HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Minutes 01-22-73MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF TilE TUSTIN PLANNING CO~4~SSION DATE: January 22, 1973 TIME: 7:30 p.m. PLACE: Council Chambers, 275 South "C" Street PRESENT: Dombrow, Hare, Larnard, McHarris, Sharp ABSENT: None INDEX PAGE ROLL CALL ............................................... i APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF MEETING OF JANUARY PUBLIC HEARINGS REGULAR 8, 1973 ........................... V-73-1 - Rich Sign Company UP-73-2 Founders Mortgage OLD BUSINESS - none NEW BUSINESS (Coast Federal Savings)... 1 Company ................... 2 Final Map of Tract No. 8028 ...................... 2 Parcel Map 73-59 ................................. 3 Formal Finding ................................... 3-4 CORRESPONDENCE 1. Orange County Conditional 2. Letter from Orange Coun'ty STAFF CONCERNS 1. 3. Permit 1470 ............ 4 Transit ................ 4 Amortization of billboards ....................... 4-5 Land Use Element of the General Plan ............. 5 Signs for professional buildings in the Commercial Districts ........................................ 5 COMMISSION CONCERNS 1. Annual Meeting - Election of Officers ............ 5 2. Workshop Sessions ................................ 5 3. Planning Commission Goals ....................... 6 AUDIENCE PARTICIPATION .................................. 6 ADJOURNMENT ............................................. 6 MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN PLANNING COMMISSION JANUARY 22, 1973 The regular meeting of the City of Tustin Planning Commission was held on the 22nd day of January, 1973, at the hour of 7:30 p.m., of said day in the Council Chambers, 275 South "C" Street, Tustin, California. The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Commissioner Dombrow. The Invocation was given by Commissioner Larnard. ROLL CALL: Present: Absent: Others Present: Dombrow, Hare, Larnard, McHarris, and Sharp. None James G. Rourke, City Attorney, R. Kenneth Fleagle, Assistant City Administrator-Comm. Dev. Dir., Mary Ann Chamberlain, Planning Commission Record- ing Secretary APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING January 8, 1973 PUBLIC HEARINGS 1. V~73-1 - Rich Sign Co., for Coast Federal Savings and Loan Associa- tion - for the purpose of substituting signs Location: 530 E. First Street (Larwin Square) Mr. Fleagle advised that the old Bank of America signs were installed p--ri~r to this property being in City limits and now the signs are in a non-conforming status. The roof sign has a continuing right to re- main as long as the character of the business does not change. A wall sign would be authorized by the Sign Ordinance, equal to two (2) square feet of signing for each front foot of the building. Chairman Sharp questioned if this canopy sign was identified as a roof sign or wall sign and was advised by M_r. Flea~le that it was a wall sign. The public portion of the hearing was opened at 7:38 p.m. by Chairman Sharp. Helen Crider, manager of Tustin Branch, Coast Federal Savings, asked that the signs be approved, utilizing the existing structure for the roof sign. The public portion of the hearing was closed at 7:40 p.m. for discus- sion among the Commissioners. After some discussion, they thought the best policy was to deny the variance and referred to paragraph f in Resolution No. 1312, which denies this variance: (f) That the existing roof sign is in a non-conforming status with authorized right to continued use with change of sign face only, with said use to termin- ate upon change of character of occupancy of the structure, abandonment of the sign use for a period exceeding six months, voluntary removal, or destruc- tion. Commissioner Hare moved for the denial of V-73-1, by adoption of ~soiuuiun ~u. 131~; seconded by Conm~issloner barnard. MOTION CARRIED: 5-0 PC Minutes 1/22/73 Page two e UP-73-2 - Founders Mortgage Company - to permit a 110 unit ap'art- ment complex in R-3(PC)1750 District. Location: West side of Williams, north of McFadden, west of Alliance. Mr. Fleagle advised that this property's zoning was changed in 1970 f--rom UnclaSsified to the present zoning. In 1971, a Use Permit was ~pproved, but since has expired and the property has changed hands. The proposal now is for an apartment development planned as an adult community. Commissioner McHarris questioned Staff as to what separated this pro- posed development from the school on the neighboring property. Mr. Fleagle stated that a 6'8" wall would be required, which is stah~ard ~or separation between different zones. Chairman Sharp opened the public portion of the hearing at 7:45 p.m. Miles Matthew~, officer of Founders Mortgage Company, Inc., stated that he has entered into escrow to buy Mr. Zarember's property and has met with Mr. Fleagle on several occasions. He has one objection to the staff report, and that was he did not feel he should be made to make the street improvements on the northern part of Mr. Zarember's prop- erty. The public portion of the hearing was closed at 7:50 p.m. for discus- sion among the Commissioners. The Commissioners discussed the street widening, the cost to the de- veloper, and if there were any alternatives for the developer to avoid paying for this. Commissioner Larnard moved for approval of UP-73-2, by adoption of Resolution No. ~]3; ~.n~~ by ~~~ Dombrow. Chairman Sharp questioned Staff if this was'to 'be an adult community, and how should they go about ensuring this° Mr. Fleagle stated that there was no guarantee that this would be carried on as an adult project, however, the very character of the development would keep this as an adult development. The units will be bachelor, one and two bedroom, and would not be eligible for conversion to a condominium. MOTION CARRIED: 5-0 OLD BUSINESS'- none NEW BUSINESS 1. Final Map of Tract No. 8028 Location: Easterly of Tract No. 6633 and northerly of Tract No. 8033. Mr. Fleagle reported that the City Engineer finds this ~o be in con- formance with Tentative Tract No. 7979 which was approved by Resolu- tion No. 13.09 on December 11, 1972 by the Planning Commission. Chairman Sharp questioned Staff about the con~mon areas that will be used as parking and trash. John Ullum, U. S. Development Corp., ex- plained that these common areas will be maintained by the Homeowners Association which will be written into the CC&R's. Commissioner Larnard moved to recommend adoption to the City Council, for approval of Final Tract No. ~5_~.~ ~. ~ubject to conditions o~ Tenta- tive Tract No. 7979 and Resolutio~ "', .~ 1309, seconded by Commi'.~sioner Mc!{arrin. MOTION ;~ ~,~r ~,,~ 5-0 PC Minutes 1/22/73 Page three 2. Parcel Map 73-59 Location: Southerly of Santa Fe Drive, westerly of Woodlawn Ave- nue and northerly of Valencia Avenue. Mr. F_~l~agle stated that the City Engineer had reviewed this map and recommended adoption subject to the following conditions: 1. Installation of underground conduit street lighting on marbelite poles, including annexation to the Tustin Lighting District, on each parcel as developed. Installation of approved street trees on each parcel as developed. Installation of underground electrical service from %he existing Edison power~pply for each parcel as developed, in preparation for future conversion to an underground utility district. 4. Final approval by the City Engineer and recordation of the map. Commissioner Dombrow questioned Staff if all the power lines would be placed underground. M_r. Flea~le explained that No. 3 in the conditions should be changed to read: Installation of underground utilities, including elec- trical service from the existing Edison power supply for each parcel as developed, in preparation for future conversion to an underground utility district. Commissioner Larnard moved to adopt a minute order approving the parcel map to include the four conditions as corrected; seconded by Commis- sioner Dombrow. MOTION CARRIED: 5-0 3. Formal Finding - use in Planned Industrial District Location: "B" Street and Santa Ana Freeway Mr. Fleagle summarized the staff report and requested the Commission to ~etermfne: That subject use is a similar use to those authorized in the Planned Industrial District and, by minute order, so rule, or, That the proposed use is subject to the filing of a Use Permit application and public hearing. Commissioner SharE felt that this could be controversial enough to be a public hearing. Commissioner Dombrow stated that after checking the Zoning Code, it looks as though it has to be heard as a public hearing. All the Commissioners concurred. M~r. ~ohn Prescott stated that this type of operation requires that the premises be licensed by the State Board of Funeral Directors and felt that the Commission would have a legal issue on its hands. Mr. Rourke, City Attorney, responded that even though this would be a ~uliy ±ic~nsud .facl±l~y, the City could limi~ ~ne scope oz tne opera- tion to an embalming service. PC Minutes 1/22/73 Page four Commissioner McHarris moved that the applicant would have to apply for a Use Permit for this use; seconded by Commissioner Hare. Mr. Fleagle stated that by the finding of the Commission, it would then ~e-~ To t~e applicant to submit a Use Permit applic~ion. MOTION CARRIED: 5-0 CORRESPONDENCE 1. Orange County Conditional Permit 1470 Location: Site on the southeasterly side of Newport Avenue, and northeasterly side of LaColina Drive in North Tustin area. Mr. ~leagle summarized the staff report and raised the question that the use is in conflict with the Tustin General Plan. He further stated that the concerns were listed in the letter which he submitted to the Commissioners for their approval. Commissioner Sharp pointed out that the letter emphasized the design rather than the project being in conflict with the General Plan. Mr._Fleag. le stated that the County had already initiated the zone change and now they were asked to comment on the Use Permit. Commi~ioner McHarris questioned Staff if they could take legal action against the County because this was not in conformance° Mr. Fleag!e replied that this could be done after July, 1973. Commissioner Dombrow stated that he thought the letter should be much strorg~er in ~pposition than the one that was presented. Chairman Shar~ questioned Staff if the Plan~ing Commission had been asked for their opinion of the Zone Change. Mr. Flea~le responded that they were, and opposed it and informed them that it should be in the R-1 District. The Zone Change was approved over the City's objec- tion. Commissioner Larnard moved to direct Staff to prepare another letter wh~ incorporated some of the comments made at this time; seconded by Commissioner Dombrow. MOTION CARRIED: 5-0 2. Letter from Orange County Transit - Pete Fielding, General Manager They requested consideration to be given to access ~o transit facili- ties when planning for and approving new developments and when impr.ove- ments are made to existing highways, streets, and sidewalks. Mr. Fleagle explained that now that they have a plan for bus service in the County, they don't want to isolate a tract without pedestrian access. He cited the Andrews Tract on Miller Way as an example. Thi~ tract does not face on a main right-of-way, but does have pedestrian access to it. Commissioner McHarris was excused at this time. STAFF CONCERNS 1. kmortization of billboards Mr. Flea~le reviewed the letters from Circus-Circus and Mayor Miller and suqges~ed that the Commission .~..c~ss the F. ossibility of amortiza- tion of billboards within the Cir.'.:' of Tustin. PC Minutes 1/22/73 Page five The Commission discussed the ~atter further and questioned Mr. Rourke of the legality of their position. Mr. Rourke stated 'that other cities have amortized billbeards and their decisions have stood up. Commission Larnard moved that the Planning Commission advertise for a public hearing and Staff prepare a Resolution for amortization of billboards for the February 12th Commission meeting; seconded by Commissioner Hare. MOTION CARRIED: 4-0 2. Land Use Element of the General Plan Mrs. Fleag~e suggested they adjourn to this item after the regular meet- lng. 3. Signs for'professional buildings in the Commercial Districts Mr. Fleagle suggested two ways of controlling signing on professional ~uiidings that are in the Commercial District: Change the zone of all professional buildings that are in Commercial to PR Zone. Limit the signing on professional buildings to PR Zone signing regardless of Zone. Chairman Sharp expressed his opinion that he felt the first proposal to be expensive and drastic. He then questioned Staff how rapidly they have to move on this item. M_r. F~agle responded that they did have some tL~e to think and dis- cuss this matter. Chairman Shar~ suggested that they take additional time and continue this item to the next regular scheduled meeting. Chairman Sharp expressed his desire to also discuss the signing and paring problems on Fashion Lane. COMMISSION CONCERNS 1. Annual Meeting - Election of Officers Commissioner Larnard moved to open the election of officers; seconded ~y Commissioner Hare. Commissioner Larnard nominated James Sharp as Chairman of the Commission, and moved to close the nominations; seconded by Commissioner Dombrow. MOTION CARRIED: 3-0 (Sharp abstained) Commissioner Dombrow'nominated Commissioner Larnard as Chairman Pro-rem of the Commission and moved to close the n6mfnations; seconded by Commissioner Hare. MOTION CARRIED: 3-0 (Larnard abstained) 2. Workshop Sessions The Commission discussed having workshops on a regular basis with the City Council prior no Commission or regular council meetings. Chairman ~ moved for Staff to request workshop session with the City ~6Uncil at 6:30 p.m., the date at the pleasure of the Council; seconded by Commissioner Larnard. MOTION CARRIED: 4-0 PC Minutes 1/22/73 Page six A list of Planning Commission goals was submitted by Commissioner McHarris for consideration by the Commission at the n~xt re~u]~- meeting. AUDIENCE PARTICIPATION - none ADJOURNMENT Commissioner Hare moved for adjournment at 10:15 p.m., seconded by Commissioner Dombrow; to discuss the Land Use Element of the General Plan, then to a regular session, February 12, 1973 at 7:30 p.m. CHAIRMAN OF THE PLANNI~ COM~ISSION PLANNING COMMISSION RECORDING SECRETARY