HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Minutes 01-07-80TUSTIN PLANNING AGENCY
January 7, 1980
The Planning Agency held a regular meeting Monday, January 7, 1980 in the
Council Chambers of the Tustin City Hall, 300 Centennial Way, Tustin,
The meeting was called fo order at 3:10 p.m. by Chairman Schuster.
The Pledge of Allegiance fo the Flag was led by Mr. Sharp and the invocation
was given by Mr. Saltarelli.
Chairman Schuster; Agency Members Sharp, Saltarelli, Kennedy,
and Welsh
Absent: None
Also present:
Mike Brotemarkle, Community Development Director
Dan Blankenship, City Administrator
Tom Woodruff, Deputy City Attorney
Midge Mehl, Recording Secretary
Other staff members: 4
General public: 35
The minutes of the regular meeting held December 17, 1979 were approved as
written, with the inclusion of Mrs. Kennedy's request regarding study of al-
ternatives to open space waivers, including open space "in lieu" fees on
property transfers in the ordinance amendment for condominium conversions.
/V~s. Kennedy also requested staff to include a study of providing open space
af other locations and possible charges for inadeauafe open space. The read-
ing of the minutes was waived.
Permit 79-24 and Tentative Tract Map No. 10852
The Wellington Group
14751 Plaza Drive
To construct an office condominium project of 27,500 square feet
and approval of Tentative Tracl No. 10852.
Mr. Brotemarkle said the basic request was for a two-story 27,500 souare foot
office condominium prelect. He wanted fo point out that in the staff report
the problems relative to residential privacy to the west of the subject prop-
erfy had included a discussion of windows with a transom or clerestory height.
He said staff didn't mean to infer' fhaf the final plan had to include those
types of windows as the only solution; that other solutions such as opaque
windows, landscaping, parapet walls, efc. could be submitted with final plans.
Chairman Schuster declared the public hearing open and asked if there was any-
one fo speak in favor or opposition to Use Permit 79-24.
Mr. GeraldL. Rewers, president of the Wellington Group agreed with the recom-
mendations of approval as listed in the staff report.
Chairman Schuster asked if there was anyone else who wished to speak in favor
or opposition to Use Permit 79-24 and/or Tentative Tract Map No. 10852 and
hearing no response he asked the pleasure of the Agency.
MOTION by Kennedy, SECONDED by Welsh, to close the public hearing and approve
Use Permit 79-24 by the adoption of Resolution No. 1867 and recommend approval
fo the City Council by adoption of Resolution No. 1868 on Tentative Map 10852.
Sharp, Salfarelli, Kennedy, Welsh, and Schuster
Planning Agency Minutes
January 7, 1980
page 2,
Variance No, 80-~
James Nowell
195 Myrtle Street
To vary with 12,000 square foot minimum lot size for a second
single-family residence on a 50' wide, lZ,692 square foot
Mr. Brotemarkle said under tho provisions of the R-1 zone, if a property has
~2,000 square feet or more a second unit may be permitted on the property
by a use permit. This property has ~,692 square feet, or short 508 square
feet. He said the original tract was subdivided in ~922 and for some reason
the properties on fha Myrtle side are 233 ~/3 feet deep and fha properties on
Pacific, behind them, are 243 feet deep. He said fha area does have inade-
quate water for fire protection so residenfialsprinkler installation is one
of the conditions of approval. Also, a condition to be imposed, if approved,
requires a covenant be filed on the property fo maintain it as a single lot
and meet subdivision and zoning requirements if considered for division,
however, if is fha stated intent of the applicant fo have two homes on a single
Mr. Brotemarkle said the staff was in receipt of a petition signed by approxi-
mately 24 owners in the area, opposing this request and quoted their objections.
Mrs. Kennedy asked on what basis did staff recorrrnend approval of this request.
Mr. Brotemarkle said based on the fact that the property suffers from a hard--
ship due fo fha original subdivision of the property in 1922, leaving these
properties about 300 square feet short of a later ordinance establishing 12,000
square feet as a minimum. Due to this, the property could not enjoy privileges
granted similar properties under the same zoning in the immediate area.
Mrs. Kennedy asked if the property had changed hands since the adoption of
the tigh[er control.
Mr. Brofemarkle said tho applicant would have to answer that question; he
did not know,
Mr. Salfarelli asked what percentage of the homes on Myrtle were now rental
Mr. Brofemarkle said he was not sure since a number are single-family homes
and he did not know how many of them were rented or owner occupied. He said
there is a mix of densities and unit types with a small aparfmenl' complex
north of the subject property and other uses as indicated in the opponents?
petition, in addition to single family. He said there are eight lots on Myrtle
having substandard area.
Chairman Schuster declared the public hearing open and asked if there was any-
one who wished fo speak in favor or opposition fo Variance No. 80-Z.
Linda Sfrahen, resident at 205 Myrtle, said she was representing the neighbor-
hood and lived next fo the subject property. She said the property has changed
owners twice during the past few years, most recently in the last eight months.
She said the people who live in this neighborhood like if the way if is; bought
their properties because of the large lots and she does not want a two-story
house five feet from her property line. It would seriously restrict her privacy.
She said there was only one two-house lot in the block on Pacific Street and
that owner intends fo keep it as a single lot and we all agreed with that.
The street is substandard, there is a problem with water for fire fighting;
our neighborhood has started fo change during the last few years and if is
hoped that the condominium conversion of Tustin Acres will change if so if
gets back fo a neighborhood type area. Some houses have turned into rentals,
but not very many. Of the people we surveyed, no one was in favor of this
Mr.Salfarelli asked if it would make a difference if fha two-story house was
only a one-story house.
Ms. Sfrahen said almost unanimously they were opposed fo having two houses on
the lot, but everyone was for the owner putting one nice house on fha lot; but
fo put a two-story house on the back of the lot it would invade all their
Planning Agency Minutes
January 7, 1980
page 5.
Mr.Ben Torres, 695 West Third Street; Mrs. Marjorie Kaufman, 180 Myrtle; Leon
Strahen, 670 West Third; and Carol Hunter, 180 Pacific were opposed fo this
request. They cited concerns over traffic safety, increased density, loss of
neighborhood feeling, overcrowding, police problems, property speculation, and
other factors contributing fo their opposition to the proposal.
Mr. James Nowell, contractor, representing the owner of the subject property,
said they agreed fo all the recommendations of the Planning staff. He thought
the people in the neighborhood were under the impression that the density
would go up a great deal in this area and that is not the intention. He
said the intention is fo get a minor variance from the ordinance so they could
add an additional home to the lot. When you consider that there are lots in
the area smaller than this, many lots in the area are around 7,000 square feet,
we are not significantly changing the density of the area. Miss Pacoffi would
live in the front house and her daughter would live in the rear. We are not
trying fo change the neighborhood or rent these houses out. He said just four
lots north there are four rental units on one lot.
Sid Gregory, 235 Myrtle, said they were only talking about six lots not the
entire town and if would not create the problems indicated by the neighbors.
The influence of this one request could possibly result in one or maybe two
additional houses in the whole neighborhood. He failed fo see how that would
disrupt their lives. The people who own the lot should have the privilege of
developing their lot the way they want fo if if doesn't degrade the area. He
felt the request should be approved.
MOTION by Saltarelli, SECONDED by Kennedy, fo close the public hearing.
Sharp, Saltarelli, Kennedy, Welsh, and Schuster
MOTION by Kennedy, SECONDED by Welsh, to deny Variance No. 80-1.
Under discussion Mr. Salfarelli asked if it was true that if the applicant of
this request were fo purchase an additional five feet fo the rear of their
property fhaf they would be able fo have these two homes without a variance?
Mr. Brotemarkle said they would merely be required to file a use permit,
Mr. Saltarelli said he didn't see how the Agency could make a decision until
they found out more facts. We hear that one lot has four units on it. He
wanted fo know how fhaf occurred. He thought these things should be looked
info. If permission has been granted to other properties, what were the
reasons behind the approval. There are bound fo be changes within the next
five or fen years and he thought the Agency should determine what the character
of the neighborhood is going to be as a group, rather than decide on a lot by
lot basis. He felt af this time the Agency needed some answers fo these
questions before if could act fairly.
Mr. Welsh said the initial approval for those four units was given by a prior
body fo the current members and that could be one of the reasons they are not
here now. He also felt that if this request were fo be approved, if would be
an action fhaf could encourage a drastic change. He would not appreciate in-
creasing the density which would in effect decrease the value of the property.
Mrs. Kennedy said since the request was for a variance all the Agency could
do was fo approve or deny a variance subject fo showing of hardship. The
hardship was possibly fo the owner in 1922, but when a new party buys if then
it's up fo them to find out what the restrictions are. If the property has
changed hands twice since our ordinance was upsraded, then we have nothing
fo give a variance on. She recommended the matter be voted on now.
Mr. Saltarelli said he would like to request, once more, that they continue
this hearing.
Planning Agency Minutes
January 7, 1980
page 4.
Chairman Schuster called for the motion.
Sharp, Salfarelli, Kennedy, Welsh, and Schuster
Mr. Salfarelli requested that a coherent plan for fha emfire area be developed
for Agency perusal.
The Agency concurred.
Mr. Sharp said he thought 1here was such a study made, a number of years ago,
and if should bo taken out of fha drawer and studied.
L!~¢ Permi t. 80-;~
Applicant: Richard Fairchild
Location: 1702 Moulfon Parkway
Mr. Brotemarkle said this was a request fo establish a recreational vehicle
storage facility with an on-site caretaker. He said this particular piece o¢
"M" zoned property is tho rear portion of the Celanese Company property and
also behind fha Koll Business Center. It would take access off a dead-end
street from Parkway Loop. If is extremely isolated and abuts fha Marine Corps
base on the south and the east. Such a use as this would be excellent for the
property. He said he would like fo point out that although the staff recom-
mends approval, if should be subject to the approval of a parcel map separating
the site utilized for the recreational vehicle storage, and the area utilized
by Celanese for their pipe storage.
Chairman Schuster declared the public hearing opened and asked if there was
anyone fo speak in favor or opposition I'o Use Permit 80-2.
Mr. Richard Fairchild said the only comment he had was concern as to how fha
Celanese and Koll Companies are going fo feel about filing a parcel map. His
only question was do they really need to provide a parcel map. They are ex-
pensive and it's probably not in my best interest and maybe not in the best
interest of the community or the other parties.
Mr. Brotemarkle said the staff's interpretation of 1he subdivision map ordinance
was fhafwhenever a property is divided for purpose of sale, lease, or financin9
that a formal division of that property is required.
Dr. Kenneth Fleagle, Planning Consultant, stated fhaf Mr. Brotemarkle was cor-
rect; our ordinance does require an approval of fha division of any property
that extends more than a thirty day lease. However, there is also an exception
built into the ordinance that provides for a certificate of compliance action
by the Council, allowing waiver of the procedure of fha parcel map. If can
then be accommodated by the staff but must still have approval of af least a
tentative map.
Mrs. Kathy Wail said she lived in Tusfin Meadows and was very much in favor
of this request.
Chairman Schuster asked if there was anyone else who wished fo speak in favor
or opposition and hearin9 no response he closed the hearin9 and asked fha
pleasure of fha Agency.
MOTION by Kennedy, SECONDED by Saltarelli, fo approve Use Permit 80-2 by the
adoption of Resolution No. 1866 and fo waive the requirement for a parcel map.
AYES: Sharp, Saltarelli, Kennedy, Welsh, and Schuster
NOES: None
Planning Agency Minutes
January 7, i980
page 5.
Tu~tin Acr~?. Mr. Mike Seamore said he was a resident of Tustin Acres and
wanted fo discuss the condominium conversion with the Agency. He said the
manager gave to the tenants a letter saying there would be minimal incon-
veniences with few problems, but he felt they were enduring many inconveniences.
He mentioned the lack of trash bin locations, piles of dirt and debris, early
morning construction, water being shut off several times during the week on
very short notice, the tearing out of laundry rooms, and very limited parking.
He said his wife is pregnant and in order to take advantage of the relocation
fees~ they would have fo move out just about the time the baby is due and he
felt this was an inconvenience. He could not see how the $320 rent reimburse-
ment was supposed to cover moving out, turning on utilities, telephone in-
stallation, and all the things fhaf have fo be taken info consideration when
there is a move. He said he had talked with a number of people associated with
the conversion and as of yet nothing had been done about the problems. He
said he called the Housing Authority and they referred him to the Planning
Agency. He was now wondering if actions could be taken to help alleviate some
of these problems.
Mr. Saltarelli said he would suggest that Mr. Seamore talk with Mr. Brofemarkle
fo see if he could perhaps help.
Mr. Schuster said it sounded fo him like Mr. Seamore had some legitimate com-
plaints, but others sounded unavoidable. He said there are certain things
during construction that con'f be helped, but perhaps Mr. Brotemarkle should
look info the matter.
Mr. Seamore said that under Section 3479 of the California Civil Code, in
part it says "...anything injurious 1o health which is indecent or offensive
fo the senses or an obstruction fo the use of property so as fo interfere with
the comfortable enjoyments of life or property is considered a nuisance" and
that is the premise ho would like fo take. It is a nuisance and we don't feel
fhaf as paying tenants we should have fo contend with this kind of run around.
Wu~'s Site Plan
Mr. Brotemarkle said this concerned the proposed restaurant at 17th Street
and Enderle Way. He said the applicant had submitted a revised plan of the
parking area, as requested by the Agency, and was an information only item,
requiring no Agency action unless the Agency desired further revisions.
There followed a discussion regarding the revised parking plan. Mr. Schuster
and Mr. Saltarelli weren't satisfied with the revision, but in light cf the
circumstances said they would go along with if.
~Xf¢fl~ion of Tim~ for Far Western Bank
Mr. Brofemarkle said the applicant for this temporary facility was requesting
an additional six months period of time and construction was proceeding'actively
on the permanent facility.
MOTION by Salfarelli, SECONDED by Sharp, to approve the request for a six
months extension of time for Far Western Bank.
Sharp, Saltarelli, Kennedy, Welsh, and Schuster
Planning Agency Minutes
January 7, 1980
page 6.
Fiqol Parcel Map 79-1032
i;~r. Brofemarkle stated this concerned property for South Orange Development
af the northwesterly corner of !7th Street and Prospect.
MOTION by Salfarelli, SECONDED by Sharp, to recommend approval to the City
Council by the adoption of Resolution No. 1865.
AYES: Sharp, Salfarelli, Kennedy, Welsh, and Schuster
NOES: None
Letter to TusfiD Businessqs and Sign Companies
Mr. Brotemarkle said this was simply an information item, in the event
Agency members received any inquiries they would know that the new section
concerning non-conforming signs went into effect as of January l, 1980. If
will require non-conforming signs which exceed the height or lighting criteria
by 25%, animation or other terms of this code; fhaf when there is a change
in ownership or name, they have to come as close as possible fo conforming
with tho Code.
Mr. Sharp said this seemed like a good public service fo inform the businesses
and sign companies of this.
Mr. Schuster asked if there was any action required on this matter,
Mr. Brotomarkle answered negatively.
There being no further business to come before the Planning Agency Chairman
Schuster declared the meeting adjourned at 4:50 p.m., to meet again for a
regular meeting to be hold January 21, 1980 af 3 p.m. in tho Council Chambers
oF the Tusfin City Hall.
~teph~n L. Schusler
Ch a i rman
M.I. Mehl
Recording Secretary