HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Minutes 02-05-79TUSTIN PLANNING AGENCY Minutes of Regular Meeting Monday, February 5, 1979 The Planning Agency held a regular meeting Monday, February 5, 1979 in the Council Chambers of the Tustin City Ilall, 300 Centennial Way, Tustin, California. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Welsh at 3:05 p.m. The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was led by Mr. Saltarelli and the in- vocation was given by Mrs. Kennedy. ROLL CALL Pre sent: Chairman Welsh, Mr. Sharp, Mr. Schuster, Mrs. Kennedy, and Mr. Saltarelli Absent: None Also Present: Brian Chase, Community Development Director Dan Blankenship, City Administrator James Rourke, City Attorney (3:12 p.m.) M.I. Mehl, Recording Secretary MINUTES The minutes of the regular meeting held January 15, 1979 were approved as corrected, with the waiving of reading same. PUBLIC HEARINGS (continued from Januarly 15, 1979) Use Permit 79-2 Applicant: Yoshinoya West Location: Walnut at Newport 5~. Chase presented the applicant's revised site plan and other exhibits which he stated should help to satisy the Agency's concerns regarding the proposed materials to be used and the signing proposed. The Chairman asked if there was anyone from the audience who wished to speak to this request. Mr. Bill Reed, architect, came to the podium and questioned item ll(b) of the Staff's recommended conditions of approval. Mr. Chase explained this ~tem, stating that the grading plan mentioned was for the restaurant site only. Mrs. Kennedy expressed her concern about the fifteen conditions in the Staff's January 15 report and Mr. Chase informed her that all fifteen items had either been taken care of or would be made a normal condition of approval. MOTION by Saltarelli, SECONDED by Schuster, to direct Staff to prepare a resolution of approval for Use Permit 79-2. AYES: Sharp, Schuster, Kennedy, Saltarelli, and Welsh NOES: None ABSENT: None Use Permit 79-3 Applicant: Trinity Broadcasting Location: 2442 Michelle Mr. Chase explained that this request had been continued because of the -2- concerns regarding the EIR. He said that through the EIR process the Plan- ning Agency can require whatever measures are necessary to insure that there will be no detrimental impact to the environment. ~r. Paul F. Crouch, 2442 Michelle, Tustin, came to the podium and explained that they were requesting site plan approval and understood the requirements for an E1R. Mr. Carl E. McMillan, Jr., 2442 Michelle, Tustin, came to the podium and explained that the satellite they were now requesting would be identical to the one now in use. lie said the proposed second satellite would enable the broadcasting network to receive many more stations than they are now capable of receiving and that the new satellite would be used only for receiving, not transmitting, lie further stated that the FCC would not permit anything that would interfere with the surrounding environment. There followed a discussion. 5~TION by Kennedy, SECONDED by Saltarelli, to approve only the site plan of this request and continue the public hearing in order for the Staff to prepare the necessary EIR required to assure that no interference would result from the installation of a second satellite. AYES: Sharp, Schuster, Kennedy, Saltarelli, and ~lsh NOES: None ABSENT: None PUBLIC CONCERNS Mr. Michael R. Zappas of E1 Camino Plaza stated he had received many com- plaints from tenants within the E1 Camino Plaza, concerning the monument in the triangle at E1 Camino Real. ]{e said it was considered to be an obstruction and a traffic hazard, and they would like to have it removed for better traffic flow into the shopping center. There followed a discussion and it was the consensus of the Agency that the Staff investigate this matter ~d bring a report back to the Agency at their next meeting. The Chairman so ordered. OLD BUS INESS Conversion of Residential Pro[~erty to Commercial Uses (Tom Kelly) Mr. Chase stated that several months ago Mr. Kelly had submitted plans to add an addition to his residential u~its at 325 South "C" Street and during the course of construction he had decided to change the room addition to a beauty shop. He further stated that after considerable discussion and review of the ordinance, by Staff and the city attorney, it had been determined that the real problem centered around Mr. Kelly's inability to convert the entire property to commercial uses at one time. He sa~d Mr. Kelly is now proposing to phase in the entire property to commercial uses over a one year period of time. MOTION by Kennedy, SECONDED by Saltarelli, to have the city attorney draft the necessary agreement and require a bond equal to 23% of the cost of improvements and meet the parking requirements of Ordinance 510 as conditions of approval. AYES: Schuster, Kennedy, Saltarelli, and Welsh NOES: Sharp ABSENT: None -3- NEW BUSINESS Tentative Tract No. 10628 Applicant: Clifford Thompson Location: 18422 Warren Avenue Mr. Chase stated that the subject parcel was recently annexed into the city and was pre-zoned to the City of Tustin, Planned Development (PD) District. IIe said on Decenfoer 18, 1978 the Agency adopted Resolution No. 1792 which approved a use permit to allow the construction of five (5) single family condominiums. There followed a discussion. ~[rs. Kennedy expressed her concern over the roadway width. MOTION by Saltarelli, SECONDED by Sharp, to approve and recommend to the City Council approval of Tentative Tract Map No. 10628 by the adoption of Resolution No. 1801. AYES: Sharp, Schuster, Saltarelli, and Welsh NOES: Kennedy ABSENT: None Final Parcel Map 78-126 Applicant: Santa Fe Land Improvement Company Locat ion: 1301 Santa Fe Drive, north of Santa Fe between Red }{ill Avenue and Woodlawn Avenue MOTION by Saltarelli, SECONDED by Kennedy, to approve and recommend to the City Council approval of Final Parcel Map 78-126 by the adoption of Resolution No. 1802. AYES: Sharp NOES: None ABSENT: None STAFF CONCERNS Mr. Chase presented up-to-date population figures for the city. lie also stated that there was quite a bit of industrial development activity going on at the present time, with eleven new projects in the industrial area. lie then distributed copies of a newsletter from the Foothill Association and stated that Dr. Fleagle would be attending their meeting this evening. AGENCY CONCERNS Mrs. Kennedy inquired about a recent letter received by Mr. Chase from the Radiation Sterilizers, Inc. She said she would like to see matters of this nature placed on the agenda and brought to the attention of the Planning Agency. Mr. Chase stated that this particular matter had been brought to the attention of the Agency at their July, 1978 meeting and at that time a Negative Declar- ation had been prepared. Mrs. Kennedy stated she would like more discretion used as to what companies can locate in Tustin. She said she would like to see the use permit pro- cedure used more often so the Agency could deny or revoke the permit should things not be in order. -4- There Followed a discussion on what conditional uses should require use permits. MOTION by Kennedy, SECONDED by Saltarelli, to have the city attorney in- vestigate the legal aspects of the current zoning ordinance in order to help formulate a policy on industrial uses for the Planning Agency to follow. AYES: Sharp, Schuster, Kennedy, Saltarelli., and Welsh NOES: None ABSENT: None Mrs. Kennedy questioned the legality of the trailers parked on the Basic-Four property. She felt that a temporary use permit should be filed. ~. Chase said he would investigate this matter. ADD OUP~Nb~.N'[' There being no further business to come before the Planning Agency the meeting adjourned at 4:28 p.m., to meet again at the regular meeting to be held February 20, 1979 at 3 p.m. instead of the regular meeting date of February 1°~, due to a city holiday falling on that date. APPROVED AS WRIT'I~EN THIS ~~ day of February, 1979. Ralph W~lsh, Jr. ~ Planning Agency Chairma~ M.I. Mehl Recording Secretary