HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Minutes 03-26-73M1NUTI'i,q OF A RI.XiIJI,AR ~.II']I'2TIN¢i
DATE: March Z~, 1973
TIME: 7:30 p.m.
P~'.ACE: Council Chambers, 275 South "C" Street
PRESENT: Dorabrow, Ilare,. Larnar.d., Mcllarris and
ROLL CALL ...................................... 1
MEETING OF March 12, 19 73 .................... 1
Continued Item
Public Works Yard - UP-73-6 PC Initiated ..... 1-2
New Items
UP-73-7- Pup 'n' Taco .
V-73-2 United California'Bank''''''''''''''-'- -- -''''''''''''''
- 3-4
Extension of
Time - Tentative Tract Map No.
7846 - Jack McLean ....... 4
Extension of Time - Use Permit 71-364 ....... 5
Modification of Plans for UP-71-370 ...... ~... 5
Adoption of Resolution No. 1327 for Parcel Map
73-61 .................... 6
Summary Report of Orange County Growth Policy 6
Negative 'Declaration - Bryan Avenue Storm Drain 6
Building Addition - Foster Art Service 6-7
League of Cities ............................. 7
League of Women Voters ................. ~ ..... 7
Southern California Planning Congress ........ 7
STAFF CONCERNS .................................. 7
COMblISSION CONCERNS ............................. 7
AUDIENCE PARTICIPATION .......................... 7
ADJOURNMENT ................ ~ ....... · ............. 8
MARCII 26, 1973
The regular meeting of the City of Tustin Planning Commission was
held on the 26th day of March, 1973, at the hour of 7:30 p.m., of
said day in the Council Chambers, 275 South "C" Street, Tustin,
The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Chairman Sharp.
The Invocation was given by Commissioner Hare.
Dombrow, Hare, Lar~ard, McHarris, and Sharp.
James G. Rourke, City Attorney; R. Kenneth Fleagle,
Ass't. City Administrator - Community Development Dir.;
Bruce Lenorovitz, Ass't Planning Director; Mary Ann
Chamberlain, Planning Commission Recording Secretary.
MARCH 12, 1973
Commissioner Dombrow moved for approval of the Minutes of the
March 12, 1973 meeting; seconded by Commissioner McF~arris.
Continued Item
UP-73-6 - Planning Commission Initiated - by direction of the
City Council, to authorize the establishment of the
Public Works Maintenance facilities in the R-1 District
for a period of 18 months, pending improvement of per-
manent location.
Location: Site is located on the east side of Prospect Avenue,
northerly of Irvine Boulevard, south of Beneta Way,
known as 14702 Prospect.
Mr. Fleagle explained that this Use Permit was the subject of a
public hearing March 12, 1973. At that time the Commission re-
quested that Staff investigate and report on other possible altern-
atives. The following were suggested alternatives which have
been explored:
Joint usage with Santa Ana. The Public Works Director
of Santa Aha reported that these facilities are at
a maximum saturation of use.
Joint facilities' on existing school properties.
~he Assistant School Superintendent reported that
there is no space available on any school properties
including the property located between "B" and "C" Sts.
Graves & Howley facility - 17872 Main Street.
The landowner and operator of this facility advised
that "~,~re ~ ~^ ila~l^ at ~'~'- ":-'- £or
......... area ava
vehicle storage or any additional capacity for
vehicle maintenance at this site.
PC Minutes
Page two
The City Council on March 19, 1973, further discussed the location
of the. Public Works yard, as well as the comments and evaluation
of the Planning Commission. They have given assurance that the
park development will proceed as rapidly as possible, and to allay
any apprehension ,~s to the ultimate development of the Public Wor~-~
facility, have instructed the Ci'ty Administrator to initiate pro-
ceedings for the design and development of the ultimate site sour
of Sycamore Avenue.
The Commissioners questioned Mr. Fleagle about the property across
from the Marine Helicopter Station. Mr. Fleagle reported that this
site had been looked into and the structures are being condemned
and would not be adaptable for this particular use.
Commissioner Larnard moved for adoption of Resolution No. 1322;
seconded by Commissioner McHarris.
New Items
UP-73-7 - Pup 'n' Taco - to permit the operation of a ~rive-up
fast food restaurant and parking facilities.
Location: Southwest corner of First Street and E1 Camino Real.
Mr. Lenorovitz summarized the Staff report and stated that the
Development Preview Commission made the followin~ recommendations:
Elimination of the most easterly drive way on
First Street as per Engineering Department
Additional 3' X 3' tree wells and planting of 15
gallon trees.
A six foot planter strip around the perimeter of
the site.
4. Landscaping treatment adjacent to the building.
5. A groundbased monument sign.
The Commissioners discussed the matter of outside speakers and
decided that they definitely should be prohibited'because of the
adjacent land uses. Also there shoul~ be limited hours of operation.
Mr. Wendell suggested 10 p.m. on week-day nights and midnight on
Fridays and Saturdays.
Chairman Sharp opened the public portion of the hearing at 7:55.
Russell Wendell Jr., Pup 'n' Taco, 4220 Long Beach Boulevard, Long
Beach, expl'ained to the Commissioners that it was very important
that they keep the drive w~y that the City Engineer requested to
be closed off. Commissioner Dombrow responded that this drive way
was too dangerous because o~ the right turn oqly lane on that corner.
Mr. Wendell questioned the Commission as to what the traffic co'm~t is
on that corner for a particular day. Chairman Shard resDo~ded tha~
the Commission could not debate the t~dff~c s~tu--~n: this kad to
be discussed with the City Engineer. Chairman Sharp stated that he
felt this ~em should be continued to their next regular meeting
and in the ineant~me Mr. Wondell should meet wit]] Staff and iron
out all tl~e difficulties.
PC Minute:;
3/2 /v
Page three
Mr. Fleaqle questioned Mr. Wendell if he had brought a sign plan
and Mr. Wendell stated that he had not. Mr. Fleagle stated that
he had previously advised Mr. Wendell that the Planning Commission
did not want to consider the' matter in the absence of proposed
Commissioner Larnard moved to continue this hearing until the next
regular,meeting, April 9, 1973; seconded by Commissioner Hare.
2. V-73-2
- United California Bank - to permit the installation
of one (1) 4' X 12' monument type sign with an
overall height of Dot more than 5' above grade
directly below the sign, and the replacement of
the nonilluminated letters over the entrance to the
building with an internally illuminated sign cabinet.
Location: 1140 E. Irvine Blvd., Tustin
Mr. Fleagle summarized the Staff report and gave a brief history
of the variance for a free-standin~ sign they had previously
submitted. At that time the'Commission den. ied the free-standing
pole sign but recommended that they consider a ground based mon-
%unent type sign; this being the reason for tonight's hearing.
The Development Preview Commission considered this item and made
the following recommendations:
1. The approval of a monument sign to be located two
feet from the sidewalk. Since this sign would serve
the same purpose of the existing logo sign on the
same side of the building, the recommendation was
made to remove the logo sign in lieu of the monument
sign. They further suggested scaling down the mon-
ument sign's dimensions to conform to the site,
landscaping, and tasteful architecture of the building.
A mock-6p be placed in the proposed sign location
to see if the site warranted a 4' X 12' sign.
The replacement of the metallic-lettered signs
with the two internally illuminated signs and that
the existing logo signs at the bank entrances remain,
but not continue to be illuminated.
Chairman Sharp opened the public portion of the hearing at 8:05 p.m.
Gary Hall, 2949 Myers, 'Burbank, Sign representative for UCB
presented overlays to the Commissioners outlining the proposed
signing. Mr. Hall stated that they have based the size of the
monument sign on the basis of the letter size and the visibility
range of the cars traveling around the curve at 35 MPH. The
Commissioners discussed scaling down the sign to 3' X 10' and
agreed to have a mock-up at a time and aate to be determined
later to decide on the size of the monument sign.
Don Olsen, Manager o'f UCB, stated that over the past five years
they have conducted studies and found that identity is a major
problem for the bank. They have tried to beautify the area with
additional landscaping and now are obscured by shrubbery.
After being questioned about the lighting and time of the sign,
Mr. O~::e? ~,tate,~ ~.-hnt thc ligh~.n in the ~ign~ wou.~,~ bo turned off
at 10 p.m. like the rest of the shopping center.
Page four
Bob ]{ic~ar~s, 011 b. b;3ring, Los An.qeios, archii:ect for UCB
informed th6' Commissioners that after tile signing is completed
they._would remodel landscaping and mound off the areas near the
Chairman Sharp closed the public Portion of the hearing at 8:35 p.m.
After some discussion, the Commissioners concurred among themselv¢
th'at a hardship existed for identity of the facility and the sign-
ing was a very reasonable proposal to resolve the Bank's identifi.
cation problem.
Commissioner McIIarris moved to direct Staff to prepare a Resolutiom
approving this variance with the following stipulations:
The lighting to be removed from the existing logo
signs at the entrances to the bank.
2. The lighting in the signs is to cease at 10 p.m.
The monument sign will not exceed 5' above the
sidewalk grade.
The logo on the side 6f the parking lot may be
5. The logo ~ign on the street side is to be removed.
A flagging of the monument sign for the Co~missioners
to view and then determine the size of the sign.
Seconded by Commissioner Hare.
1. Extension of Time - Tentative Tract Map No. 7846 - Jack McLean
Mr. Flea~le explained to the Commission that Tentative Tract No.
will expire on April 22, 1973, and the developer is requesting a
one-year extension of time on this tentative tract map. Mr. Fleagle
stated that at that time the Planning Commission was the body that
approved tract maps. Since then, the Code has been changed so that
the City Council is now the body that approves tentative tract maps.
Mr. Fleagle feels that it would be appropriate to deny this request
inasmuch as the Ordinance has been changed since it was first
approved. If this tentative map is denied there are two actions
left to the developer.
The developer may wait until he is ready to develop
and refile a new tentative map.
The developer may appeal to the City Council and the
City Council at that time can determine whether
or not they want. to approve the map as submitted
by granting an extension; or whether they would requ_st
re-submission at a later date..
Co~,issioner Larnard moved to deny this request; seconded by
Co~mnissioner Dombrow.
Page five
2. I~x~ensxo~ or 'l'xme - Use Permit 71-364 Nur. sery at 1505 Nisson.
Mr. Lenorovitz explained that this extension is to permit continued
use of subject property as a landscape nursery with sales of plant
materials, for an additional six month period.
Chairman Sharp questioned Staff if the City Engineer had suggested
street improvements before approving another extension of this use
permit. Mr. Fleagle stated that the Commission had overruled that
suggestion the last time this item was a public hearing because
the owner would not make the improvements since this is a temporary
use. The lessee also stated that he would not find it feasible to
make street improvements.
Commissioner Hare moved to adopt Resolution No. 1330 granting a
six month extension of the temporary use permit on application No.
UP-71-364, of Eugene F. Tutt; seconded by Commissioner Dombrow.
Commissioner Larnard expressed concern that the Commission would
not be setting a precedence for other cases in regards to extending
the temporary use of this property.
3. Modification of plans fo~ Use Permit 71-370 - Eddy Meredith
Mr. Fleagle summarized the Staff report and advised that the
applicant intends to revise the central building of a five-building
complex. Under previously approved plot plans, the central building
was to be three stories tall (height 49'6"). Th'e applicant would
like to revise the center building to be able to erect a four-story
building (height 5~'6") with less ground coverage than before. The
applicant also stated that although the four-story building would
be more costly, would provide less rentable area, and have a lower
efficiency rate, he feels it would be aesthetically superior, and
would make a larger contribution to the desirability of the project
as a whole.
Chairman Sharp questioned Staff if the property owners are aware
of the change.
Mr. Fleagle responded that the modification had not been advertised
as a publ-i~ hearing. The use of the property had been approved by
a Use Permit, as an appropriate use within the zone. The request
was a modification in the plot' plan and elevation exhibit. There
is a reduction in land coverage and an increase of 6' in height.
Due to the fact that it is a modification in building plans and not
a change in use, it is referred to the Commission for approval with-
out notice and hearing.
Commissioner Dombrow stated that he viewed it not as 6', but rather
as another story, and felt it should be a public hearing.
Commissioner Larnard felt it was a very minor change and could
have been heard by the Development Preview Commission and is not a
part of the use permit.
Chairman Sharp gave a brief history of the project for the three
Commissioners that had not heard the use permit public hearing. He
further stated that because of the added story, the privacy of the
adjoining property owners would not be infringed upon.
Commissioner Larnard moved to fidopt Resolution No. 1331 modifying
a previously granted use permit (application No. UP-71-370), of
Eddy i-k:~udiLh; z;ccc,~dc¢] by Conunis:..i. oner iiart~_.
Not~ s:
llare, l,arnard, Mcllarris, Sharp
l)omb row
PC [,Ii nUht;:;
Page six
......... ~, ............. s ~,,c ~onccrns of ,%he Com,~lsslon.,
the Community Development Department would inform the adjacent
property owners of the action taken by the Commission.
Adoption of Resolution No. 1327 - Parcel Map 73-61 - Irvine
Industrial Complex
Commissioner Dombrow moved for adoption of Resolution No. 1327
approving Parcel Map application No. 73-61; .seconded by Commissior
5. Summary report of Orange County Growth Policy
Mr. Fleaqle reviewed the summary"report and stated that in his opin-
ion the best means of controlling growth is to remove the County
from the role of providing urban services to fringe area develop-
ments. For effective implementation of a growth policy, he suggest~
that cities should have the right to exclusively control land de-
velopments within their spheres of influence. Economic factors are
the controlling influences and ~. Fleagle suspects that the growtt~
policy document is a meaningless exercise in paper work until such
time as governments are organized and given the authority ~o con-
trol their environs. "
Chairman Shar~ suggested that with the public hearing promised,
perhaps it would bring some benefit.
Commissioner Dombrow added that it may never be achieved but should
be viewed as a potential guideline.
1. Negative Declaration - Bryan Avenue Storm Drain
Mr. Fleagle stated that this project is in conformance with the
Tustin Area General Plan.
Commissioner Larnard moved that Resolution No. 1328 be adopted;
seconded by Commissioner Dombrow.
2. Building addition for Foster Art Services
Mr. Fleagle reported that Foster Arts has submitted for Planning
Commission approval, a 6,700 square foot addition to an existing
warehouse. The Development Preview Commission reviewed the plans
and recommended that the project should be suitably landscaped and
did not want to imply approval of the existing layout, parking,
landscaping or future addition as they now proposed. The in-
terior of this plot is nearly devoid of landscaping. If landscap-
ing were added to the interior of this development, it would in
effect preclude ultimate development plans due to lack of parking
accommodations. Compounding this problem is the use of existing
buildings for other than industrial uses, thereby placing an addi-
tional burden upon parking accommodations. "
Tom Boyle, 12631 Kenwood Lane, representing Foster Art Services,
conunented that two of the uses, Scientology and Moose Lodge oper-
ate after bu.~iness hours in the evenings.
.... 3/:?r. ~ ? ..'~
PC J'.1i,.~, e., ,
Page seven
Comm.isn~oner Dombrow move,.'i t~) ccntinue this ii:em in order
}-0'~-'S~i']: hno applicant to ,'.~b~a~n more input on the circulation,
landscaping, and parking; 3econded by Commissioner Larnard.
1. Notice of meeting to be held on March 30, 1973 in Newport
Beach, regarding League of Cities "Action Plan for the Future
of California Cities".
Mr. Fleagl? advised the Commissioners that the League is taking
affirmative action to suggest legislation pertaining to Revenue,
Taxation, Environmental Qualities, Labor Relations, and Social
Commissioner Dombrow stated that he would represent the Tustin
Planning Commi~sion~
2. Invitation from League of Women Voters for a program to be
held on March 29, 1973, regarding "Growing Pains - What Policies
for Orange County".
3. Southern California Planning Co~ress' meeting announcement
for April 12, 1973.
Mr. Fleagle reported that the April 2, 1973 Agenda for the Tustin
~ity Council would include: Land Use Element, Development Stand-
ards, and Environmehtal Impact Rep ts. The Planning Commissioners
have a scheduled workshop session with the Council prior to this
meeting at 6:30 in the Council Chambers.
Eommissioner Dombrow informed the Commission that he would be
~nable to attend the April 9, 1973 meeting.
Commissioner McHarris questioned Mr. Fleagle as to the status of
%he Sign Ordinan-ce and Zoning Ordinance. Mr. Fleagle responded that
the Council appointed a sign committee chaired by ~. Frank Greinke.
They have been meeting one morning a week for the past two months
and expects a report in the immediate future. The Zoning Ordinance
is in the process of being revised.
Commissioner Hare questioned Mr. Fleagle as to the height of the
new Council Chambers. Mr. Fleagle answered that the City is
waiting for the final working drawings and the height will be
approximately 2 stories.
Bruce Snyder, Chamber of Commerce informed the Commissioners and
Staff that the Sign Ordinance Committee had their final session
today and the report will be available soon.
Commissioner Larnard moved to adjourn to a workshop session with
PC l.linutes
Page e~ght
the City Council on April 2, 1973 at 6:30 p.m. and then to a
regular meeting on April 9, 1973 at 7:30 p.m.; seconded by
Commissioner }{are. ,-