HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Minutes 09-18-78blINIJ'I'IiS OF 'rllli TIJSTIN PLANNING AGENCY TUSTIN CITY CEXTER SEPTEMB}iR 18, 1978 A regular meeting o£ the City of 'l'ustin Planning Agency was held on the 18th day of September, 1978 at 3:00 PM in thc Council Chambers, 300 Centennial Way, Tustin, Califronia. i. CALL TO ORI)EII The meeting was called to order at 3:04 PM hy Ctmirman Welsh. [I. l)Ll3)(;li OF AI. LE(;I,~XCti Led by Chairman Welsh. 111. INVOCATION Given by Mr. Sharp RO[.I. CALl. Present: Members: Others Present: Welsh, Schuster, Sharp, Kennedy, Saltarclli l)an lllankenship, City :\dministrator ,James Rourkc, City Attorney Bt'lan ,I. Chase, Community Development l)irector Diane P. Jasinski, Recording Secretary V. ..\PPI{OVAI. OF MINUTIiS Moved by Mr. Sharp, seconded by Saltarelli, to approve the minutes of the meeting held on Septeml)er 5, 1978. Carried: ..\)'es: Sharp, Saltarelli, Welsh. Al)stained: Schuster, Kennedy (Al)sent from meet lng) VI. PUBLIC IIE:\II] N(;S Continued Use Permit 78-19 - William llockenberry ["or ,lansvu Properties requesting authorization to construct 28 condominium units in the Planned I)evelopmcnt district located southerly of' 422 W. First Street. blr. Chase presented the staff report and stated that the staff has worked with the developer to come up with a site design that meets minimum requirements; thc design is an asset to the area. The public hearing was opened at 5:07 Phi. Mr. }lockenberry, architect representing Jansvu Properties, lnc, presented a simple section, north-south 3cro$s the site as requested by Mr. Sharp at the previous meeting (September 5). ,Mrs. Kennedy was concerned with the promise made to residents in the area regarding quiet living conditions. Mr. llockenherry stated they ~ould be testing drilling holes throughout the property but it regulates no more ot:' a nuksance than trash pick-up machines. There being no further comments or objections, the public hearing was closed at 3:12 PSl. Moved by Sharp_,. seconded by Schuster to direct stot'F to prelmre the necessary resolution for approval. Carried unanimously. 2one Chan.g..'.e__7_8-_d,I- - An act.i, on initiated by the City of Tustin to change the zone of the property located on the south side of Sixth Street l:rom the Public & Institutional (P ti I) to the Planned Industrial (PM) district. After presentation of thc staff: report by Mr. Chase, tile public heoring was opened at 3:19 There being no comments or objections, tile pul)l'ic hearing closed at 3:20 ()ne letter of'concern was received regarding tile park'ing and com- patibility in thc nei.~hborhood. .Nit. Chase assured thc Agency that a bse Permit and public hearing would tlc required bet:ore Final approval. Moved b)' Schuster, seconded by Saltarelli, to recommend to the City Council by adoption of Resolution No. 1780. C. arried un~,nimousl?'. I).ispositionofsurplus propert}' - Planning Agency shall review and recommend to the City Council that the property located on tile south side of S.ixth Street between 438 and 580, is excess and not required For i)ul)'l[c purposes and is in conform- once with the General Plan. Mr. Chase presented tile report and stated that no use has been designated in capital improvement budget, it has only l~een declorcd surp I us. Thc public hearing opened at 3:22 There being no comments or objections, tile public hearing was closed at 3'''~ Moved b~' Saltarclli, seconded b7 Kennedy; to recommend to the City Council disposition of property by adopt ion of' Resolution No. 1781. Carried unanimously. \'1 I. PIJB/.IC C()NCI[RNS .NOlle, VIII. 01,1) BIJSIXIiSS .NOBC. IX. NEW BUS I NIiSS 1. Metsovas Site l'lan - Northe:isterly corner o£ lrvine Blvd. and Pla.-a l)rive. This was an appeal by George Metsovas which has been withdrawn. :\Fter several weeks of meer.ing ~,ith staff, an arrangement was made where he could adjust propcrt7 on Beverly llills Savings and l.oan Bank without harming bank, to meet 1(1' setback require- lllCllt S. Moved b~' Kenned7, seconded by Schuster, to approve the site plan by ,xl.O. Corried unanimously. Ill Camino Parking l)istrict Mr. Chase presented a report on how effective the use of p, rking distr.ict payments in lieu of providing perking stalls. Cha i rman We I sh Ill(It ioncd Lo cent i ilue th i s bus i ness to t i~e (:OUllCi I meeting"i{t-7:30 P.Xl, seconded by Mrs. Kennedy. 'Carried unanilnousl)'. -2- X. C:OIU~.IiSI~ONDIiNCE None. X.L. STAFF CONCI!RNS Site plan submitted by Basic .1 - intentions of doubling the size of their facility. This will substantially increase their staff.lng and capacity. Mr. Chase suggested that Council take a tour of the industrial complex to see progress. Site plan for Computer Company OTI Bell Avenue and lied Iii 1 l, this is one of the last major vacant parcels on Red lli ll. Mr. Chase reviewed the building report for thc month - S2.6 million - construction authorized as compared to $1.2 million last year. Projects are holding true, 14-16 buildings to bc built ~'ithin next 6 months. bleeting-Thursday, September 28th, 7:30 l~M-Council Chambers, Medford-Grovesite :\nnexation, Supervisor Riley ~,'ill be in attendance, Count.il invited to attend. Xl I . :\GEXCY CONCERNS No!qo. XJI t. AI),I OURN,XlI!N't' There being no further business, moved by Sharp, seconded by Saltarelli that the meeting by adjourned at 3:32 C:arried unanimously. RECORI) I N(; SIi(~I~i'I':\I{Y dpj: 9/21/78 -5-