HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Minutes 01-03-78MINUT[.]S OF THE TUST1N PLANNING ArdENCY TUSTIN CiTY CENTER ,January 3, ]978 A regualr meeting of the City of Tustin Planning Aqenc'>' was held on the 3rd day of January', 1978, at 3:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers, Centennial. Way at Ma[n, Tustin, California. CALL TO ORDER Meeting was called to order at: 3:10 p.m. by (.',i-lair- man SharD. II. PLEDGE O~.' ALLEGIANCE Led by Mr. Welsh III. I LrVOCAT ION Given by _qr. Edgar IV. ROI,L CA LL Present: Members: Sharp, Edgar, Saltarelli, Welsh. Absent: ~embers: Schuster Others Present: ])an B]ankenship, City Adm.inistrator James Rourke, C~ty Attorney' Brian Chase, Community' De\.elooinent Direct- or i, lary Ann Chamberlain, Planning Aide and Recording Secretar':.' APPROVAL OF MINUTES Moved by Saltare]]i, seconded by Edgar, tkat the minutes VI. PUBLIC HEARINGS of the December 19, 19'/7 meeting be ap~0roved. Carried unanimous ly. ]. Environmental Impact Report 77-5 - Trinity Broadcasting for a "focused EIR" which treats the specific areas of environ- menLal concern associated with tke develop- ment of a transmitting arid receivinq earth station adjacent to the existing broadcast studios o1: Trinity Broadcasting Network located in the Tustin-'lr\,ine Tndustrial Complex. Moved b'/ Sa]tarel].J, seconded by Welsh to continue as an or)eh public hearing to the next meeting. Carried unanimously. 2. Amendment to General Plan 77-3 (A) and Environmental impact Report 7706 GoldrJch, Kes[. and Associates for an EIR which relates to tko qeneral plan amend- ment that proposes [.o change the land use designation from Commercial to Multi- family residential. This request is to construct 100 units for senior c~[.~zen hous.~ng. Location is the north side of 6th Str(.~ot approximately 400' easterl'..,.' of E1 Cam ino Real on 2.43 acres. Plann~nq Agcnc¥' Minutes J/3/7~ paqe Lwo After Lne presentation of the staff reoort bl.' :.Ir. Chaser public port,on of tke hearino was opened at 3:]5 p.m. Ther(? b~inq no comments or obilect~ons, the l~e. arinq was closed at 3:16 r~.m. The Aqency me.~bers applauded rl~e project saying t. nat. this is a develooment that will serve peo:>le that ne¢:d to bc served. _qoved by Haltarelli, seconded b,/ Welsh to recommend approval to l.hc, City Council of General Plan Amend- Dent ','V-3 (A) by th(: adoption of Resolution No. 1704 and to recommend certification of Environmental Tm- pact l{eport 77-6 [o the CJts' Counc.il bv the adoption of Resolu[.J.on No. 1'/03. Carried unani:r, ousl¥. 3. Use Permit 77-37 - A[.lant. Jc Richfield Compans' is requestJn.q authorization to re-o~)en !he closed bays at an existing self-s(:rv~ce gasoline st~at~on to full auto re~)a~r s¢:rvice and to mod'; fy sJqning. Location: 14244 Newport Avenue. After the presentation of [he s[aff re...oort by Mr. Chase, the public portion of the hearinq was opened at 3:21 p.m. Bill Bart'h, re?resentat'~ve oi: Arco slated [.hat he is concerned with the sign~nq requirements but aqrees wil.?, all other conditions in the reoort, f4r. Barth informed that '~f they' deveJop the tu~e uo center they would aced the three k~.y sions on t]~e front of the building advising [he public of what services they provide. Mr. Welsh questioned thc: lighting of the Dole sign and _~,lr. Bart. h advised that the'/ would lower the lighting to meet the new s i.gn. The ~ublSc kearJng was closed at 3:25 p.m. After some dJ. scussio, pertaining to the supplemental sign- ing it was moved by Edgar, seconded bx,, Saltarelli to approve Use PermJt '2'/-3'/ b,f the adopl:Jon of Reso]u[.ion No. 170]. Carried unanimously. 4. Variance 77-14 - Silver Streak Travel is requesting autl:or.izat]on to var:,' with the sign ord.inance No. 684 to permit a free-standing tenant identification sign in addition to an exisr.ing buJld.i, ng identification sign for a orofessional office. The location of the pro- posal is lP4B0 E. 17t. h Street 5n the !:]nderle Shopping Ce nte r. :',lr. Chase informed [.he Agency [.hat the applicant has requested a con[. [nuance for this :-tearing. ~.loved by Welsh, seconded by Edgar ~o continue Variance VII. PUBLIC CON(; E!ANS VI rJ . OlD BUS TNESS 7',.-14 as an open public hearinq to the next meeting. Carried unan[mousl'?'. None. 1. Adoption of Resolution No. 1702 for Variance 7,-13 - I,loyd's I~ank Signinq. Planning Agency Minutes 1/3/78 page three IX. NEW BIJS i NESS Mo CORRES- PONDENCE XI. STAFF CONCEP~NS Xi1. AGENCY CONCERNS XIII. ADJOURk%[E N~T Moved by Saltarelli, seconded by Welsh to adoption Resolution No. 1702 which approves Variance 77-13 ['or I,loyd's Bank Signing. Carried unanimously. 1. Old Town Tustin Signing Mr. Chase presented a 3' x 4' sign that had been pre- ~ared for the old town Tustin area. Mr. Chase commented that he ?lad received correspondence from the Southern California Association of Governments regarding allocation of housing. None No[]e Moved by Saltarelli, seconded by Edgar to adjourn at 3:40 p.m. to a regular scheduled Council meeting and thence to an Executive Session. Carried unanimously. / R~or~ ng Secretary