HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Minutes 01-21-80 TUSTIN PLANNING AGENCY
Minutes of Regular Meeting
January 21, 1980
The Planning Agency held a regular meeting ~t~nday, January 21, 1980 in the
Council Chambers of the Tustin City Hall, 300 Centennial Way, Tustin, California.
The meeting was called fo order af 3:02 p.m. by Chairman Schuster.
The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was led by Mrs. Kennedy and the invo-
cation was given by Mr. Welsh.
Chairman Schuster; Agency members: Sharp, Saltarelli, Kennedy,
and Welsh
Absent: None
Also present:
Mike Brofemarkle, Community Development Director
Dan Blankenship, City Administrator
Alan Warren, Senior Planner
James Rourke, City Attorney
Midge Mehl, Recording Secretary
Other staff members: 4
General Audience: 14
The minutes of the regular meeting held January 7, 1980 were approved as cor-
rected (the spelling of Kathy Well's last name; page 4) and with the waivin9
of reading same.
Use Permit 80-1 and T~ntotiv~ TrOcf No. 10979
Gfeller Development
228 West Main Street
Authority to develop a professional office complex on the
Stevens' property.
Mr. Brotemarkle said both the staff and the developer, at this time, request
that this item be continued to the next regular meeting, however, the Agency
might desire to open the public hearing to take any testimony from the audi-
ence and discuss the design concept. He said this is the project that mid
last year was presented fo the Redevelopment Agency concerning a more pre-
liminary concept. The Stevens' home has a major historical value to the city
and Mrs. Stevens has been very particular as fo the future use of the property,
including the pre6ervafion of fha family home and the surrounding grounds.
The concept calls for taking access from "C" Street in order not to impact
the residential area westerly with additional traffic. Of the 164 parking
spaces, 115 would be underground, so there would be a more spacious green
area rather than having asphalt around the buildings. One major problem
may arise in the long run due fo traffic impact on "C" Street. "B" Street
is the logical street where, in the future, there could be a signalized inter-
section at Main. To signalize "C" Street would not be practical because it
is too close fo El Camino Real, but this plan will have a greater impact on
that intersection. There are a couple of trees that are in the public right-
of-way at "B" and Main Streets. If development goes forward one alternative
would be to remove those trees now and put in fha curb radius ultimately
needed, or we codld require a cash deposit equivalent fo the cost of such
public works so they could be installed at such time as needed.
Planning Agency Meeting
Minutes - January 21, 1980
page 2.
Chairman Schuster declared the public hearing open and asked if there was
anyone fo speak in favor or opposition to Use Permit 80-1 and/or Tentative
Tract No. 10979.
Diane Lee Edgell, 345 West Main Street, stated she was concerned about the
additional traffic on "C" Street and if the traffic would continue as far
south as Sixth Street. She said she was not aware of a proposed signal at
Main and "B" Streets and she thought that would create noise with cars
stopping and sl'arfing. She also asked how many buildings would be placed
on the property.
Mr. Brofemarkle said there would be additional traffic up fo 500 vehicles
per day on "C" Street, if was hard fo fell how much over 50~ of the traffic
would go north to Main. The hypothetical issue of the signal at "B" 8nd
Main Streets is a long-range proposal, depending upon the overall traffic
impact in future years. Any future signal would be less likely to be at
"C" Street and more likely to be at "B" Street. There would be no access
to Main Street from the project. He said there would be seven other build-
ings constructed on the property.
Ms. Edgell said since this development would be encroaching into tho resi-
dential area, she wanted to know how the surrounding areas would be zoned;
are there plans to rezone the surrounding area?
Mr. Brotemarkle explained that the Stevens' property is zoned R-3 and all
properties west are zoned R-l. He said under tho current zoning provisions
the subject property is the last one that could request a uso permit for an
office building. Ho said at this time there are no plans for a major re-
zoning of any of the R-1 properties.
Mr. Doug Gfeller, 2070 Business Center Drive, Irvine, speaking in favor,
introduced Mrs. Esfelle Stevens and explained how Mrs. Stevens had been
working very closely with them on this development. He said he would like
1o address tho concerns mentioned because they were also their key con-
cerns. He said they wanted to be sure the buildings would be compatible with
the neighborhood because there are some beautiful homes in the area. With
tho aid of plot plans and architectural drawings displayed, he explained the
relationship of the proposed buildings fo the existing Stevens house. We
are going to elaborate the existing garden, preserve as many trees as possible,
keep the buildings' appearance as much as possible like residences, with the
same architecture as the existing house. He said very early in the program
if was decided fo fake all access af "C" Street and abandon access off Main
Street. He said since this is the last piece of property in the immediate
area upon which office buildings could be erected, they felt they had to
respect the privacy and desires of the residences on 'B" Street and avoid
taking any access on that sfreel. A registered traffic engineer had pre-
pared a traffic report which had been reviewed by the staff, which basically
showed that ~his specific prelect would not cause a need for any signalization
on "C" and Main Streets. I1 is difficult fo predict the direction of the
traffic flow, but they are talking about a limited number of trips per day.
He said Mrs. Stevens' attorney is now preparing a deed restriction, which
would be presented fo tho City, precluding the developer from doing anything
other than maintenance fo the exterior of tho Stevens' house. The only
changes would be the interior remodeling to make if suitable for office uses.
There would also be a deed restriction regarding certain tree specimens on
the property, which requires us to maintain those trees as long as they are
healthy. He said in order fo preserve the house and leave one-third of the
site untouched, it requiredundergroun¢ parking fo make the pro]ecl feasible.
Chairman Schuster asked if there was anyone else fo speak in favor or op-
position and hearing no response he asked the pleasure of the Agency.
Planning Agency Meeting
Minutes - January 21, 1980
page 3.
ICOTION by Salfarelli, SECONDED by Kennedy, fo continue the public hearing
until the next regular meeting fo be held February 4, 1980.
Sharp, Salfarelli, Kennedy, Welsh, and Schuster
NOES: None
Use Permit 80-~
Southeast corner of Irvine Boulevard and Holt Avenue
Authorization fo develop a four-story, 63' high (67' with
mechanical equipment) office structure in conjunction with
an existing restaurant, in the Planned Community District.
Mr. Brotemarkle said staff had reviewed the plans and they met all of the
development code requirements, however, this is a use permit fo determine
the impact, as well as code compliance of the project on the area. He said
there are two primary areas fo address. One being the height of the particu-
lar structure, which is 63' up fo a point where they have mechanical screen-
ing equipment. He said both the C-2 and C-3 zones permit heights up to 50';
the Planned Commercial District has been a vehicle by which higher heights
have been permitted for various structures. He said Mervyn's, across the
street from this property, is 38' in height to the parapet wall; the Meredith
complex at 17th and Prospect is 58'; immediately across the street from city
hall is an office complex 49' fo the top of the stair tower and the tallest
structure in the city is, of course, Sfeelcase at about 79' overall height.
The architecture of the project is basically urban with some special facets
which the architect will explain.
Chairman Schuster declared the public hearing open and asked if there was
anyone fo speak in favor or opposition fo Use Permit 80-3.
/~". Phillip Schwartze, representing the Burnetf-Ehline, said regarding the
property line and parcel map discussion, they would like to resolve that with
the staff. He said they were agreeable to all other conditions mentioned in
staff's report. He said they were attempting to. integrate the architecture
with the area and then displayed a scale model of the proposed complex and
some architectural renderings.
Mr. Leland W. Stearns, architect for Burneft-Ehline, explained the architectural
drawings and how they proposed to use brick and reflective glass in the
structure of the building. He said this building would be situated on a
corner, exposed on three sides, and the bottom of the building would be brick
with arches and a traditional type feeling. The combination of contemporary
design with traditional features would make it more pleasing and get away
from a monolithic type structure. The fop three floors would be of a dark
gray glass and reflective glass, bul with the design of the building, the
broken lines, sbtback of upper stories and terraces if would create a very
nice building. We are attempting an interesting structure, riot just a box-like
Mr. Sharp asked if they had complied with all the latest energy restrictions,
using all this glass.
Mr. Stearns said that would be done in final design and they had done a build-
ing similar to this one and are well within the restrictions.
Mr. Brotemarkle said the staff, in working with the developer and architect
on this proposal, had difficulty in finding a major theme fo follow; we
have a spanish-type building hidden with tropical landscaping fo the south;
we have a rather startling masonry building fo the west; immediately adjacent
we have late 50's early 60's offices with no specific design theme; and
across Newport Avenue we have a woodsy atmosphere. We are dealing with four
very diversified styles of architecture in the immediate area. Through the
Planning Agency Meeting
Minutes - January 21, 1980
page 4.
uso of the brick and the arches the developers have Iried to capture the
masonry and spanish look while still trying to be cornpa~iblo wilh the
landscaping. They had a very difficult task.
Mr. Saltarelli asked about staff's recommendation for another ZO feet of
irrevocable right-of-way dedication and the effect on setbacks.
Mr. Brotemarkle said the final plot plan had been modified to reflect all
our concerns and Resolulion No. 1875 now represents those conditions which
would be recommended should the Agency approve the request.
Mr. Salfarelli asked the present setback.
Mr. Brotemarkle said the structure would set back 20 feet from the current
right-of-way line on Irvine and would be 10 feet from ultimate ri9ht-of-way.
If we were to widen the street fo its ultimate right-of-way, they would have
very little problem in comparison fo many of the offices on Irvine which
would have a one fo five foot setback if we should widen the street.
Mr. Salfarelli then asked about the parking ratio and whether if was based
on not or gross square footage.
Mr. Brotemarkle said it was one per 300 and based on gross leasable area.
They are approximately four spaces over the required number of parking
Mrs. Kennedy said she was concerned with the height and the style of archi-
tecfure of the building. She asked if it could be located more centrally
on the lot rather than immediately on the corner and are there similar build-
ings which could be Iookodaf in Orange County.
Mr. Sch~Jarfz explained that although the height would permit i~lore than four
stories, if was their intent fo have only four stories. The ground floor
would have an open feeling, with high ceilings.
Mr. Brotemarkle said one problem with moving the building farther south was
the shared parking agreement with Don Jose's. This agreement dates back fo
the development of the currently defunct disco/bar which abuts the southerly
lease line. To move if farther south would encroach into that shared park-
tC~s. Kennedy said she would be in favor of continuing this item until she
could see something comparable to this proposal.
Mr. Saltarelli said his main concern is the parking. He said he didn't care
what ratio was used, but with 44,000-45,000 square feet additional, a study
of uses going into this building is necessary. He said if 2 or 3 floors were
rented to an insurance company, the parking would be deficient. He said the
type of occupancies would dictate what the parking requirements should be.
He requested staff get together with the developer and analyze the uses an-
ticipated so we could carefully calculate the parking for the entire site.
Mr. Welsh said he concurred with the potential parking problem and also felt
there would be a problem with access onto Holt Avenue. He felt the issue of
the structure's heightwas pivotal in view of past citizen concerns in that
Mr. George Mefsovas, speaking in opposition, said he owned the building on
Irvine and Plaza Drive and he wanted to know how many parking spaces there
would be and questioned the feasibility of using the flood control right-of-
way for parking.
Mr. Brofemarkle indicated 242 total spaces were proposed with 81 of those for
the restaurant. Orange County has granted permission fo cover the drainage
facility with parking, but they could not build a structure over if because
the County might need fo have access fo that drain at some time in the future.
Planning Agency Meeting
Minutes - January 21, 1980
page 5.
Mr. Mefsovas said he didn't want to be blocked out by a four-story building
across the street from his units and didn't think it blended in with the rest
of the area. He also said Beverly Hills Savings and Loan had received no
notification of this hearing.
Mr. Brotemarkle checked the file and ascertained that notice of the public
hearing had been mailed fo their main office in Beverly Hills. He explained
that notices are mailed fo the owners as listed in the latest County Tax
Assessor's Rolls, within a 300 foot radius of the sub]ecl property.
tees. Kennedy suggested that staff contact all property owners within 300 feet
of this proposal, advising them of the continued hearing and what exactly
was being proposed. Also, to keep a list of who was contacted.
Mr. Brofemarkle asked if she meant tenants as well as owners.
Mrs. Kennedy said yes.
Mr. Schuster said he agreed that everyone in fhaf area should be notified
of this proposal.
Mr. Welsh said it appeared to him that the project had been presented and not
only is parking a concern as indicated by other members of the Agency, bul
from his own comments on height and architectural design, being inappropriate
in not completely unacceptable; perhaps the appropriate procedure should be
for the Agency to close the public hearing and deny the request.
Mr. Schwartze said he would like fo address some of the Agency's concerns.
Regarding parking, they could not guarantee the long range future, but
initially there would be a bank or a savings and loan company and another
floor would contain the corporate offices for Burnett-Ehline, and only the
fop two floors would be lease space. There would be a florist there, but
that is a quick in and out type of business. He said they have other build-
ings of this type and have had no parking problems. He said on the issue of
height and architecture, they wanted if fo be a good addition to Tusfin and
with this property's unusual shape they had tried to develop if to the best
advantage for everyone.
Mrs. Kennedy asked how many parking spaces they would get when they build
out over the flood control channel and would they fall below the parking
standards if this agreement could be revoked.
Mr. Schwartze said they would gain a cenferline and if if were fo ever be
revoked they would be below the parking standards by 18 spaces. It was
pointed out that the development rights above the channel were granted in
Mr. Saltarelli asked if the item on the agenda regarding surplus property
was land adjacent to this development and could if be used for this particular
Mr. Brofemarkle answered yes to both questions. The only owners on this
triangle are Mr. Larsen and the City. The surplus parcels would be best
used in this manner and could be included if acquisition were anticipated.
Mr. Sharp said he was speaking only for himself, but thisis a high rise
building. If built, it would be the first high rise structure in the city.
If would be the first one to have basically reflective glass. He thought
more time to study traffic impacts, parking, efc, was needed, and he wanted
more time fo think about this proposal.
MOTION by Kennedy, SECONDED by Sharp, to continue the public hearin9 for
Use Permit 80-3 in order fo study the architectural design, parking, set-
backs, comparability, and height until the regular meeting fo be held
Planning Agency Meer
Minutes - January 21, 1980
page 6.
February 4, 1980.
AYES: Sharp, Saltarelli, Kennedy, Welsh, and Schuster
NOES: None
Chairman Schuster said he had been reminded that Council was to have a
presentation by Mr. Hollinden at 4:30 and it was now past that time. He
asked if there was a motion to adjourn the Agency meeting until after the
presentation regarding Orange County Transportation System.
MOTION by Kennedy, SECONDED by Schuster, to adjourn the Planning Agency
meeting until after the Orange County Transportation System presentation to
AYES: Sharp, Saltarelli, Kennedy, Welsh, and Schuster
NOES: None
Chairman Schuster declared the meeting adjourned at 4:43 p.m.
The meeting reconvened at 5:20 p.m.
Variance 80-2
Applicant: Larry H. Selditz on behalf of Tune-Up Masters
Location: 695 EI Camino Real
Request: Authorization to vary with the provisions of Sign Ordinance
No. 584, to allow three (3) non-conforming wall signs.
Mr. Brotemarkle said the applicant has requested a continuance on this matter
since he was out of town.
Chairman Schuster .asked if there was anyone present who wished to speak in
favor or oppositi"on to Variance 80-2 and hearing no response he asked the
pleasure of the Agency.
MOTION by Welsh, SECONDED by Kennedy, to continue the public hearing on
Variance No. 80-2 until the regular meeting to be held February 4, 1980.
AYES: Sharp, Saltarelli, Kennedy, Welsh, and Schuster
NOES: None
Mr. Brotemarkle said this resolution concerned the denial of Variance 80-1
at 195 Myrtle Avenue.
MDTION by Welsh, SECONDED by Kennedy, to approve Resolution No. 1869.
AYES: Sharp, Saltarelli, Kennedy, Welsh, and Schuster
NOES: None __~
A~orovai of Resolution No. 1874
Mr. Brotemarkle said this was a resolution which denied Use Permit 79-36
for U.S.A. Sandwich Shop.
• A
Planning Agency Meeting
Minutes - January 21, 1980
page 7.
MOTION by Welsh, SECONDED by Kennedy, to approve Resolution No. 1874.
AYES: Sharp, Saltarelii, Kennedy, Walsh, and Schuster
NOES: None
Mr. Brotemarkle said the first item concerned a 6-acre site at 14901 New-
port Avenue, known as the Williams property. Currently the property i~s
zoned "M" and master planned multiple family residential. He said on the
multi-.family residential side some other properties have been developed
with apartment complexes, however, the property is subjected to noise lavels
from the freeway, the railroad, and from the airport right-of-way, making
it somewhat difficult to develop. There is industrial property to the south,
across the railroad tracks. At this point staff is looking for some direction
from the Agency.
MOTION by Kennedy, SECONDED by Welsh, to continue the matter of the incon-
sistency between present zoning and the Tustin Area General Plan on property
at 14901 Newport Boulevard until the evening meeting.
AYES: Sharp, Saltarelii, Kennedy, Welsh, and Schuster
NOES: None
Final Tract MaR No. 10281
Mr. Brotemarkle said this concerned the Jansvu property.
NYDTION by Saltarelii, SECONDED by Sharp, to recommend approval of Final
Tract Map No. 10281 to the City Council by adoption of Resolution No. 1871.
AYES: Sharp, Saltarelii, Weish, and Schuster
NOES: Kennedy
Disposition of Surolu^s Prooe^t~
Mr. Brotemarkle said this concerned property previously discussed, on New-
port Avenue.
MOTION by Saltarelii, SECONDED by Sharp, to recommend disposition of the
surplus City properties to the City Council by adoption of Resolutions No.
1872 and No. 1873.
AYES: Sharp, Saltarelii, Kennedy, Welsh, and Schuster
NOES: None
Chairman Schuster adjourned the meeting at 5:30 p.m. to meet again at 7:30 p.m.,
same date, in the Council Chambers of the Tustin City Hall.
Planning Agency Meeting
Minutes - January 21, 1980
page 8.
January 21, 1980
Chairman Schuster reconvened the meeting at 7:31 p.m.
All Agency members were present.
Inconsistency b~tween zoning and Tusfin Area General Plan - 14091Newoorf
Mr. Brofemarkle reiterated the discussion on this continued item concern-
ing property master planned for multiple-family residential use, yet having
"M" zoning. In summarizing the situation, you could be led fo believe if~s
most appropriate for residential due to the fact we do have apartments in
the immediate area and the street is a dead-end cul-de-sac street. However,
it abuts two fransporation corridors and is under the airport approach pat-
tern. If also abuts industrial property fo the south. This might be a
piece of property that would be a transitional use providing a buffer be--
fween the transportation corridors and the current residential use. An office
use, however, would produce more traffic on Ne~..~orf Avenue. He said staff
is seeking direction from the Agency with regard as fo the appropriate use
Mr. Salfarolli asked the main problem with the existing zoning from staff's
point of view.
/V~. Brotemarkle said "M" zoning is an encompassing zoning classification;
if would permit major industrial development, commercial or offices, and
the property is in the immediate vicinity of residential uses.
Mr. Welsh said the map which staff provided fo the Agency is misleading
because if shows the property as
Mr. Brofemarkle said that is a general plan map which shows the
designation of the General Plan. True state is "M" zone.
Mr. Saltarelli said the staff then is not recommending multiple family use.
Mr. Brotemarkle said no. The multiple-family use could be appropriate through
design and would be harmonious with other residential in the area, but there
are certain other distinct drawbacks such as noise, the airport path, the
railroad, and industrial to the south. Office on the other hand is a negative
use if you consider traffic impact until Newport Avenue would be put through.
Ho said the only other agency to contact is tho Airport Land Use Commission
which may have some concern due fo the location of the property.
Mrs. Kennedy said when you consider the disadvantages she couldn't see how
the Agency could approve residential, even though some is already there.
She said in her opinion the only possible and best use would be some type
of storage facility.
Discussion was held regarding zoning classifications and the potential fo
restrict the site fo a specific use. It was determined the code would have
fo be amended and the property down-zoned.
Mr. Schuster said the property is presently surrounded by apartments. He
said there is a nursery and storage there, three different entities. The
existing situation is highly undesirable. He asked if there had been any
complaints about noise from the apartment tenants.
Mr. Brofemarkle said not to his knowledge. Normally, however, those com-
plaints would be made fo the airport commission rather than fo the City.
Mr. Saltarelli felt residential zoning is not inappropriate for this property.
High density apartments are next door and across the street. This indi-
cated fo him that ifps a fairly desirable area, from an investment point of
view, as residential. He would not want a 6-acre office complex with all
fhaf traffic in the residential area. An industrial use next fo those
Planning Agency Meeting
Minutes - January 21, 1980
page 9.
residences would be inappropriate and a storage facility brings people in
day and night. He felt there were still design alternatives staying within
the category of multiple-family residential uses that would be appropriate
for the area.
Mr. Welsh said the Agency should not guess what the developers would be most
interested in developing, but assure it is compatible with the neighbor-
hood; therefore, it appeared i'hat the appropriate zoning would be for multiple
family use.
MOTION by Welsh, SECONDED by Sharp, that the zoning should be PD in conformance
fo the Tustin Area General Plan designation of residential multiple-family.
Under discussion Mrs. Kennedy said the precedent of already having multi-
family units in the area was not a good reason fo repeat the mistake again.
Noise factors and i. nappropriate adjacent uses are good reasons fo not con-
finue the mistakes of past planning. She realized this was a problem property
and there was no easy answer, but she could not agree fo allowing multi-family
fo go in there. Her choice would be a Iow profile, Iow traffic use, fo pro-
tect the people who are already there and not 1o put more people under poor
living conditions.
Chairman Schuster asked for clarification of the motion.
Mr. Welsh said his motion was fo zone the land as it is already designated
in the Tusfin Area General Plan, as residential multi-family, Planned De-
velopment (PD).
Mrs. Kennedy said that was not the way she understood the motion. She asked
staff fo clarify their two recornmendafions, and tell her how Commission
Welsh's motion fits in with that.
Mr. Salfarelli said his motion is for staff recommendation ~2.
Mrs. Kennedy said she needed further clarification. She asked if PD per-
miffed just any planned development.
Mr, Brofemarkle indicated that PD is a residential district,
Mrs. Kennedy asked if the maker of the motion would consider PC, without a
use designation, so the property could be developed wi[h either idea, de-
pending upon the market, or do you want fo limit if fo residential develop-
ment only.
Mr. Welsh said he felt the land should be zoned accordin9 fo our master
plan which is residential and fo keep the land compatible to the existing
neighborhood pattern. He asked if if were zoned PC could it be developed
residential, such as Packers Square, or could if be developed commercial and
the Agency would have no control other than the use permit.
Mr. Brofemarkle said under the PC classification the Agency would have to
act upon a use permit, however, historically the City has not designated an
area as a wide open PC--it's always been PC-Industrial; PC-Business; PC-Com-
mercial, efc.
A discussion followed on the original adoption of the General Plan, the con-
difions and attitudes af that time and citizen involvement.
Chairman Schuster called for a vote on the motion.
Sharp, Saltarelli, Welsh, and Schuster
NOES: Kennedy
Planning Agency Meeting
Minutes - January 21, 1980
page 10.
There being no further business fo come before the Agency the Chairman
declared the meeting adjourned at 8:01 p.m. to meet again for a regular
meeting fo be held February 4, 1980 in the Council Chambers of the Tusfin
City Hall.
Sfephe/n L. Schuster
Cha i rman
M.I. Mehl
Recording Secretary