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PC Minutes 10-24-83
MINUTES OF A REGULAR I~?ETING OF THE PLANNING COI~ISSION OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA October' 24, 1983 The meeting was called to order' by Chairman Sharp at 7:40 p.m. in the Council Chambers, 300 Centennial Way, Tustin, California. The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Commissioner' Ainslie and the Invocation was given by Commissioner' White. ROLL CALL Comml ssi oners Present: Commi ssi oners Absent: A1 so present: James B. Sharp, Chairman Ronald White, Chaiman Pro Tern Mark Ainslie Charles Puckett Kathy Wei 1 Donald D. Lamm, Director of Community Development Jeff Davis, Assistant Planner' Lydia Levin, Deputy City Attorney MINUTES It was moved by White, seconded by Ainslte, to approve the minutes of the regular' meeting hel'd O~'tobe'r 10, 198'3 as submitted. Motion carried, 3-0. PUBLIC CONCERNS None. CONSEIIT CALENDAR 1. Adoption of Resolution No. 2119 - Pre-Zone 83-1 It was mo~edl~iWhite, seconded by Ainslie, adoption of Resolution No. 2119. Motion carried, 3-0. 2. A~option of Resolution No. 2120 It was moved by White, seconded by Ainslie, adoption of Resolution No. 2120. Motion' Carried, 2L1, Sharp opposed. CONTINUED PUBLIC HEARINGS 1. TENTATIVE TRACT NO. 12018 Applicant: Location: Request: Richard Pierce Properties at the southeasterly cornet' of Warren Avenue and Holt Avenue (Annexation No. 133 area) Authorize subdivision of the property for townhome purposes After presentation of the staff report and staff's recommendation to continue the hearing to the next regular meeting, Chairman Sharp opened the public hearing at 7:44 p.m. Seeing no one wishing to speak on the matter', it was moved by White, seconded ~y Ainslie, to continue the public hearing to the next regular meeting. Motion carried, 3-0. PUBLIC HEARINGS 1. VARIANCE 83-8 Applicant: Location: Request: Systems Engineering and Construction Co. on behalf of Walter J. Fredericksen 545 South "B" Street Authorization to develop a five-unit apartment commplex and vary from the minim~n lot frontage of the Multiple-Family Residential (R-3) district. © 4 Planning Commission Minutes October 24, 1983 Page 2 Don Lanm presented staff's report and recommendation to accept withdrawal of the application pending correct public notification of the project. It was moved b Ainslie, seconded b Shar , to accept withdrawal of the applicat on or ar ante - t on carried, 3-0. 2. USE PERMIT 83-21 Applicant: Robert Ridgway Location: 185 Myrtle Ave. Request: Authorization to construct a guest house without kitchen facilities After presentation of the staff report by Jeff Davis, Chairman Sharp opened the public hearing at 7:51 p.m. Seeing no one wishing to speak, Chairman Sharp closed the public hearing at 7:52 p.m. Commissioner White asked if fire sprinklers were required. Don Lamm stated that staff would work with the Fire Department to determine requirements. It was moved White, seconded b Ainslie, adoption of Resolution No. 2118, approv ng se erm t - ,amen ing Condition #1 to change "as" to "if" and add "or an alternative system". Motion carried, 3-0. ADMINISTRATIVE MATTERS 1. Old Business None. 2. New Business 1. Workshop - Multiple Zone Standards Workshop conducted after adjournment of regular meeting. STAFF CONCERNS 1. Departmental Status Report Received and filed. 2. Report on Council Actions - October 17, 1983 Received and filed. COMMISSION CONCERNS None. ADJOURM~ENT: at 8:06 to a workshop session and thence to the next regu ar meeting on November 14, 1983. ames B. arp, C a rman ~, ~~ ~ A~ ~ ~ i anet ester Recording Secretary