HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Minutes 05-28-74 MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING
May 28, 1974
The regular meeting of the City of Tustin Planning Commission was
held on the 28th day of May, 1974, at the hour of 7:30 p.m. of
said day, in the Council Chambers, 275 South "C" Street, Tustin,
Present: Commissioners: McHarris, Dukleth, Hill, Schier, Sutcliff.
Absent: Commissioners: None.
Others present: Assistant City Administrator for Community Develop-
ment R. Kenneth Fleagle
Assistant Planning Director Bruce A. Lenorovitz
City Attorney James G. Rourke
Planning Commission Recording Secretary Phaye Taylor
Planning Technician Alan Warren
Mayor Langley addressed the Commission and expressed his feelings
of gratitude to the Commissioners on behalf of the Council, Staff,
and citizens of Tustin for their volunteering for the positions on
the Planning Commission.
He advised the Commissioners that the Planning Commission is an
extremely important and valuable function in the City of Tustin and
that the Commissioners were chosen after a great deal of deliberation
and thought by the Council. They were considered to be the best
qualified to serve. He also advised the Commissioners, on behalf
of Councilmen Edgar and Sharp, that their selection had been a
most difficult task.
Commissioner Hill nominated George McHarris for Chairman
Pro tem.
There being no further nominations, the nominations were
It was the decision of the Commission to have an open ballot
for the purpose of selecting the Chairman and Vice Chairman.
Commissioner Schier nominated Commissioner Dukleth for the
positi~n of Chairman.
Commissioner Hill nominated Commissioner McHarris for the
position o'f ~h~irman.
Commissioner McHarris nominated Commissioner Hill for the
position of ~h~i~man. Commissioner IIill declined the
Moved by Sutcliff, seconded by Dukleth to close the nomina-
tions for Chairman. Carried.
It was the decision of the Commission, by open ballot, that
Commissioner McHarris' be elected as Chairman.
Commissioner Hill nominated Commissioner Dukleth for the
position of Vice Chairman.
PC Minutes
May 28, 1974
Page 2
There being no further nominations, the nominations were
Moved by Hill, seconded by Schier, that Commissioner Dukleth
be selected-f~r t~e position of Vi~e Chairman. Carried.
ORANGE COUNTY VARIANCE - 8323 - To permit the construc-
tion of--a-single ~mily dwelling with attached garage
on an irregular shaped lot.
Northeasterly end of Villa Rosa Drive in
the Tustin IIills area. (Orange County -
Mr. Lenorovitz made the presentation outlining the
staff report to the Commission and advising that the
site is within the Sphere of Influence of the City
of Tustin. Under the provisions of State Law and our
zoning ordinance, this seems to be an appropriate use
of the variance and the staff can see no grounds for
objection to the granting of the variance.
He showed plan drawings of the site and advised the
Commissioners that due to the trapezoidal shape and
the topography of the lot, the position shown on the
plan was the only way in which the house could be
Moved by Dukleth, seconded by Schier that the Planning
CommissiOn ~p~o~d~e recommendation of the staff that
corresPo~en~' b~-~directed to the Orange County Zoning
Admihi§trator stating that the site located on the
nor~heaste~l~ e~d' of Villa Rosa Drive is an appropriate
use o~ ~h~variance, and that the City of Tustin would
have no objections to the granting of such a variance.
USE PERMIT 3406 (ORANGE COUNTY) - To permit the enlarge-
ment of an ~xi§~i~g private school from 49 children to
80 children.
South side of 17th Street approximately
275 feet east of Windsor Place, in the
northeast Tustin area on 18692 17th Street.
(Existing Montessori School)
Mr. Fleagle made the presentation to the Commission
a'dvisin~--that this site was in the E-4 "Small Estates"
Mr. Lenorovitz gave the background, advised the Commission
that t~i~ was the second time this matter had come to
the attention of the Commission, and gave a brief history
of previous actions. He advised the Commission that although
the initial Use Permit request was unpalatable, it was
tolerable inasmuch as there was no alteration to the
exterior building. The latest proposal, however, results
in major alterations to the site and would allow a large
commercial use to exist in an area surrounded by residen-
tial estate housing, and would be contrary to the Tustin
Area General Plan. He then read the letter of April 10,
PC Minutes
May 28, 1974
Page 3
1973, to the Orange County Planning Department
recommending the denial of the Use Permit to
authorize the preschool at that location based on
its incompatibility with the single-family residen-
tial district.
Mr. Fleagle advised the Commission tha~ by the City's
standards of zoning, a nursery school is classified
as a commercial activity whereas under the Orange
County Zoning regulations it is not. It is the City's
philosophy that anything that brings traffic into a
residential neighborhood beyond that of area residents
or services to that area destroys the peace and quiet
and enjoyment of residential property.
Moved by Dukleth, seconded by Schier that staff ~repare
a letter f~'r the C.hairman's signature along the l'in~
of th~ ~e~'t~ of April 10, 1973, with stronger emphasis.
Attentfo~ should~e invite~ to the need for installation
of sidewalk-s and street improvements. Carried.
COUNTY ZONE CHANGE 74-24 - Rezoning of vacant property
from ~h~ Orange County 125-E-4-20,000 "Small Estates"
District to the 100 E-4 "Small Estates" District.
Site is located on the southwesterly side
of Browning Avenue about 660 feet north-
easterly of LaColina Drive.
Mr. Fleagle made the presentation giving a brief outline
of the staff report to the Commission and showing a
map of the proposed tract subdivision which showed the
contour lines and layout of the lots. He recommended
that if the Commission was in agreement with the County
Zone Change and desired to take no action, they make
a motion to receive and file the County correspondence.
Moved by Dukleth, seconded by Hill that the Orange
County ~anning Commission correspondence, dated
May 22, 1~7~ and related to Zone Change 74-24, be
received and filed. Carried.
At the hour of 8:35 p.m., Chairman McHarris adjourned
the meeting to a workshop session for the purpose of
discussing the laws, guidelines, and status of planning
and zoning functions in Tustin.
Following the workshop discussion, the meeting of the
Planning Commission was reconvened and Chairman McHarris
adjourned the meeting to a workshop meeting with the
City Council at 6:00 p.m., June 3, 1974, then to a
regular meeting on June 10, 1974~(10:30 p.m.)