HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Minutes 10-15-79TUSTIN PLANNING AGENCY Minutes of Regular Me~tinq October 15, 1979 The Planning Agency held a regular meeting Monday, October 15, 1979 in the Council Chambers of the Tustin City Hall, 300 Centennial Way, Tustin, California. The meeting was called to order at 3:02 p.m., by Chairman Schuster. The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was led by Mr. Sharp and the invocation was given by Mr. Welsh. PRESENT: Chairman Schuster, Sharp, Saltarelli (3:07 p.m.), Kennedy, and Welsh ABSENT: None Also Present: Mike Brotemarkle, Community Development Director Dan Blankenship, City Administrator James Rourke, City Attorney Midge Mehl, Recording Secretary Other staff men~Ders - 9 General Public - 14 MINUTES The minutes of the regular and continued meetings held October 1, 1979 were approved as written, with the addition of Mrs. Kennedy's reason for a "no" vote on Use Permit 79-27, and with the waiving of reading same. There was a discussion regarding the motion approving Resolution No. 1845 and whether or not a condition had been included which was not specifically mentioned in the motion, but which the Agency had inferred they wanted to be a condition of approval. Mr. Brotemark]e stated that the resolution would be amended to include the Agency's wishes. MOTION by Kennedy, SECONDED by Schuster, to amend Resolution No. 1845 to include the condition that tile open parking for the office building be available for public use. AYES: Sharp, Kennedy, Welsh, and Schuster NOES: None ABSTAINED: Saltarelli (due to his absence at the beginning of the discussion) PUBLIC HEARINGS Use Permit 79-28 Applicant: Location: Request: E.W. Rosenberq, on behalf of the Red Hill Lutheran Church 13200 Red Hill Avenue To construct additional classroom facilities at the Red Ilill Lutheran Church-School and replace current temporary facilities Mr. Brotemarkle stated this application is a continuation of Use Permit 79-20, which granted temporary utilization of mobile classrooms for a period of six months. The Church would like to have the Agency approve the conversion of the temporary facility into new, permanent classrooms. A second story would be added to existing classrooms on the southern portion of the property. He suggested an additional condition: "I. That the student body shall not exceed a maximum of 300 students." It would take time to construct the new class- rooms and Use Permit 79-20 should be extended because they would need those temporary classrooms until the permanent facility was completed. Chairman Schuster asked why a limit of 300 students on the permanent structure when that was established for the temporary structure? Mr. Brotemarkle said the staff was assuming that the students coming from the temporary classrooms would be of the same number, therefore, we would still have the same number of students. Planning Agency Minutes - October 15, 1979 page 2. Chairman Schuster said he was under the impression that the permanent structure was being built for ultimate growth and not just 300 students. Mr. Bortemarkle said that was not the staff's impression. The public hearing was opened. Mr. E.W. Rosenburg, 14202 Da21 Lane, Tustin, representing the Red Hill Lutheran Cnurch, said there was sorm~ misunderstanding regarding this appli- cation because the drawings showed that they were going to double-deck all existing classrooms on a modular type basis. Thc school is at 293 students at the present time and expects an enrollment of a maximum of 400, theref6re, they request removal of the 300 student limit. At the previous hearing ~tr. Larson, a neighbor, complained about the play equipment going over the fence into his pool and the noise from the children. He said eighty Italian Cypress trees would be planted along the back area and the playground area moved to the south. The Church, he said, wants to be a good neighbor to Mr. Larson. He submitted a photograph showing how Italian Cypress grew into a dense bar- rier. Mr. Rotx3rt Larson, 13211 Woodland Drive, Tus~in, stated he would hate to see more students in this school, and was very much opposed to this request. Chairman Schuster asked if there was anyone else who wished to speak and hearing no response he declared the public hearing ~losed. There followed a discussion regarding the maximum number of students which would be contained in the new facility and whether that had actually been contained in the application request. .Mr. Satlarelli asked J f the staff wished to look further at this proposal now that they knew the maximum number of students would be 400 rather than 300. ~. Brotema~kle said his initial feeling was that it would not have a major impact on our recommendation provided they comply with state ].aw, Department of Education, County Fire Marshal, etc. If there were any adverse circum- stances created by the Agency's action, the Use Permit could be called back for further review. If the Agency desired to take action today include the addition of a condition that the area abutting the residential properties on the eastern boundary be screened with minimum 4 to 5 foot Italian Cypress trees, closely spaced, and that the maximum population of the student body not exceed 400. 5ir. Satlarelli said he thought the Agency should go ahead and approve this request with the proviso that thc, student population shall not be increased beyond the 300 now perrmitted nor construction begin until a satisfactory plan for handling the problem of noise, a~d perhaps a fence for keeping ob- jects from the neighbor's yard be submitted for Agency approval. Mrs. Kennedy asked if the Italian Cypress would be a good type of tree to buffer the noise, and has the staff considered the view from the second story into adjacent properties. Chairman Schuster stated there would be no impact upon adjacent properties due to the second story because the way the building was situated it did not overlook any residential properties. MOTION by Saltarelli, SECONDED by Kennedy, to continue Use Permit 79-28 until the next regular meeting. AYES: Sharp, Saltarelli, Kennedy, Welsh, and Schuster NOES: None Planning Agency Minutes - October 15, 1979 page 3. PUBLIC CONCERNS None OLD BUS INESS Non e NEW BUSINESS Tustin Acres Tenant Relocation/Purchase Plan Mr. Brotemarkle said as per the resolution approving the conversion of the Tustin Acres apartment complex to condominiums, it was required that they submit to the Agency their tenant relocation and purchase plan. Their news- letter which was a part of the information packet at that meeting, and which they submitted to their tenants, and their verbal statements at that meeting are represented by the items included in the plan submitted to the Agency at this time. He said the staff had received no complaints with regard to the plan, from any of the residents. MOTION by Saltarelli, SECONDED by Sharp, that the plan as submitted by Citcon Corporation for Tustin Acres' Tenant Relocation/Purchase Plan be ap- proved, and that the letter dated September 26, 1979 from Mr. Lewis D. Hutchins of Citcon Cort~ration and the Relocation/Purchase Plan for Eligible Tenants of Tustin Acres Apartments be a part of this approval by reference. AYES: Sharp, Saltarelli, Kennedy, Welsh, and Schuster NOES: None Sixth Street Vacation and Abandonment MOTION by Saltarelli, SECONDED by Sharp, that this street abandonment be found as caterg~rically exempt from CEQA requirements and that the Agency pass and adopt Resolution No. 1846, recommending to the City Council dispo- sition of surplus road right-of-way on Sixth Street, easterly of the Santa Ana Freeway. AYES: Sharp, Saltarelli, Kennedy, Welsh, and Schuster NOES: None CORRESPONDENCE None STAFF CONCERNS Mr. Brotemarkle said as a point of information , he would like to mention that the Local Agency Formation Commission has been considering a possible action on an annexation in the city of Santa ~a's Sphere of Influence. said one of those actions could be to amend the Sphere of Influence and allow the property owners to petition for annexation to the city of Tustin. A C~neral Plan amendment action with regard to pre-zoning would be necessary to implement action LAFCO takes in this regard. Homeowners and the church school hope to get favorable consideration to have LAFCO recommend to the City the area north of Main between the 5 and 55 Freeways be annexed to Tustin. Mr. Saltarelli said he thought it would be wise for the Agency and the Council to take action that would state we are aware of the request by the property owners in that area to annex to the city of Tustin, and that if LAFCO should approve, the annexation would be favorably received and the City would process the appropriate General Plan amendment. Action should be taken at our Council meeting today. Planning Agency Minutes - October 15, ]979 page 4. MOTION by Welsh, SEC(~DED by Kennedy, to recommend to the City Council a favorable consideration in the request for annexation by property owners in the ~in Street-Freeway unincorporated area subject to LAFCO action. AYES: Sharp, Saltarel]i, Kennedy, Welsh, ~d Schuster NOES: None AGENCY C~DNCF. RN S 5~r. Sharp mentioned that Social Ecological 805.4, being offered by UCI ex- tension, dealing with airports might be of interc~st to members. Chairman Schuster said he had been considering asking Councilwoman Kennedy to be the Council representative on the airport issues. He sa~d he would be the alternate and would attend as many meetings as ~x~ssible, but he was getting swamped with meetings. Councilwoman Kennedy concurred. Mr. Saltarelli said he assumed that members of the Agency had received letters from the Enderle Center Merchant's Association on their concern of the proposed building at the co~er of Vandenberg Lane and Enderle Center Drive. They are concerned that with the already inadequate parking and traffic flow and requested the Community Development Department and the Agency give serious consideration to deleting that building or seeing to it, if it is built, that it is built with the existing problems in mind. Mr. Brotemarkle said there are only three buildings constituting the remain- ing portion of the original use permit. He sald it had been noted that some uses, specifically restaurants, do at the present time fail to comply with their parking req~]~rements. Staff is similarly concerned in this regard, especially regarding the main commercial-restaurant portion of the project. 5~DTION by Saltarelli, SECONDED by Sharp, that the Agency review the final phases for ~derle Center under provisions of the original approval and relative to the experience we now have on parking problems created in that area, prior to issuance of building permits. AYES: Sharp, Saltarelli, Kennedy, Welsh, and Schuster NOES: Non e ADJOUrNmeNT There being no further bus~ness to come before the P±anning Agency Chairman Schuster declared the meeting adjourned at 4:10 p m., to meet again for a regular meeting to be held November 5, 1979. Chairman M.I. 5~hl P~ cording Secretary