HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Minutes 12-17-79TUSTIN PLANNING AGENCY
December 17, 1979
The Planning Agency held a regular meeting Monday, December 17, 1979 in
the Council Chambers of the Tusfin City Hall, 300 Centennial Way, Tustin,
Tho meeting was called fo order at 3:05 p.m. by Vice-chairman Salfarelli,
in the absence of Chairman Schuster who was out of town on business.
The Pledge of Allegiance fo the Flag was led by Mr. Sharp and the invocation
was given by Mrs. Kennedy.
Vice-chairman Saltarelli; Agency members Sharp, Kennedy, and
Absent: Schuster
Al so present:
Mike Brotemarkle, Community Development Director
Dan Blankenship, City Administrator
James Rourke, City Attorney
Midge Mehl, Recording Secretary
Other staff members: 4
General public: 20
The minutes of the regular meeting held December 3, 1979 were approved as
written, with the waivin9 of readin9 same.
U~e Permit 79-~6
Applicant: Michael Lenhart
Location: 2680 Walnut, Unit 6-D - Tustin Business Center
Mr. Brofemarkle said the original Use Permit 77-29 for the U.S.A. Sandwich
Shop was approved October 3, 1977. Conditions of that approval included
hours of operation; a maximum seafin9 capacity of sixteen seats; and fhaf
the primary operation should be directed fo those workin9 in the Tusfin
Business Center. He said this business center had not been designed [o
accorrrnodafe a sit-down restaurant and parkin9 spaces provided were adequate
for industrial uses only. He said the fake-out service, with minimum seat-
ing, as originally approved, had grown info a restaurant type use with
approximately 40 seats and a game room. He said there had been legal action
instigated by the Tusfin Business Center against the former tenant in
September, 1978. Early this year staff received a number of complaints
concernin9 parkin9. A letter was sent fo the new owner August 16 by Mr.
Gene Snyder, alertin9 him of the operation restrictions. In response,
a petition was submitted signed by employees of Ocean Pacific, sfatin9
they had no problem with the parking, however, the signers ~eren'f tenants
of the subject Center. A letter was sent fo Mr. Lenhart, informin9 him that
due fo their expansion a new use permit was necessary.
The Irvine Company had submitted a letter regarding this application. The
Irvine Company recognized ~he need for food facilities for those working in
and around the industrial complex, but objected fo expansion of the seating
capacity to create a restaurant. If would not be an appropriate use for
this location. The Irvine Company supported the continuance of the U.S.A.
Sandwich Shop's conditions of approval as they now stand.
Planning Agency Minutes
December 17, 1979
page 2.
Vice-chairman Salfarelli declared the public hearin9 open and asked if there
was anyone who wished fo speak in favor or opposition to Use Permit 79-36.
Mr. John Le]nieks, attorney representing the applicant, spoke in favor of
the request. He said if seemed that the ma]or concern is the parking
situation, however, parking is not a real consideration because the primary
business is by foot traffic. He said if is a support service business for
the tenants and employees of the Center and ho offered to submit a list of
280 signatures of people who uso the facility, indicating their desire to
have seating provided at the U.S.A. Sandwich Shop. He said the seating re-
quested is a convenience for customers and controls trash and people flow
in the immediate area. He said two years' experience shows the need to ex-
pand the original use and they believed this consistent with the use of the
Center. He further said the hours of operation have been limited fo the
original use permit requirements and the game room had been closed.
Sharon Dawson spoke in opposition. She and her husband operate the business
directly next door. She had a photo showing parking problems and also said
the walls are not insulated and the noise makes it difficult to work in
their office. There had been several brawls which necessitated the police
coming fo the facility and this had become a detriment fo their business.
Bob Lawley, speaking in favor, said he was representing a company across
the street with 60 employees. About 80% eat at the U.S.A. Sandwich Shop
and although his company does have eating areas, people like fo get away
for lunch.
Mr. Lee Lenharf, father of the applicant and part owner, said in reference
fo the noise mentioned by Mrs. Dawson, the sandwich shop was there before
tho Dawson's moved in. There were some problems, under the former owner and
we asked the Dawson's when we took over what we could do fo be good neighbors.
We discontinued the game room and we offered fo insulate the wall, paying
for half the cost, but Mr. Dawson didn't want to do that. As for the park-
ing, people who come are there for a short time; they come in fo eat and are
out. He said the Dawson's have several trucks parked immediately in front
of their place and the U.S.A. Sandwich Shop every day.
Paula Matthews of The Irvine Company said she wanted to make sure the Agency
had received the letter in opposition to this request and favoring the use
permit as originally approved.
Michael Lenharf, the applicant, said if, in fact, parking is the primary
concern, he didn't feel one photograph should preclude the approval of his
request. He said at any given time there are 10 parking spaces i r~nediafely
behind the sandwich shop vacant all the time. If they could get cooperation
of the Alison Company, a sign indicating additional parking in the rear would
alleviate the parking problem. He said he purchased this business July 15
as an on-going business and due fo ignorance did not know the seating limi~
was 16. It was operating with 40 seats when he bought if. He said he would
do whatever was needed to get along with his neighbors.
Joe Janesse said he worked for Consolidated Beverages, across from the U.S.A.
Sandwich Shop and he didn't feel the 40 seats were excessive. He said the
quick service is very important and U.S.A. is a convenience both mentally
and physically for the tenant of the Center.
Vice-chairman Saltarelli asked if there was anyone else who wished fo speak
in favor or opposition to Use Permit 79-36 and hearing no response he de-
clared the public hearing closed.
The Agency discussed the convenience of the sandwich shop, the parking,
and the fact that the approval of this request would violate the City's
Planned Development for this particular area.
MOTION by Kennedy, SECONDED by Welsh, to deny Use Permit 79-36.
Planning Agency Minutes
December 17, 1979
page 3.
Sharp, Kennedy, Welsh, and Saltarelli
NOES: None
Use Permit 79-37
Applicant: Thomas O'Hara
Location: 15471 Red Hill Avenue, Suite D - Red Hill Business Park
To expand the approved use permit to include Unit C (additional
1,920 square feet)
Mr. Brotemarkle explained the required, existing, and proposed parking and
that the basis for staff recommendation in this and the previous case was
the same.
Vice-chairman Saltarelli declared the public hearing open and asked if there
was anyone who wished fo speak in favor or opposition.
Tom O'Hara, applicant, said that by design of his kitchen his business is
a fast food service. If didn't make any difference whether ho had 10 or 40
seats; the kitchen was designed for fast food service. He said in contrast
fo the request just heard, Tom and Jerry's had more parking available and
the expansion would make available to them one-half of the building.
There being no one else fo speak Vice-chairman Salfarelli declared the public
hearing closed and asked the pleasure of the Agency.
Mrs. Kennedy asked if there was a restaurant planned, in the future, for
this facility.
Mr. Brotemarkle said no, not at this site. The original request for this
use was approved fo provide a convenience service for this Center. The
occupancy restrictions were based upon the parking provided and the avail-
able parking would be 8 parking spaces. Currently there is an excess of
parking because two suites in their building are vacant af this time.
Mr.Salfarelli asked if this business was 100~ take-out or did they have
sit-down eating acco~r~nodations.
Mr. Brotemarkle said the major business is take-out and they have not ex-
panded beyond the original occupancy limitation.
Mr. Saltarelli asked if they served beer and wine.
Mr. Brotemarkle said yes, they do have a beer and wine license.
Mrsi Kennedy said her concern was the ssme for this request as the previous
one. She asked what the maximum seating would be.
Mr. Brotemarkle said 24 total for the entire business.
MOTION by Saltarelli, SECONDED by Sharp, to approve Use Permit 79-37 by
the adoption of Resolution No. 1863, and with the amendment of Section II.G.
fo read "Seating capacity shall be limited fo 24 seats total for the entire
Sharp, Kennedy, Welsh, and Saltarelli
NOES: None
ABSENT: Schuster
Mr. Sharp said it seemed to him that perhaps the staff should study this con-
cern in relation fo energy problems, gasoline shortages, traffic congestion,
new industrial complexes, and a method fo permit greater numbers of services
provided directly in such centers without creating problems. Not as an
Planning Agency Minutes
December 17, 1979
page 4.
attraction for greater traffic, but fo reduce the number of people on the
street by recommending ordinance changes.
With no objection from the Agency, the Vice-chairman so ordered thai this
study be made.
QF~inaqce Amendment - Regulating conversion of apartment rental units fo
individual ownership. The proposed ordinance provisions relate fo
typical use permit provisions incorporated on previous applications con-
corning Fire, conformance with other code sections, Public Works, Building
and Planning requirements. Under minimum sbandards of Building and Plan-
ning we have expanded on requests for plans, reports, and outlined procedural
aspects. The major portion of new information is to implement the relo-
cation plan as generally indicated by the housing element and these were
minimum requirements.
Mr. Brofemarkle indicated fhaf there will be two areas of concern coming up
in the near future. Tho first will be new standards affecting use of rooftop
areas as open space. Staff feels there is merit in a properly designed roof
bop recreational area to be considered as part of the open space. Secondly,
there will most likely be requests creating a dilemma of either fearing out
units to conform to fha open space requirements or using these units as
affordable housing with waiver of open space requirements. To lose sound
units, reduce open space or maintain the status quo are not the ideal de-
cision in any case. Those would be two issues that, if the Agency so desires,
can be addressed after we get this basic mi. nimum ordinance on the books and
either review if as prelects come in, making such requests, or develop al-
ternative code provisions to permit roof fop open space and establish criteria
for affordable housing concerns.
Mr. Welsh said the proposal had merit and he would like to see if addressed
at the appropriate time. Ho said on page 3 of Resolution No. 1860, under
II.e.(4)(a) he believed the Agency had some previous discussion on this and
he wondered how they could ensure the last month's rent wasn't dumped down
fo $10 a month for fha last month. It would appear fo him thai we need some
safeguard against this, in fha ordinance.
Mr. Brofemarkle said annually City staff surveys the rents charged by most
complexes within the city. We know what the rents were as of February of
[his year. He said the tenant relocation plan is not something that we
should leave as an after-the-fact item of approval of a use permit, but
something that should be included in tho documentation and submitted with
the original request for the use permit. He said it would still come before
the Planning Agency for action on specific cash amount of relocation assist-
The Vice-chairman declared the public hearing open and asked if there was
anyone who wished fo speak in favor or opposition. Hearing no response ho
declared the public hearing closed and asked the pleasure of the Agency.
Mr. Saltarelli said he found it abhorrent to think of people tearing out
dozens of dwellings where people are now living when we have such a critical
need for housing. It didn't seem logical or reasonable.
Mr. Brotemarkle said there were a number of options, including a cooperative
agreement with the Orange County Housing Authority, the development of
agreements between the City and developer, the City being an approving
agency on the rental of affordable housing units, etc. We would need to
set up minimum standards, but be flexible enough so where we see a prelect
proposal that has that sort of ~pporfunity, tho City may come up with a
solution that would be suitable for both tenants and developers.
Mr. Saltarelli asked if, by passing this resolution and recommending if to
Council, we in no way restrict any of our options regarding those other
Mr. Brotemarkle said no, such requests shall s~ill be considered as a regular
conditional use permit,
Planning Agency Minutes
December 17, 1979
page 5.
The Agency could impose necessary conditions as desired to implement such
requests. In the meantime, stall will develop guidelines and criteria
affecfirg fha issues discussed.
Mrs. Kennedy voiced her concerns regarding the fact that the Agency has
been felling the community that strict standards for condominium conversion
will be adhered to and not fo deplete our apartment rental units. This was
said by the whole Agency, and now staff comes in and suggests not only fhaf
we get involved in affordable housing, but that we put in danger our City
standards. If is such a departure from our previous history that she was
alarmed. She said she agreed there was a shortage of housing, but the
answer must not be by reducing standards, but finding other alternatives.
The developer is going fo press for conversions because the profits are
astronomical, but she didn't want the standards lowered fo meet this need.
She wasn't sure if was legal for the Agency fo become a housing agency and
asked that the city attorney look into this matter.
Mr. Saltarelli said we have strict conversion regulations and have kept to
those rigid standards, but if a person comes in with a large apartment com-
plex and he meets the standards of the ordinance, we should approve if.
If, to meet the standards, he has fo tear out numerous apartments for open
space, supposedly he can do if. Now if that's in fha best interest of the
City and the existing residents we can certainly stay with that. However,
we do have other people coming in saying we don't have enough housing,
escpecially Iow cost housing. If we hold firmly to the standards, we could
have even more conversions as it becomes economically feasible for developers
fo knock out a great number of units and still successfully convert an apart-
ment building info a condominium thereby decreasing the housing supply.
If was the opinion of the majority of the Agency that adoption of Ordinance
No. 1860 would not corrmif the Agency to new open space or affordable housing
provisions, however, staff should study the issues and prepare possible code
modifications for Agency consideration should such issues arise.
Mrs. Kennedy questioned why individual metering had not been included as a
code requirement.
Mr. Brofemarkle responded that such had not been a precedent on previous
Agency actions and had inferred that such requirements had been precluded
due fo cost. Utility regulation by association CC&Rs was discussed.
Mr. Salfarelli indicated fhaf such additional increase in the cost of housing
for an unnecessary requirement was not appropriate.
Mrs. Kennedy and Mr. Welsh said they preferred individual metering because
they felt tenants would be more cautious using gas and elecficity if they
were paying For it as individuals rather than as a group. Mrs. Kennedy re-
quested staff fo address this issue at the next hearing and staff indicated
they would research the matter. Mrs. Kennedy also requested staff to include
a study of providing open space at other locations and possible charges for
inadequate open space.
MOTION by Kennedy, SECONDED by Salfarelli, to recommend approval of the
ordinance amendment for condominium conversion to the City Council by the
adoption of Resolution No. 1860.
Sharp, Kennedy, Welsh, and Saltarelli
NOES: None
Planning Agency Minu[es
December 17, 1979
page 6.
Resolution No. 1862 (Variance 79-7)
Mr. Brofemarkle explainod that this was the resolution approving Mr. Walter
Foster's variance request, heard before the Agency af their meeting held
December 3, 1979.
MOTION by Sharp, SECONDED by Salfarelli, fo approve Resolution No. 1862.
AYES: Sharp, Welsh, and Salfarelli
NOES: Kennedy
ABSENT: Schuster
Final Tract Mao No. 10762 (CITCON)
MOTION by Kennedy, SECONDED by Welsh fo recommend approval oF Final Tract
Map No. 10762 fo the City Council by tho adoption of Resolution No. 1861.
AYES: Sharp, Kennedy, Welsh, and Saltarelli
NOES: None
ABSENT: Schuster
Final Parcel M~p No. 79-1033
MOTION by Welsh, SECONDED by Sharp, to recommend approval of Final Parcel
Map No. 79-1033 to the City Council by the adoption of Resolution No. 1864.
AYES: Sharp, Kennedy, Welsh, and Saltarelli
NOES: None
ABSENT: Schuster
Quail place RelocQfion plan
Mr. Brofemarkle said the applicant would like to address the Agency regard-
ing their relocation plan ~or the condominium conversion at 17552 Vandenberg
Mr. Donald Berman stated Quail Place Development, on February 22, 1979 had
committed themselves fo the tenants with what they Felt fo be a very ~quifable
relocation plan and had been the first to bring forward such a plan. We
are now informed, by staff, that we have not met the requirements of the
resolution requiring formal approval of the plan. He said he desired some
direction from the Agency as to whether their plan would be acceptable fo
the Agency. Their conversion had been approved prior fo development of
the Housing Element and new minimum cash relocation allowance criteria.
The Agency discussed ~uail Place Development's relocation plan.
MOTION by Salfarelli, SECONDED by Sharp, fo approve ~he relocation plan of
Quail Place Development as submitted with a cash relocation allowance of
AYES: Sharp, Welsh, Saltarelli
NOES: Kennedy
ABSENT: Schuster
Planning Agency Minutes
December 17, 1979
page 7.
Mr. Brotemarkle read a letter received from the Orange County Fire Marshal
regarding sprinklering of the parking structure for the Quail Place Develop-
ment. In accordance with code, an exception was granted by the Fire Depart-
ment for an "in lieu" protection system equal to or better than fhaf required
by code. However, as our contract agent, the County Fire Department would let
that decision stand unless unsatisfactory to the City Council. Discussion
was held regarding interior auto fires, gasoline and sprinkler systems.
Mr.Brotemarkle said unless otherwise directed, the Chief's decision would
stand. A.rs. Kennedy moved fo agendizo the matter. Motion died for lack of
a second.
P~rklfne ShoDpina Center
Mr. Brotemarkle said the Parklane Shopping Center had submitted a Master Sign
Plan for Agency's consideration.
MOTION by Sharp, SECONDED by Welsh, to approve the Parklane Shopping Center
Master Sign Plan, as submitted.
Sharp, Kennedy, Welsh, and Saltarelli
NOES: None
ABSENT: Schuster
Mr. Brotemarkle said the staff had received an inquiry whether a sun tan
salon could be considered a legal use in the commercial zones. He further
stated the staff would like the Agency's direction as to whether this type
of use should be considered a beauty salon type use or necessitate a use
permit. Cities have gone both ways and staff felt if was similar fo a beauty
There followed a discussion concerning which of the approved uses in com-
mercial zones could best describe the sun fan salon use,
MOTION by Saltarelli, SECONDED by Sharp to direct staff to consider it a
permitted use and prepare appropriate code amendments [o implement same.
Sharp, Kennedy, Welsh, and Saltarelli
NOES: None
ABSENT: Schuster
There being no further business fo come before the Planning Agency Vice-
chairman Salfarelli declared the meeting adjourned at 5 p.m., to meet again
at a regular meeting fo be held January 7, 1980 af 3 p.m. in the Council
Chambers of the Tustin City Hall·
D~ald Salt
· · Mehl
Recording Secretary