HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Minutes 05-05-80 TUSTIN PLANNING AGENCY Minutes of Regular and Continued Meetings May 5, 1980 The Planning Agency held a regular meeting Monday, May 5, 1980 in the Council Chambers of the Tusfin City Hall, 300 Centennial Way, Tusfin, California. The meeting was called to order at 3:02 p.m. by Chairman Saltarelli. The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Mr. Edgar and the invocation was given by Mr. Hoesferey. ROLL CALL Present: Chairman Saltarelli; Agency members: Hoesferey, Edgar, and Sharp (3:15 p.m.) Absent: Kennedy Also present: Mike Brofemarkle, Community Development Director Dan Blankenship, City Administrator Alan Warren, Senior Planner James Rourke, City Attorney Midge Mehl, Recording Secretary MINUTES The minutes of tho meeting held April 21, 1980 were approved as written, with the waiving of readin9 same. INITIAL PUBLIC HEARINGS Zoning Amendment 80-2 Applicant: Location: Request: The Irvine Company Walnut Avenue on the north; Franklin Avenue on the east; and the future Jamboree Road on the west. To permit additional uses in the Neighborhood Commercial Zone fo include retail sales and service, office uses, and in- dustrial/support commercial. Mr. Hoesferey said he had received a couple of requests fo continue this matter to the 7:30 p.m. meefin9. Mr. Brotemarkle said staff had not received such requests, however, if if was the Agency's desire the public hearing could be opened, testimony taken from those present, and then the hearing continued until this evening. Chairman Salfarelli declared the public hearing open and asked if there was anyone to speak in favor or opposition. Mr. Karl Middlefon, representing The Irvine Company, explained their proposal and the various uses it would contain. Chairman Saltarelli asked if he had any objections fo the hearing being con- tinued until 7:30 p.m. this date. Mr. Middleton said no. There being no one else fo speak at this time, Chairman Saltarelli asked the pleasure of the Agency. MOTION by Hoesterey, SECONDED by Sharp, to continue the public hearing on Zoning Amendment 80-2 until 7:30 p.m. this date. AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Hoesterey, Edgar, Sharp, and Salfarelli None Kennedy Planning Agency Minutes - April 5, 1980 page 2. Am~ndmHnf to U~e Permit 78-18 Applicant: Location: Request: L.C. "Bob" Albertson, Jr. 1101-1181 Packers Circle To amend item 2-b.lO of Resolu[ion No. 1776 fo authorize resi- dents 18 years and older in the Village Homes Condominiums. Mr. Brofemarkle presented the staff report. If was pointed out that the project comparison with Woodbridge Village Greens might not be germane as if was a Iovw-moderate income project with a median income of $22,000 as compared to a minimum income of $34,000 required for fha Village HOmes purchase. Chairman Salfarelli declared the public hearing open and asked if there was anyone fo spcak in favor or opposition. Mr. Bob Alberfson, representing Village Homes, said the condominiums were not selling well because people in the 50 year and older category found fha units foe small or foe expensive; younger singles have shown an interest to purchase, and the price had been substantially lowered so young singles would now bo able fo purchase. He said if was not their intent to ask for less parking, but in farms of generating more parking inside the area it's a liflle more complicated than just removing curbs and gutters; if would also impact the landscaping in- stalled to create fha open space. He said Mark Grimm of Market Profiles would present any research information tho Agency would desire. Mr, alfarelli asked if the price reductions had been passed on to those who had already purchased. Mr. Alberfson said yes. Mr. Mark Grin~n of Market Profiles said their study included an analysis of the Woodbridge Village Green project in Irvine; this project being similar in nature fo Village Homes and they felt [ho parking demand was similar foe. There followed a discussion regarding parking; disposable income of residents; the number of spaces required; and the possible locations for additional parkin9, Mr. Albcrfson said they could generate about 238 spaces by going inlo the land- scaped area. Chairman Salfarelli pointed out this would be approximately 1.9 spaces per unit, but would cause the loss of some open space. Ms. Jane Moore said she had viewed these units and found them to be very afford- able for a first home for the younger single person and she felt [hat the park- ing would not be a problem. Chairman Salfarelli asked if there was anyone else who wished to speak in favor or opposition and hearin9 no response he declared the public hearing closed. There followed a discussion concerning shoppers parking in the housin9 area and/or the tenants perking in the business area, and whether or not the existing land- scaping should be removed to obtain additional parking. MOTION by Edgar, SECONDED by Sharp, to approve the liffin9 of the age limit re- striction with the provision that maximum parkin9 be provided, by modifying the inferior landscaped area. AYES: Hoesferey, Edgar, Sharp, and Saltarelli NOES: None ABSENT: Kennedy Mr. 4lberfson requested that the motion be amended fo permit them fo come up with additional parking spaces without the removal of existing landscaping. He also said they could stipulate in their CC&Rs the number of vehicles each unit wculd be permitted and that would be binding, even if a unit were sold to another tenant years from now. He said they could have a signed statement from Planning Agency Minutes - April 5, 1980 page 3. the purchaser, at the close of escrow, where they would understand how many vehicles they would be permitted on the property. These CC&Rs would be en- forced by the Association. Mr. Edgar and Mr. Sharp said they liked that suggestion to clarify the situ- ation to buyers, and such should be included. Staff requested clarification on the action. If was determined that the Agency approved the waiver of the age limit providing the maximum parking possible is provided, including on the private street, uso of compsct spaces, and removal of landscaped areas. Mr. Hoesferey expressed concern for people who have already purchased, based on a seniors only concept, and might find this change undesirable. MOTION by Hoesferey, SECONDED by Edgar, to have signed waivers from previous purchasers and giving them the right to revoke their commiffmenf if they so desired. AYES: Hoesferey, Edgar, Sharp, and Salfarelli NOES: None ABSENT: Kennedy PUBLIC CONCERNS None OLD BUSINg~S Resolution No. 1893 (Use Permit 80-11 - COPES) MOTION by Hoesferey, SECONDED by Edgar, fo approve Resolution No. 1893. AYES: Hoesferey, Edgar, and 5alfarelli NOES: None ABSENT: Kennedy ABSTAINED: Sharp Resolution No. 1804 (Variance 80-9 - Sam Hill Jr.) MOTION by Hoesferey, SECOflDED by Edgar, fo approve Resolution No. 1893. AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAINED: NEW BUSINESS None STAFF CONCERNS None AGENCY CONCERNS None Hoestorey~ Edgar, and Salfarelli None Kennedy Sharp Planning Agency Minutes - April 5, 1980 page 4. Chairman Saltarelli adjourned tho afternoon meeting at 4:05 p.m. to meet again af 7:30 p.m. this date. Chairman Salfarelli convened the continued meeting at 7:31 p.m. and requested tho minutes reflect fhaf all members were present except Mrs. Kennedy who was out of town. Zoning Amendment 80-2 (continued) - The Irvine Company Chairman Saltarelli said this hearing had been continued from the afternoon meeting in order to permit more people fo be in attendance, and speak, if they so desired, Mr. Brotemarkle summarized the staff report, saying this request concerned a lO-acre parcel on the corner of Walnut and Franklin. He said this parcel is a pcrtion of the Tustin-lrvine Industrial Complex and is zoned for neighborhood commercial uses. He said under Ordinance No. 611, adopted by the City Council February 1974, approval was granted for certain uses for this complex. At this time The Irvine Company is proposing a mixed use program and are requesting an amendment fo expand the permitted uses. He further stated that a use permit would not be required for development of this site under the Planned Community District regulations, if approved as requested. However, if the Agency desired fo establish the use permit procedure for review of the specific project, such a requirement should be stipulated in the amendment approval. Chairman Saltarelli declared the continued hearing open and asked if there was anyone who wished fo speak in favor or opposition. Mr. Karl Middlefon, representing The Irvine Company, explained their proposed concept and the uses they were requesting. He said this multi-use center would be a convenience oriented center fo serve the residential and industrial areas. He said The Irvine Company would retain ownership control and would own and manage the retail shops and ground leasing pads for financial institutions. Mr. Saltarelli asked the distance from the wall of the Peppertree tract fo the property line of this development. Mr, Middlefon said 160 feet. Mr. Todd Ferguson stated he represented the Popperfree home owners and he was pleased to learn that the traffic would be less by 8 p.m. and possibly prior fo that time. He said the people living on the cul-de-sacs would be more im- pacted by this complex than some of the others. Ho said they were concerned whether Jamboree Road was going to go through in the future. There being no one else to speak, Chairman Salfarelli declared the public hear- ing closed. There followed a discussion concerning the volume of traffic that might be generated; the hours of operation of various businesses; and which uses should require the uso permit procedure. Mr. Sharp said the Agency might solve the situation by having the site plan go through the use permit procedure. Mr. Hoesterey said he would concur. He also said he would suggest that the fast food restaurants, other restaurants, and the high volume type. busineeses be placed farther away from the residences; perhaps on the Franklin Street side, in order to keep the activity level lower in the area of the residences. If was explained fo the applicant that the use permit would not involve indi- vidual tenants, but rather generalized use location and structures. MOTION by Hoesterey, SECONDED by Sharp, that Zoning Amendment 80-2 be approved, sub]oct to a condition that the Agency review tho location of structures by the Planning Agency Minutes - April 5, 1980 page 5. use permit procedure. AYES: Hoesterey, Edgar, Sharp, and Salfarelli NOES: None ABSENT: Kennedy Mr. Brotemarkle said the implementing ordinance would be brought back to the Agency at their next meeting. ADJOt,JRN/~NT There being no further business to come before the Agency, Chairman Saltarelli declared the meeting adjourned at 7:55 p.m., to meet again for a regular meeting to be. held May 19, 1980. · ~. , ~ /2' · ~' Donald J. Saltarelli Chairman M.I. Mehl Recording Secretary