HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Minutes 09-24-84 MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF lllE PLANNENG ~J))~IISSION OF ltlE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA September 24, 1984 The meeting was called to order by Chairman White at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chamber, 300 Centennial Way, Tustin, California. ROLL CALL Commissioners Present: Ronald White, Chairman Kathy Weil, Chairman Pro Tem Charles Puckett James Sharp John J. McCarthy Commissioners Absent: Also present: None Donald D. Lamm, Director of Community Development Alan Warren, Senior Planner Mary Ann Chamberlain, Associate Planner Edward M. Knight, Associate Planner Jeff Davis, Assistant Planner Suzanne Atkins, Deputy City Attorney Donna Orr, Administrative Secretary PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE/INVOCATION The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Commissioner Invocation was given by Commissioner Puckett. MINUTES McCarthy and the Moved by Commissioner Sharp, second by Puckett to approve the minutes of the Joint Meeting with the City Council on September 10, 1984. 5-0 Moved by Commissioner Weil, second by Sharp to approve the minutes of the Planning Commission meeting September 11, 1984. 5-0 PUBLIC CONCERNS None. CONSENT CALENDAR Per Chairman White's request, the Commission considered each Consent Calendar item separately. 1. Resolution No. 84-2177, Pacific Bell Telephone Company. Moved by Sharp, second by Puckett to approve Resolution 84-2177. 5-0 Planning Commission Minutes September 24, 1984 page two 2. Temporary Use Permit 84-1; Prescott Firewood storage on E1Camino Real. Moved by Sharp, second by Well to approve Temporary Use Permit 84-1 and to make correction to Staff Report to reflect the wood be removed by March 24, 1985. 5-0 CONTINUED PUBLIC HEARINGS 1. VARIANCE 84-1 Applicant: Location: Request: James R. Lindsey 653 South "B" Street authorization to vary from Section 9495 of the Tustin City Code to permit one (1) sign in excess of the maximum area allowed, and to permit one (1) sign not otherwise allowed by Section 9495. Presentation: Jeff Davis, Assistant Planner Jeff Davis presented staff's recommendation as contained in Report to Planning Commission dated September 24, 1984. Chairman White opened the public hearing at 7:37 p.m. The following person spoke in favor of Variance 84-1. James Lindsey, applicant, explained the reason he is requesting a continuance is that they are having trouble getting information from their sign company. He would like to make a revised submission. Seeing no one else wishing to speak, Chairman White closed the public hearing at 7:39 p.m. Commissioner Sharp moved, Well second to continue to next regularly scheduled meeting. 5-0 PUBLIC HEARINGS 1. USE PERMIT 84-15 AND TENTATIVE TRACT NO. 12273 Applicant: Location: Request: Khan Associates on behalf of Sik Wong 15582 South "B" Street authorization to construct six (6) residential condominiums. Tentative Tract Map No. 11273 has been filed in conjunction with Use Permit 84-15 for the purpose of creating a one lot subdivision for condominium purposes. Presentation: Jeff Davis, Assistant Planner Jeff Davis presented staff's recommendation as contained in Report to the Planning Commission dated September 24, 1984. Planning Commission Minutes September 24, 1984 page three Chairman White opened the public hearing at 7:45 p.m. Seeing no one wishing to speak he closed the hearing at 7:46 p.m. Commissioner Well moved, Sharp second to approve Use Permit 84-15 and Tentative Tract Map 12273 with the conditions contained in the staff report plus the following amendments: 1) the site plan must agree with the tentative tract map in regard to the location of public improvements; and 2) that the driveway be widened to 25 feet. 5-0 2. USE PERMIT 84-16 AND PARCEL MAP 84-1027 Applicant: Location: Request: Tustin Community Hospital 14662 Newport Blvd. authorization to construct a medical office building of 57,000 square feet in area adjacent to the hospital, after acquiring adjacent property from Tustin Block, Inc. subdivided by Parcel Map No. 84-1027. Presentation: Alan Warren, Senior Planner Alan Warren presented staff's recommendation as contained in Report to Planning Commission dated September 24, 1984. Commission discussion ensued concerning the formula for the parking standards, revenue generated by the project and potential traffic generated. Chairman White opened the public hearing at 8:05 p.m. The following people spoke in favor of the project: Brent Jorgeson, Vice President of Operations with Health Care Iht'l, which owns Tustin Community Hospital, covered three topics: 1) background of Health Care Int'l; 2) plans for improvement of the hospital and the development of the office building; and 3) answer questions from the Commission. They are trying to create an image as a medical center, not just a hospital. The office building will have three different types of uses: 1) physician office space; 2) ambulatory and community services; and 3) retail {florist, pharmacy and medical supply). The are puchasing the Tustin Block Company property to add parking. He then discussed the supplemental data in response to the staff report he distribited prior to the meeting. Commissioner Puckett questioned the 177 stall difference between the parking accommodations submittal and staff recommendation. Larry Stanfield, architect for the project, explained the difference in parking ratios being leaseable physician office space, gross retail space and medical services and medical office building. They surveyed other cities requirements and the existing demand. Planning Commission Minutes September 24, 1984 page four He further explained that the 23,000 square feet of retail and medical services is not all use space. Included are corridors, lobby, and mechanical space. At 23,000 x 1 parking space per thousand square feet = 23 spaces. Those combined with the 109 required for hospitals = 338. They are proposing 400 on site parking spaces. Mark Ainslie, concerned citizen, raised the following points in support of the project: during the hospital renovation the bed count will reduce from 170 to 140; there is about 10,000 s.f. on the first floor for retail which should fall under the office standards. Seeing no one further wishing to speak, Chairman White closed the public hearing at 8:30 a.m. Commission discussion ensued concerning the reduction of beds. Mr. Jorgeson explained that the facility is licensed for 203 beds. The actual beds in operation are nearer 170 consisting of 3 beds per room. The proposal is to change it to semi-private and private rooms. They could not agree to reduce below the license capacity for loan purposes. The practical operating ratio is a reduced number from 170. The biggest difference between the staff analysis and the architect's is that if you tie the zoning requirement of 1/1000 s.f. they have 109,000 s.f. That is where the 109 came from. Mr. Stanfield explained their survey revealed there is daily demand of 220 spaces including staff, visitors, doctors, etc. This medical office building will be tied to the hospital and there will be overlapping; doctors don't need two spaces to park one car. Commissioner Well moved, McCarthy second approval of Use Permit 84-16 and Parcel Map 1027 to include square footage generation factors. 5-0 3. USE PERMIT 84-18 Applicant: Location: Request: William Zappas E1Camino Plaza Shopping Center authorization to construct an additional 11,000 square feet of retail, commercial and office area. Presentation: Mary Ann Chamberlain, Associate Planner Ms. Chamberlain presented staff's recommendation as contained in Report to Planning Commission dated September 24, 1984 Chairman White opened the public hearing at 8:48 p.m. The following person spoke in favor of Use Permit 84-18: William Zappas, owner of the property, commented that parking has never been a problem for this center. Planning Commission Minutes September 24, 1984 page fi ve Seeing no one further wishing to speak, Chairman White closed the public hearing at 8:52 p.m. Commission discussion ensued concerning future parking demands. Chairman White asked that the flags at the boatyard located in the center be removed. Commissioner Sharp moved, Puckett second to approve Use Permit 84-18. 5-0 4. GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT 84-4A - LAND USE ELEMENT AMENDMENT Applicant: Location: Request: Daniel O'Connor on behalf of Corniche Development Co. 1372 Irvine Blvd. an amendment to the Tustin Area General Plan - Land Use Element, changing portions of the property's designation from Public and Institutional to Professional Office (PR). Presentation: Ed Knight, Associate Planner Mr. Knight presented staff's recommendation as contained in Report to Planning Commission dated September 24, 1984. He added that tonight the General Plan Amendment by itself would not allow any entitlement, although it should be noted that because the land use and zoning would have to be in conformance, the zone change would have to be changed if a designation is given. If specific controls or requirements are contemplated by the Commission they are best suited under the zoning action. The real meat of discussion tonight is that if this use with all the controls and conditions can be suitable. Chairman White opened the public hearing at g:O0 p.m. The following person spoke: Raymond Drummond, 12961 Keith Place, objected to the possible noise level increase. He requested sound attenuation measures be implemented. Seeing no one else wishing to speak, Chairman White closed the hearing at 9:02 p.m. Commissioner Sharp moved, McCarthy second to approve GPA 84-4A. 4-0 (Puckett abstained). 5. GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT 84-4B - LAND USE ELEMENT AMENDMENT Applicant: Request: Tustin City Council amending the Land Use Element of the Tustin Area General Plan for various properties located throughout the City of Tustin. Presentation: Ed Knight, Associate Planner Planning Commission Minutes September 24, 1984 page si x Mr. Knight presented staff's recommendation as contained in Report to Planning Commission dated September 24,1984. Chairman White opened the public hearing at 9:06 p.m. Seeing no one wishing to speak, he closed the hearing at 9:07 p.m. Commissioner Puckett moved, Sharp second adoption of Resolution 2180. 6. GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT 84-4C - REVISED OPEN SPACE AND CONSERVATION 5-0 ELEMENT A combined and revised Open Space and Conservation Element that addresses the conservation, development utilization of natural resources for the City of Tustin. Programs and plans are proposed that wfll conserve, maintain,and assure the continued availability of land for the production of food and fiber, for the enjoyment of scenic beauty, for recreation, and for the use of natural resources. Don Lamm presented staff's recommendation as contained in Report to Planning Commission dated September 24, 1984. Chairman White opened the public hearing at 9:12 p.m. Seeing no one wishing to speak, he closed the hearing at 9:13 p.m. Commissioner Sharp moved, Puckett second to adopt GPA 84-4C as submitted and send it to the City Council for approval. 3-2, Well + Puckett opposed to allow input from Irvine Company. 7. GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT 84-4D - NEW RECREATION ELEMENT A new optional element of the city General Plan indicating a comprehensive system of areas and public sites for recreation. Programs are opposed that address the community-wide needs and requirements for recreational areas. Royleen White presented staff's recommendation as contained in Report to Planning Commission dated September 24, 1984. Commissioner Puckett moved, McCarthy second to adopt GPA 84-4D. 4-~, Well opposed to allow input from Irvine Company. ADMINISTRATIVE MATTERS A. OLD BUSINESS 1. Revised Arco Station St~nage Plan. Presentation: Alan Warren, Senior Planner Planning Commission Minutes September 24, 1984 Page seven Alan Warren presented staff's recommendation as contained in Report to Planning Commission dated September 24, 1984. Commissioner Weil moved, Sharp second to approve the Revised Master Sign Plan and adopt Resolution 2178. 5-0 2. Report on Zoning Ordinance Amendment 84-2 - Dish Antenna Presentation: Don Lamm, Director Don Lamm explained that the requested booklet has not arrived. Chairman White, by order of the chair, continued consideration of this item until the booklet requested by the Commission arrives. 3. Design Review, 2701 Dow Avenue: Industrial Building. Presentation: Ed Knight, Associate Planner Mr. Knight presented staff recommendation as contained in Report to Planning Commission dated September 24, 1984. Commissioner Well moved, Puckett second to receive and file. S-O. B. NEW BUSINESS 1. Report on Council Actions - September 17, 1984 Presentation: Don Lamm, Director of Community Development 2. Building Department Status Report. Presentation: Alan Warren, Senior Planner COI~ISSION CONCERNS Commissioner Sharp expressed a concern with future signage of Tustin Community Hospital. Chairman White repeated his concern with flags at the boatyard ADJOURNMENT Commissioner Sharp moved, Weil second to adjourn at 9:53 p.m. to their next regularly scheduled meeting October 8, 1984, 5-0 /, DONNA ORR, Recording Secretary RONALD H. WHITE, Chairman