HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Minutes 08-04-80 TUSI'IN PLANNING AGENCY
Minutes of Regular Meeting
August 4, 1980
The Planning Agency held a reglar meeting Monday, August 4, 1980, in the
Council Chambers of the Tusfin City Hall, 300 Centennial Way, Tusfin, Cali-
The meeting was called fo order by Chairman Saltarelli at 3:05 p.m.
The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Mrs. Kennedy and the invocation was given
by Mr. Salfarelli.
Chairman Salfarelli; Agency members:
and Kennedy
Hoesferey, Edgar, Sharp,
Abeenf: None
Also present:
Mike Brofemarkle, Community Development Director
Dan Blankenship, City Administrator
James Rourke, City Attorney
Midge Mehl, Recording Secretary
Chairman Salfarelli said fhaf Mrs. Kennedy would read a letter of commendation.
Mrs. Kennedy said that two years ago the City of Tustin recognized the Rape
Clinic in Orange County and had given support fo the clinic whose functions are
nearing an end in the County. Two police officers have been singled out and
recognized with special awards for the help and sensitivity to the rape crisis
as it exists for rape victims. She read the letter from the Director of the
crisis clinic, Ms. Dee Spring, recognizing Lf. William Hull and Agent Jim Hein.
She further stated that duo fo federal funding running out the clinic would be
closing ifs doors as of October 1, 1980 and Orange County would be without such
a clinic.
Chairman Salfarelli, after Ms. Spring conveyed her gratitude to the City for ifs
support for the past two and one-half years, commended Ms. Spring for the fine
work the crisis clinic had performed and thanked her for recognizing the Tustin
Police Department officers.
The minutes of the meeting held July 21, 1980 were approved as written, with
the waivin9 of readin9 same.
Permit No. 80-17
Local i on:
Taylor's Restaurant
1542 Laguna Road
Addition to restaurant fo be used as an amusement facility.
Mr. Brofemarkle stated that the 300 square foot game room was for the purpose
of providing a diversion for patrons that are waiting to be seated in the rest-
aurant. He said no additional parking spaces would be required. This request
is similar in nature fo two previous use permits and the same conditions would
be attached fo the resolution of approval. Staff recommends approval of Use
Permit 80-17 by the adoption of Resolution No. 1908, substantially as drafted.
Chairman Salfarelli declared the public hearing open and asked if there was
anyone fo speak in favor or opposition fo Use Permit 80-17.
Mrs. Kennedy asked if staff thought the electronic games would attract people
other than those waiting fo be seated for dining purposes, thus creating a
traffic impact.
Mr. Brofemarkle said there more likely might be more foot traffic generated by
juveniles; if a problem arose if would be regulated by City Code and the Use
Permit could be revoked without a hearing upon recammendation of the Police
Planning Agency
Minutes - August 4, 1980
page 2.
There being no one fo speak Chairman Salfarolli declared the public hearing
closed and asked if the Agency had any questions.
MOTION by Saltarelli, SECONDED by Edgar, fo approve Use Permit 80-17 in
accordance with staff recommendations and Resolution No. 1908.
Hoesferey, Edgar, Sharp, Kennedy, and Salfarelli
NOES: None
Variance 80-13
Joseph Mason on behalf of Tustin Village Mobile Homes
15352 Williams Street
To add an additional mobile home space in an existing mobile
home park.
Mr. Brofemarkle said the applicant desired fo expand the non-conforming
mobile home park from 199 mobile home spaces fo 200 spaces. Staff has no strong
feelings regarding this request either pro or con, as it is rather minute in the
total scope of the mobile home park. The lot is an unsightly paved lot which
has outlived ifs useful purpose. Staff leaves the decision fo the pleasure
of the Agency.
Mrs. Kennedy said she had read fhaf they once dried clothes in that location,
but now they were not. She asked where they were now drying clothes.
Mr. Brofemarkle said they probably have dryer facilities in their laundry room.
Mr. Hoesterey asked if the lot would be the same size as other lots for
mobile homes.
Mr. Brotemarkle said it would be slightly larger.
Chairman Salfarelli declared the public hearing open and asked if there was
anyone who wished fo speak in favor or opposition fo Variance 80--13.
Mr. Les Frame, owner of the park, said he had purchased the park in 1972 and
used the lot for storage, but if became unsightly and he closed if down. He
said the tenants requested that he convert this lot to a mobile home pad fo make
the park more attractive.
There being no one else to speak, Chairman Salfarelli declared the public
hearing closed.
MOTION by Edgar, SECONDED by Sharp, to approve Variance 80-13 in accordance with
tho conditions as outlined by the staff.
Mrs. Kennedy said that when this park annexed if was over the allowable density
and she didn't feel that it should be compounded by adding another lot. She
felt if could be an open space area with landscaping. She would, therefore,
oppose the motion.
Mr. Hoesferey said after viewing the way the park is laid out he felt the re-
quest was justified and tho lot was foe small fo have any meaning as open
Hoesferey, Edgar, Sharp, and Salfarelli
NOES: Kennedy
Use Permit 80-16
Kornland Building
730 El Camino Way
To develop an office condominium of 28 units.
Planning Agency
Minutes - August 4, 1980
page 3.
Mr. Brofemarkle said this is the last site on El Camino Way before the freeway
on-ramp and is currently a truck rental agency. The proposal is fo construct
a three-story 19,200 square foot office condominium with two stories above a
parking area. Plans had been reviewed by staff and meet all C-2 zoning re-
quirements. The reason for a use permit is that all condominium developments
require such action. He stated staff would recommend approval of Use Permit
No. 80-16 by the adoption of Resolution No. 1907.
Discussion was held concerning traffic; the height of the building; the shop-
ping center alleyway; and retention of the gasoline pump.
Chairman Saltarelli declared the public hearing open and asked if there was
anyone fo sp6ak in favor or opposition to Use Permit 80-16. There being no one
fo speak, Chairman Salfarelli declared the public hearing closed and asked if
the Agency had any comments.
Discussion was held concerning sign visibility for the shopping center; ade-
quacy of wafer pressure; and installation of a new 3" line; setbacks; parking
requirements; and Fire Department review.
To Mrs. Kennedy's question if the CC&Rs prohibited sale of more than one condo-
minium unit fo the same party, staff responded no. Staff responded affirmatively
fo Mr. Salfarelli's question if separate building permits would bo required for
each individual unit modification or fo combine units in the future.
Discussion concerning the proposed gasoline tank; the users of it; replenishing
of gasoline; and approvals by the County Fire Marshal ensued. If was the
consensus fhaf additional conditions in this regard might be appropriate.
MOTION by Saltarelli, SECONDED by Sharp, fo approve Use Permit 80-16 with the
stipulation that all code requirements be met for the proposed gasoline pump
location; fhaf if meet all Safety Codes; fhaf the CC&Rs prohibit the use of the
gasoline pump for anyone other than owners of condominium and their employees;
fhaf if not be used for commercial purposes; and fhaf if was determined that if
the gasoline tank would have fo be removed, additional parking spaces be placed
in that location.
Hoesterey, Edgar, Sharp, Kennedy, and Salfarelli
NOES: None
Tentative Tract MaD No. 11185
Kornland Building
730 El Camino Way
Subdivision map for condominium purposes,
Mr. Brotemarkle said this was the implementing map Eor Use Permit 80-16, lust
approved by the Agency.
MOTION by Sharp, SECONDED by Edgar, to approve Tentative Tract Map No. 11185.
Hoesterey, Edgar, Sharp, Kennedy, and Saltarelli
NOES: None
Planning Agency
Minutes - August 4, 1980
page 4.
Mr. Sharp said he had read in the paper that the Governor had vetoed the bill
that would have put us in a poor position on removal of billboards, and that
should help us.
Mr. Saltarelli noticed there had been a problem af Centennial Park where some
vandalism had occurred to the liquid fertilizing tanks which spilled info
tho picnic grove and a lot immediately behind it, causing some vegetation and
trees fo die. He asked staff to review attempts to reimburse the property
owner. He said he had spoken with Mr. West who had several vandalisms occur
in that area of Centennial Park and he felt that some type of authorization
should be looked info fo totally enclose it.
There being no further business to come before the Planning Agency, Chairman
Salfarelli declared the meeting adjourned af 3:44 p.m., fo meet again for a
regular meeting fo be held August 18, 1980.
nald J. Salfarelli//
Richard B, Edgar
Vice Chairman
M.I. Mehl
Recording Secretary