June 5, 1978
A regular meeting of the City of Tustin Planning Agency was held on the
5th day of June, 1978, at 3:00 PM in the Council Chambers, Centennial
Way at Main Street, Tustin, California.
The meeting was called to order at 3:05 PM by Chairman Welsh.
Led By Chairman Welsh.
Given by Mr. Saltarelli.
Present: Members:
Absent: Me~ers:
Others present:
Welsh, Schuster, Kennedy, Saltarelli
Sharp (arrived at 3:14 PM)
Dan Blankenship, City Administrator
Brian J. Chase, Community Development Director
James Rourke, City Attorney
Diane Jasinski, Recording Secretary
Moved by Kennedy that the minutes of the meeting of May 15 be approved;
seconded by Saltarelli. Carried unanimously.
1. Use Permit 78-10 - An application submitted by Donald Robbins on
behalf of Mobil Oil Corporation, requesting authorization to operate
a snack shop with beverages totally within the existing office of the
service station. The existing station is part full-serve and part
self-serve and will be changed completely to self-serve. The existing
pole sign will also be modi£ied to reflect the self-serve ch~lge.
The location of the station is 13872 Red Itill Avenue.
After presentation of the staff report by Mr. Chase, the public hearing
was opened at 3:09 PM.
Mr. Donald Robbins addressed the agency on behalf of Mobil Oil.
felt that it was not necessary to make an offer of dedication, and
als~ he should be allowed to keep both the freeway pole sign and the
revolving pole sign.
There being no further comments or objections, the public portion of
the hearing was closed at 3:16 PM.
Mr. Chase commented that they would have to remove one of the pole signs
in order to bring the site into conformance with the sign ordinance.
The offer of dedication could only be waived by City Council and staff
does not recommend releasing the standards established as we would then
be losing the impacts we are trying to achieve.
This was formerly County property and certain non-conforming rights of
the operation relate only to the right to maintain the uses existing as
of the annexation date, but they have no right to expand any use without
complying with all City requirements in the same manner as any other
operation with similar uses.
Moved by Welsh to deny a~roval of Use I~ermit 78-10 by adoption
of Resolution No. 1756; seconded by Kennedy. Carried: 3-2;
Ayes: Kennedy, Sharp, Welsh, Noes: Schuster, Saltarelli
2. Variance 78-4 - An application submitted by George Metsovas
requesting authorization of a five (5) foot side yard setback in
lieu of the required ten (10) foot setback for l.ot No. 1 of Tract
No. 8475.
~. Chase recommended that Variance 78-4 be continued to the next
meeting upon the request of the applicant to make revisions on
his plans.
The public hearing was opened at 3:25 PM.
There being no comments or objections, the public portion of the
hearing was closed at 3:26 PM.
Moved by Welsh to continue to the meeting of June 19, 1978; seconded
by Saltarelli. Carried unanimously.
3. Use Permit 78-13 - An application by Santa Ana First Federal
Savings and Loan requesting authorization to construct and operate
a drive-through facility at 14232 Red Hill Avenue.
After presentation of the report by ~. Chase, the public hearing
was opened at 3:28 PM.
Mr. Chase stated he had received no written or verbal protests
regarding the concerns over the wall from a previous publc hearing.
Mr. Jim Farnberg, Manager of Santa Ana First Federal Savings, Tustin
Branch, stated that the concerns over the wall were taken care of.
Mr. Daniel W. Green, A~ninistrative Vice President of Santa Ana
First Federal Savings, stated they are willing to accept 10'
dedication with considerations to have aesthetic walls (3'High)
in that area which would be removed upon request of the City to
exercise rights of dedication at no cost to the City. His other
concern was for staff to reconsider the widening of the 27' drive
apron on Mitchell in order to save the existing cedar tree. The
apron is presently wide enough for 2 cars and on the revised plans
it is a one-way entering on Mitchell and exiting onto Red Hill.
There being no further comments or objections, thc public portion
of the hearing was closed at 3:32 PM.
Moved by Schuster to approve by adoption of Resolution No. 1757
with modification of condition 2c by directing staff to work with Santa
Aha. First Federal Savings to save the existing cedar tree, and
modify 2e by allowing improvements within the 10' dedication to
be removed at owners expense upon request of City; seconded by
Sharp. Carried unanimously.
4. Zone Change 78-3 - An application filed by Tustin Center
Associates for the purpose of changing the zoning from R-3 to
C-2-P. This change would bring the property into conformance
with the Tustin Area General Plan.
After :~. Chase presented the report, the public hearing was
opened at 3:39 PM.
There being no comments or objections, the public hearing was
closed at 3:39 PM
Moved by Saltarelli to a~rove to the City Council by the ado~tio~
of Resolution No. 1755; seconded by Mrs. Kennedy. Carried
Mr. Chase informed the Agency that the site Dlans for the DroDosed
Warmington multi-tenant industrial facility which is similal to the Red
Hill and Koll Centers, fits Well w%thin the CC & R's of the
Tustin-Irvine Industrial Complex.
Mr. Chase explained that the E1 Camino Bank is taking over the
former Lloyd's Bank at Third Street and E1 Camino Real. A public
hearing is scheduled for June 19th to consider the addition of
another drive-thru aisle for the E1 Camino Bank
Mr. Chase stated that the owner of the E1 Camino Plaza has
questioned staff whether a free-way sign could be considered for
a new theater tenant. Mixed feelings were expressed by the Planning
Agency and a variance would have to be applied for.
Mr. Chase reported that construction activity projections have
been revised and will probably be 55 million which is up 10 million
of the previous estimate.
The Sharpless Manor Senior Citizens Project is located on Newport
Avenue in the county area, and is in the sphere of influence of
Tustin. Mr. Chase reported that he has corresponded with the County
Planning Commission regarding several concerns that were not being
addressed in the Environmental Impact Report. Mr. Chase has also met
with the County to discuss the impacts that it will have on the
surrounding areas and in the future in the City of Tustin. IIopefully,
the agencies can avail senior citizen housing to those citizens and
also guarantee a good development to the neighboring citizens.
Mr. Chase related that the City is having more code enforcement
problems, mainly in those areas that are not fully completed. The
City has had to go into a few projects and shut off illegal electric
hookups as streets had not been paved and tenants were not allowed to
start businesses.
7. Mr. Chase informed that L. H. Research will be on the June 19th
Council Agenda to discuss the requirements per the Fire Code.
8. Mr. Chase informed that the Development Guidelines had been circulated
for comments and the public hearing will be held on July 17, 1978.
1. Mr. Schuster questioned the status of the Goldrich & Kest report for
parkland dedication fees.
Mr. Chase responded that there would be a report for the
June 19, 1978 Council meeting.
.Mrs. Kennedy questioned the use of artificial turf as a landscaping
material for developments, and commented that the Mobil Gas Station
at Red Hill Avenue and Nisson had recently installed some artificial
grass. Mr. Chase stated that this would to looked into.
5Ir. Saltarelli was concerned w~th the new development occurring
in the tn~incorporated area of the County near the 55 freeway,
of condominiums or 4-plexes or multi-family units. This is not
in the City's sphere of influence yet the developer is
advertising it as Briarwood-Tustin. Staff will check to see
if it is illegal.
4. Mr. Schuster co~nented on the cleaning of the ~derpass at Red
Hill and the Santa Ana Freeway.
Mr. Jim Shimizono, Architect for Enderle Center addressed the
Agency regardlng a modification in the overall sign plan for
Office Building 1-2 ~n Enderle Center.
Agency reviewed the modification and approved a reduction in
the setback requirements along the freeway.
Moved by Saltarelli to a~rove a reduction in the setback
requirements along the freeway, seconded by Schuster.
Carried: 4-1, A_~.e__s: Shcuster, Sharp, Welsh, Saltarelli
Noes: Kennedy
Moved by Kennedy, seconded by Schuster to adjourn the meeting at
4:12 PM.
6/13/78: dpj