December 5, 1977
A regular meeting of the C~ty of Tust~n Planning Agency
was held on the 5th day of December, 197'/, at 3:00 p.m.
and 7:30 p.m., in the City Council ,.hamo(.r_, C. ent(?nnJal
Way at Main, Tustin, California.
Meeting was called to order at 3:06 ,~.m. by Ckairman Sharp.
Led by Chairman Sharp.
Given by Mr. Ed~.)ar.
Present: Members: Sharp, Edgar, Saltarelti, Schuster, Welsh.
Absent: Members: None
Others present:
Dan Blankenship, City Administrator
James Rourke, CJty Attorney
Brian ~. Chase, Community Development Director
Mary Ann Chamberlain, Plannin~ Aide and
Recording Secretary
Moved by Saltarelli, seconded by Edgar, that the m~nutes of
the November 21, ]977 meet.ing be approved. Carried unanimously.
Continued Hearing
Use Permit 77-33 - Task Consultants Inc., for Packer
Square, to authorize the development and construction
of a 200 unit senior citizen apartment complex in
Planned Deve].opmen[ District (PD). Property ~s located
600' easterly of Newport Avenue and southerly of the
TusLin Heights Shopping Center.
Mr. Chase presented the staff report and explained that 2.d
of Resolution No. 1694 would have to be amended because of
a request from FHA.
The public hearing was opened at 3:15 p.m.
Mr. Knowlton Fernald, representing Task Consultants for the
Packer Square development ex.~lained that Lhe reason for
the con[.inuance last meeting was that they wanted to ~nake
sure that the wording ~n the resolution would be acceptable
to HUD. Since then HUD has reouired that 2b would have
to be '.~'d~vorded. They are making further reductions in t~e
two bedroom units to only 26 2 bedroom units and thc re-
mainder ,...'ill be one bedrooms. The units are modest in
size and 10% will be equipped with handicapped facilities.
The recreat.~on center will be for sen[or citizens and the open
space areas are being designed as quiet centers and would
have no tennis courts or swimming pools but rather facilities
that would appeal to the senior citizen. Mr. Fennald pointed
out that HUD cannot guarantee financing that would discriminate
PlannJ nq ..\genc%' ;.~ inures
] 21~.~.1'1'i Page two
and so the reque.~ted change in 2.d of l{esolution No. 1694.
Some discussion centered around different ti?pcs of Federal
flnancin~.? programs.
Nina Cndracek, ][omeowners of Tustin rc:3resentative expressed
her f(~.eling that thi~.~ presentation did not so~]nd like the
qood faith promise that they hoard last sunu.]er.
Mr. Tony Coco, lrv'ine Boulevard, Tustin, spoke Jn favor of
thc~. project and stated that ke felt the rewording of the
paragraph in the resolution did not change the intent of
the deve ].oper.
After some discussion among the Agency members, it was moved
Dy Sharp, seconded by Schuster to continue this item to
'7:30 this evening (]2-5-77) and vote oa it at that time.
-~.:r. Saltarelli felt [.his action was only a play on words
for the resolution and he was ready to act on tkis matter
at this ti:r.e.
The above motion was carried: 4-1. Ayes: Sharp, Edgar, Schuster,
Welsh, Noes: Saltare] li. Absent: None.
lnJ sial
2. []se PermJ t 77-3~ - Robert Warmington
Com..'.)an¥ for authorization to erect 2 ten~-
porar¥ tra(;L idenc~flcation signs on Tract
6732, located a[~ Lke corn(~.r of Carroll Way
and Medford, nort];crly o£ 17th StreeL.
After t['e presentation of Lhe staff re.~r~ by ;.Ir. Chase, the
pub].J.c portion o:~ the hearinq was opened at. 3:47 p.m.
There being no co:,~ents or objections, [~ke hearing was closed
at 3:48 p.m.
:.loved by Welsh, seconded Dy ]:dgar that Use Perm].t 77-3(~ be
ap!)roved bv the adoption of Resolution No. 169'?. Carried
Unan J mously.
3. VarJ.ance 7'/-13 - l.]oyd'.~; ]½ank, i'or
authorization to erect a business identi-
fication sign located at 7{)1 E. £.'Jrst Street.
Mr. Chase reported that the appli, cant ]las requested a
continuance on this matter since the Lloyd's Bank
repr(.~sentatives could not be oresent.
.~4oved by Saltarel].i, -~econded by Welsh to continue this
matter as an open public hearing. Carried unanimously.
4. Zone C]'ange 77-10 - William Hockenberr'>'
for Jansvu Property's inc., for rezoning
of north side of Second Street, between
Pac.;fJc and "A" Streets, from 11-1 (Single-
family) to PD (Planned Develop;rent DistrJ.ct)
for th(~. construction of condom~n.iums.
!qr. Chase presented the staff report and read a letter that
had been sent to City Hall. in protest of this change, from
Naoma Troxell, 230 5. "A" Street.
The public portion of the hearing[ was or)ened at 4:00 p.m.
Bill Hockenberry, 0ansvu properties, summarized the plot
plan and explained that the high density of the project
would be oriented toward the center of the project. The
units in "A" would have 3 bedrooms and "B" and "C" would
have 2 bedrooms and would be 1200 to }.i{00 square feet in
size. In answer to a question from Chairman Sharp, Mr.
Hockenberry stated that they are thinking of putting a
sprinkler system in ['.he structure with the underground
park~n~ facJ].it¥.
Planning Agency ;qinutes
12/5/'/7 Page three
5~. Robert Bianchi, 455 W. 3rd Street spoke in opposition
to the project stating that they would be overpopulating
such a small area.
~ack Hunter, 180 Pacific spoke ~n opposition to the project
sayin~ that this would ruin the rural aspect of Tustin.
Mr. Harlie Bruner, 425 W. Second Street, s.poke Jn opposition
to the project stating that he could not understand how
they would keep pedestrians and vehicles out of the fire
access area from Second Street.
Carol Hunter, 180 Pacific Street spoke in opposition to the
project saying Jt was a threat to the single family dwellers
.i.r~ the area.
Mr. Ritch [~nkowski, ].60 S. "A" Street stated that hO
felt the density' was not consistent with the surrounding homes.
Mr. Hockenberr¥ ~.nformed the audience that the parcel now has
21 trailers on it and he will increase the area by 2/Sth's as
much, therefore, this project will reduce the density of
the area.
The public hearing was closed at 4:32 p.m.
After some discussion among the agency members pertaining to
retaining old town Tustin and also at the sa~ne time provid.ing
for new improvements, it was moved by Edgar, seconded by
Saltarelli to recommend ap~3roval of Zone Change 77-10 to
the City Council by the adoption of Resolution No. 1699.
After more discussion among the aqency members and some
of the audience members, the above motion was carried
unan J mous ly.
AYES: Sharp, Edgar, Saltarelli, Schuster, Welsh. NOES: None.
5. Amendment to General Plan 7'7-3 (A)
and EnvJronmental Impact Report 77-6
Goldrich, Kest and Associates for an EIR
which relates to the general plan amendment
that proposes to chanqe the land use desig-
nation from C-2 (Commercial to Multi-family
Residential. This request is to construct
100 units for senior citizen housing. Location
is the north side of 6th Street approximately
400' easterly of ~.:1 Camino Real on 2.43 acres.
Mr. Chase retorted that because of a possible change Jn
the area of the general plan amendment the applicant
has requested a continuance.
Moved by Edgar, seconded by Welsh to continue this item
as an o~en ~ublic hearing to the next regular meeting.
Carried unanimously.
6. Amendment to General Plan 77-3 (B)
Orange County Institute for Transactional
Analysis for Mrs. Alexander, which proposes
to change .~he land use from Orange County
Multi-family residential (R-4) to the
Professional District, upon annexation
to the City of Tustin. Location of subject
property is southeasterly corner of NewI~Drt
Avenue and Sycamore at 14742 Newport Avenue.
Plannin¢~ Aqency :q.inutcs
3.2/5/77 Pa~e four
Aft~.r tko presentation o~: the staff report by £.lr. Chase,
the public hearing was opened at 5:02 p.m.
~.Ir. Paul llaynor, 15662 2,1yrtle, infmr~,ed the agency that he
has been a rest.dent of Tustin for ]5 ;.,ears and ten
years ago started the Orange County instil%ute for Trans-
actionaJ. Analysis in the Ci~'y of Tustin. I.lr. Raynor stated
that they perform psycho].ogical services for private individ-
uals and business orqanJzat~ons. The home atmosphere is what
they are looking for.
..\l[ter some discussJon among [.he aqency menR)ers J t was moved
by Saltarell~, seconded by Edgar to reconnnend a}0}0roval to
the City Council of General Plan Amendment 77-3 (B) by the
adoption of Resolution No. 1698. Carried unanimously.
7. [.:nvironmental Impact Re~3ort 77-5
Trinity Broadcasting for a "foc~o~ed t:]R"
whick treats tl~e specific areas of environ-
mental concern associated wiLh the develop-
ment o£ a transmitting and receiving earth
state.on adjacent to the existinq broadcast
studios of Trinity Broadcasting Network
located in the TustLn-Irvine industrial
~.lr. (]hast reported that certain data Jn the Environmental
impact Report needs to De verified and requested that
this item be continued as an ope[] public hearing to the
next regular meeting.
.~.loved bs' Schuster, seconded by Welsh to continue as an open
V! I.
VI"I !.
public hearing to the next regular meetinq. Carried
unanimous ly.
i.ls. _qaureen Holthe, co-owner of Silver Streak Travel on l'/th
Street in the Enderle Center requested pez~,Jssion to retain
her present s~gn.
~.ir. Rourke advJsed that the item sl"ould not be d~scussed any
further and a var'iance application should be applied for
which would result in an advertised public hearing before
the Planning Agency.
2.Ir. l{onald Oster requested t~rmJss.lon to retain the present
sign until the public hearJn(3. Chaiznnan Sharp advised that
Mr. Oster should contact the Community I)evelopment Department
star f.
1. Resolution No. 1696 for Newforth Center on Newport Avenue.
;,loved by Welsh, seconded by Edqar to a~)prove Resolution No.
1696 which approved tke master sign plan for the Newforth
Shopping Center on Newport Avenue. Carried unanimously.
2. Resolution No. 1700 for the amendment to the Use Permit
76-25 for I~arwi n Square.
Moved by Edgar, seconded by Welsh to a~prove Resolution No.
].700 which approved the amendment to Use Pe_~mit 76-25 for
the Arthur Trcacher f'ish and Chips Restaurant. Carried
Planning Agency Minutes
12/5/77 Page Five
1. School District Maintenance Yard Wall
Consideration of change in materials for the perimeter wall.
Mr. Chase i.nformed that the school district Js pro~si.ng to
change the materials for the block wall along the railroad
property and next to our yard, from the spl~t face concrete
block to the DrecisJon concrete block.
Samples of the blocks were provided and it was moved by
Edgar, seconded by Saltar(:lli, to a~)prove thc request of
the precision concrete block in lieu of the split face block
which was request No. 4.
~. Larry Sutherland, Business Manager of the Tustin Unified
School District, referred to item 2i ol~ the resolution that
approved the maintenance yard use permit (No. 1589) and :.~.
Sutherland stated that the school district does not wish to
share in the cost of the full street imDrovements.
Mr. Saltarelli explained that it was a clear understanding
that both the City and School District would share Jn the
cost of the road since the prime user would be the school
district for its's busses and the service of vehicles from
both city and school district.
Mr. Sutherland stated that they would report back to the
school district and then to the City Council after the
third of January meeting of the school district.
Mr. Edgar reminded the school district that the signalization
of Red Hill and Service Road was originally scheduled to be
borne by both the c~.ty and school district. Since then the
City has provided that cost on it's own.
The above motion was carried: 4-0. Ayes: Sharp, Edgar,
Schuster, Saltarelli, Noes: None. Abstained: Welsh.
2. Housing Element of the General Plan
~.~. Chase encouraged the members to read the material that
has been presented to them since this Housing £1ement
change could have far reaching implications to the City.
~,!r. Chase stated that an im~lementation plan will have
to be provided and SCAG will co;ne up with a fair share of
b!r. Chase reported that the sign letters for the Clifton C.
Miller building were not of the material that staff
originally had thought they would be. After some discussion
Council advised staff to so].J.cJtbids for metal letters
rather than the wood letters.
· 45 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.
ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 5: ~~~ ~
Cl kA 1 Pasta N
Evening :.!eeting
December 3, 1977
Called [:o order at 7:35 p.m. by Chairman Sharp.
Present: :.lembers:
Sharp, Welsk, l.'.dqar, Saltarelli,
Absent: ;'.iembers: None
Use Permit 7'7-33 continued from 3:00 ~.m. meeting for
Packers Square.
Mr. Chase presented report with recommendation for approval.
:.ir..q. Fernald representing Packers Square rewiewed previous
presentat~.on and stated that ~_.'~b-'~ had requested that plan be
changed to fewer 2 bedroo;r uriits, from 50 to no more than
26, and modification of sect[on 2d of Resolution approving
use permit to State as follows.
Any revision in Senior Citizens co~nplex concept which
would eliminate the preference for elderly tenants as
established by HUD for a Senior Citizens project shall
require the Use Permit to be amended arid reviewed to
accomodate changes Jn [.he follow.lng: Parking ratios
and locations, building design and sizes, site lay out,
type and location of recreational facilities, and all
other areas of concern affected by a change or modifi-
cation in age group.
Mr. Fernald assured the Council that the design will still
be as presented and will be oriented as primarily a Senior
Citizen project. He also stated FIL~ would not approve a
project ~f discriminatory age were put in .it.
Mr. Carlton Brown asked to see revJ. sed wording and asked
for more time to consider.
in answer to questioninq Mr. Rourke stated he did not see
any big problem arid thouqht through the Planned Development
procedure that the City was protected.
~4r. Tony Coco spoke in favor of action at this meeting.
There being no further co~nents or objections ~t was
moved by Saltarelli, seconded by Edgar that hearinq
be c ~osed. Carried.
_qoved by [.:dgar, seconded by Saltarelli that Resolution
1(;94 wi.th a~nended section 2d be adopted. Carried.
;.loved bs' Edgar, seconded by Saltarelli that meeting be
adjourned as Planning Agency and convene as City Council.