HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Minutes 06-10-74 MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN PLANNING COmmISSION June 10, 1974 The regular meeting of the City of Tustin Planning Commission was held on the 10th day of June, 1974, at the hour of 7:30 p.m. of said day, in the Council Chambers, 275 South "C" Street, Tustin, California. ROLL CALL Present: Absent: None. Others Present: McHarris, Dukleth, }{ill, Schier, Sutcliff R. Kenneth Fleagle, Asst. City Administrator for Community Development Bruce A. Lenorovitz, Asst. Planning Director James G. Rourke, City Attorney Phaye B. Taylor, Planning Commission Recording Secretary APPROVAL OF MINUTES Moved by Hill, seconded by Sutcliff that the Minutes of May 28, 1974 be approved. MOTION CARRIED: 5-0 PUBLIC IIEARINGS An Environmental Impact Report for the purpose of evaluating the impact of Tentative Tract 8490, consisting of the proposed development of 43 lots (R-l) (Single-Family Residential) on 9.93 acres. Location: East side of the Newport Freeway between Santa Clara and Fairhaven in the City of Tustin. Mr. Lenorovitz presented a summary of the Staff report to the' Commission. He recommended that the public portion of the hearing be opened and, following the public portion, the public hearing be continued for 30 days (to July 8, 1974) to allow for responses by the State and consultant for the developers. The Chairman declared the public portion of the hearing open at 7:40 p.m.. Jerry Klein, K & W Development Korporation, San Dimas, Cali- fornia, advised the Commission that the applicants and Environ- mental Analysis Foundation had reviewed the Staff comments. They have several thoughts with regard to the comments, but concurred with the Staff that it is appropriate to continue the'public hearing awaiting comments from the State Division of Highways and the County regarding access. He agreed to forward the applicants' and consultant's response to the Staff comments at the earliest possible date. The public portion of the hearing was closed at 7:50 p.m. Moved by Schier, seconded by Sutcliff, that the public hearing on Environmental Impact Report for Tentative Tract 8490 be contih'ued fbr 30 days (until July 8, 1974) to allow for responses by the State and the consultant for the developer. MOTION CARRIED: 5-0 PC Minutes June 10, 1974 Page 2 PUBLIC CONCERNS NONE. OLD BUSINESS NONE. NEW BUSINESS PARCEL ~P 74-70 - SUNSET BUILDERS - To divide a 4.53 acre parcel into two pa~cels, with parcel 1 consisting of 4.31 acres and Parcel 2 to be a lot 50' by 200' Location: 13362 - 13382 Newport Avenue Mr. Fleagle outlined the Staff report to the Commission and recommended that, in consideration for the impact of the proposed parcel property map division upon the existing developments and the inadequacy of parking accommodations for the total site, the Planning Commission recommend a denial of the parcel map application to the City Council. In answer to the Planning Commission's questions, Mr. Fleagle advised that the parking space standards for the City of Tustin are 9 X 20 feet. He also advised that if Parcel 92 were developed it would require a redesign of the parking area. Moved by Dukleth, seconded by Sutcliff that a recommendation be made that Coun~i~ deny Parcel Map 74-70. MOTION CARRIED: 5-0 FINAL TRACT MAP NO. 7813 - IRVINE COMPANY - Amendment to Map Legend Location: The area east of Browning and south of the Santa Ana Freeway. Mr. Fleagle reviewed the Staff report for the Planning Commis- sion, ~dv~'sed the Commission that representatives from the Irvine Company and School District were present, and suggested that the Chairman open the subject for comment. In answer to Commissioner Sutcliff's questions, Mr. Fleagle advised the Commission that the Irvine Company has offered the site to the School District, it is up to the School District to determine if they want the site, and that it is not the Planning Commission's responsibility to determine if the site should be acquired by the School District. Mr. Hans Vogel, Representative of the Tustin Unified School Dist~i~t, advised the Commission that he had no input into the clause being discussed, and advised that it is not in the School District's province to demand that such a clause be put into a tract map. The new School Board has not made a decision with regard to this land, and has various alternatives to budgeting and planning for schools in the district. Mr. Vogel also advised the Commission of the projections made by Mr. Fleagle and Mr. Currie, former Business Manager of the School District, that when the Peppertree Homes were filled to capacity there would be a requirement for a school to hold approximately 450 students. The Board of education will probably be making a decision on alternatives within the next two or three weeks. He expressed his feelings that the 90-day option made by the Irvine Company for acquisition of the site by the School District is reasonable. PC Minutes June 10, 1974 Page 3 In answer to Commissioner McHarris' question, Mr. Fleagle advised that it was the intent, by design, to incorporate the park site and school playground site. If the School District notifies the Irvine Company of its intent not to acquire the site, it would be necessary for the Irvine Company to resubmit an amendment to the master plan for the Planned Community District. Mr. Frank Hughes, representing the Irvine Company, advised the commission that in the event the School District does not decide to acquire the site there would be quite a liability to the Irvine Company for the representation of what the site would be used for. He advised the Commission that the reason for the suggestion of 90 days is, in the event the School District does not show interest in the site, time would be given for the developer to make application to use the site for residential lots. It is not the intent of the Irvine Company to be un- cooperative with the School District. The Irvine Company is not concerned with the amount of time to be given the School District but is concerned that Tract Map 7813 does not designate Lot 116 for a school site. Moved by Schier, seconded by Dukleth, that the Planning Com- mission recommen~ ~o the City Council an amendment to Tract Map 7813 to de'le~e the words "We hereby hold in reservation Lot 116 for a--future s~hool site." MOTION CARRIED: 5-0 3. FINAL TRACT MAP 8590 - IRVINE INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX Location: Bounded by the Santa Aha Freeway to the northeast, the future alignment of Myford Road to the southeast, the U.S. Marine Corps Air Station (H) to the south- west, and the future alignment of Jamboree Road to the northwest. Mr. Lenorovitz outlined the Staff report to the Commission and gave a brie{ history of this location. In answer to the Commission's question, Mr. Fleagle advised that in the Neighborhood Incremental Plan to be discussed following this subject, the recommendation by Staff is that the Dynachem Development be a prototype of what the Commission would like to see implemented throughout the complex. Moved by Dukleth, seconded by Hill that the Planning Commission adopt ResOlution No. 1390 recommending approval of said Final Tract Map No. 8590 subject to all the conditions of PYahhing CommYssio'n Resolution No. 1382 dated December 10, 1973', ~ity Co'uhb~l Ordinance No. 611 dated F~bru~ry 4, 1974, C'itY. dounciI Resolution No. 74-15 dated March 4, 1974, and the final approval o'f the City Engineer. MOTION CARRIED: 5-0 IRVINE INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX NEIGHBOrhOOD INCREMENTAL PLAN Mr. Lenorovitz made the presentation outlining the Staff report to the Planning Commission. Mr. Mike Babbitt, Manager of Engineering with the Irvine Industrial' Complex, commended the Staff on an excellent presentation of the project. He stressed the point of there being two documents, Planned Community Regulations and Archi- tectural Guidelines, in the Commissioners' packets, which verbally express what the Commission would see in the conceptual PC Minutes June 10, 1974 Page 4 design plan that would be shown to them presently. Ile gave a brief description of information obtained in these documents. He then introduced Mr. Larry Webb, of J. L. Webb Planning, consultant for the Irvine Industrial Complex. Mr. Webb expressed his feelings that the proposed project was a very exciting one for the Tustin area. He made a presenta- tion of the conceptual design plans using an enlarged map and referring to specific conditions given in the Architectural Guidelines dated April, 1974 and Planned Community District Regulations dated March, 1974. In answer to the Commission's questions, Mr. Webb advised that the bicycle trail shown on Jamboree Road was conceptual and was planned as a regional trail for the area surrounding and next to the industrial complex--not as a local trail. Mr. Fleagle added to that explanation by advising the Commission that the bicycle trail would not necessarily be built immediately, but was shown on the plans as a guarantee that grading would be done for the trail so that the trail could be developed in the future, at the direction of the City Council. The Planning Commission expressed concern for a bicycle trail from Jamboree Road to within the industrial complex with special reference to Michelle Drive and Walnut Avenue. In answer to Mr. Fleagle's questions, Mr. Babbit advised that the Irvine Ranch Water District easement for a water line traverses between the lower third and middle of the subdivision. In answer to Commissioner Schier's questions, Mr. Bill Borden, Manager of Environmental Property Standards, advised that all trees and shrubs are planted on site or within property lines and the City will not be responsible for maintenance or liability. There is a document recorded with the City called C.C. and R's, that outline maintenance that will be the responsibility of the owner. After discussion with the representatives of the Irvine Indus- trial Complex, Mr. Fleagle questioned the Planning Commissioners' thoughts on approving the Irvine Industrial Complex Neighborhood Incremental Plan with the reservation of a pedestrian/bicycle access to Michelle Drive from Jamboree Road. Moved by IIill, seconded by Schier, that the Neighborhood Incre- mental Plan fb~ the Irvine Industrial Complex-Tustin~e approved consisting-o~-~h~ streetscape sections and conceptual ~-e~igns, subject to furore detaiIs befng approved by Staff and the inclu- si°n of the no't~ion that the berm along Jamboree Road be' e'ight ~eet in h~'ight as required' by Ordinance #611, with reservation of pedestrian/biCycle access to Michelle Drive from Jamboree Road. It was ~urther moved that the development standards as approved-by Staff, for the Dynachem facility, be adopted as a prototype for future developments within the complex, in addi- tion to th~ ~riteria of the Architectural Guidelines and Planned Community District Regulations. MOTION CARRIED: 5-0 In answer to the Commission's questions, Mr. Fleagle advised that it was the suggestion of the Irvine Industrial Complex to have street parking restricted because of their past experiences after parking habits had been established. PC Minutes June 10, 1974 Page 5 Moved kY Sutcliff, seconded by Schier that the recommendation be made to Council to implement parking restriction's on roads within the In~us~tr'ial Com~l~'x as recommended by the Irvine Industrial Complex. MOTION CARRIED: 5-0 AUDIENCE PARTICIPATION NONE. CORRESPONDENCE NONE. STAFF CONCERNS Pending Items Mr. Fleagle reported that the Notice of Public IIearings for June 24, 1974 was presented for the Planning Commission's infor- mation. PLANNING COMMISSION CONCERNS 1. Meeting Announcement for Southern California Planning Cgngress, June 13,''1974. Mr. Fleagl~ advised the Planning Commission members that th~ ~'tt~r of June 13, 1974 was a meeting announcement for the Southern California Planning Congress, and if any Commissioners were interested in attending that they contact the Planning Secretary to make arrangements, or simply attend and then contact the secretary for obtaining reim- bursement of the cost. 2. Terms of Office. Mr. Fleagle advised the Planning Commission that the letters and copies of resolution 974-42 enclosed with their packets gave the method of selection and expiration dates of their terms of office. 3. Request for General Plan of Orange County Chairman McIIarris requested that the Planning Staff obtain copies of the Orange County General Plan for the Planning Commissioners. Concern Expressed for Appearance and Maintenance of Property in County Isl~-n~ Chairman McHarris expressed his concern for the appearance of the' "TuScan Room" building located on Newport within a County Island and questioned if something could be done to alleviate this problem. Chairman McHarris asked Mr. Fleagle to send a letter to the County requesting some action be taken with regard to the Tuscan Room. ADJOURNMENT Moved by Hill, seconded by Sutcliff, that the Planning Commission adjourn to a Workshop Meeting at 7:30 p.m. June 17, 1974, then to a regular meeting on June 24, 1974. (10:30 p.m.) MOTION CARRIED: 5-0 PC Minutes June 10, 1974 Page 6 P~NI19~ vCO.WhqIS~ION CII~IRMAN PLANNING~iSSION RE~ING SECRETARY