HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Minutes 08-26-74 MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING
August 26, 1974
The regular meeting of the City of Tustin Planning Commission
was held on the 26th day of August, 1974, at the hour of 7:30
p.m., of said day, in the Council Chambers, 275 South "C" Street,
Tustin, California.
Commissioners McHarris, Dukleth, Hill, Schier,
Other Present:
Bruce Lenorovitz, Assistant Planning Director
Mary Ann Chamberlain, Planning Commission Re-
cording Secretary.
PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE was led by Chairman McHarris.
INVOCATION was given by Commissioner Dukleth.
Moved by Hill, seconded by McHarris, that the Minutes of August
I2, 1974, be approved.
1. Environmental Impact Report 74-3 - Maurice A. Enderle, evaluating
the impact upon the environment of a proposed 12-1/2 acre business-
professional complex to be known as the Enderle Center. Report
prepared by Haworth, Anderson and Lafer.
Location: 17th Street on the north, Vandenberg Lane on the south,
and +800 feet easterly of Yorba.
Mr. Lenorovitz summmarized the staff report and informed the Com-
mfssion that the Draft EIR adequately addresses those items of
major significance, and the supplemental information provided since
the last meeting goes far in answering questions raised previously.
Commissioner Hill questioned the problem of the traffic flow and
Mr. Lenorovitz answered that this would become a part of the Use
Permit for the subject development.
Commissioner Dukleth pointed out that he was still concerned about
the excessive entrances and exits on Yorba, the traffic situation
pertaining to the drive-up bank, and the interior driveway that
ties the Vandenberg property to this property. Mr. Lenorovitz
explained that the road connecting the two properties Will have
to be constructed before the center is completed. As to the
other concerns, they will be part of the Use Permit.
Seeing and hearing no one, the hearing was closed at 7:45 p.m.
Commissioner Schier moved to adopt Resolution No. 1404, substantially
as drafted, certifying Environmental Impact Report (EIR-74-3),
consisting of the initial draft, addendum, memorandum, public
testimony, and communications received; seconded by Commissioner
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2. Use Permit 74-9 - Maurice Enderle - for the development of the
Enderle Center at Yorba and 17th Street as a business-professional
Mr. Lenorovitz summarized the staff report and requested that the
groundwork for the center not be held up while design considerations
are being revised. It is suggested that a Minute Order be adopted
approving the conceptual development plans, and that precise plans
(consisting of plot and circulation plans, landscaping, irrigation,
lighting and signing) be submitted to Staff for review and approval
incorporating the previously expressed concerns of the Commission.
Chairman McHarris stated that he was again raising his concerns
to this project: Pedestrian access in relation to 17th St., Yorba
and Vandenberg Lane, the location of the bank and its stacking
problems, the traffic islands, the berming of the project, and the
circulation system.
Mr. Lenorovitz informed the Commission that staff has also raised
these same concerns and they could be ironed out at the Staff
level with the City Engineer. Mr. Lenorovitz further explained
that the bank is conceptual in nature and if it became a reality,
the circulation system would have to be studied carefully.
Chairman McHarris further questioned the narrow drive between the
Enderie and Vanaenberg properties as to its adequacy. Mr. Lenoro-
vitz answered that this could depend on how the Vandenberg pro-
perty is eventually developed, however, the road would be examined
before the Enderle project is finalized.
Commissioner Dukleth stated that he would like to see the final
plans so he could see how all the problems will be solved.
Mr. A1 Enderle, developer and owner, questioned the Commission as
to wha~ changes they are concerned with and if they cannot come
to a decision tonight perhaps they should deny the Use permit.
The public hearing was closed at 9:10 p.m.
Commissioner Sutcliff moved to approve the conceptual development
~lans, and tha~ ~r~ci~e ~ans~it~ially con~i~t~n~ ~f p~o~ and
circulation~lans~ and later plans for lan~capfnq,_irrigation,
lighting and ~ignin~).b~ submitted to Stiff-for review, with later
submittal to the Commission for approval with such pl~n~ incorporating
~he expressed con~e~n~ of the ~mmission; seconded b~ Dukleth.
3. Use Permit 74-6 - Saddleback Medical Development Co. - for the
expansion of the Tustin Community Hospital by the addition of 6925
square feet to an existing structure to house classrooms, physiolo-
gical lab, recovery room and other hospital facilities.
Location: 14662 Newport Avenue.
Mr. Lenorovitz reported that staff endorses the expansion of the
hospital but is concerned with Darking accommodations inasmuch as
the expansion will eliminate 12 existing spaces while intensifying
the uses by the addition of classrooms, a physiological lab, re-
covery room, and other facilities. There is concern that with the
expansion, the elimination of some existing parking, and the
intensification of use, a parking problem might be created.
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Mr. David Hook, 501 N. Brookhurst, Anaheim, applicant, informed
the Commission that some of the conditions in the resolution were
totally unacceptable. Mr. Hook explained the reasons for the
expansion of the hospital and referred to the parking spaces
stating that they are in excess of the required amount of spaces,
in comparison with some surrounding cities. He also referred to the
new medical office complex they willbe constructing across the
street on Newport Avenue and how some of the Doctors will be parking in
that lot rather than the lot at the hospital. Mr. Hook commented
that if some land becomes available in the area, they would purchase it
and use it for parking, but the cement block yard was totally un-
acceptable because of the constraints on the property at this time.
Mr. Charles Stanle~ Dyer, Chief Administrator of the Tustin Community
Hospital, explained to the Commission the different uses that the
hospital provides for service organizations in the Tustin Community.
Some of them are: Little League physicals, Chamber of Commerce
dinners, nurses'training for Santa Ana College and Orange Coast
College, Tustin Area Womens"Club meetings, Church uses, Critical
Care Nursing Seminars and many other community affairs. Mr. Dyer
added that this expansion would not add any additional employees.
At present the 7 to 3 shift has 40 employees.
Dr. Selnar, Doctor at Tustin Community Hospital, explained that they
are in great need of additional space because of the sophistication
of equipment; nurses and doctors have to be instructed how to use
this equipment, Dlus the equipment itself takes up much of the
extra space. Dr. Selnar also referred to the Doctors' dining room at
the hospital and how Doctors from other hospitals come there for lunch
between the hours of 11:30 and 1:30. He felt that the overflow
parking from the lunch hour could be accommodated at the new medical
facility across the street.
The public hearing was closed at 8:30 p.m.
After some discussion among the Commissioners pertaining to the parking
demands and possible solutions, staff was questioned if any parking
counts had been done at the hospital. Mr. Lenorovitz answered that
counts were taken but not at the critical hours. Mr. Lenorovitz
further explained about the new medical building across the street
and utilizing the parking them'posed two problems: 1. The parking
that will be provided for the new building will not accommodate
other than that required for the new structure, and 2. If there
were available parking for hospital use, a safety hazard would be
created by pedestrians crossing a major arterial.
Commissioner Sutcliff stated that she is concerned about adequate
parking at the hospital because on two different occasions her child-
ren required emergency treatment and no parking spaces were available.
After more discussion among the Commission, pertaining to the park-
ing problem, Chairman McHarris moved that Resolution ~1401 be adopted
approving Use Permit 7~-~, with the following amendments: Delete
2. a, b, c, d, e, f, and add: That additional adequate parking
be provided to the satisfaction of staff, and that staff work with
the applicant to accomplish this objective; seconded by Commissioner
Initial Hearinq
1. Use Permit 74-11 - Red Hill Texaco - for the purpose of author-
izing the storage and rental of not more than five (5) U-Haul
Rental Trailers as an accessory to an existing service station.
Location: 13931 Red Hill Avenue.
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Mr. Lenorovitz informed the Commission that staff has recently
received correspondence from the owner of the property stating
that he had not approved the proposed use for this property.
Mr. Lenorovitz further explained that approval cannot be given
to a development proposal without the consent of the property owner.
The public hearing was opened at 8:50 and closed at 8:51 p.m.
Commissioner Schier moved to direct staff to prepare a resolution
of denial for adoption at the next meeting; seconded by Sutcliff.
1. Tentative Tract 8490 - K & W Korporation
East side of the Newport Freeway between Santa Clara
and Fairhaven.
Mr. Lenorovitz summarized the staff report and explained to the
Commission thatafter the last meeting (August 12) the developer
met with Staff and they discussed developing the tract in two
different phases. Phase one would consist of the southerly portion
of the tract with houses being located on both sides of the future
street. Phase two would consist of the northerly portion of the
tract from Ranier Drive north, assuming that a northerly access
route could be found.
Robert Bailey, Ethelbee Way, expressed his concerns regarding the
already crowded streets, the absence of sidewalks and street
lighting, and the over-crowding of the corner of Yorba and Santa
Donald Fife, informed the Commission that he is in Escrow on Lot
6 and has looked into other means of egress and ingress for Tract
8490. Mr. Fife referred to the plan of tunneling under Fairhaven
and quoted a price of $100,000. for the cost. As to the southern
end of the tract, Mr. Fife suggested th~they purchase Lot One and
construct the road on that property. Mr. Fife informed that the
owner of Lot One of Tract 1520 has indicated that he is willing to
sell at this time. Also Mr. Fife has checked with the County Road
Department and they concurred with this plan.
Mr. Ed Richmond, 13242 Ethelbee Way, expressed his concerns regarding
the narrow streets and the overcrowding of Yorba and Santa Clara.
Mr. William Hilf, 13191 Ethelbee Way, complimented the Commission
on the good job they are doing and requested that they do the best
they can on ~is particular tract.
Joan McNamey, Ethelbee Way, stated to the Commission th~ she would
not sell her home to the developer because he could not pay her
enough money to make her move.
Chairman McIIarris stated that he felt the material was inadequate
and that they had a nondescript plot plan which was too rough
for a conceptual design apDroval.
Mr. Jerry .Klein, 111 E. 3rd St., San Dimas, developer, stated that
he felt the most desirable plan would be the entrance through
Lot One and to just develop the southern half of the property until a
northern access could be gained. Mr. Klein explained that he had
checked on the tunneling through on Santa Clara and on Fairhaven.
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If he tunneled through on Santa Clara he would come into another
tract. If he tunneled through Fairhaven he would end up in a
church parking lot.
After much discussion among the Commission pertaining to access
through Lot 1, Lot 6 of Tract 3612 and Lot 6 of Tract 1520,
Commissioner Dukleth moved that conceptual approval be given to
Tract 8490, with the southern half of the tract having access
through Lot 1 of Tract 1520 rather than through Lot 6 of the
same tract, and the northern part of Tract 8490 to be developed
when suitable access is provided which could include access through
Lot 6 of Tract 3612.
This motion died for lack of second.
Chairman McHarris moved for continuance of this tract until the next
regular meeting; seconded by Commissioner Sutcliff.
2. Resolution of Approval for Use Permit 74-7 (Tustin Kiddie Kollege).
Commissioner Dukleth moved for adoption of Resolution No. 1405,
a_pprovi, ng Use Per~it 74-7; seconded by Commissioner Schier.
3. Resolution of denial for Success Schools (tIarry Gardner).
Commission~Sut¢liff moved for adoption of Resolution No. 1402,
denying a Use Permit on App~ication No. UP 74~10--~f ~Harry L.
Gardner; seconded b~ Commissioner Dukleth.
Resolution for the approval of Zone Change 74-11 (Covington
Commissioner Schier moved for adoption_of Resolution No. 1403
recommending approval ~f Zone Change 74'11 to the _Cit~0U~_cil;
seconded b~ Commissioner Hill.
McHarris, Dukleth, Hill, Schier
1. Request for change in site plan for Use Permit 73-17.
Location: Southwest corner of Browning and Nisson.
Mr. Lenorovitz presented a brief history of the Use Permit and
informed the Commission that now there is a further redesign of
the project which incorporates facilities that the applicant felt
to be of more use to this type of complex. They include a jacuzzi
and a sauna, along with the provided pool, laundry room and other
facilities. A solid wood fence with some masonry "panels" is to be
located along the 20' setback line. Eliminated in the process
was the elevated wood decking, ponds and stream, recreation room
and wrought iron fence.
Frank Radamacher, Landscaper, 17772 Irvine Boulevard, explained to
the Commission how they have expanded the pool and decking around
it, added a sauna and recreation amenities. They have eliminated
streama and landscaping so as to provide better recreation facilities
for the tenants.
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Maurice Lebanoff, 202 Fashion Lane, builder of the project,
explained to the Commission how they have gone to a great deal
of concrete rather than the wood effect. The streams are subject
to bugs and mosquitoes and the pumps don't hold up. Also there
would be more recreational facilities for the tenants to enjoy.
Commissioner Hill stated that he could not see anything contro-
versial about this design and commended the revisions.
Chairman McHarris thought that from a practical standpoint the
changes were all for the good of the tenants.
Commissioner Hill moved to recommend approval of the current design plan
to the City Council; seconded by Commissioner Sutcliff.
Request for change in site Dian for Use Permit 73-11 (Montessori
South side of Nisson Road between Red Hill and
Browning Avenues.
Mr. Lenorovitz gave a brief review of the project and stated that
plans submitted to the Building Department for plan check included
a revision to the precise plan which had previously been approved by
the Commission. This revised plan incorporates two changes:
1. The entire project, i.e. parking island, parking area, land-
scape area, and building, were moved to the rear (southeast, parallel
to Nisson Road) by 10 feet. This has caused a loss of 1200 square
feet of playground on the southeast side, and results in a reduction
of the rear yard from 28 feet in width to 18 feet.
2. The driveway exiting from the parking area to Nisson Road has
been curved in a northerly direction, thereby adding four
feet to the width of the landscape area bordering on Nisson Road
where the owner feels that it will have great visual benefit.
Mike Chapin, owner and applicant, stated tha~ this move was made
necessary by the refusal of one of the two neighboring land owners
to allow any obstruction on the easement for ingress and egress
(the original plan had shown the easement).
Commissioner Dukleth questioned the round drive shown on the new
plan and how the flow of traffic would angle head on into traffic.
Mr. Dukleth commented that this looks like a dangerous turn.
Chairman McHarris commented that this looks like a major change
and the revised plan is unacceptable, and it appears that there is
more than 50% land coverage.
After discussion among the Commission, Schier moved to approve the
plans as shown and directed Staff to review the landscaping plans;
seconded by Sutcliff.
IIill, Schier, Sutcliff
McHarris, Dukleth
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Commissioner Dukleth questioned staff if plans submitted to the
Building Department need certification by a lisenced Architect
or Engineer? Mr. Lenorovitz answered that he would check to see
what plans need certification.
Chairman McHarris stated that if items are not public hearings,
and the mat~rfal submitted is late, these items should not be placed
on the Agenda, due to inadequate opportunity to review the matter.
The meeting was adjourned at 11:20 p.m. to the next regular meeting
of September 9, 1974.