MAY 1, 1978
A regular meeting of the City of Tustin Planning Agency was held on the 1st
day of May, 1978, at 3:00 PM in the Council Chambers, Centennial Way at Main,
Tustin, California.
The meeting was called to order at 3:00 PM by Chairman Welsh.
Led by Mrs. Kennedy.
Given by 5~. Saltarelli
Present: Members: Mr. Welsh, Mr. Saltarelli, Mr. Schuster, Mrs. Kennedy
Absent: Members: Mr. Sharp (Arrived at 4:05 PM)
Others Present:
Dan Blankenship, City Administrator
Brian J. Chase, Community Develot~ent Director
James Rourke, City Attorney
Diane P. Jasinski, Recording Secretary
Moved by Mr. Saltarelli, seconded by Mr. Schuster, that the minutes
of the meeting of April 17, 1978 by approved. Carried unanimously.
1. Use Permit 78-8 - An application submitted by Thrifty Oil Company
requesting authorization to construct and operate a new Self-serve
gasoline facility and building, and demolish the existing facility. The
location of this project is 14121 Newport Avenue.
After the presentation of the report by b~. Chase, the public hearing
was opened at 3:].0 PM.
Mr. Mart~n Zaldo of 10197 Stilbite Avenue, Fountain Valley, addressed
the Agency on behalf of Thrifty Oil. He expressed his concerns regarding
the driveways and the proposed monument sign. Staff was concerned that a
monument sign would block the visibility of motorists and pedestrians, and
therefor cause a traffic hazard. Staff agreed to look into the driveway
widths, and also suggested that a pole sign be used rather than the
proposed monument sign.
The public hearing was closed at 3:21 PM. Moved by 5~. Saltarelli to
approve Resolution No. 1743 with revisions, giving staff sufficient
discretion to accept and modify the driveway widths and to provide a
sign acceptable to both staff and applicant; seconded by Mr. Schuster.
Ayes: Saltarelli, S~huster, Kennedy, Abstained: Welsh, Absent: Sharp
2. Pre-Zone 78-4 - An action initiated by the Planning Agency to Pre-zone
the properties on the east and west sides of "B" Street, southerly of
the Santa Ana Freeway, from the Orange County R-4 distr~ct to the City of
Tustin R-3 district, upon annexation to the City.
Members of the Agency were concerned with the fact they had no back-up
information on any of the pre-zones. Mr. Chase extended his apologies
for not having including this information with the reports, but noted
they do have the information, and it would be provided at the next
public hearing before Council.
Mrs. Kennedy moved that all pre-zones by continued until this information
could be reviewed. Chairman Welsh stated that each pre-zone had to go through
a separate public hearing.
The public hearing was opened at 3:27 PM. There being no comments or
objections, the public hearing was closed at 3:27 PM.
Moved by Mr. Schuste..r that the Agency take public testimony and continue the
action as an open public hearing to the next Agency meeting on May 15, 1978;
seconded by Mrs. Kennedy. Carried unanimously.
3. Pre-Zone 78-5 - An action initiated by the Planning Agency to pre-zone
the Montesilla Mobile Park fromthe Orange County R-4 to the City of Tustin
Mobile-Home Park (5~P) classification, effective upon annexation to the
City of Tustin. The Montesi]la Mobile Park is located at 15601 South "B"
Mrs. Kennedy expressed her concern about not having any material to review
before the hearing on the pre-zone. It was indicated that the change is
simply to recognize what has previously taken place, mainly construction,
and that our zoning of MHP is more stringent than the County R-4 zoning.
Thepubl[c nearing was opened at 3:32 F,:4. There being no comments or
objections, the he, ring was closed at 3:32 ~.~!.
Moved by Mr. Schuster to dlrect staff to prepare a resolution of approval,
_se.conded b~. Mr. Saltarelli. Carried unanimously.
4. Pre-Zone 78-6 - An application initiated by Steve Justus on behalf of
Construction Investments to pre-zone 15732-15742 South "B" Street from the
Orange County R-4 District to the City of Tustin Planned Development (PD)
Mr. Chase gave a short summary of the pre-zone application, commenting that
the City of Tustin's Planned Development District 'is more stringent than
the County R-4 district.
The public hearing was opened at 3:35 PM. There being no comments or
objections, the hearing was closed at 3:35 PM.
Moved by Mr. Saltarelli to direct staff to prepare a resolution of approval
seconded by Mr. Schuster. Carried: Ayes: Schuster, Sa] tarelli, Welsh
Noes: Kennedy, Absent: Sharp
~. Pre-Zone 78-13 - An action initiated by the Planning Agency to pre-zone
the properties located on Yo]anda Way and Ren Circle, westerly of Browning
Avenue and northerly of Mitchell Avenue, from the Orange County R-4 to the
City of Tustin R-2, effective upon annexation to the City of Tustin.
Mr. Chase read the staff report, and stated that the City has
not received any contacts or correspondence from any persons living in the
units either for or against the proposal.
The public hearing was opened at 3:44 PM. There being no comments or
objections, it was closed at 3:45 PM.
Moved by ~s. Kennedy to continue this matter until the next meeting on
May 15 in order to compile and review the back up information. Motion died
for lack of second. Mr. Saltarell~ moved t~ continue until the next
meeting and direct staff to prepare a resolution for approval that will
bring Pre-Zone. 78-13 into conformance with the General Plan, specifying the
proper zoning classification; seconded by Mr. Schuster. Carried unanimously.
6. Pre-Zone 78-15 - An action initiated by the Planning Agency to pre-zone
the property known as ~nispering Woods Apartments and the Tahitian Terrace
Apartments located at the northwesterly corner of Red Hill and Walnut Avenues
from the ()range County R-4 to the City of Tustin R-3 district, effective
upon annexation to the City of Tustin.
There was a brief discussion regarding future development of the
property, and Mr. Chase commented that these two apartment complexes
were already in agreement with our density requirements and no other
~its could be added.
The public hearing was opened at 3:53 PM. There being no comments
or objections, the hearinq was closed at 3:53
Moved by Mr. Saltarelli to direct staff to prepare resolution of
approval, seconded by ~. Schuster. Carried unanimously.
7. Pre-Zone 78-16 - An action initiated by the Planning Agency to
prezone the property known as Sycamore Gardens which borders on Newport
Avenue and Sycamore Avenue, from the Orange County R-4 to the City oF
Tustin R-3 district, effective upon annexation to the City.
After Mr. Chase presented the staff report, the p~)lic hearing was
opened at 3:55 ~M. There being no comments or objections, the public
hearing was closed at 3:55 PM.
Moved by Mr. Schuster to direct staff to prepare a resolution of
approval, seconded by Mr. Saltarelli. Carried unanimously.
1. Final Parcel Map Nos. 78-105, 78-106, 78-107, 78-108, and 78--109,
Investors Development, Inc. Location: Plaza Way and Plaza Drive.
Mr. Ross Edgell, 12345 Euclid St., Garden Grove, attorney for Mrs.
Helen Crider, addressed the Planning Agency on behalf of Mrs. Crider.
Mrs. Crider's main concern ~s trash collecting between the one foot
gap between the fences.
Mr. Jack Davis, 1345 No. Grand Ave., Santa Ana, spoke on behalf of
Investors Development and stated this problem could be alleviated by
eliminating the one foot gap and moving his wall up to Mrs. Crider's
fence. (Mr. Sharp arrived at the meeting - 4:05 PM).
Moved by Mr. Saltarelli to recommend approval to City Council of
Final Parcel 5~p Nos. 78-105, 78-106, 78-107, 78-108, and 78-109
by the adoption of Resolution No. 1739, seconded by Mr. Schuster.
Carried: Ayes: 5~. Welsh, Mr. Schuster, Mr. Saltarelli;
Noes: Mrs. Kennedy; Mr. Sharp abstained.
1. Tentative Parcel Ma~ 78-115, Goldrich Kest and Associates
Located on Sixth Street, easterly of E1 Camino Real.
A brief discussion was held. Moved by Mr. Saltarelli to recommend
approval to City Council of Tentative Parcel Map 78-115 by adoption
of Resolution No. 1740, seconded by Mr. Schuster. Carried unanimously.
2. Tentative Tract Ma~ No. 10281, Sansvu Properties, Inc.
Location: Between First and Second Streets
Mr. Chase presented the staff report to the Aqency. Moved b~
Mr. Saltarelli to recommend approval to City Council of Tentative
Tract Map No. 10281 by the adoption of Resolution No. 1741,
seconded by Mr. Schuster. Carried unanimously..
3. Final Parcel Ma~ 77-104, Roy Chikasawa, Location: Southeasterly
corner of Walnut and Newport Avenues.
After Mr. Chase presented the report, Mrs. Kennedy asked if the
property was being separated with the intent to be sold. M~. Chase
stated the reason was for financial purposes, that it may eventually
be sold, but Jt would have to meet City requirements and come up
again before the Agency.
[,loved b~ 5~. saltarellJ to recommend approval to City Council of Final
~arcel Map 77-104 by the adoption of Resolution No. ]742, seconded
b_y Mrs. Kennedy. Carried unanimously.
Staff was directed to review new alternatives foz microphones in
the Council Chambers.
Moved by Mr. Shar~ and seconded by Mr. Schuster to adjourn the
meeting at 4:26 PM to the next reuglar meeting of the Planning
Agency. Carried unanimously.
/ CI IAI R_~.SAN y
dpj: 5/5/78