HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Minutes 03-20-78MINUTES OF TIlE TUSTIN PLANNING AGENCY TUSTIN CITY CENTER March 20, 1978 I. CALL TO ORDER II. PLEDGE OF ALLE- GIANCE III. IN- VOCATION IV. ROLL CALL V. AP- PROVAL OF MINUTES VI. PUBLIC IIEARINGS VII. PUBI,iC CONCERNS VIII. OLD BUSINESS A regular meeting of the City of Tustin Flanning Agency was held on the 20th day of March, 1978 at 3:00 p.m. in the Co~mcil Chambers, Centennial Way at Main, Tustin, California. Meeting was called to order at 3:00 p.m. by Chairman Welsh. Led By Mr. Sharp Given by Mr. Schuster Present: Members: Welsh, Saltarelli, Kennedy, Schuster, Sharp Absent: Members: None Others Present: Dan Blankenship, City Administrator James Rourke, City Attorney Alan Warren, Assistant Planner Mary Ann Chamberlain, Recording Secretary & Planning Aide Moved by Saltarelli, seconded by Sharp, that the minutes of the February 21, 1978 meeting be approved. Carried: 4-0, Kennedy abstained. Initial 1. ZONE CI~NGE 78-2 - On application of the Santa Ana First Federal Savings & Loan, ~ohn Rizk and Ralph Boardman to change the zoning classification from R-1 Single-Family Residential to PR (Professional) for the properties located at 14222, 14212 and 14192 Red Hill Ave. After the presentation of the report by Mr. Warren, the hearinq was opened at 3:06 pm. Mr. Sharp asked if Zone Change 78-2 was advertised in the normal way and if any correspondence was received. Mr. Warren stated there was a phone inquiry wich Mr. Chase answered. No correspondence was received. The public hearing was closed at 3:07 pm. Moved by Saltarelli, seconded by Schuster that the Planninq Agency recommend approval to tile City Council of Zone Chanqe 78-2 by the adoption of Resolution No. 1730. Carried: 5-0. None. 1. Resolution No. 1727 - for the approval of Variance 78-2 Cavalcade Escrow. Ursula Kennedy stated that she felt there were no circumstances of hardship for granting the variance. Moved by Shar~, and seconded by Schuster to adopt Resolution No. 1727. Ayes: Sharp, Schuster, Welsh, Noes: Kennedy, Abstained: Saltarelli. -1- TX. NEW BUS IN I".S.~ X. CORRES- PONDENCE XI. STAFF CONCERNS ].. Revision to Parcel Map 77-104 - souLheasterly corner of Newport Avenue and Walnut. After the presentation of the staff report by Ms. Chamberlain, Mr. Sharp questioned the City F. ngineer if this center and surrounding area had been developed in the CourtLy. Mr. Ledendecker explained that it had been developed while in the unincorporated area and does not have street lights. The o~.~.er now requests that he be allowed to instal] marbel~te street lights as the parcels are developed. Moved by Saltarelli, seconded by Schuster to recommend approval to the City Council by the adoption~ of Resolution No. 1726. Carried unanimously. 2. Final Parcel Map No. 78-112 - Cavalcade F. scrow Co. - Enderle Center, 17th Street. The staff report was read by Mr. Warren. _Move(_~ by Sharp, seconded by Schuster that the Planning Agency recommend approval to the City Council of Final Parcel Map No. 78-112 by the adoption of Resolution No. 1731. Carried: 4-0, Abstained: Sa] tarelli. 3. .Correspondence from Hartman and Company - Staff asked the Planning Agency's guidance reqardJnq temporary sign permits. After a brief discuss[on regarding how many extensions they have already applied for and what good the banner has to do w~th business, Kennedy stated that she has dealt w~th cataloque businesses and there are ways to bring ~n business other than banners. Mr. Saltarelli moved to grant a request of 30 days, seconded by Schuster. Mr. Welsh stated that he has previously voted 3 times to allow it and therefore denies this request. Motion carried: Ayes: Saltarelli, Schuster, Sharp. Noes: Kennedy, Welsh. 4. Final Tract Map No. 10091 - James Kaul, for condominiums to be located on Ilolt Ave. Mrs. Kennedy was concerned if they had a conference with the Homeowner's Association and if the CC & R's were filed. Mary Ann Chamberlain stated they have been submitted to attorneys office for approval. Moved by Schuster, seconded by Saltare]li that the Planning Agency reco~nmend approval to the City Council of Final Tract Map No. 10091 by the adoption of Resolution No. 1728. Carried 5-0. 5. Final Parce] Map 77-11l - Irvine Industrial Complex. in response to Mr. Schuster's question, Bob 1,edendecker, City Engineer, stated that street improvement plans have been sub- mitted and are now being checked. The bonds have also been submitted. Moved by Schuster, seconded by Saltare.l:~j that the Planning Agency recommend approval to the C~ty Council of Final Parcel [,Iap No. 77-1.].1 by the adoption of Resolution No. 1729. Carried: 5. 0. None. None. -2- XII. AGENCY CONCERNS XIII. AD- JOUP~NMENT None. Moved by Sharp, seconded by Kennedy to adjourn at 3:29 pm to the next regular meeting of the Redevelopment meeting. ' / - C] IA I P~MAN f ~- R~C~IN~G SECRETLY -3-