February 6, 1978
A regular meeting of the City of Tustin Planning Agency
was held on the 6th day of February, 1978 at 3:00 p.m.,
in the Council Chambers, Centennial Way at Main, Tustin,
Meeting was called to order at 3:04 p.m. by Chairman
Led By Mr. Edgar.
INVOCATION Given by Mr. Welsh.
ROLL CALL Present: Members:
Sharp, Edgar, Saltarelli,
Schuster, Welsh.
Absent: Members: None
Present: Dan Blankenship, City Administrator
James Rourke, City Attorney
Brian Chase, Community Development Director
Mary Ann Chamberlain, Planning Aide and
Recording Secretary
OF MINUTES Moved by Welsh, seconded by Schuster, that the minutes
of the January 16th meeting be approved. Carried
1. Environmental Impact Report 77-5 -
Trinity Broadcasting for a "focused EIR" which treats
the specific areas of environmental concern associated
with the development of a transmitting and receiving
earth station adjacent to the existing broadcast studies
of Trinity Broadcasting Network located in the Tustin-
Irvine Industrial Complex.
Moved by Welsh, seconded by Schuster to continue as
an open public hearing to the next reqular meeting.
Carried unanimously.
2. Variance 78-1 - Bob Meredith - to vary with the
zoning ordinance requirement of lot width to permit a
development on a 50' lot in lieu of the 70' requirement.
Location: 1092 and 1102 San Juan.
After the presentation of the staff report by Mr. Chase,
the public hearing was opened at 3:10 p.m.
Mr. David Levinson, architect for the project, informed
the Agency that he would be available to answer any
There being no further comments the public hearing was
closed at 3:12 p.m.
Moved by Edgar, seconded.by Saltarelli, to approve
Variance 78-1 by the adoption fo '~esolut~6-~' No. 1715.
Carried unanimously.
3. Amendment to the Tustin Sign Code - Ordinance
No. 684 - An amendment to the sign code amending Section
9470 which authorizes the City Council to grant ex-
ceptions for signs which are not within the purview of
the standards and criteria established by this Chapter,
due to unusual circumstances related to the development,
activity, or location of the proposed signing subject
to certain conditions.
After the presentation of the staff report by Mr. Chase,
the public hearing was opened at 3:18 p.m.
Ursula Kennedy stated her objections to the proposed
amendment to the sign ordinance stating that she felt
it would lead to a form of favortism. She felt that
by eliminating the public hearing process from the
procedure, it would be allowing the agency to make behind
the scene decisions.
The public hearing was closed at 3:25 p.m.
Moved by Saltarelli, seconded by Edgar to recommend to
the City Council the adoption of the proposed Ordinance
No. 7.
Mr. Schuster replied that he felt very strongly that
they do not play favorites with anyone.
Mr. Saltarelli argued that the proposed amendment was
intended to cut bureaucratic red tape and nothing else.
Mr. Edgar stated that the Council would have to accept
the fact that it has common sense and use that common
sense in such matters.
Chairman Sharp responded to Ms. Kennedy that he feels
strongly that they have given due consideration to the
public and that this recommendation can later be changed
if necessary.
The above motion was carried: 5-0.
4. Pre-Zone 78-1 - Orange County Institute for Trans-
actional Analysis' to pre-zone the property at 14742
Newport Avenue from the Orange County R-4 to the City
of Tustin Profession (PR) District, upon annexation
to the City of Tustin.
The public portion of the hearing was opened at 3:32 p.m.
after the presentation of the staff report.
There being no comments or objections, the hearing was
closed at 3:33 p.m.
Moved by Welsh, seconded by Saltarelli, to recommend to
the City Council the approval of Pre-Zone 78-1 by the
adoption of Resolution No. 1713. Carried unanimously.
5. Pre-Zone 78-2 - Pre-zoning the areas of Annexation
No. 106 from the Orange County R-4 to the City of
Tustin Planned Development District (PD-4,000), upon
annexation to the City of Tustin.
After the presentation of the staff report by Mr. Chase,
the public portion of the hearing was opened at 3:37 p.m.
There being no objections or comments, the hearing was
closed at 3:38 p.m.
Moved by Welsh, seconded by Edgar, to recommend to the
City Council the approval of Pre-Zone 78-2 by the
adoption of Resolution No. 1712. Carried unanimously.
6. Pre-Zone 78-3 - Pre-zoning the areas of Annexation
No. 84 from the Orange County R-2 and R-4 to the City of
Tustin R-3 (Multi-Family Residential).
After the presentation of the staff report by Mr. Chase,
the public portion of the hearing was opened at 3:30 p.m.
There being no comments or objections, the hearing was
closed at 3:40 p.m.
Moved by Welsh, seconded by Edgar, to recommend to the
City Council the approval of Pre-Zone 78-3 by the
ad_option of Resolution No. 171~. Carried unanimously.
Ursula Kennedy spoke against the approval of the reso-.
lution for the Silver Streak Sign Variance and urged the
agency not to approve the proposed sign. Mrs. Kennedy
contended that the North Tustin homeowners were assured
that commercial strip development would not be allowed
and that the only signs allowed would be the signs for
shopping centers. She stated that this promise had been
made to the residents of the North Tustin area when the
property along 17th Street was annexed to the City as
commercial lots.
Chairman Sharp questioned City Attorney Rourke if there
was a case of conflict of interest in certain members
of the agency voting for this proposal and Mr. Rourke
answered that conflict of interest applied to financial
conflict and political associations would not constitute
a problem.
1. RESOLUTION of approval for Silver Streak Variance
Chairman Sharp commented that this action for Variance
77-14 was duly advertised and heard as public hearing and
had not received any protests at the time of the hearing.
Moved by Schuster, seconded by Edgar, to approve
Variance 77-14 by the adoption of Resoultion No. 1716.
Ayes: Sharp, Edgar, Schuster, Welsh
Noes: None.
Abstained: Saltarelli.
1. Tentative Parcel Map 78-110 - IIarry Gates located
on the south side of Santa Clara near Prospect.
After some discussion among the members pertianing to the
maintenance of landscaping areas it was moved by Edgar,
seconded by Welsh to recommend approval of Tentative
Parcel Map 78-110 to the City Council by the adoption
of Resolution No. 1711. Carried unanimously.
2. Tentative Parcel Map 78-111 - Irvine Industrial
Complex - Located at Dow and Walnut Avenue in the
Tustin-Irvine Industrial Complex.
In answer to questions pertaining to flood zoning,
Mr. Bob Ledendecker, City Engineer informed that the
entire area of this parcel map lies within the pre-
liminary Federal Hazard map as outlined by the
Federal Insurance Administration. The area is made
up of several zones which define different depths
of potential flooding. The areas in the industrial
complex do not require flood proofing only flood
Moved by Saltarelli, seconded by Welsh to recommend
approval of Tentative Parcel Map 78-111 to the City
Council by the adoption of Resolution No. 1709.
Carried unanimously.
3. Revised Tentative Parcel Map 77-100 - Task
Consultants, Inc. for Packer Square located on the
easterly side of Newport Avenue, southerly of
Irvine Boulevard.
Moved by Saltarelli, seconded by Welsh to recommend
approval of Revised Tentative Parcel Map 77-100 to the
City Council by the adoption of Resolution No. 1711.
Carried unanimously.
4. Alignment of Sixth Street Extension.
Moved by Saltarelli, seconded by Welsh that the Planning
Agency of the City of Tustin finds that the proposed
Sixth Street extension and any land acquisition related
to it's extension is in conformance with the General
Plan of the City of Tustin. Carried unanimously.
5. Safety Element of the General Plan
Moved b~ Edgar, seconded by Welsh that staff be directed
to advertise a public hearing for 3:00 p.m. February 21,
1978 to hear public testimony on the prqposed Safety
Element of the General Plan. Carried unanimously.
6. City Hall Sign Plan
Discussion centered around the sign plan as presented by
Mr. Chase. Moved by Edgar, to have the signing as
presented by staff. After further discussion this motion
was withdrawn by Mr. Edgar.
Discussion centered around the monument sign and where it
should be placed, the directory sign and whether it would
serve its intended purpose and whether the directional
signs should be illuminated.
Moved by Edgar, seconded by Welsh to direct staff to
proceed with looking further into the signing with their
~uesti___ons in mind. Carried: Ayes: Sharp, Edgar, Schuster,
Noes: Saltarelli
After further discussion, it was moved by Edgar, seconded
by Welsh to place the order for the Police Siqn and the
City Hall sign.
Edgar, Saltarelli,
Schuster, Welsh
7. Building Code Amendments
Mr. George Reid, Building Official, was introduced and
explained to the Agency the three areas of concern
covered by the proposed amendments to the newly
adopted Uniform Building Code, Ordinance No. 755.
Gus Thompson, Electrical Inspector, presented examples
of aluminum wiring and explained why it should not be
The Planning Agency directed staff to prepare a
listing of homes that have aluminum wiring and prepare
a carefully phrased letter informing the residents of
the potential problems that exist with this wiring.
8. Senior Citizens Project Tour
The Planning Agency will have a workshop tour at noon
on Tuesday, February 21, 1978 with Mr. Chase to make the
final arrangements.
9. Security Ordinance Presentation
Chief of Police, Charles Thayer, presented a slide show
on security for residential, commercial, and industrial
The presentation was prepared by the City of Orange
Police Dept.
The Agency suggested that this slide show be presented
to residents of the community for their information.
CONCERNS 1. 1978 Census
Mr. Chase suggested that a census be taken after the
new areas are annexed into the City. Mr. Chase informed
that a census would cost approximately $29,000 and the
subventions that we would gain would be approximately
2. Steelcase Addition
Mr. Chase informed that Steelcase will be adding to
their present facility which will double their operation.
This new facility will be valuated at 10 to 12 million
Moved by Saltarelli, seconded by Edgar to adjourn at
5:25 p.m. to a City Council meeting at 7:30 p.m., and
then to a Workshop Session at 12:00 p.m. on February
21, 1978. Carried unanimously.