HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Minutes 04-12-76 MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING
April 12, 1976
The regular meeting of the City of Tustin Planning Commission was
held on the twelfth day of April, 1976, at the hour of 7:30 p.m.,
of said day, in the Council Chambers, City Ilall, Centennial at Main,
Tustin, California.
PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE was led by Commissioner McHarris.
INVOCATION was given by Commissioner Lathrop.
IIill, Lathrop, McHarris,
Glenn and Robbins
Others Present:
R. Kenneth Fleagle, Assistant City Administrator
Community Development Director
James Rourke, City Attorney
It was moved by Commissioner McHarris and seconded by Commissioner
~ that the minutes of~a--rc--h 22, I~7~ be approved.
Use Permit 76-5 - Marie Callender Inc., to authorize the con-
struct~on of a restaurant and c~c~tail lounge located at the
north west corner of First Street and Myrtle Avenue.
Dr. Flea~gle presented a synopsis of the staff report,stating that the
proposed use was in conformance with the General Plan and Zoning Ordi-
nance, with a strong recommendation of staff for the desirability of
this business at the proposed site.
Mr. L. B. Lewis, 1211E. First Street - 165 N. Myrtle, Tustin
Convalescent Hospital, spoke favorably of the project in that it
would enhance the City and that they would be good neighbors. He
stated that their parking lots would be adjacent and he would desire
a block wall fence separating the hospital from the Marie Callender
parking lot.
Mr. Clyde Stockdale, 131 Hall Circle, stated that he had no objection
to ~h~roje~ct'but that he would desire information relative to the
entrances and he suggested the need of a traffic signal on the corner
of Myrtle and First Street.
It was suggested that Mr. Stockdale's suggestion be referred to the
Traffic Commission.
Public }{earing closed at 8:45 p.m.
The applicant stated that this building was the first proto-type of
its kind owned by the Company.
It was moved by Commissioner McHarris and seconded by Commissioner
Lathrop to approve Use Permit 76-5 by the adoption of Resoluti°n No.
1503 as drafted.
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Use Permit 76-6 - Constitution Federal Savings & Loan Association,
to authorize the construction of'~ 20,000 sq. ft. office and sav-
ings and loan building at the northwest corner of 17th and
Ms~Trud~y Gerstman, President of the Treehaven l{omeowners Association
~-~e~ue~ed that there be no vines on the block wall. She stated that
pear vines on the Jo-Jo site destroyed the wall and she would like to
avoid this problem for this development. She spoke in favor of the
Mr. Clark Bonner, owner of the property, stated that there is no intent
to plant vines and they will protect the walls. Mr. Bonner stated his
concern regarding the 39" storm drain which would add an additional
$12,000 cost to the project. He felt the drainage of 1 1/3 acres
should only be a minimal contribution to the storm drain and requested
that the Planning Commission endorse the elimination of the drainage
Mr. Ilarvey IIicks, Unit 15-A of the Treehaven Condominiums, stated that
he feit thi-~ was a beautiful building but has concerns about the traf-
fic situation and wondered if the traffic could be diverted away from
Treehaven Drive.
The public hearing was closed at 8:05 p.m.
Commissioner Lathrop commented that he felt the storm drain should be
put in--Cad--paid' fo~ by the developer since it would be an unfair burden
to transfer the cost to the general tax payer.
Commissioner McIIarris commented that he felt the storm drain should be
at t~e d~s~retion of the City Council. If there is an exception, it
should be made by the City Council.
Commissioner McHarris further questioned the status of denying street
parking on Treehaven Drive.
Commissioner Glenn informed the Commission that he would abstain on
the actio~ due to the competitive character of this project with his
It was moved by Commissioner Lathrop and seconded by Commissioner
Ro--~b~s_ to approve Use Permi~ 76-6 b~ t~~ ~op~i°n of Re~blu~i~n No.
MOTION CARRIED 4-0, Commissioner Glenn abstained.
Environmental Impact Repor_t_ (EIR 76-1) and Use Permit 76-7 for
ev~I~a~fng the 'impact of the construction of an Organi~ Chemical
Reaction Unit (OCR) as a part of Thiodol/Dynachem located at 2632
Michelle Drive in the Tustin-Irvine Industrial Complex.
It was moved by Commissioner Lathrop and seconded by Commissioner
McHarr~s that EIR 76-1 and UP 76-7 b'e conti~'ued, at the request of the
ap~T~cant, as an Open Public Hearing to April 26, 1976.
Don Allen of Elderly Things, 540 E1 Camino Real stated that he wrote
letters approximately thr~e weeks ago to Commissioner Hill and to Mr.
Bopf, City Administrator,regarding the signing for his business.
Mr. Allen stated they presently have two signs. They have a sign per-
mit for one of the signs and they do not have a sign permit for the
other sign, which is a repainted John Birch Society sign. The total
frontage of his business is less than is permitted for two signs. I{e
stated that without the two signs out in front, his business would fail.
He felt that with 90' frontage, he should be able to have two siqns.
4-12-76 - Page 3
This matter was turned over to the City Attorney who gave Mr. Allen
until the llth of April to remove the illegal sign. As of this date
(April 12), the sign is still up. It would cost Mr. Allen $200 to
apply for a variance. If he is cited for this violation, he must go
to court and defend his position. As a businessman and tax payer,
he doesn't want the City or himself to go to that expense.
Commissioner Hill stated that he would like to grant the sign of size
and scope requested. Itowever, as long as the Sign Ordinance (#614) is
in effect, the Planning Commission will have to abide by it. If Mr.
Allen wishes to apply for a variance, he may do so.
Commissioner McHarris stated that he felt sufficient signing could
be worked out within the Sign Ordinance.
Mr. Allen said that a window sign of wood would not let in the light.
He stated that he has three store fronts and two signs, which is less
than would be allowed for one sign.
Regarding the cost of an appeal, Commissioner Lathrop asked if 'there
could be Planning Commission relief fr6~the fee until the Sign Ordi-
nance is revised.
~ttorne~ Roprke stated the law must be followed until there is a
cha~ge--i~ the law.
Plot Plan Review for the Barn Restaurant located in the Koll-
~o~chard Development at th'e northeaste~'ly corner of Moulton
Parkway and Red Hill Avenue.
There was discussion regarding the Eucalyptus trees and the height
of the windmill.
It was moved by Commissioner Lathrop and seconded by Commissioner
McHarri~ that the PIot P'lan'~e app~ove~ w~h trees to remain, subject
to an agreement to hold the City harmless.
2. ApReal of Sign Plan Denial - The Ginger Shoppe - 12991 Newport
Ave nue.
Commissioner McHarris stated that he liked the sign better than others
in--the Center. tie felt that the sign should be permitted until such
time as an overall master sign plan was presented, and at that time,
the signing should be brought into conformance.
Chairman Hill stated that Newforth Center was a classic case in
need of sign coordination but that he would not disallow this sign.
Alan Warren, Planning Technician, stated that he did not want to deny
{h~ ~ign but if this motiff was established, it would be unfair to
others in the Center who had been required to meet these standards.
It was moved by Commissioner McHarris and seconded by Commissioner
Lat~-~t ~he appeal of th~ Gibber S~bppe is upheld' with approval
of smgn as submitted, with right of continued use until a master plan
is submitted by the owner and/or business association, at which time
all subsequent signing shall conform to the master plan of signing as
submitted and approved·
1. Dr. Fleagle stated that in response to a letter from one of the
businessmen on E1 Camino, a meeting is scheduled with representatives
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of the business community on E1 Camino Real on Tuesday, April 21st at
7:30 a.m. in the POW Community Building on E1 Camino Real with the
consultants present. This will be a workshop type session, open to
the public. We will be proceeding with Phase II, but going back to
Phase I to pick up the requirement for participation by the business
c ommun i ty.
2. Dr. Fleagle discussed communication from Orange County Environ-
mental Management Agency regarding discussion draft of proposed
General Plan amendments with impact on Tustin.
The property on Main Street, adjacent to Newport Freeway, on north-
westerly corner of freeway and Main Street is proposed for General
Plan amendment to high density residential. Due to hazardous conditions
for pedestrians and school children, previously the School District,
City of Santa Ana and Tustin Planning Commission has taken opposition
to residential use on this site.
Commissioner Lath.~pp moved, seconded by Commissioner Glenn that the
Planning Commission reenforce the' previous Commission position that
determined that the site is not appropriate for residential develop-
ment and take opposition to the proposed General Plan amendment.
3. Red IIill, which is bounded on the southwest by La Colina, south-
east-by Browning Avenue and north by Skyline Drive.
Dr. Fleagle stated that the previous recommendation of staff was to
keep ~o~sing on the flat land and preserve Red Hill as a landmark.
Chairman Hill remarked that Jim Sleeper, Orange County Historian and
past ~t of Orange County Historical Society feels that Red
Hill is one of the most important historical points in Tustin if we
are going to preserve our heritage.
It was moved by Chairman IIill, seconded by Commissioner Lathrop to
recommeh~ to the Orange County ~ahhin~ CommisSion to preserve Red
Hill in its present state and to retain the hill as of historical
significance as a landmark.
1 .Sign Ordinance
It_was moved by Commissioner McHarris, seconded by Commissioner Lathr0p
that the Commission subm[t pos~i0~ papers to staff for consideration
of Sign Code amendments prior to next meeting and that staff is
authorized to advertise the public hearing for May 10, 1976.
2. Sidewalk Improvements
Commissioner McIIarris was concerned about sidewalk on Red Hill between
Koll Development and Tustin Meadows, and that request should be made
of agencies to install sidewalks and/or limited improvements.
3. Bi Centennial Activities
Chairman IIill stated that regarding the BiCentennial, the school
children would be on parade on Saturday, April 24th and the Arts
Festival would be on April 25th at Foothill High.
4. Selection of Chairman Pro-tem.
It was moved by Commissioner Lathrop and seconded by Chairman Hill to
continue until next medting t~n~-~Ie~i~K-~ Chafrman Pro-rem.
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5. Workshop Seminar
Planning Commissioners expressed their intent to attend the AIP
workshop session to be held in Anaheim on May 6, 1976.
It was moved by Commissioner Glenn and seconded by Commissioner
~a%hrop ~t the meeting b~--adjo~rned ~10:30 p.m.