HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Minutes 09-05-78bllN[J'l']}S O1: TlIli 'f[JSTIN PIJ:\NN lNG .\GENCY
regular meeting of the City of Tustin Planning Agnncy ~as held on the
5th day of September, 1978 at 3:00 PM in the {]ounc'il Chambers, Centennial
~¥ny at Ma in Street, Tust i n, Ca I i Forni a.
1. C.\I.I. TO ORDIiR
The meeting was called to order at 3:08 I)51 by Chairman lYelsh.
[,ed by .Xlr. Sharp
(;iron by Mr. Saltarelli.
l~elsh, Sharp, Saltarelli
ABSENT: MI!.XlBIiRS: Kennedy, Schuster
Dan Blankenship, City Administrator
Kennard Smith, (:it)' ..\ttorney (Sitting in for Rourke)
Brian .J. Chase, Community Development I)irector
Diane ,lasinski, Recording Secretary
bloved by Mr. Sharp, seconded by .\Ir. Saitarelli to approve thc
minutes of the meeting held on August 21, 1978. Carried
unan i mous I y.
IJse Permit 78-19 - I~illiam llockenberry for Jansvu Properties,
Tnt., requesting authorization to construct 28 condominium traits
tn the Planned l)evelopment district, located southerly of
422 I¥. Fi rst St feet.
51r. Chase requested a continuance until the next regular meeting
of the Planning ..\gency at which time a full report ivtll bo given.
.\Ir. llockenberry m~s present at meeting and ~,'ould tike to review
his site plan for the Agency.
The public hearing ~'as opened at 3:11 p,xl
blr. llockenberry, Architect representing Jansvu Properties, inc.,
addressed agencies as to some of the corrections on h'is revised
plans, 'it had been before the Agency previously but did not meet
open space requ.irements. Ilo gave a basic overviews' of the
Recognizing the fact that u continuance was asked for, ,~.Ir. Sharp
requested ,\Ir. ttockenberry to develop a simple section,- north-south
across the site to get a feeling for vertical elements of the
project, the underground parking, crc., as there is a little
difficulty with visibility in site lines. Mr. Hockenberry agreed.
There being no further comments or objections, the public portion
of the meeti, ng was closed at 3:16
blovcd by blr. Sharp to continue til the next meeting on the 18th
day of September seconded by ~xlr. Saltarelli Carried unanimouslv.
Use Permit 78-21 Tustin Unif.ied School I).istrict requesting authoriza-
tion to"-~s'e-'C. C. l.ambert School as an annex to Tustin Iligh School,
with maximum of 300 students. I,ocation of school is IISI San .hmn.
Mr. Chase presented the repo'rt and stated that it had been reviewed by
City staff with the only concerns being parking and pedestrian safety.
The (lit}' lingineer felt that ~,'ith proper signage and thc restriction of
parking by the school district itself, Milch the}' stated in a letter
['rom Mr. Suthcrland, there ~,,ould be no problems. 5lt. Chase also stated
this hearing had been noticed in the papers t~'ice, and a notice was
sent to all property m,'ners with.in 300 feet of the school; no comments
~,'ere received on the proposed use.
5Ir. Sharp conunented that this was a very good idea and that 'it shmvs
that tile School I)istrSct .is beginnimlg to think al)out alternate uses
for some of thc closed schools, lie feels that the Agency and staff
should begin to meet more often with the School District to explore
ways in which both agencies may mutually bene£it, lie ~'ould like to
encourage that kind of planning being pursued where staff can advise
thc Agency of things they might do that ~ould really help put
together better services for less money for the people that have to
bear tile cost of all these tilings.
.Xlr. I.arry Sutherland addressed tile Agency on behal(' o(' the Tustitl
Unified School District. Mr. Sutherland stated that t~,'o of the five
closed schools were within the City of Tustin, (:. (:. l.ambert, and
C. T. lilt, and tile Board of l~ducat'ion was cons.idering a proposal for
lJtt School to be leased to lrvine School District. The high school
is hoping to use two or the three larger buildings at l.ambert School.
The School Board has been made aware of the potent/al joint uses with
other agencies, (i.e., the City of 'l'uStiT~ in a cultural arts program
or park and recreation endeavor), lle mentioned that ~Ir. Chase Ivas
a member of tile Committee for consideration of future use of the closed
schools, and they are presently working together and expect to see
moreofthis in thc future.
Chairman lYelsh shares comments and hopes staff ~'ill recogni:e desire
of Agency to work in cooperation lqith the School District in the
ut i l i :at ion of school facilities that would be to tile benefit for
There being no further comments or objections, the public hearing
was closed at 3:2.5 p.Xl.
t_Xl. oy_e_d.._b.).'. M._F.._. Saltare 11 i to app_roye Use Pe rmi t_ .7_8.-.21..bT. tile..p.d_2,p._tipn'
of Resolution No. 1779, ._s?.c.o_nded by .Xlr. Sharp. C.a_r.r_~_c.,_d.:___2_-0,
I¥e 1 s h ..\ b s t a i n ed.
Pre-Zone 78-18 - Clit't'ord Thompson, to pre-zone property located at
1'87122 i¥arren Avenue from Orange County li-4 to (;it)' of Tustin Planned
I)evelopment (PD)D/strict.
blt. Chase presented the report and stated tile property is presently
under the process with staff for annexation. This is an existing
private street lined with single family homes. Ilo ~,'ould have to
Unprove that street. It .is the obligation of tile homeo~vners to
mai. ntain.
The publLc hearing was opened at 3:20 P?.l.
There being no comments o'r object ions, tile public port ion of tile
hearing was closed at 3:20 p.Xl.
Chairman Welsh questioned why thc change was from l{-.l to Pl) as
opposed to R-I.
Mr. Chase stated that the property just isn't wide enough to get a
lmblic street through. It would be a private street, similar in
nature to that approved .in Packers Square. Most of the condominium
projects in the City consist of priv~te streets.
Annexation consent forms received from both the church, and tile
property o~ner. Staff is cur'rently preparing annexation map which
should be on the first meeting in October at I...\FCO.
Moved by Hr. Sharp to recommend approval of Pre-zone 78-18 to the
f.~.i_ty Council by the adoption of Resolution No. 1778, seconded by
Mr. Saltarclli. Carried unanimously.
In regards to the staff responding to County Board of Supervisors
on the airport situation on the EIR, a letter was sent asking that
the lilR not be acted upon as it was incomplete; it did not address
tile noise impact over Tustin, and also did not address what is
referred to as "preferred take-off pattern". 'fhe only action taken
was to close EIR process and begin a series of other studies on
noise and other alternatives, which is what has been our basic concerns
all along.
For information purposes, there will be u proposal for art office
building on Newport M'enue near the corner of San Juan, adjacent to
existing nursery.
Other proposals will be taking place on E1 Camino as well as Xewport.
Two of these areas were formerly count>' islands that were annexed to
the City and pre-zoned ['or commercial uses; you will see a desirable
change within the next six months.
M. O. to advertise hearing to declare Sixth Street property as
surplus property.
Moved by 5Ir. Sharp, seconded by Mr. Saltarelli. Carried unanimously.
Moved by Mr. Sharp, seconded by 5Ir. Saltarelli that the meeting be
r.tdj, ourned until the next regular meeting of the Planning ..\gcncy
on tile 18th day of September, 1978. ,Meeting adjourned at 3:40 I'M..
CI I..\ I RbI:\N /
dp j: 9/13/78