HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Minutes 10-11-76 MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING
October 11, 1976
The regular meeting of the City of Tustin Planning Commission was
held on the llth day of October, 1976, at the hour of 7:30 p.m.,
on said day, in the Council Chambers, City Hall, Centennial Way
at Main St., Tustin, California.
The Meeting was called to order by Chairman Pro Tem Lathrop at
7:30 p.m.
PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE was led by Commissioner McHarris.
INVOCATION was given by Commissioner Robbins.
Others Present:
Commissioners: Lathrop, McHarris, Robbins
Commissioners: Glenn, Hill
R. Kenneth Fleagle, Assistant City Administrator,
Community Development Director
Daniel Van Dorpe, Assistant Director, Planning
and Building
Scott Nichols, Assistant City Attorney
Mary Ann Chamberlain, Planning Commission
Recording Secretary
Moved by Robbins, seconded by McHarris that the minutes of September
27, 1976 be approved.
1. An Amendment (76-2) to the Land Use Element of the Tustin Area
General Plan for the following properties:
A. Southeasterly corner of Main and Williams.
F. North side of Second between Pacific and "A" Streets.
A. Southeasterly corner of Main and Williams 76-2 (A)
Dr. Flea~le presented the staff report and stated that the applicant
has prepared a new plot plan which he would be submitting the follow-
ing week in order to be reviewed for the October 25, 1976 meeting.
It was moved by Robbins, seconded by McHarris to continue this item
to the next regular meeting of October 25, 1976.
B. North side of Second Street between "A" and Pacific Streets.
After Mr. Van Dorpe presented the staff report, the public hearing
was opened at 7:43 p.m.
PC Minutes
10-11-76, Page 2
William Hockenberry, 465 West Second Street, pointed out that in
their submitted plan they have attempted to limit access on Second
Street to one driveway with the 3 homes to retain their own access.
While trying to keep the traffic out of the R-1 area on 2nd Street,
they will provide an access on First Street. They are attempting
to keep the units away from the property lines that abut the R-1
Ritchie Bonkowski, 160 S. "A" Street, expressed his desire to see
this area remain as low density with a low profile of the entire
area. Mr. Bonkowski referred to the petition that had been filed
by most of the property owners in the area and read correspondence
from Mr. Art Charleton. Mr. Bonkowski also related that almost
100% of the people in the area are against the traffic and noise
that this development would create. Also Mr. Bonkowski informed
that the police reports are all from streets that have apartments
on them.
Bonnie Bath, Prospect Street, informed the Commission that she had
moved to Tustin for the peaceful living and she would like to see
the town remain as it is now.
Mr. Jack Hunter, 180 Pacific, stated that he is against changing the
single-family residential area to multi-family residential.
can't see destroying old Tustin for progress at the expense of its
present residents.
Barbara Murray, 185 Pacific, quoted'~lant a tree and watch a tree
grow green in Tustin." She feels Tustin should remain as is.
Ed Webner, 450 Second Street, questioned what assurances would they
have that the development would be developed as proposed.
Dr. Flea~le assured that during the zone change hearings, precise
plans would have to be submitted and approved showing the precise
development as proposed.
Mr. William Hockenberr~ related that the existing buildings in the
immediate area are nice in character but have no historical value.
He feels the Planning Commission has to be concerned about the total
development of Tustin and not only one or two streets in Tustin
since change will take place, only a matter of when.
Mrs. Margaret Byrd, N. "B" Street, related that she feels the old
town should be preserved and remain as a small village.
Mr. John Owen, 1102 Avonoak Terrace, Glendale, stated that he does
not live in the City of Tustin but does own one of the above pro-
perties in question. Mr. Owens informed the Commission that he feels
growth and change are good if planned and controlled and that is the
role of the Commission. Mr. Owen then quoted a newspaper article
which related to housing in Orange County.
Rick Angoni, Real Estate Developers, Inc., representing the property
owners stated that it is very difficult to plan this project because
the way the present zoning is set up with the strip of R-3 running
along the R-1 zone. Mr. Angoni informed the Commission that they
would provide lighting and safety control along with a property wall
that would act as a buffer. The developers would be sensitive to
the adjacent property owners.
Ms. Barbara Murray stated that she would not have bought her property
if she had thought they would put apartments there.
Larry Marsters, 11801 Highview Drive, Santa Ana, related to the
Commission that he feels this is a unique opportunity for the City
and homeowners to work together and develop a good plan for this
Vincent Meek, 435 West Second Street, commented that he has owned the
property there for 34 years and felt it is the time to develop the
land locked part along with the trailer court. IIe further stated
that he felt the property owners from "B" to Pacific should all have
the same equal opportunity to do what they please with their land.
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10-11-76, Page 3
Moved by Robbins, seconded by McHarris to close the public hearing
at 8:35 p.m.
Commissioner McHarris commented that the plot plan does minimize
the project and traffic impacts and places the impact on First
Street rather than Second Street. After further discussion among
the Commissioners, it was moved by Robbins, seconded by Lathrop
to continue the matter to the next regular meeting as a closed
hearing for a full Commission vote.
Use Permit 76-21 - Pacific Coast Farmers Market to authorize
the Farmers Market With take-out foods.
Location: 12991 Newport Avenue
After Mr. Van Dor~e presented the staff report, the public hearing
was opened at 8:45 p.m.
Mr. John Mullens, applicant, informed the Commission that there
would be no eating on the premises, he would only be selling sand-
wiches with the produce.
The public hearing was closed at 8:46 p.m.
Dr. Flea~le commented that the owner of the Newforth Center would
be meeting with him to discuss the renovation of the center.
It was moved by Robbins, seconded by McHarris to approve Use Permit
76-21 by the adoption of Resolution No. 1552.
Use Permit 76-22 - Permit construction of a Public Works Mainte-
nance Yard for maintaining and preparing City vehicles and equip-
ment for the provision of City Services including refueling oper-
Westerly of Red }{ill, southerly of Currie Intermediate
Dr. Flea~le presented the staff report and commented that the City
is filing an application with the Economic Development Administration
for a federal grant for the purpose of constructing this maintenance
In response to Commissioner McHarris' question pertaining, to the
traffic signalization at the corner of Red Hill and School Road,
Dr. Fl~a.gle explained that a signal would be installed but as to
date it has not been budgeted. Dr. Fleagle also stated that it is
planned for the School District to construct their yard on the ad-
joining lot and to share refueling facilities.
The public hearing was opened at 8:50 p.m.
Seeing and hearing no one the hearing was closed at 8:51 p.m.
Dr. Fleagle informed the Commission that the School Maintenance
Yard is to be placed on the remaining property and their architect
is working with our architect to make the sites compatible with
each other. The School District will have a public hearing on
their site in the near future.
Commissioner McHarris commented that he is concerned about the use
of the streets on week-ends regarding the public parking for recre-
ational uses. Dr. Fleagle responded that the school maintenance
yard plan accommodates parking for the ball fields.
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10-11-76, Page 4
Moved by McHarris, seconded by Robbins to approve Use Permit 76-22
by the adoption of Resolution No. 1551.
An Amendment to the Z~ing Ordinance (No. 157 as amended) to
amend sections 4.7, 4.8, 4.9, and amending Ordinance No. 654~
permitted uses in the Commercial District subject to a Use
Dr. Flea$1e reported that the intent of this amendment is that the
Commission will have the opportunity under the use permit procedure
to determine the compatibility with other developments of massage
parlors and other "adult only" activities.
The public hearing was opened at 8:55 p.m.
Seeing and hearing no one the hearing was closed at 8:56 p.m.
After some discussion pertaining to commercial zones, it was moved
by Robbins, seconded by Lathrop, to recommend to the City Counc~
adoption of the Zoning Ordinance Amendment by the adoption of
Resolution No. 1554.
Housing and Community Development Act of 1974 - Itearing for
application for Federal Funds available through the HCD Act
of 1974.
Dr. Flea~le commented that the Commission should proceed with re-
ceiving the input from citizens and agencies as to how best the
money could be expended for the third year should it be allocated
under terms acceptable to the City Council.
The public hearing was opened at 9:00 p.m.
Mrs. Bonnie Bath stated that she was confused about the boundary
area north of Irvine. Dr. Fleagle informed her that this act is
different from the Redevelopment Plan.
Dorothy Smith from the League of Women Voters questioned the Com-
munity Development Block Grants.
The public hearing was closed at 9:05 p.m.
After some discussion among the Commission, it was moved by McHarris,
seconded by Robbins to recommend the following projects in the fol-
lowing order which would fall within the guidelines for ItCDA funding:
Replacement of water lines and adequate fire flow in the Old
Town Center in the event that the City acquires title to the
water lines.
The construction of storm drain catch basins and lateral lines
to connect to the proposed E1 Camino master storm drain.
Construction of sidewalks and curbs, especially as related to
pedestrian school traffic within the Old Town Center area.
Dr. Fleagle explained the California Redevelopment District to the
audience and explained that the public hearing for this item would
be November 15, 1976.
PC Minutes
10-11-76, Page 5
Resolution of approval for Formal Finding (76-2)-Blue Buoy
Swim School in the Mult~Jfamily (R-3) Distr~c~.
Moved by McHarris, seconded by Lathrop to approve Resolution No.
1550 which finds that a swim school is a permitted use in the
Multi-family Residential District, subject to a Use Permit.
Resolution of Approval for Amendment (76-2C) to the Tustin
Area General Plan for property located on the east side of
Holt, north of Irvine Boulevard.
Moved by Lathro~, seconded by McHarris to adopt Resolution No.
1553 which' amends the general plan to reclassify the property to
Multi-family Residential use.
Proposed Amendment 76-3 to the Circulation Element of the Orange
County General Plan.
Moved by Robbins, seconded_ b~ Lathrop that the Commission recommend
to the City Council the endorsement of the amendments as proposed
and the reclassification of Irvine Boulevard.
1. City of Orange General Plan Amendment 3-76
Moved by McHarris, seconded by Robbins, to request the Mayor to
sign the drafted correspondence regarding the General Plan Amendment
and Environment Impact Report 3-76.
Criterion Development Berm
Moved by McHarris, seconded by Lathrop, that the City grant the
Criterion Development Company a Certificate of Occupancy at such
time that a Declaration of Restrictions is recorded, subject to the
approval of the City Attorney, stipulating that if at any time the
City desires to install sidewalks in front of the development, the
owner of the property will regrade the public right of way in ac-
cordance with City standards at no cost to the City.
Commissioner McHarris requested that the matter pertaining to the
Public Concerns portion of the meeting be discussed at the next
regular meeting.
Moved by Lathro~, seconded b~ McHarris to adjourn at 9:43 p.m. to
the next regular meeting. ?7