HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Minutes 09-15-80 TUSTIN PLANNING AGENCY Minutes of Regular Meeting September 15, 1980 The Planning Agency held a regular meeting Monday, September 15, 1980, in the Council Chambers of the Tusfin City Hall, 300 Centennial Way, Tustin, California. The meefin9 was called to order by Chairman Salfarelli at 3 p.m. The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Mr. Hoesterey and the invocation was given by Mr. Salfarelli. ROLL CALL Present: Chairman Saltarelli; Agency members: Hoesterey, Edgar, Sharp, and Kennody Absent: None Also present: Mike Brofemarkle, Community Development Director Ed Knight, Associate Planner James Rourke, City Attorney (3:20 p.m.) Midge Mehl, Recording Secretary MI NUTE ~; The minutes of the meeting held September 2, 1980 were approved as written, with Mr. Salfarelli abstaining from the vote of approval, and with the waiving of reading same. PUBLIC HEARINGS Use Permit 80-18 Applicant: Local i on: Request: Venture 17662 17662 Irvine Boulevard To subdivide an existing office building into 23 saleable office units, Mr. Brofemarkle said this building was constructed in 1972 and satisfies the parking requirements based upon one space per 300 square feet, however, the parking provided does not satisfy minimum requirements for medical offices. Ho said this project would meet all the building codo requiremonfs as office condominiums. He said staff's main concern is the area of parking. The pro- ject, with 25 units and a total of 45 parking spaces, is approximately 2 park- ing spaces per saleable unit. Tho CC&Rs should recognize the need fo establish a mechanism to equitably allocate parking among tenants and owners to avoid future problems. He said the CC&Rs should also reflect the PR sign standards and stipulate specifically what fhoso sign provisions would bo. Further, the CC&Rs should prohibit the use of the structure for any medical, retail corn- mercial, or eafin9 establishments. Ho said start saw little problem with the proposal and would recommend approval. Mr. Edgar questioned the access easement. He said he didn't see that re- flected in the resolution. Mr. Brofemarkle said fhaf would be reflected in Tentative Tract Map. Mrs. Kennedy asked if there was to be no public parking. Mr. Bro[emarkle said depending upon how the parking spaces were allocated, they could allocate one space per unit for sole use by the owner with perhaps all the other spaces being open for general public parking. He said there are a number of ways to solve the problem. He said there had been no parking problems of a major sort at this particular location. Mr. Salfarelli asked the size of the condominiums within the building. Planning Agency Minutes - September 15, 1980 page 2. Mr. Brofemarkle said he didn't think they would be selling 23 individual units because they are only 500 square feet in size. He said the applicant had not indicated whether these would be executive-type suites or not. Chairman Salfarolli declared the public hearing open and asked if there was anyone who wished fo speak in favor or opposition fo Use Permit No. 80-18. Mr. Earl Gross, the developer, said this project was not going fo be an executive-type suite. The modules, as they are classified, for the subdivision are only for convenience purposes to utilize the walls as they basically now exist. Mr. Salfarelli asked what typo of user was expected to purchase these units. Mr. Gross said probably the small self-employed business man, probably attorneys and certified public accot;ntants. He said he had another similar proJect in sanl'a Aha and that is where 90~ of their use is. In reference fo the parking allocation concept, he said over the years their experience had been if you have a large amount of assigned parking you have some disastrous problems. The main one being lack of adequate public parking then the public parks in assigned spaces. The concept of having some assigned parking is useful, but if you do foe much of it you actually might be contrary fo the concept of zoning. There followed a discussion concerning the uses which would be permitted in the prelect and the parking spaces being controlled by the CC&Rs o¢ the Association. Mr. Robert Hall said he owned two office buildings across the street from the subject prelect and he wanted to comment on the parking. He said it was their experience with i space for every 300 square feet that large tenants with b,O00-4,000 square roof, with no assigned parking, created a full parking lot for a few years. As those leases expired, however, we converted over fo attorneys, CPA firms, etc. who wanted smaller offices and the parking problem solved itself. You can go out there almost any time during the day and find parking spaces. He said they had 60,000 square feet and we have no problem with parking with the type of tenants we now have. There being no one else who wished to speak in favor or opposition, Chairman Salfarelli declared the hearing closed and asked the pleasure of the Agency. MOTION by Sharp, SECONDED by Kennedy, to approve Use Permit 80-18 in confor- mance with the conditions of Resolution No. 1915, but with item II.B.6 re- worded fo state: "...prohibition of the use of any unit for medical, retail commercial, eating establishments, or other uses requiring more than one space per 300 square feet of building area." Discussion was held on possible amendment to the motion fo delete condition ll.B.2 on parking. Mr. Edgar said he thought it could be left up fo the CC&Rs. Mr. Salfarelli said he agreed with thai. He said ho thought some condition should remain. Mrs. Kennedy agreed, but felt the current condition was too specific. Mr. Brofemarkle said staff felt that the CC&Rs should address the parking issue, but could be more general. He suggested the Agency request staff to re-write condition II.B.2 fo indicate that "the mechanisms of allocating parking shall bo included in the CC&Rs." The Chairman, with the approval of the Agency, so ordered. AYES: Hoesferey, Edgar, Sharp, Kennedy, and Salfarelli NOES: None Mrs. Kennedy said she realized another study would be a burden to staff, but she requested thai a survey be made of the city fo see what the problem is with the parking standards. She said we now identify an insurancecompany as a high user of parking spaces, but they still only are required to meet professional office standards. We need to differentiate between users as fo parking use intensify moro adequately. She said she would like fo have a date when this Planning Agency Minutes - September 15, 1980 page 3. report would be available. Mr. Brofemarkle said staff was trying to include that in the overall parking ordinance consideration, but we could accelerate fhaf particular consideration. He said the basic problem the staff has identified had been in the hearing, alluded to a single user who often takes up large useable areas in a single building and has a greater density of employees or a small use which under- estimates ifs growth potential and as if expands makes uso of a fixed amount of area. Mr. Saltarelli said he was swayed by that argument a bit, but agreed with Mrs. Kennedy. If you are converting fo a condominium project as opposed fo a single ownership, you need to be certain that there are adequate parking spaces pro- vided for the general public's use. Obviously, in a place that is already built there is little opportunity fo add space. He said he felt that within thirty days a report should be made available fo the Agency. OLD BUSINESS ~solufion No. 1914 - Formal Finding for Recreational Facilities Chairman Saflarelli said this concerned the property located at 14841Yorba Street, and a request was heard af the last meeting fo approve a private recreational facility within an additional office space, without the requirement of additional parking spaces. MOTION by Edgar, SECONDED by Saltarelli, to approve Resolution No. 1914. Mrs. Kennedy questioned item II.B. of Resolution No. 1914, saying she felt if not in keeping with the concept the Planning Agency had approved. Mr. Brotemarkle said staff felt the primary issue was sale of membership or use by outside persons and that use by family members and/or customers might be acceptable. Mr. Hoesterey said he recalled that when this was discussed at the last meeting the impression was for tenant only use, but the resolution would open if up fo customers, family members, etc. He didn't feel this was what the Agency had in mind. Mrs. Kennedy said present parking is at maximum and including customers, friends, and family members fo use these recreational facilities was not the concept of the Agency. Mrs. Kennedy said she would offer a SUBSTITUTE MOTION that an amended resolution be brought back fo the Agency at their next meeting. Mr. Salfarelli SECONDED the substitute motion. Chairman Salfarelli said the thing that concerned him was the "office complex." He said if it had said "industrial building" he would have no problem. He felt more control was necessary fo stop areas from being declared recreation which in fact generate a need for more parking. Mr. Brofemarkle recommended fhaf the resolution be modified based on the dis- cussion, and brought back to the next meeting. Chairman Salfarelli asked for a vote on the substitute motion. AYES: Hoesterey, Edgar, Sharp, Kennedy, and Saltarelli NOES: None Chairman Saltarelli said the motion carried, therefore, it removed the first motion from the table and a new resolution would be brought back to the Agency af the next meeting. Planning Agency Minutes - September 15, 1980 page 4. NEW BUSINESS Tentative Tract Mae No. 11265 (Resolution No. 1916). Mr. Edgar asked if this resolution was fo ratiCy what had been approved earlier. Mr. Salfarelli said yes. MOTION by Edgar, SECONDED by Kennedy, fo approve Tentative Tract Map No. 11265 by the adoption of Resolution No. 1916. AYES: Hoe~lerey, Edgar, Sharp, Kennedy, and Saltarelli NOES: None PUBLIC CONCERNS None STAFF CONCERNS None AGENCY CONCERNS None AD¢OURNA~NT There being no Curfher business 1'o come be¢ore the Agency, Chairman Saltarelli declared the meeting adjourned at 3:40 ing to be held October 6, 1980. M, I- Mehl Recording Secretary p.m. fo meet again for a regular meet- D~nald J. ,~/,¢/tarelli Chairman