HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Minutes 02-09-76 MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING
February 9, 1976
The regular meeting of the City of Tustin Planning Commission was
held on the 9th day of February, 1976, at the hour of 7:30 p.m.,
of said day, in the Council Chambers, City tIall, Centennial at Main,
Tustin, California.
The meeting was called to order by Chairman McHarris.
PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE was led by Commissioner Hill.
INVOCATION was given by Commissioner Shambeck.
Shambeck, Sucher, Hill
None - Mr. Lathrop was not as
yet seated.
Others Present:
R. Kenneth Fleagle, Assistant City Administrator-
Co~mmunity Development Director
James Rourke, City Attorney
~Sucher, seconded by. Shambeck that the minutes of January
~e approved. '
Use Permit 76-1 - Five Point-U-Serve, Inc. to permit the con-
struct[on of a post pay, self-serve gasoline station located at
the southwest corner of First Street and E1 Camino Real at 100
E1 Camino Real.
Dr. F~ presented the synopsis of the staff report, indicating
that this application had been reviewed by the Planning Commission
on January 12, 1976 and continued to February 9, 1976 at the request
of the applicant. The Commission at its prior consideration deter-
mined that a service station could be compatible on the site, subject
to design criteria and requested the applicant to resubmit site de-
velopment plans. No revised plans have been submitted and staff rec-
ommends denial.
Chairman McHarris opened the public hearing for audience participation.
Although a representative of Five Point-U-Serve, Inc. was in the
audience, no remarks were addressed to the Commission. The chairman
closed the public hearing.
Commissioner Sucher moved, seconded by Commissioner Hill to deny the
Use Per--mi--t 76-1 b--y t~e ado~tion"of ~solu~ion No. 1494.
COmmissioner Sucher's basis for his move to denial was the review of
the previous site development plans and their incompatibility with
the adjoining properties in the neighborhood.
Commissioner Hill recognized the right of the applicant to reapply,
subject to redesign of the site.
PC ,X~in utes
2/9/76 - Page 2
1. Composite Plan Tract 8912
Dr. Fleagle presented the synopsis of the comments of staff related
to %he composite development plan with concern for perimeter walls,
fencing, drainage, and tennis court locations. The staff's recom-
mendation is for approval of the conceptual plans subject to staff
resolution of points of conflict.
Mr. Ca~ of the Irvine Company stated that the wrought iron
~-~c~ would be a high maintenance item, based upon experiences in
other like developments.
Commissioner Hill stated that the wrought iron fence, next to the
private properties, particularly Lot 17, would provide a lack of
privacy to the property owner.
Commissioner Sucher commented that surveilance is a critical issue
and the wrought iron fence is desirable both from an aesthetic and
surveilance perspective.
It was noted that the fence will be along the private properties and
the responsibility of the private property owners for maintenance.
Commissioner Hill noted that the City would have maintenance respon-
si~i[it[e~ for wrought iron fencing in front of thc public cul de sac
Moved by Commissioner IIill and seconded by Commissioner Sucher to
approve the composite, deVeloPment ~ah-s--in concept as recommended
by staff.
Final Tract Map No. 8912 - property in Peppertree neighborhood east
of Browning and south of Walnut Avenue, formerly identified as a
school site.
The staff report was presented indicating that the final tract map
No. 8912 was in substantial conformance with the conditions of
Tentative Tract Map No. 8912 as approved by City Council Resolution
No. 75-85 and staff recommends approval.
Moved by Commissioner Shambeck, seconded by Commissioner Hill to
ad~t ResOlUtion No. 1496 ~com~hding to %he City C~uncil the ap-
proval of Final Tract Map No. 8912, subject to conditions stated
within the resolution.
2. Amendment to the Sign Code (Ordinance #614)
Dr. Fleagle presented the concerns of the City Council relative to
sign code amendments to permit greater flexibility and resolution
of the problem areas.
A suggested approach to the resolution of the problem was the creation
of a town center sign district whereby signing within the town center
area would be at the sole discretion of the City Council, based upon
the guiding criteria of the existing sign ordinance. For areas out-
side of the town center, the variance procedure could be eliminated
by establishing as a matter of right, the issuance of sign permits
in accordance with the sign ordinance. If an exception were re-
quested from the standards and criteria of the sign ordinance, the ap-
plicant could make a submission to the Planning Commission, which in
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turn would be recommended to the City Council for consideration.
The Council then would have the complete discretion to approve or
deny signing other than that authorized by the sign ordinance,
again with the criteria of the sign ordinance as guidelines for
approval. Public hearings would not be required and the procedure
of a variance process would not be required. This would enable
maximum flexibility and sole Council discretion in determining the
appropriateness of signs other than those which were authorized by
the criteria of the sign ordinance.
Commissioner Sucher replied that creating a town center area dif-
~-~rent from ot~er properties in the City for sign criteria may not
be the best process. Signing would not be unique to the town center
area and it may not be advisable for a special consideration to be
given to any area. It was his further opinion that pure discretion
on the part of any individual or agency would leave the door open
to abuse by special interest. It was his opinion that it would be
a better process to work out the bugs in the present sign ordinance
and to elicit the comments from those individuals who are most ad-
versely and directly effected by the present sign ordinance.
Commissioner Shambeck was of the opinion that to abandon the sign
control standards for E1 Camino Real and the town center area would
defeat the very purpose of the redevelopment study now under way for
E1 Camino Real. It would open up signing requests to the pressures
of special interests upon the City Council.
Commissioner Hill stated that the sign code as written with the re-
quirement of a showing of a hardship for a variance is too restric-
tive. The popularity for complete restricted sign control in Tustin
has diminished in its public support. He now felt that more flexi-
bility is necessary in sign controls.
It was recognized that the Tustin sign code is as good as any in
Orange County but still leaves something to be desired in the way of
fairness. It is a serious and tough decision for the Commission and
Council to apply the doctrine of fairness. The Commission has the
ability and interest necessary to determine how the signing criteria
should apply.
Commissioner Hill supports the concept of individual review within
the framework and criteria of the sign ordinance, without the neces-
sity of the variance process.
Chairman McHarris questioned the basis of a sign ordinance. If it
were purely for the benefit of the businessman, there would be no
ordinance and no control. On the other hand, sign codes can be too
restrictive and can effect a hardship upon the businessman. The
purpose of a sign code is for an aesthetic design plan for the City.
People come to Tustin for the uniqueness of the community and its
amenities. There is an obligation to protect the business community
but the obligation is two directional. The question is where do you
draw the line. To allow each individual request to stand on its own
merit would defeat the purpose of the sign ordinance and result in
discrimination among different business interests.
Commissioner Sucher further commented that the sign code not only
--places ~estrict[o~s but it also grants rights and assurances that
an individual is entitled to signing equal to all other like busi-
nesses in the same area. If you throw out the criteria and leave
the determination of signing to the discretion of the reviewing
agency, there is a danger of losing rights of the individual. He
further questioned the economic benefits of signing related to size.
Mr._Speed Schuster stated that he had been close to the sign ordinance
for a good number of years. It was a good ordinance in 1969 and it
has been considerably refined and improved. It would be a mistake to
deep-six it. Maybe the sign ordinance should be loosened up in cer-
tain areas but not destroyed. There should be a limitation on signs
both as to maximum height and minimum height. The ordinance as writ-
ten can be refined and made to be more workable and a better ordi-
nance. He encouraged the revision of the existing ordinance rather
than its disregard.
2/9/76 - Page 4
Art Barrett, Tustin News Reporter, stated that he considered it to
be a v1~bl~ attempt that was being presented to provide relief for
those who face financial hardship in the town center area.
The E1 Camino Real businessmen who addressed both the Planning
Commission and the City Council in support of increased signing
allocation are considered to be responsible individuals who would
not be likely to abuse either the intent or desire of the community
for sign standards.
Commissioner Sucher moved, seconded by Commissioner Shambeck, to
eli~-~ from the business community their comments relative to those
areas of the sign code which are troublesome and suggestions for
amendments to the sign ordinance. It was further desired to make
the same request of organizations, individuals and homeowner associ-
ations. In response to the motion, Commissioner Hill indicated that
the motion puts the city back in the Pandora's Box of redesigning
and rewriting what is already a good ordinance. The Tustin sign
ordinance is used by many communities as a model. The redesign of
that sign ordinance and amendments would be a futile endeavor. The
present ordinance should be kept and the process should be eased for
exceptions to the ordinance. The amendments as proposed by staff
provides the means of relief for requested exceptions to the rigorous
Chairman McHarris stated the ordinance in his opinion should stand
on----its own merit rather than subject to the discretion of individuals.
Commissioner Sucher stated that there is a process of procedure for a
variance under the present ordinance and these processes do make an
allowance for exceptions that are justified.
MOTION CARRIED: Ayes - Shambeck, McIIarris, Sucher
Noes - Hill
3. Environmental Impact Report for Saddleback College.
The Commission was presented with sections of the environmental im-
pact report prepared by Larry Seeman for the Saddleback Community
College District in relationship to the site selection program for
the northern area college.
The Commission reviewed the various sites under consideration and the
site selection criteria proposed within the environmental impact report.
Motion was made by Commissioner Sucher, seconded by Commissioner
Shagbark that the Planning CommiSsion recommend that the site of a
norther~ area campus be as near as possible to the City of Tustin
boundaries with preference indicated for area No. 2, located at the
vicinity of Bryan and Culver Rd. It is further recommended that the
Community College District explore the concepts of the Satellite
Community College and give further consideration to traffic and
community impacts in site selection.
1. Formal Finding - Open Space Requirements
Dr. Fleagle presented a report to the Planning Commission requesting
a formal finding of the definition of open grill or trellis latice
work covering for patios, as to whether or not the open trellis work
would be considered a covered patio for the purpose of the definition
of open space in the planned residential development district.
Mr. Bert Welsh, maintenance committee member of the Palmwood condo-
min~um project addressed the Commission and indicated that the latice
work proposed for patio coverage would not intrude upon the common
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2/9/76 - Page 5
green area and would be coverings only for patio areas that are
already established.
Motion was made by Commissioner }{ill, seconded by Chairman McIIarris
that t~he CommisSion makes a f~rm~'l 'f~ihding that latice work for patio
covers is considered to be uncovered area for planned developments
when the roof area of the latice work is not covered more than 50%
of the roof surface area.
MOTION CARRIED: Ayes: McHarris, Hill, Shambeck
Abstained: Sucher
Commissioner Sucher commented that he abstained from voting for the
reason of not being fully cognizant of the impacts of the determin-
ation in relationship to other development projects.
1. Chairman McHarris advised that at such time as Newport Avenue
is annexed to the City of Tustin in the area of Walnut, that cogni-
zance should be taken of the signing in front of the Pantry, which
indicates a mail drop, bus stop, and signing which prohibits stopping.
2. Annexation of the Marine Corps Air Station (H) 71-B to the City
of T~s~in.
It was moved b_y Commissioner_ Shambeck, seconded by Commissioner
Sucher t~at Resolution No. 1495 be ~dop~e~, recommendin~ to the City
Council the approval of annexation No. 71-B to the City of Tustin.
Moved by Commissioner Sucher, seconded bz Commissioner Shambeck to
adjourn the meeting of the Planning Commzsszon at 11:00 p.m.