HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Minutes 12-09-85 MINUTES
DECEMBER 9, 1985
6:00 p.m.
Present: Well, Puckett, Baker, McCarthy, White
Ed Knight, Jeff Davis, Irvtne Company representatives, public
Ed Knight made an oral presentation with questions and answers following.
session adjourned at 6:20 p.m.
7:30 p.m.
The study
Present: Well, Puckett, Baker, McCarthy, White
Staff: Ed Knight, Jeff Davis, Laura Pickup, Donna Orr, Suzanne
Atkins, All Bell and Mark Brodeur from The Planning Center.
1. Minutes from Planning Commission meeting November 25, 1985.
Puckett moved, White seconded to approve the Consent Calendar.
Motion carried 5-0.
Initiated by the Planning Commission
Recommend to the City Council to amend the City of Tustin Code
as it relates to the Professional Office and Industrial
Districts to allow school and instructional uses subject to
conditional use permits.
Jeff Davis, Associate Planner
Puckett moved, White seconded to approve Resolution No. 2283 recommending to the City
Council adoption of ZOA 85-6. Motion carried 5-0.
Commissioner White questioned the parking standards and the allottment for parents
visiting the school or dropping off students. Jeff Davis explained that all other
similar type schools are parked the same way as recommended.
Chair Wetl opened the meeting at 7:35 p.m. Seeing no one wishing to speak, she
closed the hearing at 7:36 p.m.
December 9, 1985
page two
Initiated by the City Council
Recommend to the City Council to amend the City of Tustin Code
as it relates to office parking standards in all applicable
Jeff Davis, Associate Planner
Chair Wetl opened the hearing at 7:43 p.m. Seeing no one to speak she closed the
hearing at 7:43 p.m.
Commissioner White requested Jeff Davis summarize Table I of his staff report dated
December 9, 1985 and what changes were made.
Commissioner Baker questioned the affect on Carver Development. Jeff Davis responded
there would be no affect because the Carver project was previously approved.
Puckett moved, Baker seconded to adopt Resolution No. 2284 recommending to the City
Council approval of ~OA 85-7. Motion carried 5-0.
Initiated by the Planning Commission
Recommend to the City Council to amend the City Code prohibiting
the construction and/or operation of toxic waste transfer
stations within the city.
Jeff Davis, Associate Planner
Chair Wetl opened the public hearing at 7:45 p.m. Seeing no one wishing to speak she
closed the hearing at 7:45 p.m.
Chair Wetl added her support to this amendment. She commented that Tusttn is very
small and has homes and schools close to industrial areas. Toxic materials represent
too much of a threat to the health, safety and welfare of our community.
Puckett moved, Baker seconded to adopt Resolution 2285 recommending to the City
Council approval of ZOA 85-8. Motion carried 5-0.
5. USE PERMIT 85-28
George Hlllyard on behalf of Mobil Oil Corporation
17241 Irvine Blvd.
To convert an existing 167 square foot sales area to a
Laura Pickup, Assistant Planner
Chair Wetl opened the public hearing at 7:50 p.m. Commission discussion ensued as
December 9, 1985
page three
Commissioner Baker questioned the necessity for a IO' dedication. Laura Ptckup
responded that the requirement ts part of the clty's master plan of arterial
Commissioner White questioned the outcome of the preservation of development
standards for the dedication of arterial highways. Ed Knight responded there has
been no decision to date.
The following people from the audience spoke:
George Htllyard representing Mobil Oil Corporation clarified they are not interested
in selling alcoholic beverages. He did request relief from the 10' dedication
requirement. He explained they don't own the property and so they don't have the
right to dedicate the 10'. The outside pump island is 23' from the street; if the
10' were dedicated they would lose the use of that island.
Seeing no one further wishing speak, Chair Wetl closed the hearing at 7:55 p.m.
Chair Wetl asked the applicant how close his business is to the 55 freeway. He
responded his station is located on the corner of the Irvine Blvd. on-ramp. Chair
Well clarified the chances of widening Irvine Blvd. in that area are very slim due to
the extensive bridge work that would be involved.
Laura Pickup explained the City Council could waive the 10' dedication if they felt
it appropriate. Mr. Hillyard could appeal the Planning Commission's decision thereby
bringing it before the Council.
Commissioner White agreed with staff's recommendation and felt this was a matter for
the City Council to decide.
Commissioner McCarthy recommended this go to the City Council.
Puckett moved, White seconded to approve UP 85-28 by the adoption of Resolution No.
2287 which includes the 10' dedication requirement. Motion carried 5-0.
Initiated by the City Attorney
Recommend to the City Council to amend the City Code to require
a Conditional Use Permit for Fortune Telling businesses.
Jeff Davis, Assistant Planner
Chair Wetl opened the public hearing at 8:05 p.m. Seeing no one wishing to speak,
she closed the hearing at 8:05 p.m.
Commissioner Puckett commented he did not like the idea of passing an ordinance
permitting fortune telling in Tusttn.
Commissioner White questioned if a Conditional Use Permit would be required. Jeff
Davis responded affirmatively.
December 9, 1985
page four
Chair Weil commented that she contacted the Police Department for their views on this
ordinance. The Police Department stated there are many legitimate fortune telling
businesses, but they will observe the situation and take appropriate action.
Baker moved, McCarthy seconded to adopt Resolution 2286 recommending approval of ZOA
85-9 to the City Council . Motion carried 4-1, Puckett opposed.
Initiated by the City Council
Recommend to the City Council adoption of the First Street
Specific Plan.
Jeff Davis, Associate Planner
A1 Bell, associate with The Planning Center, highlighted the exhibits presented. The
basis of the plan is to preserve what is good, to improve what needs improvement and
to stimulate economic growth.
1) The decision to change remains with the property owner; the decision for the
quality of the plan is with the city. Quality is defined by projects that are
consistent with the uses specified in the regulations of the plan; projects that
conform with the development standards will be projects that utilize the design
2) Physical determinants: parcel size; current use relationship to other parcels;
potential for the expansion of the use; access opportunities and limitations;
feasibility of achieving adequate parking on the site or adjacent; location
preferences; arterial and freeway exposure.
Overall conclusion: There is significant interest in the future development and
getting the greater use out of the area while preserving friendly atmosphere.
The primary uses recommended contain requirements and incentives. Incentives: lot
consolidation, mixed use, consolidation for parking; responding to use objectives or
eliminating constraints. Mixed use incentives require that the first floor remain
commercial where the second floor is office. Design guidelines (requirements):
intend to convey the physical character expected in the First Street corridor. The
plan attempts to expand the existing quality of the area.
The following people from the audience spoke:
Patrick Ryan, 17892 Irvine Blvd., questioned if this is leading to formulating a
guideline for the improvement of First Street. He further was concerned with a strip
center where one suite changed uses; what would happen to the other 3 businesses.
H. Victor Eastman, 661W. First, protested parking lot design: Tusttn has the worst
parking design especially with planters. Suggested no tree wells, walkways without
trees and rear parking lots with landscaping.
Harry Gates, 450 W. First, believed the new changes more restrictive than originally
approved on his project: 15' setback. He expressed concern with the increasing
traffic hazards caused by landscaping left turn lanes (Page IV-31).
Seeing no one further wishing to speak, Chair Well closed the hearing at 9:30 p.m.
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page fi ve
Further Commission ensued with questions and answer of staff and the representatives
from the Planning Center. Topics included, parking, primary and secondary uses on
parcels, pedestrian area guidelines and restrictions, and impacts on existing uses.
Following is a summary of recommended amendments to the First Street Specific Plan:
Page III-22, amend #2 Administrative Review as follows: ADD design
guidelines. . . Any project having development plans approved by building
permit issuance or land use permit prior to the adoption of this specific
plan shall remain approved without amendment. Any Primary Use project
proposed in the specific plan area shall be forwarded to the Planning
Commission as an information item.
Page III-11, amend b. on top of page as follows:
and replace with 2 story, 28 feet.
DELETE 3 story, 38 feet
3. Page III-11, amend d. DELETE reference to 3rd story - 32 feet.
Page IV-11, Materials Palette, ADD "pale pastel colors" to the 3rd column
for walls color.
Page IV-19, ADD a design guideline for signs which states, "all buildings
using rear parking lots shall clearly identify their businesses with rear
wall signage. All structures shall exhibit clear address information on
the front facade. (Recommended guideline: Minimum address number size
shall be 6" for a 1 story building and 10" for a 2 story building.) For
night identification the numbers shall be internally or externally
lighted. Otherwise all signing shall comply with the Tusttn Sign Code.
Page IV-28, on bus stops ADD that clear plexiglass may be added to the
walls in order to block winds.
7. Page IV-4 DELETE the right column guideline and replace with the following:
Utilize the front setback area in one of the following manners. The front
setback may either be entirely landscaped (in conformance with the
landscape guidelines) or made into a pedestrian plaza, utilizing
interlocking pavers as a base material, pedestrian level lighting and a
minimum of 15% landscaped area.
Page III-3, number 2, ADD to the end of the sentence, "this shall not
preclude pedestrian arcades or awnings from encroaching into the front yard
setback area."
Page III-2, ADD triple asterisks after Planning units numbered 2-1, 2-5,
2-6 and add a note at bottom of page which states, "***these properties
shall receive design review by Planning Commission regardless of Primary
Use or Secondary Use. The area shall exhibit a strong pedestrian emphasis.
11. Page IV-15. ADD a design guideline for parking which states, "the parking
area should be designed in a manner which links the building to street
sidewalk system as an extension of the pedestrian environment. This can be
accomplished by using design features such as walkways with enhanced
paving, trellis structures, and/or landscaping treatment.
Mi nutes
December 9, 1985
page si x
Page II-9 ADD a number 8 to read as follows:
8. Incentives for Plan Administration
Issue: What city assistance can be
provided to encourage
implementation of this Plan.
To encourage rapid rehabilitation of non-conforming structures and uses.
8.1 Rehabilitation of facades {including signage) of existing structures to
comply with design guidelines of this plan.
8.2 Improve vehicular inter-site circulation.
8.3 Maximization of pedestrian movement and access.
1. To make available to property owners, where possible, funding from the
redevelopment agency or other appropriate sources for rehabilitation.
McCarthy moved, White seconded to recommend to the City Council adoption of the First
Street Specific Plan by the adoption of Resolution No. 2288 with the amendments
discussed during the course of the public hearing and outlined above. Motion carried
Old Business
New Business
8. Oral Report on Council actions of December 2, 1985.
Presentation: Donald D. Lamm, Director of Community Development
Mi nutes
December 9, 1985
page 7
McCarthy questioned the status of Bryan Avenue striping study to designate four lanes
and left turns between Browning and Newport Avenue.
Baker requested the status of the culvert on Bryan (East Tustin).
Puckett wondered if there are any fortune telling businesses presently in Tusttn.
McCarthy moved, Baker seconded to adjourn at 10:25 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. on December 23,
1985 for a study session on East Tustin Specific Plan. The regularly scheduled
Planning Commission meeting will follow. Motion carried 5-0.
.~~OR~, Recor~ding Se~cretary
KATH~' ~EIL~ Chairman