HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Minutes 08-13-73 MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING
AUGUST 13, 1973
The regular meeting of the City of Tustin Planning Commission
was held on the 13th day of August, 1973, at the hour of 7:33
p.m., of said day, in the Council Chambers, 275 South "C"
Street, Tustin, California.
The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Commissioner McHarris.
The Invocation was given by Commissioner Hare.
Present: Commissioners:
Absent: Commissioners:
Others present:
Hare, Larnard, McHarris
Dombrow, Sharp.
R. Kenneth Fleagle, Assistant CA,
Community Development Director
Bruce Lenorovitz, Assistant Planning
James Rourke, City Attorney
Mary Ann Chamberlain, Planning Com-
mission Recording Secretary
Commissioner Hare moved for approval of the minutes of the
July 23, 1973, meeting; seconded by Commissioner McHarris.
1. ZC 73-5 - William Sommerville
Zone change from R-4 to PD (Planned Development) for the
purpose of conversion of apartments to condominiums, with
construction of added carport, parking and landscaping.
Location: south side of First Street, easterly of Newport
Mr. Flea~le reported that this is a proposal to convert an exist-
ing apartment complex to condominiums with the inclusion of an
adjoining vacant lot for parking accommodations, to meet the
requirements of the district. The open space is less than 5%
of the district requirements for new construction, but by
project design is insignificant. Staff feels this project is
desirable for conversion to condominiums, subject to application
'of development standards of the City of Tustin.
Commissioner Hare questioned staff if this project was developed
as condominiums. Mr. Flea~le answered that it was developed in
the County R-4 (3000).
Vice Chairman Larnard opened the public portion of the hearing
at 7:37 p.m.
Bill Richardson, engineering representative for Mr. Sommerville,
was asked about the additional parking that will be placed on
the adjacent vacant lot. Mr. Richardson explained that the new
parking area will be constructed and landscaped exactly like the
rest of the development. Mr. Richardson presented photographs
of the development to the Commissioners.
The public portion of the hearing was closed at 7:42 p.m.
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Commissioner Hare moved for approval of Resolution No. 1354,
recommending to the City Council approval of Zone Change
73-5; seconded by Commissioner McHarris.
2. UP 73-12 - William E. Redline and Glenn Ziegenhagen
A Use Permit for the purpose of authorizing the location
of an office trailer during the construction of a new
professional building on the site.
Location: Southeasterly corner of First and "A" Streets.
Mr. Flea~le informed the Commission that the applicant proposes
to construct a new office building on this site, which is not
a part of this consideration. The applicant has been advised
that upon approval of the permanent office structure on this
site, he will be required to construct curb and gutter, sidewalk,
paving and street lights on the "A" Street frontage, and to
provide irrigated street trees on both First and "A" Streets.
The requirement for full street improvements is not recommended
at this time in conjunction with the Use Permit.
The Fire Department has a requirement for extinguishers and
hydrant, which are a part of the resolution.
The public portion of the hearing was opened at 7:45 p.m.
~. Glenn Zie~enha~en, 330 West First Street, Tustin, stated
that he concurred with the staff report but would not want to
pay for a fire hydrant that was across the street and not on
his property.
The public portion of the hearing was closed at 7:50 p.m.
Commissioner Hare suggested that perhaps staff could clarify
the time schedule for the water main after the street widening
is completed.
Mr. Flea~le stated that there is no intent to hold up the project,
he will only have to pay for the hydrant to be installed after
the water main is laid.
Commissioner Hare questioned the size of the trailer. Mr.
Flea~le replied that no plans have been submitted, but if this
Use Permit is approved, Mr. Ziegenhagen will rent a trailer of
approximately 10' x 40', and this will be subject to the
Development Preview Commission review.
Commissioner McHarris moved to approve Resolution No. 1355,
granting a Use Permit for a six-month use of a temporary office
trailer; seconded by Commissioner Hare.
3. V 73-4 - Aspen Mining Company
To vary with the required parking as specified in the
Zoning Ordinance pertaining to the expansion and enlarge-
ment of an existing restaurant.
Location: 13444 Newport Avenue.
Mr..Fleag~_ reported that the Aspen Mine Company proposes to
convert the entire structure ~ormerly housing Jus Steak into
a restaurant facility requiring 48 parking places. The site
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could accommodate 18 parking spaces and 30 parking spaces
would be leased from Larwin Square. The Development Preview
Commission has recommended to the Planning Commission the
denial of this application based upon the safety hazards of
off-site parking and the incompatibility of the proposed
architectural style. Staff concerns relate to a traffic
signal being installed at Newport and Bryan; traffic control;
proof of structural adequacy; and pedestrian safety. Mr.
Fleagle stated that he felt the proposal could be recommended
if the adjoining Shell station property were incorporated
into the use and des±gq whereby parking could be accommodated
and the structure would be an identifiable characteristic.
Vice Chairman Larnard opened the public portion of the meeting
at 8:05 p.m.
Mr. William Berkle¥, President, Aspen Mining Company, 5880
E1 Cajon Blvd., San Diego, presented pictures of the interior
and exterior of the restaurant in San Diego. He explained
that the theme is primarily of 1890 Aspen, Colorado, days.
Commissioner Hare questioned Mr. Berkley if he felt there was
adequate space for everything he proposed to do. Mr. Berkley
answered that they will have 6,000 feet and that is the size of
the restaurant in San Diego.
Commissioner Hare further questioned the parking and Mr. Berkley
said they have 32 spaces in San Diego and use street parking.
Commissioner Hare questioned Berkley about the traffic signal,
and Mr. Be~kley stated that he felt he should not have to
install a signal that should have been installed some time ago.
Mr. Berkley explained to the Commission that the Shell station
lease expires in October. They would be very desirous of taking
it over and using it for parking which could provide 40 spaces.
Mr. Nick Barletta, owner of the property, stated that they had
no objection to the Fire Department and Engineering reports,
but felt that bringing so many parties into the traffic light
situation would only confuse the matter.
John Jamieson, architect for the project, reported that he has
thoroughly inspected the building and it does comply with the
building codes. He stated that they plan to screen off the
air conditioners which are shown on the elevations.
Mr. Bart Duesler, an interested citizen, stated that he felt
it was a poor idea to have patrons crossing Newport Avenue.
The public portion of the hearing was closed at 8:45 p.m.
Commissioner Hare questioned staff what the purpose of holding
off the hearing for two weeks was. Mr. Flea~e replied that
they have a concern for the safety hazards and there is a
requirement of law that evidence of a hardship substantiate
the request.
Commissioner Larnard stated that he felt that the hardship
was self-imposed.
Commissioner McHarris moved to grant the Aspen Mining Company
a one-year variance and if no additional parking is provided
in that one year, the occupancy load would be restricted to
the number of parking places on the site. This action would
be subject to Development Preview Commission approval and sub-
j~ ~ ~i~a± ±i~i~t pdr~icipa~on; seconded by Commissioner Hare.
Commissioner Larnard commented that no snap decision should be
made about 90 people crossing Newport Avenue for the restaurant,
with no assurance of street signal.
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Ayes: Mcii~rris. Noes: Hare, Larnard.
Vice Chairman Larnard moved to continue this item for two weeks
to the August 27, 1973, meeting as an open hearing; seconded
by Commissioner Hare.
At this time, 9:15 p.m., Commissioner McHarris was excused.
Mr. Rourke informed th~ Commission that with only two members
present, no quorum existed and no further actions could be
Vice Chairman Larnard moved to continue the meeting to Wednesday,
August 15, 1973, at 6:00 p.m., in the Civic Center Community
Building, 250 E1 Camino Real; seconded by Commissioner Hare.
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