HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Minutes 07-17-78MYN-UTES OF THE TUSTIN PLANNING AGENCY TUSTIN CITY CE~TER July 17, 1978 A regular meeting of the City of Tustin Planning Agency was held on the 17th day of July, 1978 at 3:00 PM in the Council Chambers, Centennial Way at Main Street, Tustin, California. I. CALL TO ORDER ~e meeting was called to order at 3:05 PM by Chairman Welsh. II. PLEDGE Ol.' ALLEGIANCE Led by Mr. Sharp III. INVOCATION Given by Mr. Saltarelli IV. ROLL CALL Present: Members: Absent: Members: Others Present: Welsh, Sharp, Kennedy, Saltarelli Schuster (arrived at 3:09 PM) Dan Blankenship, City Administrator James Rourke, City Attorney Brian J. Chase, Community Development Director Diane P. Jasinski, Recording Secretary APPROVAI. OF MINUTES Moved by Mrs. Kennedy, seconded by Saltarelli. (Schuster absent) Carried: 4-0 Vl. PUBLIC HEARINGS 1. Variance 78-4 - An applicat(on submitted by George Metsovas requesting authorization of a 5' side yard setback in lieu of the required 10' setback for I~t Number 1 of Tract No. 8475. Mr. Chase presented the report and the request from the applicant for a continuance to the next meeting on August 7, 1978. The public hearing was opened at 3:06 PM. There being no cor~nents or objections, the public portion of the hearing was closed at 3:06 PM. M_ove__d by Mr. Sharp to continue Variance 78-4 to the next meeting on August 7th; seconded by Mrs. Kennedy. Carried: 4-0 (Schuster absent) 2. Variance 78-5 - An application filed by Ronald Webber, et. al., requesting authorization to vary with the Zoning Ordinance No. 157, Section 4.6, to allow a multi-family 70' lot. The location of the subject proposal is 525 S. "B" Street. Mr. Chase presented the staff report. time, 3:09 PM). (Mr. Schuster arrived at this The public hearing was opened at 3:10 PM. -1- Linda Stevens s~Dke on behalf of her father, Mr. Giuliano Bianchet of 505 So. "B" Street, who was unable to attend this meeting. He expressed his concerns to the agency about the additional parking problem they will have on "B" Street if Variance 78-5 is approved. Mr. Ron Webber, applicant, stated that he anticipated no parking problems as he is providing more than adequate amount of parki.ng on site. He also stated that he would be willing to cooperate with any requirements placed by the Agency. Mrs. Ruth Cox, 450 S. "B" Street, also addressed the agency stating her concerns about on-street parking. There being no furt~er comments or objections, the public portion of the hearing was closed at 3:15 PM. There was a brief discussion as to incorporation of storage areas to be required in the C.C.&R.'s for the complex. Mr. Chase responded that ~t was unfair to require this of one apartment owner ~n the area and not to the adjacent apartment owners, however, it could be incorporated to be a requirement in the lease agreement. Moved by Mr. Shar~) to ap~?rove Kesolut'ion No. ].763 with the add%tional condition to incorr~orate ii, to the .].ease agreements that storage areas are ?~ovided for the maJ. nten~u~ce of the ~ark~ng s~')aces and garages for the sole ~urpose of motor vehicle storage by tenants of the apartment complex in order to avoid on-street })arking problems; seconded b.~ Mr. Schuster. Carried: 3-2, Ayes: Sharp, Schuster, Welsh, Noes: Kennedy, Saltarelli 3. Use Permit No. 78-15 - An application filed by Ralph's Grocery Company requesting authorization to construct and operate an extension to the existing Ralph's Market by 18' x 160' The location of the subject property is 17261 E. Seventeenth Street or the most north- easterly corner of Seventeenth and Carroll Way. Mr. Chase read the staff report and commented that no writ ten corres- pondence or protests were received. The public hear~.ng was opened at 3:44 PM. Mr. James Valdez, 13831 Fairmont, TustJn, spoke against the addition to Ralph's Market due to the present noise problem. Mr. Chase advised that Ralph's are only proposing to add storage space for groceries, not an additional delivery area which is located in the back of his property. There being no further comments or objections, the public portion of the hearing was closed at 3:45 PM. Moved by Mr. Saltarelli to approve by the adoption of Resolution No. 1762; seconded by Mrs. Kennedy. Carried unanimously. 4. Use Permit No. 78-16 - An application f~led by the Wellington Group requesting authorization to develop a two story condominium office containing 27Q00 square feet of office space. The location of the subject property is 515 E. First St. Mr. Chase presented the staff report and commented that one letter was received requesting that the large Chestnut Tree be saved. (Mr. Chase added that th~s was a requirement of a previous site plan). The public hearing was opened at 4:00 PM. Mr. Gerald L. Rewers, applicant, 17411 Irvine Boulevard, Tustin, addressed the agency of his concerns: An adequate amount of parking is available. Additional parking could be squeezed in but he would rather provide a nicer looking facility. The intersection will be just as the City Engineer requested. Setbacks ~n the back are emergency exits required by the Fire Department and he would be willing to screen the setbacks for the neighbors benefit. There being no further comments or objections, the public portion of the hear~.ng was closed at 4:11 PM. -2- Moved by Mr. Saltarelli to approve the conceptug~ plan and direct staff to prepare the necessary resolution of approval with the stipulation that the parkin~ standards for this development be assigned at one parking spa~e for each 317 s~. ft., and the recommendation from the City ~n~ineer for the traffic island be accepted; seconded b~ Mr. Schuster. Carried unanimously. 5. Use Permit 78-17 - An application filed by Tom Boyle, on behalf of State Mutual Savings & Loan requesting authorization to construct and operate a remote drive-thru teller unit at 615 E. First. Mr. Chase presented the staff report. The public hearing was opened at 4:18 PM. There being no comments or objections, the public portion of the hearing was closed at 4:18 PM. Mrs. Kennedy commented that the Agency should explore the verbal commitment regarding the construction of the parking lot and whether it should be included ~n the wording in the resolution. Moved b~ Mr. Sharp to include the construction of the parking lot in the resolution, and approve Use Permit 78-17 by the adoption of Resolution No. 1761 as amended~ seconded b~ Mr. Schuster. Carried unanimously. VII. PUBLIC CONCERNS Mr. Tom Kelly addressed the agency regarding a Hair Dressing Salon to go up between E1 Camino and C Street. He spoke with Mr. Chase previously and was told this would be in violation of the zoning ordinance as this would be a mixed use. Mr. Kelly stated that his intentions were to eventually go to a full commercial use. Mr. Kelly asked what procedure he could follow to vary with the ordinance. A public hearing would be required, no mixed uses are allowed as state law does not permit a Use Variance and the only way to change it would be to amend the ordinance. VIII. OLD BUSINESS None IX. NEW BUSINg:SS 1. Final Parcel Ma~ 78-122 - A resolution of the Planning Agency recom- mending to the City Council approval of Final Parcel Map 78-122. Moved by Saltarelli to recommend approval to City Council by the adoption of Resolution No. 1765; seconded by Mr. Sharp. Carried unanimously. 2. Tentative Tract Ma~ No. 10477 - A resolution of the Planning Agency recommending approval of Tentative Tract Map 10477 located at 515 E. First Street. Moved by Saltarelli to recommend approval to City Council ~ adoption of Resolution No. 1765, seconded by Sharp, Carried unanimously. 3. Resolution No. 1766 - Amendment of Planning Agency Resolution No. 1686 and City Council Resolution No. 78-103. Moved by Mr. Saltarelli to a~prove the amendment b~ the adoption of Resolution No. 1766; seconded by Mr. Sharp. Carried unanimously. 4. ~inal Parcel Map 78-119 - A resolution of the Planning Agency recommending approval to the City Council. Located at 15850 Pasadena Avenue. Eleanor Kapp, 17442 Irvine ~)ulevard, addressed the agency stating they wanted to have their own driveway for aesthetic purposes as well as for safety reasons. Mr. Richardson, owner of the property, asked that a decision be made as soon as possible because escrow was closing in three days. -3- :.loved b~,_~lr. Sa~tarelli to recommend approyal t~o Ci. ty C?uDcil by adoption of Resolution No. 1767; seconded by Mr. Sharp. Carried unanimously. 5. ~arcel Map 78-111 - Revision to access rights to Myford Road, Parcel 2 and 3 of Parcel Map 78-111. Moved by Mr. Saltarelli to recommend a~_~roval to City Council by minute order to adopt City F. ngineer's recommendations; seconded by Mr. Sharp. Carried unanimously. 6. Presentation by Dr. Lee, Chairman of Board, L.H. Research - Dr. Lee brought some of his staff members to the Agency meeting to show them the "operating procedures of the City". IIe voiced his concerns regarding the installation of fire sprinklers in his building. After hi.s presentation, the Council discussed his concerns arid requested that if Dr. Lee had any new information that would significantly alter the facts presented by either himself, or the County Vire Department at the previous meeting, the Agency would be more than willing to consider that information. Chairman Welsh recommended that a letter of appreciation be sent to Dr. Lee for his sincerety in appearing before the Agency to voice his concerns. 7. Presentation of revised Packers Square Plans - Mr. Chase pre- sented drawings of the buildings to be constructed in the Packers Square s~te. This will be head at the meeting on August 7, 1978. 8. aural, us property on New~x)rt - Mr. Chase reviewed the report on the surplus property and stated that a public hearing will be held at the next meeting to determine that this property is surplus. X. STAFF CONCERNS Mr. Chase brtefly discussed the Building Fees for construction for the coming year. XI. AGENCY CONCERNS XlI. Mr. Saltarelli mentioned that Briarcliff condominiums are sti. ll advertising their property as "Tustin Condo's" when in fact it ~s still not part of this city. Mr. Rourke was directed to send a letter to the owners stating same. ADJOU Rk~4ENT The meeting adjourned at 5:37 PM. Moved by Mr. Shar~, and seconded by Mr. S~_h_u...q_t_e._r_...t_o adjourn the meeting_. Carried unanimously. dpj: 8/3/78