HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Minutes 11-12-73 MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING
November 12, 1973
The regular meeting of the City of Tustin Planning Commission
was held on the 12th day of November, 1973, at the hour of 7:30
p.m. of said day, in the Council Chambers, 275 South "C" Street,
Tustin, California.
The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Commissioner Hare.
The Invocation was given by Commissioner Edgar.
Dombrow, Edgar, IIare, Larnard, McHarris
present: R. Kenneth Fleagle, Asst. City Administrator-
Community Development Director
Bruce Lenorovitz, Assistant Planning Director
Jessica Carroll, Planning Commission Recording Secretary
Commissioner Hare moved for approval of the minutes of the
October 23, 1973, and October 29, 1973, meetings, seconded
by Commissioner McHarris. Carried unanimously.
Location: North side of Irvine Boulevard and Holt Avenue
Mr. Flea~le stated that Tract Map 8475 was approved by City
Council on November 5, 1973. The property, as developed in
accordance with the text of the Professional/Commercial Dis-
trict will be equal or better than the existing Irvine Boule-
vard Planned Industrial District.
The public hearing was opened at 7:40 p.m.
Bob Kramer, 105 South Prospect, Tustin, representing Nicholas
Barletta, stated they had committed themselves to onsite improve-
ments in excess of $250,000 which are being completed at this
time. The development they propose will be the same or better
than those developed on the Irvine Boulevard "Golden Mile". Use
of the Holt Street property will be limited to office use.
Irvine Boulevard could be used as commercial with the remaining
property developed 20% commercial and 80% office facilities.
They will build most of the complex in order to control the
The public portion of the hearing was closed at 7:47 p.m.
General discussion centered around Commissioner Dombrow's
objection of the Planned Community Text which places Real
Estate Agency as a permitted use under General Offices rather
than Support Commercial.
It was pointed out by Commissioner Larnard that the proposed
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11/12/73 Page 2
concept would become a separate zoning code relating solely to
this project. If the design plan is approved as submitted, the
real estate office would be interiorly located. Mr. Fleagle
stated, the text of the Development Standards as written permits
a real estate office to be placed on Holt Avenue, which must
comply with the Sign Ordinance within the Planned Community
Moved by Commissioner Hare, seconded by Commissioner Edgar
that Resolution No. 1375 be approved as drafted.
It was Commissioner McHarris' opinion that general office and
support commercial are being grouped together and, therefore,
Real Estate Agency should be listed under support commercial,
regardless of the controls placed on this particular project.
Mr. Fleagle pointed out that a real estate agency represents
services as does an insurance agency or title insurance firm,
vs. a retail sales establishment.
In reply to Chairman Larnard's question as to the effect of
removing Real Estate Agency from the General Office designation,
Mr. Kramer stated that the prime requirement of many such
agencies is visibility and the sign controls are such as to
preclude those desiring such notice. However, if not allowed,
this would deny leasing of space to such businesses and brokers
specializing in leasing or property management who are tech-
nically within this classification.
Commissioner Dombrow reiterated his objection to the listing
of Real Estate Agency as a permitted use under general offices.
Moved by Dombrow, seconded by McHarris, that Resolution No.
1375 be amended to incorporate Tustin Plaza Development Stand-
ards, to be amended by removing Real Estate Agency from "B.
Permitted Uses", subparagraph (a) (1) to "C. Support Commercial".
Failed by roll call vote. Ayes: Dombrow, McHarris. Noes:
Edgar, Hare, Larnard.
Motion to adopt Resolution No. 1375 as drafted carried by roll
call vote. Ayes: Edgar, Hare, Larnard. Noes: Dombrow,
Location: Bounded by the Santa Ana Freeway to the
northeast, the future alignment of Myford Road to the
southeast, the U. S. Marine Corps Air Station (H) to
the southwest, and the future alignment of Jamboree
Road to the northwest.
Mr. Fleagle stated that since the draft EIR and Zone Change
73-6 are interrelated and, since the Irvine Company and their
EIR consultants have not yet furnished staff with the informa-
tion and responses to questions presented, he would suggest
continuance of the public hearings to November 26, 1973. The
Irvine Company has met with some members of the area to present
to them their program and answer some of the questions raised.
They have also solicited input to the zone change and EIR
which will be incorporated in their response. Upon submission
of the addendum to the EIR, the Irvine Company and Owen Menard
& Associates have extended an invitation to the interested citi-
zens to meet with them again, together with staff and two
Planning Commission members, if they so desire. This meeting
will be called as soon as the report is received from the Con-
sultant. The last meeting was held on Friday noon, November 9,
1973, at the Irvine offices.
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Commissioner Hare wanted to know if there would be reasonable
assurance that these public hearings could be accomplished on
November 26, 1973.
Mr. Fleagle responded that it was staff's desire to receive
answers to questions as they were prepared so that everything
would not have to be considered at one time but that the Con-
sultants preferred to make it one package. Reasonable assur-
ance has been given that their responses will be available
sometime this week.
Commissioners Dombrow and Hare volunteered to attend meeting
as representatives of the Planning Commission, with Commissioner
Edgar to act as alternate.
Moved by Commissioner Edgar, seconded by Commissioner Dombrow
that the public hearing on the Irvine Company EIR ~raft and
Zone Change 73-6 be continued to November 26, 1973.
Commissioner Larnard noted that audience participation had
not been invited.
Moved by Commissioner Dombrow, seconded by Commissioner Edgar
that motion to continue public hearing on the Irvine Company
EIR Draft and Zone Change 73-6 be withdrawn.
Public hearing was opened at 8:20 p.m.
Jim Kinder, 1941 Hampshire Road, Tustin, stated he attended the
Irvine Company meeting and looks forward to receiving replies
to questions raised about about the EIR report. He requested
they be delivered to Citizens for Quality Living as soon as
they are made available to staff and Planning Commission. Mr.
Kinder then showed a mylar of a proposed alternate use of the
land involving an industrial area, park, greenbelt area, lake
and low density housing, with limited industrial site. It is
the desire of citizens he represents to realize a workshop
incorporating members of the community, staff, Planning Com-
mission and the Irvine Company.
Dave Neish, Irvine Company, 550 Newport Center Drive, Newport
Beach, said the Irvine Company intends to submit first package
of information to Mr. Fleagle tomorrow and hopes to have
remaining data from their EIR consultant for meeting sched-
uled Friday, November 16, with Mr. Fleagle. All information
should be available for distribution Tuesday, November 20.
The most convenient date for a meeting with members of the
citizens, staff and Planning Commission would be Monday or
Tuesday of next week. Mr. Neish promised to deliver complete
data to Mr. Fleagle no later than November 20, 1973.
John Graef, 14482 Pinebrook Drive, Tustin, stated there are
many vacancies in presently existing industrial complexes in
the south Orange County area which should be filled prior to
construction of additional facilities.
Richard Reiser, 14852 Alder Lane, Tustin, stated he is curious
about if, in fact, discussions have taken place and if future
discussions will be held to consider the actual nature of this
complex as it differs significantly from what was first envi-
sioned. Will the EIR change the initial proposal or is all the
current concern useless.
Mr. Fleagle replied that the EIR submitted is for the proposed
development in conjunction with the proposed Zone Change action.
If changed or modified to incorporate residential area, this
action would require a residential EIR as well as an industrial
one. There are two separate actions: one is the proposed zone
change and the other the EIR. As an example, the EIR could be
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approved and the zone change denied. Regardless of the land
use, some of the basic studies will not change and there has
been no mention of concern for the basic data.
Chairman Larnard clarified that all material submitted will be
for use as Tustin's EIR, since the City is obligated to actually
do this report.
Jim Kinder, Citizens for Quality Living, suggested the EIR and
zone change hearing be continued to December 10, 1973, in order
to permit meetings and to work with the Irvine Company in the
resolving of any outstanding disputations.
Dave Neish, Irvine Company, would prefer the public hearing be
continued to November 26. However, if this isn't convenient
for staff, citizens and Planning Commission, they will abide
by the decision made.
Mr. Flea~le stated that a continuance to December 10, 1973,
would be a regularly scheduled meeting and would allow more
time for citizen input, staff review, the resolving of out-
standing questions and that the continued public hearings could
be advanced to that date.
Public portion of Hearings 2 and 3 closed at 8:40 p.m.
Moved by Commissioner Dombrow, seconded by Commissioner Hare
that the Irvine Company EIR Draft and Zone Chan~e Application
No. 73-6 public hearings be continued to regularly scheduled
meeting of December 10, 1973. Carried unanimously.
OLD BUSINESS (Continued from October 23, 1973)
Mr. Flea~le said that in the determination of Mr. Sol Zwirn's
request, by comparative use, consideration must be given to the
intent of the zoning, which is to distinguish from service or
commercial. The County has established land uses in the classi-
fication of RPA (Residential-Professional) and PA (Professional-
Administrative), which authorize realty offices. Irvine Boulevard
is in the Pr District west of Prospect and in the Commercial Dis-
trict east of Prospect. Buildings are the same style and use
in both districts. The difference is in the signing and not in
the character of the use. There is presently a realty office
on Irvine Boulevard and Red Hill Avenue which is in the Profes-
sional District; however, the signing is in conformance with
the Professional District regulations.
General discussion centered around parking requirements which
is one space for each 300 gross square feet in the Professional
district and the needs for parking of a realty firm which would
vary as to the nature of the office. Commissioner Edgar pointed
out that the developer of this area was in the real estate busi-
ness, with Commissioner Hare stating that since better controls
could be enforced, he would favor a realty office as an author-
ized use.
Commissioner Dombrow voiced his concern of the City's ability
to enforce sign controls to which Mr. Flea~le replied that,
while enforcement can be a problem, 80 illegal signs were picked
up over the weekend by Mr. Gene Snyder and there are more stringent
Planning Commission Minutes
11/12/73 Page 5
requirements in the PR District than we presently have in the
Commercial District.
Moved by Edqar~ seconded by Hare that a Formal Finding be prepared
establishing that a real estate office is an appropriate use
in the PR District, subject to the si~n controls of the District.
Approved unanimously.
Location: South side of First Street, easterly
of Newport Avenue.
Mr. Flea$1e stated that this action concerns the final tract
map permitting the existing apartment complex to convert to
condominium units. The tract map has been reviewed and there
are no other concerns of staff.
Moved by Hare, seconded by Dombrow, that Resolution 1376 of
the Planning Department, recommending approval of Final Map
Tract No. 8356 be adopted. Carried unanimously.
A synopsis of the background was presented by Mr. Lenorovitz.
Commissioner Hare brought to the attention of the Planning Com-
mission that milk trucks are turning left into the subject
property, presently used as a drive-thru dairy and parking lot
for home delivery milk trucks, which creates a particularly bad
traffic situation, especially at 5:00 p.m.
Staff will look into this. No further action necessary.
Mr. Flea~le stated that at the October 30, 1973, public meeting,
he had suggested there be one additional parameter in their pro-
posal as to the significance of a rapid transit to the Interna-
tional and Ontario airports and its effect on the Orange County
Airport where the lack of parking facilities is a significant
consideration. No action is required; however, if members of
the Planning Commission have any additional concerns to add, they
might direct their responses to the EIR consultants, Olson
Laboratories, Inc.
Presented with no action required.
Mr. Fleagle stated that all staff suggestions had been incorpora-
ted into the Orange County General Plan.
Moved by Commissioner Domborw, seconded by Hare, that staff be
authorized to prepare letter for Chairman Larnard's signature
to go on record as endorsing the proposed changes in the Land
Use Map and suggesting that plans be incorporated within the
land use element. Carried unanimously.
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Pending Items for November 26, 1973
A Prezone Change from the Orange County R-4 District to
the City of Tustin Planned Development District, subject
to annexation to the City.
Location: Corner of San Juan and Browning (southwesterly)
Presented. Notice of public hearing has been advertised.
For the purpose of changing from the R-4 (Suburban Resi-
dential) to the P & I (Public & Institutional) District
and establishing a Neighborhood Park.
Location: Northeasterly intersection of Mitchell and Utt.
Presented. Notice of public hearing has been advertised.
3. UP 73-19 - GARY JOHNSON
For the purpose of authorizing a tennis specialty shop
and teaching tennis court within the C-1 District.
Location: southwest corner of Newport and Walnut Avenues.
Presented. Notice of public hearing has been advertised.
Commissioner E~gar requested if staff could prepare a map showing
the County zoning of Tustin's environs. Mr. Fleagle does have
such a map prepared by the County but noted that County zoning is
by district. Commissioner Edgar expressed interest in the precise
land use designations, starting with the City and then extending
into the rural areas defining the boundaries. Mr. Fleagle will
have staff prepare maps for the Planning Commission showing
County zoning within our Sphere of Influence.
2. At the League of Cities Conference, Commissioner Edgar
attended a meeting relating to State requirements for general
plan elements. The law states that every city's general plan
have ten specific elements. He would like to have previously
approved plans, with date affixed, placed into a binder so that
Planning Commission will have this information for future
decisions, which will enhance the City's long range plans.
Mr. Fleagle stated that a circulation element was adopted by the
City in 1966 as the County Arterial Highway System and he has
asked the City Engineer to prepare the circulation element for
the adoption of our own highway system. With regard to seismic
safety, we are presently awaiting County completion of studies
for this element. A noise factor study has been done throughout
the city. The noise and circulation elements will be presented
for adoption in the near future. However, publication of the
document should await completion of all of the elements.
Commissioner Edgar proposed that when various sections are com-
pleted, they be made available in binders for the Planning Com-
mission. Mr. Fleagle replied that as soon as the land use map
is published, this can be done.
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3. Commissioner Edgar stated that Specific Plan No. 2 for
E1 Camino Real is over two years old and questioned where we
now stand with the two years that have elapsed since this was
adopted. One of the commitments made was that the City coop-
erate to enhance the plan and cited lighting as an example of
action that has not been taken.
Mr. Fleagle replied that street benches have been ordered and
some have arrived. However, he is not sure of the current status
of the street lighting.
Moved by Edgar, seconded by McHarris that Planning Commission
recommend to Cit~ Council that they act upon Planning Commission
recommendation that a lon~ range committee be formed. Carried
4. Commissioner Dombrow stated that any time after 1:30 p.m.
on November 20, or any time Friday would be convenient for him
to meet with the Irvine Company, citizens group and staff for
consideration of the EIR and proposed zone change.
Moved by McHarris, seconded by Dombrow, that Commissioner Edgar
be elected to the office of Chairman Pro Tem for the Planning
Commission. Carried unanimously.
Moved by Dombrow, seconded by Hare that the meeting be adjourned
to the next regular meeting of the Planning Commission scheduled
November 26, 1973. Carried unanimously. (9:45 p.m.)