HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Minutes 12-19-77MINUTES OF THE TUSTIN PLANNING AGENCY TUSTIN CITY CENTER December 19, 1977 CALL TO ORDER II. PLEDGE OF AI.LEG JANCE III. 'I'NVOCAT£ON iV. ROLL CALL Vo APPROVAL OF MINUTES VI. PUBLIC HEARINGS A regular meeting of th(.~ City of Tust~n Planning Agency was held on the 19th day of December, 1977, at 3:00 p.m. in the Counci.1 Ci~ambers, Cent(;nnial Way' at 51aJn, Tustin, Cai iforn ia. Meeting was called to order at 3:07 .~).m. by Chairman Pro-Tem Welsh. T.ed by .~.Ir. Sa].tare].li.. Given by Mr. I.:dqar Present: :4embers: Sharp, Edgar, Saltarelli, Welsh. Absent: >Ir. Schuster Others Present: Dan Blankensn(p, City Administrator James Rourke, City Attorney Brian J. Chase, Community Development Director [.lary Ann Cha~mberlain, Planning Aide and Record~nq Secr(:tary :4oved by SaltarellJ, seconded b.v Edgar, that the minutes of the December 5, 1977, meeting be approved. Carried unanJ mous ly. Continued IIearing 1. Environmental Impact Report 77-5 Trinity Broadcast.~ng for a "focused ETR" which treats the specific areas of environ- mental concern associated w'ith the deve].o~- ment of a transmitting and receiving earth station adjacent to the ex~st~ng broadcast studios of Trinity Broadcasting Net'~ork located in Lhe Tustin-Irvine industrial Complex. Mr. Chase reported that certain data .in the Environmental Impact Report. needs to be approved by P.U.C. and requested that this iLem be continued as an open public hearing to the next regular meeting. Moved by Saltarel[i, seconded by' Edgar to continue as an open public hearing to tke next meeting. (Cha±rman Sharp arrived at 3:07 p.m.) 2. Amendment to General Plan 77-3 (A) and Env~ronmenta.l. Impact Re~ort 77-6 Carried 3 - 0. P.lanr:ing Agent,/ ~.linutes ] 2/19/'/'/ page two VII'. PUBLTC CONCERNS VIII'. BUS T XES S iX. NEW BUSINESS Go.tdrJ ch, Kesr. and Associates for an i.2 IR whJ.ch relaLe.-.~ to the general plan a:nend:~c.~nt th. at oro£~pses to chance ',.he land un(; d(;s.lq- nat.ion from C-2 (Comn:ercia]. to 7.1u] Li-fam': lies~dential.) ThJ~ reque~3L Js to construcL l!).~; units for senior citizen kou~sknc3. I~)catJon Js the north s.ide of (:th Street approximately 400' easterly of [.'.1 Camino Real on 2.43 acres. Mr. Cha.~.~(~. reported LhaL because of cr, anges'in ..ke environ- mental impact reporL the appl.~cant has requested a con- tinuance. Moved by Welsh, seconded.b~.: Edgar to continue this item as an open .public hearing to the next regular meeting. Carried 4 - 0. 3. Variance '/'~-13 - Lloyd's Bank, ['or auLhorJ.zaLion no erect a busine.qs JcienL i- fication sign located at 7()1 ~.:. /.~Jrst Street. ;.lr. Chase presented the staff report and stated Lhat staff has recommended, th.is request be denied because of a].ternatives Lhat are avaJlab].e '.:o tt:e applicant. The public t)ort.i.on o" the hearing ~as opened at 3:13 p.m. !.ir. Doug Danielson, architect for the project informed the Aqenc;, that this s Jqn wa~ parl. of the plan shown on the masLer plan for the GriffJth Center. (Court?'ard) ~.Ir. Danielson infor,'ed that 1,1oyd's problem ~s !.hat the Logo for the bank is square rather than rectangular and the square footage for the sign is 30 square feet. The sign was designed to be ~n keeping w~th the building design. Any of staff's ~uqgestions would di. storL the design of the sign. The pub].Jc portion of th(; hearing \vas closed at 3:16 p.m. After '.~ome d~scussion a;nonq the agency members regarding the sai'et;' arid ].andscap~ng desJ.(3n, .it :,;as moved by Sa]t~relli, se(;ond()d by Edgar, to approve Variance 'i'7-13 for the I,loyd's Bank monument sign to allow the extra foot in height. :.Ir. Sharp co~;unented that his concern Ls that there is no hardship involved Jr] this case and that the agency approves variances w~thout hardships. Mr. Chase stated that he will report back at th(: next meeting with isom. e suggestions to alleviate this problem. The above motion was carried 3 - 1. ..',yes: Edgar, Sa].tarelli, Welsh. Noes: Sharp. Absent: Schuster. None NO Ilo · I. SCHOOL DISTRICT SURPLUS LAND :,k~. Chase reported that the school district has 2 surplus Planning Agency Minutes 12/19/77 page t.h~ee CORRESPO!~!.:NCE XI. STAFF CONCERNS XII. AGENCY CONCERNS XIII. ADJOURNMENT parcels of land. The first is located be[.ween Peppertree Park and the school di. strict administration facility. The second one is between the church property and the district facility. It is suggested that the City either lease or purchase the property adjecent to the Park. A report wi]]. be forthcoming on this pro~ect. None. Mr. Chase informed that he wi].l prepare a memo on sign code problems to l,'~. Blankenship before 'the next regular meeting. ~,!r. Chase mentioned that the deve].oper of the senior c~tJzens complex ~s arranginq for a fJeld trip to an ex~sting sen~or c~tizen facility in Seal Beach and would ]~ke as many councilmen as possible to attend to ~nspect the facility. This trip will r. ake place sometime the second week ~n January. None. Moved bs' Edqar, seconded b,? Welsh to adjourn at 3:40 P.M. to a City Council mcetin9. Carried unanimously.