HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Minutes 02-19-80 TUSTIN PLANNING AGENCY
February 19, 1980
The Planning Agency held a regular meeting Tuesday, February 19, 1980, in the
Council Chambers of the Tustin City Hall, 300 Centennial Way, Tusfin, Cali-
The meeting was called to order at 3:04 p.m. by Chairman Schuster.
The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was led by Mr. Schuster and the invocation
was given by Mr. Welsh.
Chairman Schuster; Agency members: Saltarelli (3:05 p.m.),
Kennedy, and Welsh
Absent: Mr. Sharp
Also present:
Dan Blankenship, Oily Administrator
Mary Ann Chamberlain, Associate Planner
James Rourke, City Attorney
Midge Mehl, Recording Secretary
Other staff members: 4
General audience: 25
The minutes of the regular meeting held February 4, 1980 were approved as
written, with the waivin9 of readin9 same.
Use Permit 80-3
Southeasterly corner of Irvine Boulevard and Holt Avenue
Authorization for the construction of a 45,000 square foot
office building.
Ms. Mary Ann Chamberlain, in the absence of the Director of Community Develop-
menf, informed the Agency that the applicant and developers were redesigning
the previous submittal, and plans would not be available until the meeting to
be held March 3, 1980, therefore, the staff would recommend continuance of this
Chairman Schuster asked if there was anyone in the audience who wished fo speak
in favor or opposition to Use Permit 80-3 since this was e continued hearing.
Hearing no response he asked the pleasure of the Agency.
MOTION by Kennedy, SECONDED by Welsh, to continue Use Permit 80-3 until the
next regular meeting to bo held March 3, 1980.
Kennedy, Welsh, and Schuster
Saltarelli and Sharp
Variance 80-2
Tune-Up Masters
695 El Camino Real
Authorization to vary with the sign ordinance for three (3)
additional signs.
Ms. Chamberlain said the staff had received a telephone call from the applicant's
office, th s morning, requesting another continuance on this matter. She said
Planning Agency
Minutes - February 19, 1980
page 2.
this matter had already been continued three times and she didn't know whether
the Agency would want to continue this hearing again or not. She said the
signs have been up since last August; if took a letter from the city attorney
to get the applicant to even apply for a variance; and now this would be the
fourth time they would appear on the agenda.
Mr. Welsh said since these signs have been up since August and they have al-
ready requested three continuances, if the Agency were fo deny another con-
finuance what would that do in retrospect fo the signs.
Ms. Chamberlain said if the Agency denied the request the signs would have to
be removed immediately or after the five day appeal period.
Chairman Schuster said the Agency would continue this hearing one more time and
staff should inform the applicant that if no one is present at the next meet-
ing the Agency is going fo go ahead and vote on the matter.
Chairman Schuster then asked if there was anyone who wished fo speak in favor
or opposition to Variance 80-2 and hearing no response he asked the pleasure
of the Agency.
MOTION by Welsh, SECONDED by Kennedy, fo continue the public hearing on
Variance 80-2 for the last time, until the next regular meeting to be held
March 5, 1980.
Saltarelli, Kennedy, Welsh, and Schuster
V~rian~e 80-~ end Tfnf~fiv~ Tract Map No. 10875
L. ocafion:
Acacia Equities
15851 Pasadena Avenue
To vary with the provisions of converting apartments fo condo-
miniums by providing open space in a manner not in compliance
fo City requirements.
Ms. Chamberlain said this request is for authorization fo vary with the Planned
Development standards for a condominium conversion. She said they have sub-
mitted four different plans for Agency consideration. One deviales quite a bit
from our requirements; the second one satisfies closely fo minimum code; the
third one provides Iow income housing; and the fourth one is as the City's P.D.
requirements dictate.
Mrs. Kennedy said she did not feel that this request met our requirements for
a variance which is "hardship by reason oF geographical or topographical inci-
dents that are pertinent fo this property." She wanted fo ask staff why the
variance was accepted.
~Sl Chamberlain said she could not answer that question. She said the staff
recon~nendation, after taking testimony and Agency discussion, would be fo con-
tinue tho hearing until the next mooting in order fo give staff more time fo
study the request.
Chairman Schuster declared the public hearing open and asked if there was
anyone who wished to speak in Favor or opposition to this request.
Mr. John Hardy, President and Managing Agent for Acacia Equities and Mr.
Manning presented graphics, explaining them to the Agency.
Mr. Jim Manning said he would like to keep their presentation short, however,
wanted the audience and the Agency to learn about their approach fo the
problem of conversion and affordable housing, and how if would benefit the
city. He said the development would conform to all state and local conversion
requirements. He presented four different plans, showing how each would look
on the property; explained their notification fo the present tenants; the re-
location plan; purchase packages; site improvements; and amenity package. He
further stated that this conversion would not create a hardship on anyone and
would upgrade the neighborhood. He said under their Plan #4 the units not
demolished fo create openspaco would be available to senior citizens; 30 units
Planning Agency
Minutes - February 19, 1980
page 5.
or 25~ of the total 120 units would be in an "affordable" purchase price pro-
gram. Instead of removing valuable housing from the city inventory we would
offer one or two bedroom units first fo Tusfin's senior citizens, then fo senior
citizens in general. These would be sold [o the seniors af highly favorable
terms with small down payment and the monthly payment would be equal to present
day rents for comparable units in the area. The remainder of the homes would
be sold at Fair market price fo the present residents first, then fo the general
public. The possibility is that a qualifying senior could purchase a one bed-
room unit for $1,800 down and a principal and interest payment of less then $300.
To avoid speculation in these affordable units they could not be sold until after
five years and then before that time back fo tho developer af only 1/2:~ month
appreciation value. This is the anti-speculation formula Acacia has worked out
with the City of La Habra.
Mr. Welsh asked the prelected price of these units.
Mr. Manning said he was not sure, but it would be approximately $57,000 for the
830 square foot, one bedroom units and the larger ones would be a little more
Mr. Welsh said he sympafi~ized with their prelected program and he supports the
need of senior citizen housing, but ho also recognized there are other elements
of the corrrnunify such as young adults who find themselves in the same type of
financial bind as a senior citizen and he did not hear that quota being cited.
Mr. Manning said people who are younger and are making a living have a future
of riding that inflation wave whether they like if or not. They have a good
chance fo buy other homes, but the seniors~ with fixed incomes who do not work
cannot afford higher priced homes. Units would be available for the younger
people which would be more affordable than a lot of homes on the market.
A discussion was held about seniors meeting a certain income criteria; the park-
ing requirements; and the units that would be available for people other than
senior citizens.
Mr. James F. Cook said he was opposed fo this request. He said he was presently
a tenant af Tusfin Arms II and hewondered how many one bedroom unils would re-
main after those for senior citizens were set aside.
Mr. Manning said they have 32 one bedroom units right now; we'd fake 28 off
the market and convert them, leaving four one bedroom units and then we would
boost the two bedroom flats.
Ms. Leslie Walters said she, too, was a tenant of Tusfin Arms II and she didn't
feel fhaf there was a shortage of senior citizen housing in Tustin. She said
she would like fo request that any other hearings held on this matter be held
in the evening so that more tenants could attend since most work durin9 the
daytime hours.
Chairman Schuster said that could be arranged.
Mr. Welsh asked that the developer, prior to the next meeting, communicate with
the present tenants by personal letter so as fo not be accused of failing fo
communicate with them.
Mr. Manning said they would be vary happy fo do that.
Mr. Welsh asked what the price of these units would be.
Mr. Manning said the two bedroom units would sell for about $47,000 and the
larger 2 bedroom units would bo slightly more; there would also be the Four
one bedroom units for $37,000.
Mrs. Kennedy asked if he would guarantee that price.
Mr. Manning said yes.
Planning Agency
Minutes - February Zg~ 1980
page 4.
Mr. Nick Ogden, representing the Tustin Senior Citizens said he could see a
problem with this project. He said the seniors he knew would rather see
applications for condo conversions in accordance with the City ordinance.
Ms. Lora Moon said she was a tenant of Tustin Arms II and she liked this apart-
ment complex because they were affordable apartments for young adults. She
would really like fo buy a condominium, but she knew she couldn't qualify for
a loan and even if she could she would be unable fo raise the down payment.
She disagreed with the special consideration being given fo senior citizens on
limited salaries when in reality, everyone is on a limited salary.
Ms. Linda Holcamp also a resident of Tustin Arms II wanted to know how long
il' would be before they started the conversion. Also, what the concessions
were For those who had fo move.
Mr. Manning said ho could not answer those questions at this time because the
Agency had not made any decision on the request.
Mr. Rico Lozano asked how many seniors really needed tennis courts. He said
they would bo near the freeway and he didn't think they were necessary.
Mr. Manning said the recreational facilities were not planned for seniors only.
MOTION by Welsh, SECONDED by Kennedy fo continue Variance 80-3 and Tentative
Tract Map No. 10875 until March 3, 1980 at 7:30 p.m.
Saltarelli, Kennedy, Welsh, and Schuster
Mrs. Kennedy said she had concerns about the variance as the City Code clearly
states that if is a special privilege unless an applicant has a specific physi-
cal problem and the strict application of our code would deprive them of
rights enjoyed by other properties in the vicinity. She said clearly that is
not the grounds of Variance 80-3 and questioned the legailify of granting a
variance on this property. She felt tho Agency was obligated fo deny this
request on that technicality.
Mr. Rourke said if is up fo the Agency to determine those factors and it would
seem difficult fo him fo find that there is something due to the nature of the
property, the size, efc. that would entitle it to a variance.
Mrs. Kennedy said another problem she saw was the procedure would then move to
a use permit application and at that time if would be up fo fheAgency and
Council fo decide if they are going fo forego the City standards. She said
we should maintain conversion standards as we have for I'he past years.
Mr. Salfarelli said we know that we are going fo have numerous requests for
conversions and this hearing is the beginning of a number. When we pass our
new ordinance we should establish guidelines whether or not we are in favor
of tearing out housing fo meet open space needs. If seemed fo him that the
developers they had talked fo are perfectly willing fo do that. If thaf~s the
philosophy we want, we should announce if. The other issue is are we going fo
make housing available for purchase for those who wish fo purchase. He felt
the variance procedure could be used fo the benefit of everyone, including the
property owner, based upon its location and pending changes to the code. He
felt this property was deprived of some of the benefits of other properties in
the vicinity.
Zone Change 80-1
City Planning Agency
14901 Newport Avenue
To change the zone of the property from "M" (Industrial) to
PD (Planned Development).
Ms. Chamberlain said this zone change request was initiated by the Planning
Agency about one month ago fo bring the zoning into compliance with the General
Planning Agency
Minutes - February 19, 1980
page 5.
Mr. Salfarelli asked which Planned Development they were talking about.
Ms. Chamberlain said Planned Development-Residential.
Chairman Schuster declared the public hearing open and asked if there was
anyone who wished to speak in favor or opposition. Hearing no response he
declared the public hearing closed and asked the pleasure of the Agency.
MOTION by Saltarelli, SECONDED by Schuster, that the Planning Agency recommend
fo the City Council approval of Zone Change 80-1 by the adoption of Resolution
No. 1880 and that if specify that the rezoning is fo the PD District and would
allow planned development residential.
Mrs. Kennedy asked that the record show she didn't feel this was an appropriate
use of the land because of the adjacent railroad, the freeway, the air traffic,
propane tanks, and heavy industrial area adjacent to the sub]ecl property.
Mr. Welsh said he would like the record fo show that the total area is multi-
family residential; any other type of development fo be prelected into fhaf
area would be an encroachment onto those residences.
Saltarelli, Welsh, and Schuster
Use P~rmif 80-6
Orange Coast Sign Company on behalf of Tustin Acres Associ-
650 West Main Street
Authorization for placement of three 96 square feet temporary
free-standing signs for sales purposes.
Ms. Chamberlain said these signs would advertise the sale of their condo-
miniums and would be removed when all sales are completed or after one year,
whichever came first. These are only of a temporary nature.
Chairman Schuster declared the public hearing open and asked if there was
anyone fo speak in favor or opposition. Hearing no response he declared the
public hearing closed and asked the pleasure of the Agency.
MOTION by Saltarelli, SECONDED by Kennedy, to approve Use Permit 80-6.
Saltarelli, Kennedy, Welsh, and Schuster
Variance 80-4
Mark Zweber on behalf of Sfeelcase, Inc,
1123 Warner Avenue
Authorization fo vary with Sign Ordinance No. 684 fo permit
a wall sign of 444 square feet in lieu of the authorized 64
square foot sign.
Ms. Chamberlain said about five months ago, when the buildings were finished,
Sfeelcase came in under a variance to allow over sized directional signs which
were minor in nature. Af that time they did not mention ,any specifics.about sign-
ing the two new large buildings. At this time they are requesting two 444 square
feet signs and they would be taking down the 141 square foot signs presently on
the walls.
Mr. Scusfer asked which buildings these signs would be placed on.
Ms. Chamberlain said the two new 78 feet high storage buildings.
Planning Agency
Minutes - February 19, 1980
page 6.
Mrs. Kennedy asked if this property was governed by Irvine Company CC&Rs.
Ms. Chamberlain said she wasn't sure. She assumed they were.
Mrs. Kennedy said af the time the Schick people came in for a sign for their
large building she had requested that we redo our code so that we could do
sensible signing according to the size of the structure, but lhe Agency
preferred to go the variance route and a variance has fo be based upon a
hardship; since there is no hardship she said she would have a problem with
this request.
Ms. Chamberlain said the Irvine Company standards differ from the City's for
any industrial complex, however, when they review a sign they follow our code.
They do, however, base their signs on square footage of the wall rather than
just a given amount as our code does.
Chairman Schuster declared the public hearing open and asked if anyone wished
to speak.
Mr. Klaus Sarrach stated he was a Project Engineer for Sfeelcase Corporation
and he felt they met the requirements for the conditions as spelled out in the
Sign Code, Section 2, Article 7.a. They have fifty acres of property with over
one million square feet of manufacturing area. The prime arteries that border
our facility are the Newport Freeway and Red Hill Avenue; both of these can be
seen from our property quite easily. Identification of our facility to these
roads are a 132 square feet sign mounted along the Newport Freeway and if is
difficult fo see. Ho said they would remove two single face signs should these
new signs be approved. Based upon a standard that was used in the visibility
code reads as follows: You should be able to read a foot high letter, under
ideal conditions, for a distance of 400 feet. If we fake that measurement into
consideration as we are planning fo do, it would come out that based on the
distance to the Newport Freeway where these buildings come into view, we would
wind up with a 10 fool 3-inch high letter and a six toot high letter along
Red Hill Avenue. We feel that a nine foot high letter, as originally asked
for, would give adequate identification. We have a building 78 feet tall by
500 feet long which amounts to 400,000 square feet of building area and we are
asking for 445 square feet of sign area which amount fo about !% of the square
Chairman Schuster asked if there was anyone else who wished to speak and hear-
ing no response he asked the pleasure of the Agency.
MOTION by Saltarelli, SECONDED by Schuster, to close the public hearing and
approve Variance 80-4 as requested on the basis that a hardship does exist as
it is very difficult fo locate the business from Red Hill where most of the
trucks travel and due fo the proportion and size of the building with a sign
in conformance to the ordinance being inadequate in proportion and the ordinance
having no provision af this time for such concerns. Therefore, I feel this
request is justified.
Mrs. Kennedy said she Felt a company of this size deserves a larger sign, however,
lhere is no hardship, so she felt the Sign Code should be revised. This is
not the first time this has happened even though with Schick we thought it was
the first and last time. She would vote no, because she wanted to live within
the letter of the law as we now have if.
Mr. Welsh said previously tho Agency indicated a desire to look at the Sign
Code for appropriate modifications. What time table are we discussing?
Ms. Chamberlain said the earliest an amendment could come before the Agency
would be March ZT, then there would be the adoption procedure, so in normal
terms if would be sixty to ninety days before anything could become effective.
Mr. Schuster also felt the Sign Code should be amended fo fake care of these
large industrial buildings.
Mr. Saltarelli said he would like 1'o remind the Agency fhaf an amendment is
not absolutely necessary; the variance process exists specifically fo take care
Planning Agency
Minutes - February 19, 1980
page 7.
of those cases that are outside the ordinance provision and his motion in-
cluded a finding of a hardship.
Mr. Schuster said he didn'~ think this request should have I'o wail for an
amendment fo the Sign Code, but he thought Mr. Brofemarkle should look info
doing that as soon as possible.
Mrs. Kennedy said when the Agency decides there is a hardship without exacting
criteria, she would say that it was a special favor. If we base the decision
upon criteria fhaf is set down for us in our Code, then we are living with the
variance procedure as she interpreted if. She said she disagreed with Mr,
Mr. Salfarelli said ho would challenge Mrs. Kennedy's vote on [he basis fhaf
she committed herself prior to the public hearing being held when she stated
she was against the sign and asked if the city attorney would wish fo rule
on fhaf basis as fo the validity of her opportunity fo vote.
Mrs. Kennedy asked the city attorney to make a ruling.
Mr. Rourke said the Planning Agency, in considering a variance application, is
obligated fo give the applicant a £air hearing and such may not be possible if
someone has their mind made up before the hearing. Agency members should make
up their mind based upon tho evidence presented in hearing, so one should not
participate and vote if they are of the state of mind where they simply aren't
going fo be or won't let themselves be influenced by what they hear af the
Mrs. Kennedy said in view of that, and because she could not recall what she
said, she would like fo have time fo review the tape fo ascertain what was
Mr. Salfarelli said he thought Mrs. Kennedy should be permitted to vote if
she wished fo, but he thought she should be careful about cornmiffing her
position on an issue prior fo the time of the public hearing.
Mrs. Kennedy said she agreed, but she would still like to hear the tape
before she voted.
Mr. Welsh asked if if would be appropriate fo rescind the previous motion and
continue this issue until this evening's meeting since he had a 5:30 appoint-
Mr. Salfarelli said he would rescind his motion.
MOTION by Welsh, SECONDED by Kennedy, to continue the public hearing on
Variance 80-4 until the 7:30 p.m. meeting this date.
Salfarelli, Kennedy, Welsh, and Schuster
Chairman Schuster declared the meeting adjourned at 5:10 p.m. in order fo
permit the Agency to listen to the tape recording of Mrs. Kennedy's earlier
comments regarding Variance 80-4.
The Planning Agency meeting reconvened at 7:33 p.m.
All members were present with the exception of Mr. Sharp.
Chairman Schuster said he would prefer, instead of continuing with the matter
of Variance 80-4, that the Agency take up public concerns af this time.
Planning Agency
Minutes - February 19, 1980
page 8.
Tuatin Agrg8 Coqdominium Coqvfr~ion
Ms. Chamberlain said fhaf many tenants of Tusfin Acres had contacted the
staff with complaints concerning various items pertaining fo the conversion
of apartments fo condominiums and some of them wished to air their problems
with the Planning Agency af this time.
Chairman Schuster asked if there was anyone who wished to speak at this time.
Ms. Paula La Rae Wilson said she was a tenant of Tusfin Acres and she felt that
many injustices were being imposed upon tenants duo fo tho conversion in
progress. She said the living conditions are unbearable and the safety factors
concerned them the most, She felt that Citcon should be held responsible fo
reimburse all tenants completely for all moving expenses because they wouldn't
be moving if it weren't for their conversion. She said if was felt by all
fenanls thai effective immediately all tenants should receive a 50% discount on
future rents; all tenants should receive one month free rent upon receipt of
the 30-day notice fo vacate; and all tenants should receive a check for $$00 on
or before I'he date they are scheduled fo move. All reimbursements are needed
fo help the tenant relocate and would only cover part of the expenses entailed.
Also, she said, if should be mandatory that all construction work done during
the day should be cleaned up, including walkways; all tools and garbage left
by tho workers should be cleared away; and all workers fold not fo be near any
of the tenants' dwellings during early morning hours. She further said she
had 28 signed complaints from other tenants which she would like fo submit fo
the Agency af this time. She said not all tenants completed a complaint form
for fear of being evicted by Cifcon.
Mr. John Wilson said he would like to call the Agency's attention fo a letter
dated September 26, 1979 addressed to Mr. Brofemarkle, from Lewis D. Hufchins,
Executive Vice-president of Cifcon Corporation, especially paragraph two which
read: "There seems fo bo general tenant acceptance fhaf the plan is fair and
provides adequate compensation for purchasing a unit or for offsetting tenant
moving costs." He said the point ho would like fo bring up is that Mr. Hutchins
has never spoken fo the tenants. For the last six months the tenants have been
in limbo and don't know when we are going fo be kicked out or what is going fo
be fern up from day fo day. He said a 76-year old neighbor had moved out last
September and he was promised, the day fhaf he loft, that there would be a
check for $300 sent to him right away. Ho has not yet received fhaf check.
Ho said that man had lived there for 15 years. He also called attention fo
paragraph three regarding moving expenses. He said he had not seen one single
tenant make a move using a moving van; they all get their kids and U-Haul trucks
fo move. He said he would request fhaf Citcon meet with the remaining tenants
and let them know what was going on; when they are going fo be kicked out, efc.
Mr. Evin Ginzberg, an attorney representing two of tho tenants at Tusfin Acres,
said they had a civil law suit filed against the management of Tusfin Acres
and Citcon. He said he knows that to date Cifcon and the management appear to
be ignoring the problems they ape creating. He said he had sent letters fo
these people, asking them fo respond 1o personal injuries caused by conditions
they created and has received no answer whatsoever. He said his clients have
been quite extensively injured. The conditions are extremely dangerous. He
said he knows of only one case where a tenant was offered a $100 discount of
their rent for one month and that's it.
He said ho was here tonight to make the Agency aware of lhe danger that is
being created. He felt the conditions that exist at this time and which have
caused extensive injuries fo his clients would probably cause injuries to other
fenfanfs in tho future. He requested that the Agency investigate this matter
ir n mediately.
Dolores Juarez, Kevin Hawkins, Judy Dunn, and Lee Vibber, all tenants of Tusfin
Acres complained about water problems, illness from fumigation, aluminum under-
ground electrical system, debris left on sidewalks, sidewalks torn up, trash
left by the workers, no job being completed before another was started, sand-
blasting near parked cars, child stepped on nail left in board, several other
Planning Agency
Minutes - February 19, 1980
page 9.
boards left laying around with nails pointing upwards, and other dangerous
Mr. Lewis Hufchins, representing Citcon, said he was aware of many of the corn-
plaints and we have had problems with shutting the wafer off, bu~ we always
try to give advance notice of when this is going fo occur. We have had a couple
of water mains break while being repaired and we fixed this as soon as possible.
Regarding the law suit and the attorney confacfin9 us, we would be glad fo meet
with him. He said he had not received a letter and was unaware of the problem.
Fie said he realizod copper wiring was required and they intended fo comply with
the code by replacing all aluminum wiring with copper wirin9. He said it was
only the lead-in wires fo the units that had fo be replaced with copper; that
was based upon the inspector from the City.- He said the rains had caused many
problems which they had no control over. Fie said regarding moving expenses, he
had talked with United Van Lines and had arranged a program with them and it
was his understanding fhaf this program had been forwarded fo the tenants. He
said he was on the project about every two days and he was surprised fo learn
that the tenants had not been informed of what was going,on. He said they had
mailed out the Tustin Acres Newsletter. He said they have made every attempt
fo keep things picked up the best they could with all the work going on. He
said he would be glad fo meet with the tenants and/or have them meet with the
manager and 9o over some of their problems.
Hr. Welsh asked if Mr. Hufchins could give the tenants a time fable as fo when
they could be oxpecfed fo be out of their apartments.
Hr. Hufchins said the reason they don't know when they have to be out is fhaf
~he program is set up so we give them a miniumu thirty-day notice and fhaf
notice would be given once their unit is sold. As soon as either the tenant
purchased their own unit, another unit, or someone else purchased the tenant's
unit, then that tenant would probably have sixty days fo vacate because it fakes
thaf long for escrow fo close. At present we have not given anyone notice be-
cause we have not opened the sale to the public yet; only the tenants. We are
going fo open the first 72 units to the public and only those will bo available
to the public.
~r. Schuster asked if they could have the wafer fumed off only at specific
hours during the day.
Ar. Hufchins said yes, that could be done.
Ar. Schuster said he would like fo see closer liaison between the Ci/con people
and the tenants and see if they couldn't talk fo the construction people fo see
if they could ieave the premises in a little cleaner state.
~^r. Hutchins said they would do everything they could.
Hr. Schuster informed Mr. Blankenship that he thought the Building Deparfmenl
should be spending a little more time on the project. He suggested that
Hr. Hufchins or another representative of Cifcon set up a desk ~omeplace so
the tenants could come in and f~lk with them about their problems.
Hr. Hufchins said they had a manager that was on the site five days a week
and a sales manager also on the site four days a week.
Ar. Schuster said apparently they aren't doing their ]ob well enough because
from the complaints heard, the tonanfs don't seem to have any communications
with Cifcon or the management.
Mr. Welsh said he agreed fhaf there was a lack of communication and it is not
doing the developer or the tenants any good. The complaints this Agency have
lust heard are not only about inconveniences, but dangerous conditions which
Cifcon, as the developer, in order fo protect themselves, should be made aware
o~ these conditions and alleviate them.
Planning Agency
.'Ainutes - February 19, 1980
page 10.
Mrs. Kennedy said she would like fo carry this fo the next meeting and she
would like to review the agreement that Citcon had fo supply fo the City for
ifs approval of this project.
Chamberlain said it was a part of tho resolution.
Mrs. Kennedy said she would like fo review that resolution and she also felt
that the Agency has to look at the question as to how long if is safe and
reasonable for people to occupy a condominium conversion site. She requested
that staff review everything that was mentioned by the tenants and to respond
to those complaints. She asked the legal ability of the Agency or Council in
a situation like this. How can we enforce this ordinance that has not yet been
Mr. Rourke said he thought the Building Department would be in a position to
suspend the permits and hold up construction. The developer wants very much not
to be stopped and they would be placing themselves in a position where the Build-
ing Department could do that.
Mrs. Kennedy requested staff, then, to look fo see if there were some verbal
promises fo the tenants fhaf this conversion would not be inconvenient fo this
degree. Perhaps we can use that fo get this mess straightened out.
With no objection from the Agency, the Chairman ordered that this matter be
agendized for the 7:30 p.m. meeting March 3, 1980.
Varianc9 80-4 (continued)
Mr. Blankenship gave a summary of what had taken place at the afternoon meeting.
Chairman Schuster said the tape recording had been reviewed, concerning Mrs.
Kennedy's comments pertaining fo Variance 80-4 and the city attorney would now
make a ruling on whether or not she could vote on the issued.
t,lr. ~ourke said he fcund no language of Mrs. Kennedy's fhaf would indicate she
had formed an opinion cn this matter prior fo the hearing.
There followed a discussion regarding the size of the requested sign and build-
ing in relation to the Schick building and the signing granted them.
Mrs. Kennedy said she felt that this request was for a special favor and did
not meet tho criteria of the Sign Code. She said if the Code needed amendment,
then if should be done.
Hr. Welsh asked if the Sign Code were to be identical for the industrial as if
is for the cornm..ercJal, what would Sfeelcase be entitled to?
Ms. Chamberlain said she was not sure the Agency would want fo make if on the
same conditions the commercial is based, because normally industrial uses don't
require as large a sign based on the nature of the business.
Chairman Schuster asked for a vote on the MOTION by Salfarelli, SECONDED by
Schuster, fo close the public hearing and approve Variance 80-4, as made this
AYES: Saltarelli and Schuster
NOES: Kennedy and Welsh
MorIoN by Saltarelli, SECONDED by Schuster, fo continue the vote on Variance 80-4
until the next regular meeting when the full Agency would be present.
Salfarelli, Kennedy, Welsh, and Schuster
tars. Kennedy asked if the Sign Code could be amended so this type o¢ thing
didn't happen again.
V!ith no objection ~rom the Agency Chairman Schuster so ordered that the staff
prepare an amendment fo the Sign Code.
Planning Agency
Minutes - February 19, 1980
page 11.
Parkin9 Lot Review - FESCO
Ms. Chamberlain said this review is required when a building is in an M-zone
and does not require a conditional use permit. Fosco Company has submitted
plans for a 44,000 square foot addition to their existing 207,440 square foot
plant af 1100 Valencia. She said if was staff's recommendation fhaf the plan
be approved by minute order.
Mr. Salfarelli suggested that the landscaping standards be reviewed because
of the number of planters being placed within parking areas. He said if was
his opinion fhaf too many planters are being placed in parking areas.
Mrs. Kennedy said she disagreed.
MOTION by Salfarelli, SECONDED by Schuster, fo approve the parking lot re-
view for Fesco, as recommended by the staff.
AYES: Salfarelli, Kennedy, Welsh, and Schuster
NOES: None
Fipal Tract Map No. 10628 - 18422 Warren Avenue
MOTION by Salfarelli, SECONDED by Welsh, to recommend approval of Final Tract
Map No. 10628 to the City Council by the adoption of Resolution No. 1881.
AYES: Saltarelli, Kennedy, Welsh, and Schuster
NOES: None
There being no further business fo come before the Planning Agency Chairman
Schuster declared the meeting adjourned at 8:55 p.m., fo meet again for a
regular meeting fo be held March 3, 1980 af 3:00 p.m., in the Council Chambers
of the Tusfin City Hall.
Stephen L. Schuster
M.I. Mehl
Recording Secretary