HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Minutes 03-14-83TUSTIN PLANNING COMMISSION Minutes of Regular Meeting March 14, 1983 The Planning Commission held a regular meeting Monday, March 14, 1983, at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the City Hall, 300 Centennial Way, Tustin, California. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Sharp at 7:31 p.m. The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Mrs. Weil and the invocation given by Mr. Puckett. ROLL CALL Present: Sharp, Ainslie, Puckett, Weil, White Absent: None A1 so present: R.K. Fleagle, D.P.A., Acting Community Dev. Director Alan Warren, Senior Planner Mary Ann Chamberlain, Associate Planner Jeff Davis, Assistant Planner James Rourke, City Attorney Janet Hester, Recording Secretary MINUTES The minutes of the regular meeting held February 28, 1983 were approved as submitted with Chairman Sharp and Mr. Puckett abstaining. CONTINUED PUBLIC HEARINGS: 1. REVISED TENTATIVE TRACT NO. 11582 Applicant: Loc ati on: Request: Smitley & Associates on behalf of Mark Ainslie et. al. 1082-1112 San Juan Street Authorization to revise Tentative Tract No. 11582 from a one-lot condominium to twenty-seven (27) numbered and twenty-seven (27) numbered/lettered lots for a townhouse development. Commissioner Ainslie stepped down from the dais and abstained from participation in discussion or the vote to avoid a conflict of interest as the property owner. Mary Ann Chamberlain presented the staff report, informing the Commission that condition II (6) of Resolution No. 2080 regarding abandonment of a portion of San Juan Street was to be deleted and that a change was to be made in condition II (9). Chairman Sharp opened the Public Hearing at 7:38 p.m. and seeing no one wishing to speak, closed the Public Hearing at 7:38 p.m. The Commission determined that the revised tentative tract map substantially conforms to the intent of theoriginal tentative map approved August, 1982. Moved by Mr. Puckett, seconded by Mrs. Well, adoption of amended Resolution No. 2080 recommending to the City Council approval of Second Revised Tentative Tract Map No. 11582. Motion carried: 4-0 AYES: SHARP, PUCKETT, WEIL, WHITE NOES: None ABSENT: None ABSTAIN: AINSLIE Planning Commission Minutes March 14, 1983 Page 2 CONTINUED PUBLIC HEARINGS (cont.) 2. USE PERMIT 83-1 Applicant: Location: Request: Mr. & Mrs. James Lindsey 643 South "B" Street Authorization to add 2,277 square feet of office space to an existing office structure With the presentation of the staff report, Alan Warren stated that the applicant was attempting to resolve design and financial concerns and had requested another continuance. In view of the fact someone may have attended the meeting to speak on this item, Chairman Sharp opened the Public Hearing at 7:44 p.m. Seeing no one wishing to speak, Chairman Sharp closed the Public Hearing at 7:44 p.m. Moved by Mr. Puckett, seconded by Mrs. Weil, to continue the Public Hearing for Use Permit 83-1 until the next regularly scheduled meeting. Motion carried: 5-0 AYES: NOES: ABSENT: SHARP, AINSLIE, PUCKETT, WEIL, WHITE None None PUBLIC HEARINGS: None. PUBLIC CONCERNS: None· OLD BUSINESS: Staff presented an interim report, as requested at the February 28 meeting by Commissioners Ainslie and White, on the parking situation at 6th and "B" Streets. Report received and filed. Commissioner White requested that Resolution No. 2082, approving Use Permit 83-2 (boat storage and sales on E1 Camino) be amended to include the following condition: Security lighting be provided as directed by the Commission at the February 28, 1983 meeting. Motion to amend carried unanimously. NEW BUSINESS: 1. San Juan Street Abandonment - this item was removed from the Agenda as requested by the City Engineer. 2. Temporary Use Permit - Church of Scientology (Balloon) After presentation of the staff report, the Co~nission recognized Mr. Steve Moline, 1581 Kenneth Drive, Santa Ana. He expressed opposition to such an advertising device near a residential area. Mr. Bruce White, Public Contact Secretary for the Church of Scientology, stated that the Church had followed proper procedure and should be allowed to display the balloon which was part of a nationwide advertising campaign. Mr. Ainslie expressed opposition to advertising near a residential area. After Commission discussion the following motion was made by Mr. White, seconded by Mr. Puckett: Planning Commission Minutes March 14, 1983 Page 3 1. the balloon be allowed to remain on display until April 5, 1983 (the expiration date of the temporary use permit); 2. the balloon to be displayed no higher than 10 feet above the roof line; 3. that the balloon be moved to the interior courtyard, away from the residential area; 4. that no further extensions or permits be granted to the subject location. Mrs. Weil requested the motion be amended to include the direction that staff draft revisions to the sign code with regard to advertising devices near residential areas. Mr. White and Mr. Puckett agreed to amend the motion. Motion carried: 4-1 AYES: NOES: ABSENT: SHARP, PUCKETT, WEIL, WHITE AINSLIE None STAFF CONCERNS: Dr. Fl eagle informed the Commission that a steering committee had been formed for the Irvine Land development and that Chairman Sharp had been appointed as the Commission representative. e Dr. Fleagle explained that the Council needs an expanded Action Agenda from the Commission to enable evaluating the rationale of Commission actions. 3. Tustin Commerce Center - Request for Approval of Revised Parking Plan. After Commission and staff discussion the Commission determined that a reduced parking count was justifiable by the following findings and was moved by Mrs. Weil, seconded by Mr. Puckett: 1. Design plans were modified to retain existing driveway approach as suggested by Council and Commission; 2. Parking requirements for 244 spaces were based on preliminary plot plans and proposed uses. 5 A calculation of parking requirements based on final plans of area, uses, Agency requirements, and code standards requires 235 parking spaces; 4. The revised plan proposes 236 spaces, 83 of ~ich are designated as compact car spaces (35%) as authorized by Council policy. Mr. White requested the motion be amended to include the condition that none of the parking spaces be reserved for the exclusive use of any single tenant. Mrs. Well and Mr. Puckett agreed to the amended motion. Motion carried: 5-0 AYES: NOES: ABSENT: COMMISSION CONCERNS: SHARP, AINSLIE, PUCKETT, WEIL, WHITE None None 1. The Commission welcomed Dr. Fleagle as the Acting Director. 2. Extension of Moratorium on Professional Development in Commercial Districts In response to questions from Commissioner Ainslie, Dr. Fleagle explained the procedure to be followed in extending the moratorium. Planning Commission Minutes March 14, 1983 Page 4 Commissioner Ainslie requested and the Commission concurred, that Dr. Fleagle communicate with the Mayor and arrange a general workshop with the Council. ADJOURNMENT: At 9:07 p.m. to the next regular meeting. Janet Hester Recording Secretary Jame§ B. Sharp, Chai~)~n