HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Minutes 04-16-79TUSTIN PLANNING AGENCY
Minutes of Regular Meeting
Monday, April 16, 1979
The Planning Agency held a regular meeting Monday, April 16, 1979
in the Council Chambers of the Tustin City Hall, 300 Centennial Way,
Tustin, California. The meeting was called to order by Chairman
Schuster at 3:04 p.m.
The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was led by Mr. Welsh and the
invocation was given by Mrs. Kennedy.
Chairman Schuster, Mr. Sharp (3:07 p.m.), Mr. Saltarelli,
Mrs. Kennedy, and Mr. Welsh
Absent: None
Also present:
Alan Warren, Assistant Planner
Dan Blankenship, City Administrator (3:15 p.m)
James Rourke, City Attorney
Midge Mehl, Recording Secretary
The minutes of the regular and adjourned meetings held April 3, 1979
were approved as corrected, with the waiving of reading same.
Use Permit 79-8
Applicant: Norris Haight
Location: 14041 Newport Avenue
To operate a truck and trailer rental/storage facility
at an existing Texaco service station.
Mr. Warren presented the factual data and stated there were two con-
cerns which should be addressed. Firstly, is the storage and renting
of trucks a use similar to those authorized ~lder zoning and development
provisions; and if the use is authorized, has the applicant proposed
sufficient site amenities? He further stated that since the staff
report was written the applicant has contacted the department and re-
quested a continuance of the hearing.
Chairman Schuster declared the public hearing open and asked if there
were any questions from the Agency at this time. Hearing none, he
asked if there was anyone in the audience who wished to speak to th~s
request. There being no response, the Chairman asked the pleasure of
the Agency.
MOTION by Welsh, SECONDED by Saltarelli, to continue the public hear-
ing of Use Permit 79-8 until the next meeting to be held May 7, 1979.
AYES: Sharp, Saltarelli, Kennedy, Welsh, and Schuster
NOES: None
"- I
Pre-zone 79-1 (Irvine-Peters Canyon)..
Applicant: Initiated by the City Council
Location: Tustin Sphere of Influence, easterly of Browning; northerly
of Irvine Boulevard; and westerly of Myford Road
Proposal: To pre-zone from Orange County Agricultural to the City
of Tustin Planned Community District
~. Warren stated this item had been heard at the last meeting and
the Agency directed staff to draft a resolution, which they now have
before them.
Chairman Schuster asked the pleasure of tho Agency.
MOTION by Welsh, SECONDED by Saltarelli to adopt Resolution No. 1812
as submitted.
Mrs. Kennedy questioned the wording "accommodations be made for affordable
housing...". Mr. Warren explained the intent of the wording.
AYES: Sharp, Saltarelli, Kennedy, Welsh, arid Schuster
NOES: None
Bee and Round Canyon EIR
Mr. Warren explained that the County of Orange had distributed the
subject EIR for review, to interested aqencies, lie said the report
had been reviewed by staff, with primary concern in the possible traffic
impacts of the project to the city, primarily Irvine Boulevard. He said
the staff had requested the County to include some figures and impacts
that the use of Irvine Boulevard, if it was to become an alternate route,
would have on the city. He said staff did not see that concern ad-
dressed in this report. He further stated that representatives of the
County of Oranqe were in attendance and would like to make a presentation
at this time.
Mr. D.G. Peer, Manager GSA/Solid Waste Management, with the aid of a
slide presentation and two models which showed the topography of the
proposed landfill s~te, addressed the Bee and Round Canyone EIR request.
Mr. Ronald Lofy and Mr. Eric A. Nordhausen also spoke in favor of the
There followed a discussion by the Agency.
MOTIN by Welsh, SECONDED by Saltarelli, to direct staff to look care-
fully into the potential traffic, visual, and odor impacts on the city
as a result of the project prior to the Agency recommending certifi-
cation of the ].:IR.
AYES: Sharp, Saltarell~, Kennedy, Walsh, and Schuster
NOES: None
Use Permit 79-9
Applicant: Village Homes of California
13152 Newport Avenue
Authorization to maintain and use a trailer as a temporary real
estate sales office.
5~. Warren explained that this request was in conjunction with the
Packer's Square project; that the office would be used to market the
multiple family units to be constructed on the property. He further
stated that a Zoning Administrator Hearing was held on April 6, 1979
and the request was approved, with conditions as outlined in the Memo-
randum of Findings, which the Agency had received. He said this was
brought to the Agency's attention as a matter of information only.
Mr. Warren reminded the Planning Agency of the public hearing scheduled
for 7:30 p.m. this date.
There being no further business to come before the Planning Agency
at this time, and with no objection from the Agency, Chairman Schuster
adjourned the meeting at 4:20 p.m. to meet again for an adjourned
meeting to be held at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers.
APPROVED AS WRITTEN this~ day of.. ~ , 1979.
Stephc~h L. Schuste~
M.I. Mehl
Recording Secretary
Minutes of Adjourned Meeting
Monday, April 16, 1979
The adjourned meeting was called to order at 7:40 p.m. by Chairman Schuster.
Also Present:
Present: Chairman Schuster, Mr. Sharp, Mr. Saltarelli (8:29 p.m.),
Mrs. Kennedy, and Mr. Welsh
Alan Warren, Assistant Planner
Dan Blankenship, City Administrator
Alan Burns, Assistant City Administrator
Midge Mehl, Recording Secretary
Use Permit 79-4
Applicant: Quail Place Development
I~cation: 17522 Vandenberg Lane (Fuller Garden Apartments)
Request: To convert apartment complex into condominiums
Mr. Warren said this public hearing was continued from a previous
meeting and that the Agency had a report, written by the former Director
of Community Development, Mr. Brian Chase, in which he stated that the
staff had been in continuous contact with the representatives of Quail
Place Development Company, and as of the date of the report (4-9-79)
the staff had not received any concrete data on how sound attenuation
would be handled, and he felt that no action should be taken until the
methods of meeting the sound attenuation standards were understood.
Mr. Warren stated that the City Attorney had also s~)mitted a report
to the Agency which stated, in part, that condominiums are a conditionally
permitted use when developed pursuant to the criteria of the Planned
Development District.
Chairman Schuster declared the public hearing open and asked if there
was anyone to speak to Use Permit 79-4.
Mr. Donald C. Berman, representing the applicant, stated that a package
had been sent to the Planning Agency members, last week, containing
additional information. He said that as of two weeks ago they were
unaware of any further submissions required by the City. He said it
came as a shock to find that Mr. Chase was somehow left with the im-
pression that following a meeting with Mr. Reid and staff, they owed
the City a written description of how they intended to meet the sound
attenuation rcquirements. At the time of the meeting with .Mr. Reid
it had been decided that since they had already retained a firm to
aid them in meeting these standards, that the City required no further
input until the actual work would be done, at which time additional
drawings would be required. He said there was no question that they
would do certain things on test apartments and get them up to the
speci£icat[ons. He further stated that the company is prepared to
accept the City's conditions, fully confident that during the refur-
bishing process they would be able to make the required changes to
meet the standards required. There was no question that it could be
Chairman Schuster asked if there was anyone else who wished to speak
to Use Permit 79-4.
The following people spoke:
Nancy D'Amico, 17544 Vandenberg Lane, #B-3
Helen D. Edgar, 13622 Loretta Drive
Margaret DeBeau, 17554 Vandenberg Lane
5~. Gould
Mr. Ogden
There followed a lengthy discussion.
MOTION by Kennedy, SECONDED by Welsh, to continue the public hearing
of Use Permit 79-4 until the meeting of May 7, 1979 in order for the
Agency to study all the pertinent facts presented at this meeting and
to further study all the input from those who spoke.
AYES: Sharp, Saltarelli, Kennedy, and Welsh
NOES: Schuster
There being no further business to come before the Planning Agency, the
meeing adjourned at 8:48 p.m. to meet again for a regular meeting to be
held May 7, 1979 at 3 p.m.
APPROVED AS WRITTEN this~ day of._ ~~,~ , 1979.
Steph~n L. Schuster
M. I. Mehl
Recording Secretary