HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Minutes 08-15-77MINUTES OF THE TUSTIN PLANNING AGENCY TUSTIN CITY CENTER August 15, 1977 CALL TO ORDER II. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE III. INVOCATION IV. ROLL CALL PUBLIC HEARINGS Meeting called to order at 3:00 p.m. by Chairman Sharp. Led by Mr. Schuster. Given by Mr. Edgar. Present: Members: Sharp, Welsh, Edgar, Saltarelli, Schuster. Absent: Members: None. Others present: William Bopf, City Administrator James Rourke, City Attorney Brian Chase, Community Development Director 1. USE PERMIT 77-13 (Continued from 8/1/77) Application for Schick Moving and Storage to construct and operate a 102,000-square-foot warehouse and truck terminal on Lot 1, Tract 8590, located on the north- westerly corner of Michelle Drive and future Myford. Report presented by Mr. Chase~ requesting continuance. IIearing opened at 3:05 p.m. There were no comments or objections. Moved by Welsh. seconded by Edgar, that hearing be continued to SepteJ~ber 6th meeting as recommended. Carried. 2. USE PERMIT 77-19 Application by Church of Scientology to conduct church services and administrative functions at their current location on the northeast corner of Red Itill and Irvine Boulevard (1451 Irvine Boulevard). Report and recommendation for continuance presented by ~. Chase. Hearing opened at 3:07 p.m. There being no comments or objections, it was moved by Saltarelli, seconded by Edgar, that hearing be continued to September 6, 1977, meeting. Carried. 3. USE PERMIT 77-20 Application by Trinity Broadcasting Company to expand their present facility at the corner of Michelle and Chambers to include assembly-studio area and earth satellite communications (Lots 49 and 50 of Tract 8590). Report presented with recommendation for continuance presented by Mr. Chase. Hearing opened at 3:09 p.m. There being no comments or objections, it was moved by Edgar, seconded by Welsh, that hearing be continued to September 6, 1977,meeting. Carried. Moved by Edgar, seconded by Schuster, that meeting of Planning Agency be adjourned to meeting of City Council. Carried. Planning Agency 8/15/77 Page 2 VI. OLD BUSINESS VII. NEW BUSINESS CONSTITUTION SAVINGS MONUMENT SIGN (Request by architect to review City Council action of 7/1/77) ~V~r. Doug Danielson, Architect for this project, spoke in favor of request and took exception to staff report. Mr. Daniel- son presented architectural perspective and plot plan explain- ing landscaping, minipark, and reasons for mounding. Agency discussed overall height of signing, ordinance limitations and need for variance as stated by staff that variance had been applied for and agreed that permit could be applied for through staff for some form of temporary signing. Mr. Danielson stated that he was not interested in lettering but was interested in keeping the mounding and the structure--inter- ested in holding their opening. Mr. Chase reported that developer had not yet requested final inspection for occupancy. The applicant has been told to pro- ceed with final phases and inspections but not with signing. ~. Roc Torkindson, sign company, spoke in favor of signing. Agency concurred that no further action could be taken on sign until variance is heard. 1. REPORT ON ELDERLY HOUSING NEEDS Retort presented by ~.~. Chase. Agency discussed need, if any, for subsidized housing for the elderly and locations as submitted and funding applied for under Section 8 of IIousing Subsidy Program and agreed that more time was needed for analysis. Mayor declared a short recess. Meeting reconvened at 5:20 p.m. 2. REPORT ON E.I.R. FOR WALNUT EXTENSION Report presented by Mr. Chase containing the following princi- pal interests in completion of Walnut Extension: 1. Help complete the overall circulation system for that area. 2. Alleviate existing and future traffic congestion which presently occurs with the existing road align- ment that interconnects with Myford Road. 3. Increase the level of fire protection by providing reduced response times for County fire trucks located on Walnut near Culver in the City of Irvine. Moved by Saltarelli, seconded by Edgar, ~lat Council accept the staff report and a letter so stating be sent to the City of Irvine. Carried, Chairman Sharp voting no. 3. APPROVAL OF PARCEL MAP 77-97 Report presented by Mr. Chase recommending approval of Final Parcel Map 77-97 to the City Council by adoption of Planning Agency Resolution No. 1664. Moved by Saltarelli, seconded by Edgar, that ma~ be approved as recommended and Resolution No. 1664 be passed and adopted. Carried. Planning Agency 8/15/77 Page 3 VIII. IX. PUBLIC HEARINGS (CONTINUED) 4. TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP 77--103 Report presented by Mr. Chase. ~oved by Edgar, seconded by Welsh, that Planning Agency recom- mend a~roval of Tentative Parcel Ma~ 77-103 to the City Council by adoption of Resolution 1665 and Mayor execute the consent and dedication certificate for the 6th Street right-of-way on behalf of the City. Carried. Moved by Edgar, seconded by Welsh, that meeting be adjourned to an executive session and thence to 7:30 ~.m. Planning Agency meeting. Carried. Meeting of Planning Agency Reconvened at 7:30 ~.m., August 15, 1977. ENVIRONME!~AL IMPACT REPORT 77-4 (PACKERS SQUARE) (Cont'd from August 1, 1977) ~ EIR addressing the total impact of a planned develop- ment of residential and commercial uses for the property on the southeasterly side of Newport Avenue, southerly of Irvine Boulevard (Note: because the applicant has withdrawn his 10--story high rise complex proposal, it will be necessary to amend ~e E~R to reflect the pro- posed alternative uses.) Report presented by Mr. Chase. 5~-. Rourke, City Attorney, reported that he had received a call from Mr. Ray of Santa Fe Land Improvement Co. stating that appli- cant is authorized to speak for their company. Mr. Harry Kassebaum and his representatives spoke including ~.~. l~owlton Vernauld, ~roject Manager; ~. Fay Round; Mr. Robert Cu~mings. Applicant and representatives explained that application to HUD for the 10-story senior citizen housing had been withdrawn and if new proposal for reduced height were approved they would have to re-apply. They also spoke covering some of the follow- ing: need for senior citizen housing and for congregate care facility. Described plans for complete development as shown on slides. Traffic flow, through development and to public streets, inclu- ding that drive-through area at bank could be revised if desired, plans for access next to Builders Emporium, safety factors put in plans for pedestrians and ~aergency vehicle ingress and egress. Density of apartment complex, stating ~his would be basically adults as it is one and two bedroom apartments. Reduction in high rise building to 62 feet. Parking for apartments to be slightly over two spaces per unit. Sanitation and drainage needs and solutions stating there phy- sically is no capacity problem. Commitments for development under Section 8 and requirements to be met by elderly for subsidy and percentage of income paid by elderly. Planning Agency 8/15/77 Page 4 ~. Robert Petr¥ presented petitions filed in opposition of high rise and petition containing approximately 222 signatures. A number of citizens protested this development and spoke relative to number of stories proposed for senior citizen complex, firefighting, number of apartment units, traffic at Builders Emporium, need for federal subsidized housing, sani- tation, police problems, rise in general taxes, number of banks in community, architectural impact, loss of local con- trol through federal subsidy, location of residential for elderly, size of area for this development, traffic congestion, economics of another shopping center. Those speaking in opposition included Mr. Robert Petry, Mr. Andrew Watson, Mr. Dave Almquist, Mrs. Morris, Mr. Roger Rahloff, Mr, William Smart, Jr., Captain Thomas Hall, and Mr. Jim McKahan. Those speaking in favor of this development and need for senior citizen housing included Mrs. Ida Sternberg, Mr. Robert Johnson, Mrs. Colleen Palmer and Mrs. Beatrice Farrington. Council all comments pro and con. In answer to questioning by Council, Chief Holms stated costs of a ladder company, effects of more than one large fire and aid of other agencies in the County. Safety and property loss would be governed by code restrictions in development such as sprinklers, fire walls, etc. Agency further discussed the moral commitment to elderly, subsidizing, economics, need for financial feasibility study, need for comparison study as to other proposed housing pro- jects and fact that the Agency and the Council must address ali. adverse factors as to environmental impact. Mr. Rourke explained that consideration of EIR must consider all adverse factors and should present and consider alterna- tives. If Agency not satisfied the proponent should be dir- ected to address those factors. Moved by Saltarelli, seconded by Edgar, that hearing be con- tinued to September 6, 1977, for analysis. Moved by Schuster, seconded by Welsh, that motion be amended to continue to October 3, 1977. Council, staff and applicant discussed time element necessary to address all elements of EIR. Motion to continue to October 3 failed by 1-4 vote. Motion to continue to September 6 carried. 5. ~4ENDMENT 77-2(F) TO THE LAND USE ELEMENT OF THE GENERAL PLAN (PACKERS SQUARE) A proposal to change from the classification of Planned Community (Commercial) to Planned Community (Commercial-Multifamily Residential) to authorize the construction of multiple family units. There being no comments or objections, it was moved by Welsh, seconded by Saltarelli, that hearing be continued to September 6, 1977. Carried. 6. ENVIRO~ENTAL IMPACT REPORT 77-3 (PACKERS SQUARE COM- MERCIAL DEVELOPMENT) A focused EIR pertaining to the commercial portion of the Packers Square project. P]anning Agency 8/15/77 Page 5 Xo PUBLIC CONCERNS XI. STAFF CONCERNS XII. ADJOUR~4ENT There being no corm~ents or objections it was moved by Welsh, seconded by Schuster, that this hea~ng be continued to September 6, 1977. Carried. 7. USE PERMIT 77-16 (PACKERS SQUARE COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT) A Use Permit Application to authorize the development of a commercial complex as an integral part of the Packers Square project. There being no comments or objections, it was moved by Welsh, seconded by Saltarelli, that hearing be continued to September 6, 1977. Carried. Recess declared by Chairman. Meeting reconvened at 11:10 p.m. LARWIN SQUARE PARKING LOT CONSTRUCTION In answer to questioning by Mrs. Margaret Byrd, Mr. Chase stated that corrective measures have been taken and staff is staying on top of situation. Mr. Chase reported on Fourth Year Block Grant Funds. Moved by Edgar, seconded by Welsh, that staff investiqate, realizing concerns for low-cost housing. Carried. Moved by Saltarelli, seconded by Edgar, that Planning Agency meeting be adjourned to continued Council meeting. Carried. SECRETARY