Motion carried 4-0.
Planning Commission Minutes
April 28, 1986
Page two
5. USE PERMIT 86-3
PacTel Mobile Access
1171 E1Camino Real (Formerly Laguna)
Authorization to install a 77 foot tall antenna and a 572 square
foot building on the Tustin High School site.
Jeffrey S. Davis, Associate Planner
The public hearing was opened at 7:48 p.m.
Mr. Nell Fitzpatrick and Mr. Rick Dannell, representatives of PacTel, 151Kalmus Dr.,
Costa Mesa, Ca., spoke in favor of the project.
A discussion followed between Commission, Staff, Mr. Neil Fitzpatrick, and Mr. Rick
Dannell (representatives of PacTel) regarding: other locations; access ways to the
ball field and fire routes; effect on television and telephone reception; and
location of other antennas in the area.
Mr. Pete Van Dyken, 235 South "A" Street, Tusttn, Ca., 92680, questioned if PacTel
would be responsible for any property taxes.
Mr. Arvel Nelson, representing the Church on Red Hill stated that he was there to
observe the proceedings.
The public hearing was closed at 8:03 p.m.
Commissioner Puckett moved to approve Use Permit 86-3 subject to the conditions in
Resolution No. 2328. Motion failed due to lack of second.
Chairman Wetl moved to add Item 4. to section A of Resolution 2328 as follows: This
Use Permit is granted based on a 6 (six) month review by the Commission, requiring a
public hearing. If there are no complaints a permanent Use Permit would be
provided. Motion failed due to lack of second.
Staff stated that with the power of revocation, the Commission could respond to
justifiable complaints in an appropriate manner.
Commissioner Puckett moved, Wetl seconded to approve Use Permit 86-3 by approval of
Resolution No. 2328. Motion failed vote: ayes - 2; noes - I (Baker); abstention - 1
(Mc Carthy).
Commissioner Baker moved to continue this item in order to give the Commission an
opportunity to observe the other antennas on-site before approving this project.
Motion failed due to lack of second.
Commissioner Puckett moved, Well seconded to approve Use Permit 86-3 by the adoption
of, and subject to the conditions of, Resolution No. 2328. Motion carried 3-0
Commissioner Mc Carthy abstained.
Planning Commission Minutes
April 28, 1986
Page three
Physician's Office Services on behalf of Healthcare Services
1101 Sycamore Avenue
To change the zone from Multiple-Family (R-3) to Public
Institutional (P&I).
Presentati on:
Mary Ann Chamberlain, Associate Planner
Commissioner Well asked if there were any responses from the public hearing notice.
There was a letter from Mr. Leonard R. Markwitz, 14761 Del Amo Avenue, Tusttn, Ca.,
92680, stating that he did not want any additional traffic added to the area.
The public hearing was opened at 8:25 p.m.
Mike Fields, 3700 Parkview, Irvine, Ca., 92715, representative of Physician's Office
S-~Fvtces, stated that he had met with staff and tenants of Rancho La Paz. A decision
was made to give the tenants a 6 (six) month notice and to refund their security
deposit within 30 days after that notice is given.
Commissioner Mc Carth¥ asked if any single family residents were invited to that
meeting. Staff invited all tenants and surrounding property owners to the meeting.
However, no property owners attended the meeting.
Commissioner Baker asked what Healthcare had in mind for that location.
replied that there were no plans yet.
Mr. Field
Gladys Mathews, 1192 Sycamore Avenue, Tustin, Ca., 92680, spoke in opposition of the
project asking that the area be kept as family housing. She is concerned with the
trafffic problems and the possible effect on property values in the area.
Staff responded that the zone change was for the Rancho La Paz complex only. Any use
of this area would require a Use Permit from the Planning Commission which would
automatically become a public hearing item. At that time all affected property
owners would be notified. Also, the traffic problem could be mitigated at that time.
Rae Lee, P. O. Box 634, Tustin, Ca., 92680, a Rancho La Paz resident, was concerned
that there would be a zone change without a plan. She also questioned whether the
rent reduction after the 6 month notice was 30~ or one-third. Staff clarified that
it was one-third.
Karyn Ramsberg, 1101 S.E. Sycamore Avenue, Tusttn, Ca., 92680, stated that the
tenants of Rancho La Paz were kept well informed.
Pete Van Dyken, 235 South "A" Street, Tusttn, Ca., 92680, stated that if the
residents are concerned about the value of their homes, possibly Healthcare should be
responsible to compensate those owners for the devaluation.
At Commissioner Wetl's request staff explained the General Plan/Zone Change
procedure whereby the General Plan and the zoning map must be in compliance.
Planning Commission Minutes
April 28, 1986
Page four
Janet Tyler, 1101 S.E. Sycamore Avenue, Tustln, Ca., 92680, stated that the
apartments on Del Amo are run down. She also stated that the tenants of Rancho La
Paz had been kept well informed.
The public hearing was closed at 8:40 p.m.
A discussion followed between Commission, staff and Mr. Fields regarding the height
of the proposed buildings. Staff stated that a height restriction could be set at
the time of the Use Permit application.
Chairman Well moved, Puckett seconded to recommend to City Council the approval of
Zone Change 86-2 by the adoption of Resolution 2327. The following amendments were
1. That the security deposit shall be refunded within 30 days of the 6 month
notice. Amendment carried 4-0.
That no demoltshion permits shall be issued until all tenants have
vacated the entire premises. Amendment carried 4-0.
That the buildings to be constructed on the premises shall not exceed 2
stories or 30 feet. Amendment carried 3-1 (Puckett).
All potential new tenants shall be notified of the pending change of use
of the property before signing a lease to rent. Amendment carried 4-0.
Motion carried 4-0.
7. USE PERMIT 86-9
Mr. Lance Luffee on behalf of Pineapple Hill Restaurants
654 East First Street
To authorize the on-site sales of general liquor in conjunction
with a restaurant use.
Laura Cay Pickup, Assistant Planner
The public hearing was opened at 9:00 p.m.
Lance Luffee, 4454 Van Nuys Blvd., Sherman Oaks, Ca., 91405, gave a brief description
of the decor and services intended for this location. The hours would be 11:00 a.m.
to 2:00 a.m. He has no intent to make this a beer bar.
The public hearing was closed at 9:08 p.m.
Commissioner Puckett moved, Baker seconded to approve Use Permit 86-9 by the adoption
of Resolution No. 2322. Motion carried 4-0.
Old Business
A recess was called at 9:10 p.m. The Commission reconvened at 9:19 p.m.
Planning Commission Minutes
April 28, 1986
Page fi ve
Old Business
Laura Cay Pickup, Assistant Planner
Commissioner Mc Carth¥ moved to place this item on the next agenda as a public
hearing. Motion failed due to lack of second.
Bonnie Holmes, representing the Irvine Company, gave an explanation of the process of
the loudspeaker study.
David Dubbink, of David Dubbink Associates, made a 30 minute computer analysis
presentation illustrating noise levels.
Hubert Clark, 1942 San Juan, Tustin, Ca., 92680, representing San Juan Homeowners
Association, thanked the City for the letter and the Irvine Company for their
cooperation and reports. However, he has some concerns that there are not enough
controls placed on the individual dealers in this matter. He was also concerned
about the 9 foot wall that is proposed for Jamboree and Browning.
Carol Taylor, 13532 Farmington Rd., Tustin, Ca., 92680, encouraged the use of a
paging system.
Alice Huber, 13882 Dall Lane, Tusttn, Ca., 92680, asked that the beeper system be
Michael Mc Lean, representing Mc Lean Cadillac, spoke regarding Mc Lean's intended
use of a combined loudspeaker/pager system.
A discussion followed between Commission, Bonnie Holmes, Mr. Dubbtnk, Mr. Mc Lean,
and staff.
Commissioner Puckett moved, Well seconded to direct staff to prepare a resolution
including the conditions of approval of the Loudspeaker Criteria. Motion failed
vote: ayes - 2; no - I (Mc Carthy); Commissioner Baker abstained.
Commissioner Mc Carth¥ moved to direct staff to draft a resolution and hold a public
hearing. Motion failed due to lack of second.
Commissioner Puckett moved to direct staff to draft a resolution and open the item to
public hearing. Motion failed due to lack of second.
Commissioner Puckett moved , Mc Carth¥ seconded to direct staff to: 1.) draft a
resolution including the conditions of approval; and 2.) to direct staff to notice
this item for public hearing. Motion carried 3-0. Commissioner Baker abstained.
Presentation: Laura Cay Pickup, Assistant Planner
Planntng Commission Mtnutes
April 28, 1986
Page st x
Commissioner Mc Carth¥ moved, Baker seconded to approve the East Tustin Master
Development Plan Sign Criteria by the adoption of Resolution No. 2326. Motion
carried 4-0.
Ne~ Business
Staff recommended that this item be delayed until the next scheduled meeting (May 12,
Donald D. Lamm, Director of Community Development
The following actions were taken:
City Council has approved the Hazardous Materials Disclosure Ordinance.
The Chili Cook-off has been cancelled due to insurance costs.
Council appealed Variance 86-3, Carver Development signs. It will be put on
the next Council agenda as a public hearing.
The Redevelopment Agency approved the Senior Citizen Center.
Commissioner Mc Carth¥ noted his concerns regarding the parking situation at the
French Quarter Center.
Commissioner Well asked staff to research the lights on Red Hill at the Acura dealer.
Commissioner Mc Carth¥ moved, Puckett seconded to adjourn the meeting at 11:25 p.m.
Motion carried 4-0.