HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Minutes 12-10-73 M~NUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING
December 10, 1973
The regular meeting of the City of Tustin Planning Commission
was held on the 10th day of December, 1973, at the hour of
7:30 p.m. of said day, in the Council Chambers, 275 South "C"
Street, Tustin, California.
The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Commissioner McHarris.
The Invocation was given by Commissioner Dombrow.
Absent: None.
Others present:
Dombrow, Edgar, Hare, Larnard, McHarris
R. Kenneth Fleagle, Asst. City Administrator-
Community Development Director
James Rourke, City Attorney
Bruce Lenorovitz, Assistant Planning Director
Jessica Carroll, Planning Commission Recording
Commissioner Hare moved for approval of the minutes of November
26, 1973, seconded by Commissloner~- Dombrow. Carried unanimously.
Location:' Bounded by the Santa Ana Freeway to the north-
east, the future alignment of Myford Avenue to the south-
east, the U. S. Marine Corps Air Station (H) to the
southwest, and the future alignment of Jamboree Road to
the northwest.
Mr. Flyable presented a background synopsis, stating that in
the opinion of staff, all answers to questions posed had been
answered, except those concerns having to do with a total City
analysis. This particular EIR addresses a specific area of the
The public hearing was opened at 7:40 p.m.
David Neish, The Irvine Company, 550 Newport Center Drive, Newport
Beach, stated that the Irvine Company had now submitted a total
of three documents concerning the EIR which he hopes would be
found sufficient for development of proposed property to indus-
trial business usage. While the property could be developed
for residential use, the noise from the helicopter base, the
proximity of the Santa Ana Freeway, and the location of the rail-
road tracks makes it more complementary to industrial. Meetings
concerning this issue have been held and attended by the City,
the Irvine Company, and Citizens for Quality Living. The plan
proposed by the Citizens for Quality Living is not economically
feasible, as they are now aware. The major concerns of CQL now
are what the visual view will encompass and how the industrial
development can be a better neighbor. To the question of traffic,
the main access to the development will be from the west Myford
interchange. The traffic system as designed will handle vehi-
cular flow with minor improvements with or without the Jamboree
The Commission held general discussion as to whether both the
EIR and zone change should be publicly heard at the same time
PC Minutes
12/10/73 Page 2
since they are so closely tied together. It was noted that
the EIR is an information document with the zone change being
a judgmental document for decision by the Commission. As an
example, the EIR could be accepted with the zone change being
Moved by Hare, seconded by Dombrow,that Continued Public Hear-
ings 1 and 2 be opened as joint hearings.
Commissioner McHarris stated he did not see the necessity of
the motion since the EIR is a document giving facts as to
whether we want to make a zone change. Commissioner Hare
felt that the public hearings were interchangeable, but that
the two issues could be voted on separately by the Commission.
Commissioner Dombrow moved to amend motion that Continued Pub-
lic Hearings 1 and 2 be opened, with the public hearinq portion
of Public Hearinq No. 2 to remain open after Public Hearinq No.
1 is closed. Seconded by Edgar. Motion to open Public Hearings
1 and 2 carried unanimously. Motion of amendment carried unani-
mously. (8:30 p.m.)
Mr. Neish then continued with his report stating that a question
of concern was how the railroad use would affect traffic circu-
lation on Walnut Avenue. He does not envision long trains caus-
ing traffic tieup on Walnut Avenue. As to the visual and noise
impact, all railroad served parcels will be placed on the eastern
half of the property. Additionally, a buffer zone will be used
giving three landscaped areas between industrial and residential.
There will be a minimum of 184 feet between the residential and
industrial structures, with additional buffers at interchanges.
The Irvine Company proposes the following: improvement of the
Myford interchange. Improvement of Myford from access to Walnut
and improvement of Walnut. Regulation of railroad traffic as
prepared by the City of Tustin.
To Commission questions, Mr. Neish stated that there would be
light industrial office space located along Jamboree Road which
will not require railroad service. The actual types of
businesses are not yet known.
Ray Kimmey, Irvine Industrial Complex, stated the Irvine Ranch
Water District is the purveyor. They are trying to enter into
an agreement with Sanitation District No. 7 to handle waste
for both industrial and domestic. If accepted, it will have
to conform to District 7 regulations.
James Kinder, Citizens for Quality Living, 1941 Hampshire Road,
stated with regard to Phase I - EIR Report - Overall Impact
Summary & Mitigation Measures, Page 11, Item 11 - Flood Control,
they would recommend that proper controls be taken at the cost
of the developer. Regarding Page 12, Item 14 - Noise. This
is not acceptable and their committee is disturbed with the
response. If the zone change is approved, they request that
steps be taken to assure mitigation of noise to adjoining resi-
dential areas.
Their Committee was disturbed with the responses received from
the City to questions posed by them and they question whether
it is in the best interests of the City to grow beyond its pre-
sent size. The Irvine Company has responded in most cases
favorably to their concerns as related to the EIR. There are
still many questions not answered but they feel these will be
taken care of at the time of development. It is their feeling
if the Planning Commission and City Council approve the zone
change, prior to any type of development, the following safe-
guards be taken prior to issuance of building permits.
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12/10/73 Page 3
1. Legal speed limit on Walnut Avenue be changed from 45 to
25 m.p.h.
2. A stop sign be erected at each "T" intersection on Walnut,
following the procedure of First Street.
3. Left turn lane be provided at Red Hill and Walnut.
4. Walnut Avenue be posted, "No commercial through traffic
permitted", including a weight restriction.
5. Crossing guard at Nelson School and Walnut and Barranca.
6. No building permits be issued to developer until these
safeguards pass whatever action has to be taken by City
7. Post and notify PUC that no train be allowed to cross Red
IIill in the afternoon during peak hours.
Additionally, they request a 75' wide buffer zone to be land-
scaped with trees and grass 8 feet in height with rolling hill
and bicycle path bordering base. Improvement of Myford at the
on and off ramp equivalent to that now provided by Jamboree for
the San Diego Freeway (3 lanes). A five acre park adjacent to
the commercial area, and agreement that the Irvine Company main-
tain park and bluff area at no cost to the City. A 250 foot
setback from first buffer to the nearest residential property
to the buffer zone and the first or nearest industrial building
be set further back to allow this buffer zone, excluding the
street. The developer agree to prohibit construction vehicles
on Walnut Avenue and that commitments made to the Planning
Commission be incorporated into the zone change resolutions
or approval.
It is their commission's feeling that the zone change could
favorably be adopted only on the basis of these safeguards being
met and such commitments be received from the City and developer.
If unable to receive such assurances, the CQL would definitely
want to continue this matter.
Jim Taylor, the Irvine Company, Director of Planning Administra-
tion, stated there is a proposal that the buffer areas be main-
tained by individual property owners or property owners associ-
ation at no maintenance cost to the City of Tustin. The greatest
problem posed by the CQL is that of the buffer area. Provided
this area is done well, the value of the residential area would
appreciably increase. The difference of opinion is actually
what the buffer will do. It should be of sufficient
size to provide screening and mitigation of sound elements.
Distance is not the answer relative to sound which requires a
physical object or barrier and he feels their proposals provide
this. The 8 foot berm could be developed and landscaped by the
developer in such a manner that an almost complete opaque barrier
would be the net result. Since that is the case, nothing can
be achieved by adding additional feet. The closest industrial
building would be limited in height to 25 feet. The single
family homes in the area are allowed 35 feet as a height limit
which would make the roof lines of the single family homes higher
than industrial buildings being proposed.
With regard to the Myford on and off ramps, if traffic builds
up as project nears completion point, they would like to offer
that the City, State and County evaluate jointly the conditions
of this off ramp at that time. At the present time, it would
cost $200,000 to change these ramps and he feels it would be
inequitable for their project to be burdened with solving the
problems which are not solely created by the impact of this
Concerning the park suggested by CQL at Jamboree and Walnut.
It is their intention to create an activity area within the
complex which would accommodate children of the shoppers, to-
gether with a quiet or passive area as a facility for adults.
A park would serve no ultimate or justified solution.
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12/10/73 Page 4
It is their intention to prohibit construction vehicles on
Walnut Avenue, which is a commitment that has been made on the
part of Irvine Company. Regarding the suggestion to complete
the landscaping now for the 41' buffer, it is feasible but
would be extremely costly. It is their intention to erect
the berm area with some landscaping installed immediately.
However, the ultimate buildout of this project might take
5-10 years; therefore they would desire not to be required to
landscape to a great extent. They would plant grass on the
berm immediately and the developers buying the adjacent lots
would be required to plant trees of a minimum size immediately
upon purchase.
To Commissioner Edgar's inquiry, concerning the navigational
easement, Mr. Taylor stated they are exploring this with the
Marine Corps for a less volatile land use.
To Commissioner Dombrow's question if the Irvine Company would
be amenable to a 60 foot setback area for bicycle trail with
upkeep by the Irvine Company, Mr. Taylor replied that their
initial position is that this can be accommodated within 50
feet as well as 60 feet. The Irvine Company would be willing
to widen a portion of the Myford interchange roadway to four
lanes. With regard to the children's area and passive area
within the complex, a quarter of an acre would be devoted to
this use with the executive officer of the Irvine Company
willing to so state in a letter of intent.
Captain Robert Wemheuer, USMC Command., stated they had no objec-
tion to the zone change as stated. An agreement has been reached
between the military and the Irvine Company regarding specific
land uses to insure the safety of the aircraft operations. Open
space is designated for the safety of helicopter flights which
do not present the hazards of other types of aircraft.
To Commissioner Edgar's question if the open space could be
developed into a three-hole golf course, Captain Wemheuer
stated that if the Marine Corps purchases an air easement, a
golf course would be considered an adequate use. Their only
intent is to maintain the right of open space. A greenbelt area
would also be accepted by the Marine Corps as a compatible use.
Although the Marine Corps will have the veto over uses, they
will not have exclusive control so the land will be subject to
a wide range of alternative uses.
Mr. Taylor explained that the land would remain the property of
the Irvine Company. There might be an alternative that this
land be shown as an air easement. When the boundaries have been
established this can then be determined.
Mr. Kinder agreed to the provision of a buffer zone 41 feet west
of Myford which would be landscaped and that Myford on and off
ramps be developed to four lanes. They disagree to the mini-
mum building setback. Additionally, they would request con-
struction of the buffer prior to development which should be
screened and put in now prior to any issuance of building permits.
Marie Hickman, Manager, Tustin Chamber of Commerce, read Resolu-
tion No. 73-3 of the Chamber of Commerce, recommending the
approval of the zone change.
The public portion of Hearing No. 1 was closed at 9:45, leaving
open the public portion of Hearing No. 2.
Moved b~ Dombrow t.hat the Environmental Impact Report (Draft)
be continued to th.e next regular meeting.
Commissioner Hare stated that the only outstanding issue was that
of the development of the berm which he feels is the essence of
PC Minutes
12/10/73 Page 5
the zone change and sees no reason to postpone the vote pertain-
ing to the EIR.
Moved by Hare, seconded by McHarris, that Resolution No. 1367
be adopted, recommending to the City Council the approval of
the EIR to consist of the Draft EIR, as amended, comments of
interested individuals and agencies, staff review, minutes of
the Commission hearing and relevant data. Carried. Ayes:
Edgar, Hare, McHarris, Larnard. Noes: Dombrow. Absent: none.
2. ZC 73-6
A joint application of the City of Tustin Planning
Commission and the Irvine Company for a zone change from
Planned Community (Residential) to Planned Community
Location: Beunded by the Santa Ana Freeway to the north-
east, the future alignment of Myford Avenue to the south-
east, the U. S. Marine Corps Air Station (H) to the
southwest, and the future alignment of Jamboree Road to
the northwest.
Mr. Fleagle presented the background on the proposed zone change,
stating that a resolution adopted by the Chamber of Commerce had
been presented during the previous public hearing and informing
Commission of a resolution which had been received from the Tustin
Unified School District.
The zone change and conditions are intended to assure develop-
ment which does not adversely affect the community. Those con-
cerns relating to buffering, landscaping and open space, require
separate action by the Planning Commission such as site plan
review, development standards and proposals, etc. The zone
change establishes conditions and permitted uses, subject to
Commission review. Safeguards have been established which
would limit, for example, drive-in theatres as a permitted use
only upon the issuance of a use permit.
The public portion of the hearing was reopened at 10:10 p.m.
Ray Kimmey, Irvine Industrial Complex, stated they are in general
agreement with staff recommendations with the exception that
they would suggest rephrasing of conditions 5 and 6. They agree
with staff that phasing should be controlled but the problem of
measuring traffic count would be that of separating traffic
generated by the industrial complex from that of other facilities.
With regard to rail use, they feel time restrictions of 7:00 -
9:00 a.m. and 3:00 - 5:30 p.m. would mitigate against the peak
hours of use on Walnut Avenue. Mr. Kimmey stated there is the
possibility there would be train switching after 5:30 p.m. but
feels the buffering area proposed would compensate for this
since the railroad is located 2,000 to 2,500 feet from the resi-
dential area, with the closest spur approximately 600 feet.
Commissioner Dombrow noted that since all property surrounding
the project is owned by the Irvine Company with the exception
of the U. S. Marine Corps Air Station (H), the impact would be
the responsibility of the Irvine Company.
Mr. Flea~le noted that before any parcel of land can be sold,
there must be filed with the Planning Commission a tentative and
final tract map. It would be a condition that landscaping be
installed prior to development.
Tom Wolff, Irvine Industrial Complex, stated the complex would
be of tremendous benefit to the City of Tustin and that timing
is a matter of particular importance to the Irvine Company.
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12/10/73 Page 6
They plan to be underway with the land development the early
part of March. A particular company which will be a most desir-
able asset to the community will occupy a ten-acre front building
if timing can be accommodated. Therefore, an early decision of
the Planning Commission is extremely important from their econ-
omic timing.
Daryl Bloom, 1951 Hampshire Road, Tustin, questioned the relation-
ship of the railroad to the development. If the north portion
is the first to be improved, access will be through the south.
There are no berms in the south portion where switching would
take place and he questioned what relationship this would have
to the total development.
Mr. Fleagle stated there would be no switching operations south
of Walnut because there would be no one to be served. There
will be no storage on a railroad spur. As a condition, when
plans are submitted, they would be required to show any proposed
The public portion of the hearing was closed at 10:45 p.m.
Moved by Dombrow that ZC 73-6 be continued to the next regular
Motion died for lack of second.
Moved by Edgar, seconded by Hare that Resolution No. 1382 be
Commissioner Larnard questioned if item 7 of Resolution 1382
would take care of the switching noise. Mr. Fleagle stated
noise control would not relate to property outside of lot lines.
However, the City has measuring devices to determine the decibel
Moved by Dombrow to amend Resolution No. 1382 to include within
the zone change an 8-foot berm with 51-foot setback, to be con-
structed down the perimeter of Jamboree Road prior to any build-
permits being issued.
Motion died for lack of second.
Commissioner Larnard stated he is against the motion and feels
the 41-foot setback and berms, as outlined by staff, are more
than adequate.
As amended, it was moved by Dombrow, seconded by McHarris, that
Resolution No. 1382 be adopted to include the amendments requiring
that bike trails be included with a 51-foot building setback
area on the perimeter of Jamboree Road and that an 8-foot hiqh
berm,fully landscaped, be installed along Jamboree Road prior
to the issuance of buildiqg permits. Carried. Ayes: Edgar,
Dombrow, McHarris. Noes: Hare, Larnard. Absent: none.
To construct and operate a school to accommodate a
maximum of 140 students.
Location: 1700 block of Nisson Road, approximately
990 feet east of Red Hill Avenue, between Red Hill
and Browning Avenues.
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12/10/73 Page 7
Mr. Lenorovitz presented the background information for Commis-
sion consideration, stating that those concerns not addressed
in Resolution No. 1383 would become part of the precise plans to
be reviewed by staff.
The public portion of the hearing was opened at 11:20 p.m.
Michael Chapin, President, Montessori School, stated that the
fascia on the proposed plans was intended to be on all four
sides of the building. With regard to security and staff's
suggestion that wrought iron be used along Nisson Road and
adjacent to the parking lot to help alleviate the concerns of
the Police Department, it is their intention to install non-
moveable windows and complete air conditioning. They would
rather propose a slumpstone wall which would lend some pro-
tection to the children from noise along the parking area.
The public portion of the hearing was closed at 11:35 p.m.
It was noted that wrought iron was more expensive to install
than the block wall but provided better amenities and Police
Moved by McHarris, seconded by Dombrow, that Resolution No. 1383
be a~proved, together with conceptual development plans with
precise details of plot plan, fencing, colors and materials, and
landscaping to be subject to staff review and approval.
To Commission concern regarding the increase in building area
and reduction in the playground area, Mr. Chapin stated that
in the previously granted Use Permit, there was a ten-foot
separation between buildings. The new conceptual plans offer
more internal security with part of the extra space consumed in
hallways, library and a general purpose room not included pre-
viously. There are also additional bathrooms.
Moved by Edgar, seconded by Dombrow that motion be amended to
include that applicant be directed to work with staff rega.rdi~.g
the increased coverage and landscaping.
Amendment to original motion carried unanimously.
Motion that Resolution No. 1383 be adopted carried unanimously.
Moved by Edgar, seconded by McHarris that Resolution No. 1385,
recommending to the City Council the adoption and implementation
of an active annexation policy be adopted as drafted.
Discussion was held concerning that portion of the Resolution
pertaining to the north Tustin area and the possible misinterpre-
tation of its meaning.
Moved by Edgar, seconded by McHarris, that lines 14 through 16
of Resolution No. 1385 be deleted and Resolution as amended be
adopted. Carried unanimously.
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12/10/73 Page 8
Mr. Fleagle stated the City Engineer has recommended these
projects for approval of the Planning Commission.
Moved by Hare, seconded by Dombrow, that these two projects
be approved and submitted to the County of Orange as Arterial
Highway Financing Program projects for AHFP funding. Carried
Location: Easterly of Tract 7954 and southerly of
Walnut Avenue.
Mr. Fleagle presented a background synopsis for Commission
Moved by Edgar, seconded by Hare that Final Tract Map No. 7813
be approved subject to all the conditions of approval as con-
tained in Resolution No. 1384. Carried unanimously.
TRACT NO. 8088
Mr. Fleagle stated that a formal request had been received to
waive the requirement for a completed park site prior to occu-
pancy in Tract 8088 by Newport Shores Builders. The reason for
the request is that the Tustin Unified School District is
expecting to acquire a school site in Tract 7813 which would
alter the design of the park.
Moved by Hare, seconded by Dombrow that the Planning Commission
recommend to the City Council that condition of occupancy be
waived for the first half of Tract 8088 to permit occupancy
of 46 homes. Carried unanimously.
Presented for information only.
Moved by Edgar, seconded ~y Hare, that notice of public hearing
be advertised on the Sign Code for hearing January 14, 1973.
Carried unanimously.
PC Minutes
12/10/73 Page 9
Mr. Fle~le reported that a public hearing is to be held before
the City Council of the City of Irvine on December 18 to consider
adoption of the City Zoning Ordinance and accompanying Land Use
Maps within the Irvine City limits.
The Commission was informed that City Council had approved a
policy of providing Commissioners an opportunity to submit their
resignations upon filing for elective office in order to give
them the opportunity of being critics in the areas of political
Moved by Dombrow, seconded by McHarris, that recommendation be
made to the City Council that an evaluation analysis of traffic
and speed limits on Walnut Avenue be initiated. Carried unani-
Moved by Edgar, seconded by Dombrow that meeting be adjourned
to January 14, 1973. Carried unanimously. (12:30 a.m.)
D-~na ld- J. ~%t~r~l]7i ,- M~ayo~ ..........
Chairman 5f the Planning Agency
Secretary of the pIan~ing-Comm~i's'sion