HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Minutes 10-27-75 MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING
October 27, 1975
The regular meeting of the City of Tustin Planning Commission
was held on the twenty seventh day of October, 1975, at the hour
of 7:30 p.m., of said day, in the Council Chambers, City Hall,
Centennial at Main, Tustin, California.
PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE was led by Commissioner Sucher.
INVOCATION was given by Commissioner Hill.
Mcttarris, Kennedy, Sucher,
Shambeck, }{ill
Commissioners: None
The minutes of September 13, 1975 were approved as submitted with
correction in the spelling of Mrs. Gina Matek's name.
Zone Cha~ge 75-3 - On application of the Irvine Company, a
zone change amendment to the Planned Community District
Regulations for the property identified for public school
development, to authorize the development of a 44 lot
Mr. Fleagle presented the Staff report and background to the
hearing. Mr. Fleagle recommended approval of the zone change
through the adoption of Resolution #1472, subject to the align-
ment of the zone boundaries being in conformance with the general
boundaries of Tentative Tract Map No. 8912, to be precisely aligned
upon approval of the tract map. It was further suggested that
Lot 18 be considered for designation as Public and Institutional,
to preclude development as a residential building site.
The public hearing was opened at 7:45 p.m.
Mr. Hardy Strozier, a representative of the Irvine Company (applicant),
stated that he agreed with the staff recommendations.
Art Barratt, Tustin News, asked some questions in regards to the
construction of the tennis courts.
Mr. Fleagle responded stating that in prior public hearings related
to this development, it was stated that the Irvine Company will
construct two tennis courts, and it was the City's intent to con-
struct the third court from the proceeds of excise building fees.
This may not be economically feasible.
The public hearing was closed at 7:51 p.m.
Commissioner Hill questioned the alignment of the zone change
boundary and inquired whether lot ~18 would be a part.
Mr. Fleagle stated that it is recommended that lot #18 lie in the
P&I zone.
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Commissioner Kennedy asked how would the Peppertree IIomeowners
Association, which is voluntary, acquire lot #187
Mr. Fleagle stated that there is no proposal to transfer owner-
ship of the lot to Homeowners Association. Part of the zone
change consideration is to put the lot into the P&I District,
and contained within the tract map staff report is the recom-
mendation that the City acquire lot #18.
Moved by Commissioner Sucher, seconded by Commissioner Kennedy,
that ~h~ Planning Commi'ss~on recommend to the' C'ity Counbil that
Zone Change 75-3 be approved, subject to the alternative consid-
eration contained in Resolution #1472, for Lot 18 to be classi-
fied as P&I.
Commissioner IIill inquired if it is implied that the City will
purchase the lot?
Chairman MclIarris responded that lot ~18 will be part of the zone
change to P&I.
Hardy Strozier, Irvine Company, stated that the cost estimate for
the lot was $6,000.00, and that the Irvine Company will offer it
for sale.
"Cap" Moody, Irvine Company, stated that the total site was ap-
praised in 1974 for the school district at $405,000 for 9.24 acres,
which would work out to $7,000 per lot at 5 dwelling units per acre.
The Motion approving Resolution 1472, which recommended approval of
Zone Chahge 75-3 passed 5-0-0 ~nani~us).
Final Tract Map #7979 & Composite Plans - Subdividing approxi-
mately 4.6 acres into 42 ~esid~n~al lots, located within the
Laurelwood subdivision.
Mr. Lenorovitz made a presentation of the Staff Report and recommended
adoption of Resolution #1473 which recommends approval of the final
tract map by the City Council. He further recommended approval of
the composite plans by minute order.
It was moved by Chairman McHarris and seconded by Commissioner Kennedy
that Resolution '~-~e approved, and that the composite plans be
approved by minute order.
Ayes: Kennedy, Hill, McHarris
Noes: None
Abstain: Sucher, Shambeck
Tentative Tract Map No. 8912 - Irvine Company: subdivision
~'f 8 acres in 4~ sinaie family dwelling units and a portion
of lot 116 of Tentative Tract Map No. 7813 (formerly desig-
nated as an elementary school site.)
Mr. Fleagle gave the Staff Report which recommended that Tentative
Tract Map No. 8912 be approved subject to the following conditions:
Compliance with the requirements as imposed by departments
of the City and listed within this report.
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The waiver of excise building fees conditional upon the
dedication of Lot 18 to the City of Tustin and the park
land dedication and improvements as proposed by the ap-
plicant, subject to City approval prior to approval of
the Final Tract Map.
Mr. Fleagle responded to some technical questions related to the
tentative tract map.
Mr. Dave Carobdt, a resident of the Peppertree Community, stated
that he felt that the Irvine Company has included lot 18 as a
lever in negotiations since the lot "sticks into the park like a
sore thumb", but he didn't see the homeowners' association being
able to acquire the lot, especially at the highly inflated price.
If anything, he felt that the City should obtain a more reasonable
price for the lot, and/or additional land dedication by the Irvine
Company. Further, he felt that it was ridiculous to place a house
on the lot.
Mr. Fleagle stated that the Commission was making a recommendation
to th~ Council to be accepted, rejected, or amended at the pleasure
of the Council.
Discussion centered around the cost of lot 18, and the concept that
the waiver of excise fees is conditional upon the dedication of
lot 18.
Chairman McHarris moved and Commissioner Kennedy seconded that
ResOlution #1474 be approved with item 2D reading
"at fair market value".
Mr. Fleagle stated that if we proceeded on this basis, that a
considerable sum of money would need to be expended in appraisal
of the lot.
Chairman McHarris withdrew the motion.
Commissioner Shambeck questioned that if major redesigns are made
to the map in response to the conditions of the resolution, will
it come back to the Commission?
Mr. Fleagle stated that if it was a complete redesign, it would
come back to the Commission, otherwise, it was recommended that
the map be corrected in accordance with the City Engineer's con-
dition prior to submission to the City Council.
Chairman McHarris moved, and Commissioner Hill seconded that
Resolution ~1472 be approved recommending to the Council that
approval be given to Tentative Tract 8912, subject to the conditions
contained in the resolution.
Vote on the motion:
Ayes: McHarris, Hill
Noes: Kennedy
Abstention: Shambeck, Sucher
3. Appeal for U-Tote-M Signs
Mr. Lenorovitz presented the Staff Report stating that sign permits
were not issued for two (2) of the four (4) sites where a change of
sign face from Tic-Toc to U-Tote-M Markets on the pole signs were
desired (15822 Pasadena and 14090 Red Hill), due to their non-con-
forming status in the following three (3) areas:
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Type - Individual pole sign identification not permitted
in a shopping center, or on lots with less than 150' of
2. Size - (32 square foot maximum).
3. Lighting intensity.
The applicant, James Dunn, on behalf of U-Tote-M Markets was
appealing the Staff's decision which required a substantial re-
duction of non-conformity for the two signs in question.
Mr. James Dunn, applicant, stated that he felt sign permits should
be issued on the basis of Article II, Section 2, referring to tempo-
rary, portable and copy change sign permits. IIe also stated that
his client, U-Tote-M Markets needed the signing identity.
Discussion took place among the Commission, Staff, and the City
Attorney, regarding the vat, us code sections and their applicability
to the signs in question. It was concluded that non-conforming signs
must be reduced in non-conformity for new sign permits to be issued.
Mr. Dunn stated that the arrows on all the signs would be removed in
conformance with the plans that were submitted, and that the sign
cabinets would be painted and re-worked.
It was moved by Commissioner Sucher, seconded by Commissioner Shambeck,
and carried by a vote of 5 - 0, th~' a substantial reduction in degree
of non-conformity is required for the signs to consist of a reduction
in intensity to 425 M.A., removal of the existing "arrows" which were
a part of the former Tic-Toc signs, removal of the "supplemental"
signs located beneath the main signs, and the obtaining of structural
permits where necessary for the re-working of the sign cabinets.
Jim Kirsten, realtor, made some comments related to the sign ordi-
nance mn general.
Go-Lo Signing - 101 N. Tustin Avenue. Mr. Lenorovitz stated
that a letter was sent to the Gulf Oil Corporation relating
the previously expressed concerns of the Commission regarding
the representations made at the Use Permit hearing for their
gas station conversion. A call was received by staff in which
Gulf Oil apologized for the misinformation given to the Com-
mission regarding the lack of monument signs for their Go-Lo
gas stations. The Gulf representative stated that they would
provide a monument sign at the site in lieu of a pole sign,
but requested that the existing pole sign be allowed to remain
for up to eight weeks while a monument sign was being made.
The Staff Report was received and filed, with a letter to be sent
in appreciation of Gulf's prompt response and action in rectifying
the situation.
TOUR OF CITY - Inquired about the possibility of a tour of the
City by the Commission with the thought of identifying some
problem areas relating to land use.
Restoration of Old Buildings - requested staff to examine if
any programs or legislation exists in regards to tax incentives
for the restoration of older buildings.
?aue five
Vice-Chairman Vacancy - Agendize for the next meeting the
e'lection 'o'f 'a vic~-c-~airman.
League of Cities Conference - Chairman McHarris stated he
felt that the recent League Conference that he attended in
San Francisco was quite beneficial.
Moved by Commissioner Hill, seconded by Commissioner Shambeck to
adjourn to a w'orkshop session following the regular meeting.
P~.ANf ~IC~ ~C O.-m I S S 1Y) N CHAIRMAN