HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Minutes 09-04-79TUSTIN PLANNING AGENCY Minutes of Regular Meeting September 4, 1979 The Planning Agency held a regular meeting Tuesday, September 4, 1979 in the Council Chambers of the Tustin City Hall, 300 Centennial Way, Tustin, California. The meeting was called to order at 3:05 p.m. by Chairman Schuster. The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was led by Mr. Sharp and the in- vocation was given by Mrs. Kennedy. PRESENT: Sharp, Kennedy, Welsh (3:10 p.m.), and Schuster ABSENT: Saltarelli Also present: ~ke Brotemarkle, Community Development Director Dan Blankenship, City Administrator James l~urke, City Attorney M.I. Mehl, Recording Secretary MINUTES The minutes of the regular ~eeting held August 20, 1979 were approved as corrected, with the waiving of reading same. PUBLIC HEARINGS Use Permit 79-24 (continued) Appli cant: Locat ion: Request: Wellington Group Northwesterly corner of Irvine Boulevard and Plaza Drive To develop a commercial condominium project. Mr. Brotemarkle advised the Agency that the developer and property owner were presently involved in a legal matter concerning the subject property and had requested a further continuance of Use Permit 79-24 and Tentative Tract #10852 until the matter could be settled. He recommended a continuance to the October 1, 1979 regular meeting. Chairman Schuster asked if there was anyone who wished to speak in favor or opposition to these cases. Hearing no response he asked the pleasure of the Agency. MOTION by Sharp, SECONDED by Kennedy, to continue Use Permit 79-24 and Tenta- tive Tract ~10852 until thc regular meeting to be held October 1, 1979. AYE S: NOES: ABSENT: Sharp, Kennedy, Welsh, and Schuster None Saltarelli An~ndm~nt to Ordinance No. 510 Mr. Brotemarkle said this amendment was instigated by the memo from the staff and discussion by the Agency in regard to a clarification of the boundaries of the E1 Camino Real design district and a clarification of the parking waiver provision of Ordinance No. 510. Basically, he said, the proposed ordi- nance changes the section concerning fees to waive required parking. Current fee structure would be grossly insufficient to provide future parking facilities. Future fees would be substantial and reduce the dependence on this section while placing more emphasis on an assessment district, ]eased parking, and revisions to increase on-street parking availability. He said staff is cur- rently working on alternative on-street parking plans and should be able to bring something to the Agency in October. He said it might be beneficial to Planning Agency Minutes - September 4, 1979 page 2. continue this matter until the staff has met with the E1 Camino Real business people Septeraber 12 to discuss variou~ parking proposals and have a sense for the direction such parking plan might take. Mrs. Kennedy expressed concern reqarding item SI.B.c. of Reso].tuion No. 1839. Mr. Brotemarkle explained the item would be highly restrictive based on fair market value, including inflationary factors and only make the parking space fees more expensive and thus more prohibitive to use this particular section. We should put more reliance on the power of the Redevelopment Agency and the ~wer of the City to implement a parking program to provide parking through a district and through modifications of on-street facilities rather than on emphasis on a fee program. Too many businesses are relying too much on the fee waiver which is an inappropriate mechanism. C~airman Schuster declared the public hearing open and asked if there was anyone in the audience who wished to speak. Hearing no response he asked the pleasure of the Agency. MOTION by Welsh, SECONDED by Sharp, to continue the public hearing on the Amendment to Ordinance No. 510 to the regular meeting to be held October 1, 1979. AY~-:S: NOES: ABSENT: Sharp, Kennedy, Walsh, and Schuster None Saltarell~ PUBL]C CONCERNS None OLD BUSINESS None NEW BUSINESS Tentative Parcel Map 79-1033 Applicant: Val]eyConsu]tants on behalf of Doug Scott Location: 240 Pasadena Avenue .~%r. Brotemarkle stated that staff would recommend the Planning Agency recom- mend to the City Council approval of Tenative Parcel ¥~p 79-1033 by the adoption of Resolution No. 1840. IIe said this proposed change was in conformance with the Land Use Element of the Tustin Area C~neral Plan and the zone change approved for the subject property. It was determined that a fourplex and a trip]ex on th(: northerly two lots would be the initial deve].opment. MOTION by Kennedy, SECONDED by Welsh, to reco~m~:nd to the City Council approval of Tentative Parcel Map 79-1033 by the adoption of Resolution No. 1840. AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Sharp, Kennedy, Welsh, and Schuster None Saltarelli CORRESPONDENCE None STAFF CONCERNS None AGENCY CONCF. RNS None Planning Agency Minutes - September 4, 1979 page 3. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the Planning Agency, Chairman Schuster declared the meeting adjourned at 3:25 p.m., to meet again for a regular meeting to be held September ].7, ].979. ~t~e~en L. Schuster Chairman M.I. Mehl Recording Secretary