HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Minutes 01-27-75 MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN PLANNING COMMISSION January 27, 1975 The regular meeting of the City of Tustin Planning Commission was held on the twenty-seventh day of January, 1975, at the hour of 7:30 p.m., of said day, in the Council Chambers, 275 South "C" Street, Tustin, California. ROLL CALL Present: Commissioners: McHarris, Dukleth, Hill, Schier, Sutcliff Absent: Commissioners: None Others Present: R. Kenneth Fleagle, Assistant City Administrator- Community Development Director Bruce Lenorovitz, Assistant Planning Director James G. Rourke, City Attorney Marge Will, Recording Secretary PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE was led by Commissioner Mc~arris. INVOCATION was led by Commissioner Hill. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Moved by Schier, secpnded by Sutcliff that the Minutes of January 13, 1975',~ approved. MOTION CARRIED: 5-0 PUBLIC HEARINGS Use Permit 75-1 - Exxon Company - To authorize the conversion of an existing full service gasoline station with in-bay carwash to self-service gasoline station Site is located on the southeast corner of Red Hill Avenue and Nisson Road, 14082 Red Hill Avenue, Tustin Mr. Lenorovitz explained to the Planning Commission that this Use ~ermit serves the dual purpose of permitting the conversion of the gas to self-serve, along with bringing the station into conformance with Zoning Ordinance #157 which required all service stations to have a Use Permit approved by the Planning Commission. This Use Permit will cover the proposed changes and improvements, in addition to existing items that will remain unchanged, such as the existing freestanding sign that is visible from the Santa Ana Freeway. Mr. Lenorovitz added that the applicant is proposing in conjunction with {h~ conversion the following improvements: (1) Perimeter planting, with landscaping and irrigation on the southerly and easterly property lines; (2) landscaped planters between driveway entrances and a raised planter in front of the soon-to-be closed service bays; and (3) in- stallation of 2 street trees. A sign plan calls for a corner monument sign, and a double faced "self serve" under-canopy sign. The applicant proposes to close off the lube bays and to provide exterior rough-sawn plywood treated with Olympic stain on the front of the closed bays. Mr. Lenorovitz said that comments have been received from the Fire Department requesting that a set of detailed plans for the underground tank dispenser be submitted for their review and approval. The Maint- enance Department added that street trees will need to be installed by the City with fees paid by the applicant according to the Street Tree Ordinance. M~. Lenorovitz said that the planned improvements with the conversion of the s~a~ion to self-service will enhance the site and bring the station into conformance with the city's service station standards. PC Minutes 1/27/75 Page 2 Commissioner Hill wanted to know if the Red Hill Avenue pole sign would be removed when the ground base monument is installed. Mr. Lenorovitz responded affirmatively. Commissioner McHarris inquired as to whether the attendant would be taking care of pumps. Mr. Lenorovitz replied that the station was required to have a minimum of one attendant on duty during operating hours. Opened public hearing at 7:45 p.m. Peter Delgado representing Tait & Associates engineering firm, said that they were well aware of the recommendations of the Planning Department and will abide by them. Commissioner Hill asked how the speaker would be used. Mr. Delgado replied that the speaker will be by the cashier. Commissioner McHarris asked whether the car wash features would be removed. Mr. Delgado replied that they would be left in place but locked up and that ~he planter area will extend across the bays. Commissioner Dukleth wanted to know who would take care of the landscaping. Mr. Delgado replied they would have 3 overlapping shifts and that a full- time maintenance man would be available for washing down bays, and taking care of windows and lanscaping. Commissioner McHarris wanted to know about the existing ramp to the car wash. Mr. Delg~do said it would remain, however it is a concrete pad which is not elevated. Closed public hearing at 7:50 p.m. Commissioner Sutcliff asked whether the station might want to at some future date reactivitate the car wash. Would they need to get staff approval? Mr. Flea~le replied that if Exxon wanted to reopen the car wash or reuse the bays they would need a Use Permit for the change. This could be done in two ways -- an amendment to this Use Permit or request a new one. Commissioner Hill said that the words "not exceeding a reading of 55 dB(A)" should be added to 2(c) of Resolution No. 1427. Commissioner McHarris commended the Exxon Company on the conversion of this gasoline station. Moved by Sutcliff, seconded by Schier that Resolution No. 1427 be adopted as substantially' drafted with the additional wording to 2(c). MOTION CARRIED: 5-0 PUBLIC CONCERNS - None OLD BUSINESS .~ 1. Resolution of Adoption of Tustin-Irvine Industrial Conceptual Plan. Mr. Fleagle commented that Resolution No. 1426 incorporates the bicycle path on Dow Avenue in lieu of the Flood Control Channel which is a safe route to Myford Road and better alignment of the bike path. He read the letter that was received on January 27 from the Irvine Industrial Complex noting their proposed changes to para. 2. c)2). Commissioner McHarris wanted to know what would be done with the 40 acres currently within the area designated as an Avigational Easement. PC Minutes 1/27/75 Page three Mr. Flea~le replied that any use of this property is subject to approval of MCAS. Nothing has been proposed other than dry farming. There can be no use of the land without Navy Department approval. Commissioner Schier inquired as to the development of any adjoining parcel ~ou'ld landscaping be a problem. Mr._ Fleagle replied that the intent is to require landscaping of the frontage of the avigational easement area at such time as an adjoining property is developed. Michael Babbitt, Irvine Industrial Complex said he did not know at this time what they can do in this area. IIC would definitely need Navy approval which is difficult to get at this time. IIC would make sure that in the interim between now and August 1977 that the property is maintained as best possible which includes discing twice a year and hopefully going into dry farming with a barley crop. The option expires in August 1977 and then IIC can go ahead with the development of this area. Commissioner McHarris wanted to know if IIC has approached the Navy Depart- ment reg'ardin~ minimum landscaping. Mr. Babbitt replied that this avigational easement has been tied up in a hearing and unable to contact the Navy on this basis. Commissioner Sutcliff added that the City of Tustin had a sense of pride in their city and did not like the idea of this area being dormat for long periods of time. She would like to see industrial development take place rather than vacant industrial land, with the idea of revenue and employment being generated for the city. Mr. Babbitt told the Commission that an area adjacent to this 40 acres may very well not be developed for 2 years if the people who buy the land exercise their rights to wait until 2 years to build. He said after the Navy agreement runs out they would be willing to discuss with the city what should be done with the area. Commissioner Schier suggested we get in touch with the Navy before the next ~l~ning Commission re development of this land. Mr. Babbitt said it was hard to get in touch with the right person who can make' the decision. He agrees we should go in with an interim solution to make the area look good until things are ironed out with the Navy. When the area is developed, we will redo in accordance with the streetscape. The Irvine Industrial Complex will enter into an agreement with the City re a weed abatement program so the city will know exactly what will be done. Moved by Schier, seconded by Sutcliff that Resolution No. 1427 be adopted as substantially drafted, but a~ding the words "subject to conformance with the stipulations of the Navy Department related to avigational safety" to para. 2. c)2), and changing para. 2. c)l) to "A bicycle path along Dow Avenue, interconnecting between Jamboree and Myford Roads." MOTION CARRIED: 5-0 Barbara Benson, representing Parks & Recreation Commission endorsed Resolution No. 1426 and requesting their Commission be given any material that might be useful for their meeting on Tuesday evening. NEW BUSINESS Modification to previously approved Use Permit 73-11 for Montessori School Location: 1776 Nisson Road, approximately 990 feet east of Red Hill Avenue, between Red Hill and Browning Avenues Mr. Lenorovitz told the Commission that request was to modify a previously amended Use Permit to allow a wall-mounted fascia in lieu of a roof-overhang.' At the time of the preparation of this report, the Montessori School was in the final stages prior to release of the building for occupancy. When PC Minutes 1/27/75 Page 4 staff was inspecting the site for conformance to the approved plans, it was noticed that the required roof-overhang was not constructed, although specified in the approved plans. The applicant and contractor were so notified. They responded by saying that due to the type of roof construction (steel), the roof overhang could not be incorporated per the plans, and a box-eave would be necessary to achieve the required overhang. They also felt that a fascia mounted flush with the wall would not detract from the appearance of the building. The applicant was further informed that they needed Commission approval to change the roof line since the Commission previously approved the precise plans. The contractor suggested that a cash deposit be sub- mitted for the costs of constructing the roof life per the approved plans, and that they proceed at their own risk and mount the fascia flush against the wall. Ronald Jurgenson, contractor for the project reported that they could not come up wit~n a successful solution. Commissioner Dukleth asked whether engineers could solve the problem. Mr. Jurgenson replied there probably was a solution but would involve costly ~'hanges. Commissioner Schier said another alternative might possibly be landscaping or planters to alleviate the box type look. Mr. Jurgenson replied there could possibly be visual relief by breaking up the buildi~ with 4 to 5 specimen trees planted close to the building line elevation. Commissioner Sutcliff suggested we should get recommendations from the civil engineer with possible alternatives. Commissioner Dukleth added we should definitely go all the way back to the civil ~ngineer fo~ solution to this problem. Moved by Schier, seconded by Dukleth directing staff that a meeting between the building engineer, structural engineer, contractor, owner, be held to provide design alternatives and costs for review by the Planning Commission at a future meeting. MOTION CARRIED: 5-0 2. Housing and Community Development Act of 1974 Mr. Flea~le outlined the pertinent parts of the letter dated August 30, 1974 from the League of California Cities pertaining to the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974. Ite also informed the Commission that the Orange County Planning Commission was holding a public hearing on Tuesday, January 28 to provide information to the public on this Act. Mr. Flea~le said that the City Council would also be holding a public hea~ing on February 18 for review and adoption of an application for Federal funds available to Tustin in the amount of $42,000 for the first year, $84,000 for the second year, and $126,000 for the third year, for a total of $252,000 for the 3-year program. It is necessary for the City Council to adopt a tentative program of projects and expenditures prior to the February 18 public hearing. 3. Disposition of Old Cit~ Hall Mr. Flea~le reported that the Planning Commission has the responsibility pursuant to the State Planning & Zoning Act to report to the City Council as to conformance with the General Plan prior to the disposition or acquisi- tion of public property. In addition to the report of the Commission as related to the general plan, the Commission may recommend for Council con- sideration alternatives for development and use. He said the development or redevelopment of the block, as well as the remaining central business section, could be best determined and implemented on the basis of a market study for economic feasibility of proposed uses and precise development plans. The cost of a market design study would fall in the range of $15,000 to $20,000. PC Minutes 1/27/75 Page 5 Mauri Elsner, TNT Committee Chairman read his detailed report to the Planning Commission with the following highlights reported as follows: The TNT Committee recommends that the City retain ownership of this parcel and consider it for the following uses: (1) Develop site as a cultural arts-exhibit center featuring instruction classes in cultural arts and activities; arts and crafts studios (public or commercial; exhibit areas for art shows, craft shows, home industry, mini farmers market/fair; etc.; historical museum; band stand. (2) Allow interim use by the Parks and Recreation Department. (3) Future location of major recreation-art center to be used for cultural arts, senior citizens, and other physical and recreation-activities. (4) Transform old police building into historical museum and exhibit room in cooperation with the bicentennial committee. (5) A farmers market type operation. The establishment of a Cultural Arts and Exhibit Center on the old city hall site has many advantages: (1) High community appeal and support - new leisure opportunities. (2) Self-supporting financially. (3) Further the image of Tustin as a city of quality and beauty. (4) Serve as an important catalysis and theme for a rebirth of the old "downtown." (5) Existing facilities are suitable for developing a cultural arts program. (6) Proposed usage should be very compatible with many of the other suggested uses. (7) Provide an opportunity for the various community organizations and special interest groups to work together in a team effort for development and utilization of this site. Main reason why city should retain this site: (1) Cost to replace will be high and difficult to locate a suitable site. (2) Ideal location - adjacent to Peppertree Park. (3) A site is needed in this location for a recreation/art center. TNT Recommendation: (1) City retain ownership of parcel. (2) Assign parcel for recreation usage. (3) Allow Parks and Recreation Department to have use of site and existing facilities for a 3-year period to demonstrate the need for additional class rooms and community interest in the cultural arts. It is also recommended that the development and/or redevelopment of the block, as well as the remaining central business section, could best be determined and implemented on the basis of a market study for economic feasibility of proposed uses and precise development plans. Commissioner McHarris thanked Mauri Elsner for an excellent summary and said i't gave the Commission a chance to act rather than react. George Furtsch, owner of Ruby's Restaurant on E1 Camino Real told the Commission he was new to the city and felt that the benches on the street were not being used. He also added he was not suffering from lack of business, but felt the cultural center for arts and crafts would bring out both the young and old and it would be a thing of beauty and would be remembered. Ail the Commissioners were very impressed with Mauri Elsner's report and requested a copy for their own use. Commissioner Hill said that we should not consider HUD funds to undertake th~ economic study. Moved by Sutcliff, seconded by Hill to adopt Resolution No. 1428 sub- stantially as drafted, but deleting the words "the application of Housing and Community Development funds in an amount not to exceed $20,000". MOTION CARRIED: 5-0 AUDIENCE PARTICIPATION - None CORRESPONDENCE - None PC Minutes 1/27/75 Page 6 STAFF CONCERNS Mr. Fleagle reported Councilman Edgar comments at the last Council meeting related to the evaluation of the performance of Commissioners upon the expiration of their terms and requests for reappointment. It was suggested that it might be helpful if the Planning Commissioners would list factors they think might be of assistance to the Council in evaluating performance. He suggested the Commissioners might want to prepare some items that could be used in this evaluation and that it could be discussed in a workshop session after the next meeting of the Planning Commission. COMMISSION CONCERNS 1. Election of Chairman and Chairman Pro-Tem. Moved by }{ill, seconded by Schier to reelect George McHarris as Chairman. MOTION CARRIED 'unanimously. Commissioner McHarris thanked the Commission for their vote of thanks. Moved by Schier, seconded by Sutcliff to reelect Lowell Dukleth as Vice- Chairman. MOTION CARRIED unanimously. Commissioner Dukleth requested that no plans be taken in the Planning Department unless they are signed and stamped by a licensed architect or engineer. The subject was referred to the City Attorney for report and recommendation. Moved by Hill, seconded by Sutcliff to adjourn at 10:20 p.m. to the next regular meeting. MOTION CARRIED: 4-0 ~_~IN~ C~MMISSION CHAIRMAN PLANNINf COMMISSION RECORDING SECRETARY