HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Minutes 11-27-72MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING
DATE. November 27, 1972
TIME: 7:30 p.m.
PLACE: Council Chambers, 275 South
PRESENT: Sharp, Larnard, Dukleth
ABSENT: Edelstein
"C" Street
Continued Item
Specifi6 Plan - Bicycle Trails
New Items
UP-72-397 - Planning Commission Initiated .......... 2-3
Proposed Amendment to the Master Plan of Highways
Deleting First Street from Newport to Red Hill
Avenue .......................................... 3
UP-72-398.- Gladys I. Carson ....................... 3-4
UP-72-399 - Daniel M. Jones, et al ................. 4-5
Final Map of Tract No. 7954 - Newport Shores
Builders ........................................ 5-6-7
Final Map of Tract No. 8033 - So. Coast Dev ........ 7
Extension of time - Tentative Tract No. 7721 -
International Rectifier .........................
Tra6t Map No. 7979 - So. Coast Dev ....... 7
- Herbert Zarember ........................ 8
Items ...................................... 8
County UP-3366 ..................................... 8-9
STAFF CONCERNS ........................................... 9
COMMISSION CONCERNS ...................................... 9
ADJOURNMENT .............................................. 9
and Ways ............ 1
O~' '/I~..~
NOVF..~'.JLR 27, 1972
The regular meeting of the City of Tustin Planning Commission was
held on the 27th day of November, 1972, at the hour of 7:30 p.m. of
said day in the Council Chambers, 275 South "C" Street, Tustin,
The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Commissioner Larnard.
The Invocation was given by Commissioner DUkleth.
Present: Sharp, Dukleth, Larnard
Absent: Edelstein
Others James G. Rourke, City Attorney
Present: R. Kenneth Fleagle, Assistant City Administrator -
Community Development Director
Nancy Lawton, Planning Commission Recording Secretary
NOVEMBER 13, 1972
Continued Item
1. Specific Plan - Bicycle Trails and Ways
Mr. Fleaqle advised that this item was continued from the September. 25,
and Octobe~ 24th meetings, to allow Staff time to receive and analyze
information on similar plans from other cities. Bicycle Pla~ from the
cities of Palo Alto and Davis have been received and these cities have
had more experience with bicycle plans than any other cities in Califor-
nia. Both of these towns are university towns with a high degree of
bicyclists. Tustin area bicycle use at this point primarily has been
of a recreational nature. He also noted that the bicycle way was pri-
marily used for cross-town movement and the local streets are ineffec-
tive as a designated bicycle route.
It is suggested that the plan be approved as a plan without implemen-
tation until such time as the City Council allocated the funds necessary
for implementation of the system and at such time as there was public
demand for the use of bicycle plans as such.
Another factor involved in this is that in some instances a bicycle way
cannot be developed for lack of adequate street right-of-way dedications,
especially where a street goes in and out of the city. It would be im-
practical to try to install a bicycle plan on a portion of the street.
Another thought would be to initiate the bicycle ways as a recreational
use on Sundays only when this is a feasible time to eliminate parking.
This could be on a trial basis.
Mr. Fleagle related a report from the Traffic Engineer relative to on-
street parking on Red Hill Avenue, Irvine Blvd., etc., along with the
costs involved in instituting bicycle lanes.
Chairman Sharp opened the public portion of the hearing at 7:38 p.m.,
and seeing or hearing no one, closed the public portion of the hearing
at 7:39 p.m. for discussion among the Commissioners.
Commissioner Larnard. asked if there was enough room on the proposed
streets to allow for both a bike trail and parking, perhaps with a re-
duced width in the bike lane. Mr. ~lea~le stated that there were few
instances where you could reduc~ the traffic lane sufficiently to add
another lane for bicycles on an existing street.
Commissioner Larnard moved for adoption of a resolution to be drafted,
which would be Resolution No. 1304, to include above discussion, and
delete the section of bike plan on Newport Avenue; seconded by Commis-
sioner Dukleth.
PC Minutes 11/27/72
Page two
New Items
UP-72-397 - Planning Commission Initiated - to permit administrative
offices, a laboratory, and coroner's activities for the
Orange County Coroner, and in an existing structure
located in the Planned Industrial District.
Site fronts approximately 120' on the west side of "B"
Street, and is located adjacent to the Santa Ana Free' y.
Mr. Fleag~e summarized staff report, advising that proposed in this
facility is 7200 square feet of the structure, some 30 employees, 2000
square feet of the facility will be utilized as a laboratory and autopsy
examination area. Onsite parking will be provided for the employees and
for the public.
Commissioner Larnard indicated at this point that he will abstain from
this public h~aring and also from the voting.
In response to questioning by Commissioner Dukleth, Mr. Fleagle described
the uses surrounding this proposed facility, st~tfng-that correspondence
has not been received from any of the adjoining owners.
Bill Moses, owner and publisher of the Tustin News, advised that his
mother and Arthur C. Moses own the property where the "News" is located.
He felt that the County Morgue would not be a vital input to the Planned
Manufacturing zone, and that it would cause quite a traffic problem.
Arthur Peterson, who is the owner of the property across the street,
along with Louis Hanson, stated that he does not feel that this use
would be compatible with the existing facilities in that area.
Eugene Miller, Chief Deputy Coroner, commented that as far as the tra~
~ic situatio~ is concerned, there would be very little. He felt that
this location is an ideal one, and that it is convenient to the freewax,
and close to downtown Santa Ana.
In response to a question from Commissioner SharE as respect to perhaps
locating at the Orange County Medical Center, Mr. Miller stated that
this would be a good location, but that the Medical Center does not
have any room for expansion, and right now is having trouble finding
room for their own needs.
Mr. Pe~erson felt that this was not convenient to the freeways seeing as
how "B" Street dead-ends, and to get from the freeways you would have
to come through quite a bit of the City. He also couldn't see where
all the parking facilities were going to be, as there wasn't much room~
Bill Moses felt that there was enough traffic now going down "B" Street,
especially seeing as how it dead-ends.
~ugene Miller informed the Commission that Mr. Foster, owner of the
property, intends on putting in 50 parking spaces on the property which
is vacant adjacent to the building.
Commissioner Dukleth questioned Mr. Fleagle about the number of parking
spaces, with Mr. Fleagle advising that, according to the plans, 21 pa~'
ing spaces were proposed.
Eugene Miller explained that they are a three shift operation, and that
there would not be more than perhaps 17 parking spaces needed for em-
ployees at one time.
Commissioner Sharp closed the public portion of the hearing at 8:20 p.m.
Commissioner Sharp advised that he, too, did not feel this was a com-
patible use.
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Page three
Commissi~z~Dukleth moved for ~enial of UP-72-397, by a~option of Reso-
lution No. 1301, with the basis of denial being:
Incompatibility of the proposed use with surrounding uses
in the area; and
The adverse impact of traffic dislocation without conven-
ieDt freeway access.
This motion was seconded by Chairman SharR.
Proposed Amendment to the Master Plan of Highways and Circulation
Element of the General Plan deleting First Street from Newport
to Red Hill Avenue.
Mr. Flea__a~ advised that this matter was initiated by the City Council
which would amend First Street at this location from the classification
of a secondary arterial to the classification of a local street. This
has been referred to the County Road Commissioner, and he takes no
exception to this deletion.
Chairman Sharp opened the public portion of the hearing at 8:31 p.m.
Mike Messina of Lucky's Markets asked whether this deletion precludes
t-he closing of the access to First Street, and was advised by Mr. Fleagle
that the City Council has no intention of closing First Street. Mr.
Messina also commented that he objected to making First Street a dead-end.
Sal Delgad~, 13351 White Sands Drive, spokesman for a majority of the
~esidents on First Street presented data he had compiled and a copy of
the County Plan of Arterial Highways. He stated that there were
approximately 110 homes in the general area. When he first moved to
the area, there were approximately 700-800 cars per day traveling First
Street between Newport and Red Hill, and that now there were about 7,000
per day. His group is in favor of this amendment.
_Grady Henr~, President of the Chamber of Commerce, would like to go on
record as ag~nst the closing of First Street. He stated that there is
"fog in the cockpit" somewhere, and that he can't see any reason for
deleting this unless you put in dividers.
Joan Lister, 1351 E. First Street, stated that with the deleting of
First Street, there possible will not be any more double trailers run-
ning up and down First Street, nor the many buses and trucks.
Charles Martel, Coral Reef Road, stated that once this amendment has
be~n accomplished, if it is, the City Council should take further steps
to make this a residential street.
Chairman Shar~ closed the public portion of the hearing at 8:47 p.m. for
diSCUSsion among the Commissioners.
Commissioner Dukleth asked if the purpose of this amendment was to make
additional controls, and was advised by Mr. Fleagle that taking this off
the Master Plan of Arterial Highways would give the City exclusive con-
trol within the guidelines of State Law. As long as it is in the County,
they have a voice in its maintenance, design, use, and funding.
Commissioner Larnard moved for adoption of Resolution No. 1305; seconded
by Commissioner Dukleth.
UP-72-39~ - Giadys 1. Carson (Sports for ~'un, Inc.) - to permit a
table tennis recreation facility, including retail sales
of allied equipment, in an existing commercial structure.
Site is located at the southeast corner of E1 Camino R~i
and Third Street, with frontages of approximately 163'
on E1 Camino Real and 140' on Third Street.
PC Minutes 11/27/'72
Page four
Mr. Fleagle summarized the Staff report advising that this use would be
an ~xce]len~ oD~ ~r ~he p~p~y: ~ ~.,o,,]~ ~lp augment the vari~
recreational needs of the community. He stated that the Development
Preview Commission recommended that if this is approved, a condition be
that they have review and approval of the building exterior modifica-
tions and the installation of desired landscaping. Bonding could be
required in lieu of installing public and landscape improvements at
this time.
Mr. Dukleth questioned as to whether the gas p~mps that are presentl~
on the property could remain there.
Mr. Fleaqle stated that it is a mandatory requirement that the pumps
be removed, and the tanks be secured by removal or with filling them
with approved materials. He also advised that there had been no com-
ments from the Police Department after questioning from Mr. Sharp.
Commissioner Shar~ opened the public portion of the hearing at 8:57 p.m.
Harvey Hammerslag, who will be the general manager of the Sports for
Fun, Inc., stated that the conditions made will make it detrimental
to their opening, and feels they are unreasonable.
Mike Pomar, Pomar Realty on Newport Avenue, advised that Mrs. Carson has
had thls property vacant for several months, and has stopped many busi-
nesses from going in there, such as feed and grain stores, etc. He felt
that some relief should be given as respects curb and gutters, and the
block wall fence around the facility.
Lou Gerd~g, adjacent property owner, felt that this operation would be
good for this location, as it is quiet and clean, and suggests some
adjustments be made.
Gladys-I. Carson, owner of the property, c9m_r, entoa that aa the sole
support of the property, it has been costing her an awful lot of mone
for a vacant building. She agrees to one driveway being closed on
E1 Camino Real, but cannot see why driveway on Third Street should be
made smaller. For the block wall and planter and curbs, it would cost
approximately $3600.
Commissioner Larnard moved for approval, by adoption of Resolution No.
1302, with bonding in lieu of improvements, and the making of the tanks
safe as required by the Fire Code; seconded by Commissioner Dukleth.
UP-72-399 - Daniel M. Jones, et al. (Pedicini-Bell) - to permit a
neighborhood shopping center with bank, supermarket,
restaurant, and shops to be in substantial conformance
with the previously adopted master plan of development
for the area in question.
Site is located at the southwest corner of 17th Street
and Prospect Avenue, with frontages of 496' on Prospect
Avenue and 554' on 17th Street.
Mr. Flea91~ advised the Commission that they are well familiar with t~{s
property. It was initially required to be developed in total, in acc d-
ance with one master plan. The master plan was amended to permit the
development of separate ownerships of property as long as they were con.
sistent.with their master plan for total development. This proposal is
in conformance with that master concept plan, and if approved as pre-
sented, it should be subject to further review and approval of the
driveways and interior circulation. The precise development plans would
be approved by the Development Preview Commission and Staff pertaining
to perimeter landscaping on all sides of the development, approval of
building elevations, interior lighting, traffic circulation and parking,
interior landscaping and design, and precise location of buildings with
the privilege of relocation of the restaurant building to allo~ for
£iood control channel clearance.
PC Minutes 11/27/72
Page five
Chairman Sharp opened the pubiic portion of the hearing at 9:21 p.m.
R_ub_y Remme, Arbolado Way, questioned what would happen to the fences
of the residences when the block wall was installed. Would it be the
cost of the residents, or the cost of the developer?
Mr. Flea~le responded that if the block wall goes on property line, the
developer would remove the fence.
F~r. Bell, the developer, desired some clarification on a couple of
The items contained in the City Engineer's report. He stated that they
would work and cooperate with the property owners as respects the fence.
Chairman Sharp_closed the public portion of the hearing at 9:33 p.m.
Mrs. Remme asked if there would be anY problem with the drainage, and
was advised by Mr. Fleagle that there will be a provision against any
service draining onto their property.
At the request of Commissioner Sharp, Mr. Fleagle explained the ensuing
procedures to the audience, as related to the Development Preview Com-
mission and Staff review.
Commissioner Larnard moved for adoption of Resolution No. 1303 as out-
Iined by Staff, with emphasis on discretion of the Development Preview
Commission relative to design of perimeter walls, and landscaping;
seconded by Commissioner Dukleth.
Final Map of Tract No. 7954 - Newport Shores Builders (Frank H.
Ayres and Son Construction Company)
Easterly of Tustin Meadows and southerly of Walnut
Mr. Fleagle advised the Commission that this is not a public hearing,
~s it had been continued from an adjourned regular meeting of November
20th.. It was adjourned at that time on the basis that the City Attor-
ney had not as yet approved the necessary agreements.
Mr. Rourke, City Attorney, advised the Commission that a letter had been
received that night from the developer, Frank H. Ayres & Son Construc-
tion Co., addressed to the Commission which stated: "Communications
from the City Staff indicate that a condition of approval for the above
referenced maps will be that the City of Tustin be the agency respon-
sible for the distribution of domestic water. We the developers of
the tract are willing to accept that condition of approval. In accept-
ing this condition, it is our understanding since the City of Tustin is
not now actively involved as a water purveyor and since the Irvine Ranch
Water District currently has the responsibility to provide water service
within the tract, the City intends to cause water service to be provided
to the tract".
The "referenced maps" in the subject letter refer to Final Map of Tract
No. 7954, Final Map of Tract No. 8033, and Tentative Map of Tract 7979.
Mr. Rourke stated that the document originally said "City agrees" to
cause water service to be provided to the tracts and he explained to
Mr. Ayres that the City Planning Commission is not an authorized body
to make any agreement about the City providing water service or anything
else. Mr. Ayres then changed the letter as he read it, to say "intends
to cause water service", and it is on that basis that Staff is recommend--
ing the adoption o£ ~ ~s~iu~iu~.
PC Minutes 11/27/72
Page six
He stated, that as the Commission recalls, one of the problems with
this trau~ w~s th~ m~ter os ~ne provision ~or dumest~c water service
and providing the looped system which as of the present moment in time,
neither the developer nor the Irvine Ranch Water District had been able
to work out to the satisfaction of the City. It's for that reason that
this change is being requested as I would understand it.
Mr. Rourke now read a letter from the Irvine Company, signed by Execu-
tive Vice-President Raymond L. Wats'on, which stated basically the sar
thing as the letter from Ayres, except where it states "developer of
the tracf'in Ayres letter, Irvine Company's letter says "owner of the
land". Irvine Company also uses the term "City agrees to cause water
service to be provided to the tracts". Mr. Rourke stated that he had
not had any discussions with Mr. Watson or any other representatives of
the Irvine Company on that point. He feels that if the developer and
owner of the land are going to request, or go along with, the approval
of these maps with the provision and condition that water will be pro-
vided by the City of Tustin or its duly authorized agent as was set
forth in the resolution, it should be expressed by them that they under-
stand that the City is not agreeing to cause%ater service to be provided.
That such an agreement as that could only be made by the City Council,
and if there is some misunderstanding about that provision, it should
be understood by all of us right now.
Commissioner Sharp stated that as some of the correspondence reads "in-
tend" and others use the term "agrees", and as Mr. Rourke advised the
Commission they were not empowered to make any agreement, he asked Mr.
Rourke if a discussion should be held with the Irvine Company and the
developers. Mr. Rourke stated that this would be appropriate.
Mr. Rourke thought that Mr. Ayres, has on behalf of the developer, clari-
fied that they're not making their concurrence in the condition concern-
ing water contingent upon some agreement of the City, which doesn't,
this point, exist. He stated that that is Dot, however, the case in c
letter of Mr. Watson, and thinks that we should know whether they con~r
with the condition or not. Because there is not any agreement at this
point that the City will provide water service.
Raymond Watson, Executive Vice-President of the Irvine Company, advised
t--hat he would like some clarification of the words "intends" and "agrees"
He understood that the Planning Commission has no authority to really.
guarantee anything with regard to this, and the purpose of the letter
was not to ask the Planning Commission anything in this regard. They
are asking the City to do this. He asked if the next step would be to
refer this to the City Council? And then would the appropriate action
be the Council concurring or not concurring with this condition? He
stated that here it places a condition.that the City be the purveyor of
the water to this tract as a condition of approval. Did he understand
this correctly?
Mr. Rourke stated "not exactly". He advised that the approval of the
zoning of the neighborhood plan provided that a looped water system would
be installed, and that as of this time, that apparently is not something
that is being proposed to be installed. It is something that is still,
as he understands it, being tried to be worked out by the Irvine Company
and Irvine Ranch Water District and others. As an alternative, we are
not in a position to approve the final map relative to this problem al
the looped water system. The developer has stated, therefore, that tl
would prefer to have water served by the City of Tustin, which can pr._
vide this looped water system, and that is what'he understands to be
the intent set forth in their letter; that they're requesting that the
City provide the water, the domestic water service.
Mr. Watson had no objection to the ~osition that the City intends to pro-
~ide water to the tract, and that it would be a determination made by
the City Council instead,
Mr. Ro~rke reiterated that the _~ta~.c,~.::~nt in Mr. Watson's let~:er that says
~that the Ci~ a~rees to cause ~.,~te~ ":.~rvice to be provided in the
tract~.~': is si~,:~)ly not a fact at tk~..~ point, l~may become a ~act, but he
wants ~o!~ere uo !e no misur.derstand.~.ng~ in that he does not have the power
PC Minutes 11/27/72
Page seven
nor does the Planning Commission, to contract such agreements. H~
does not want there to be any implication that there has been some
agreement, when there has been none. ~
Commissioner Larnard moved for approval of Resolution No. 129~ as read
in full by Mr. Fleagle, to the City Council; seconded by Commissioner
Final Map of Tract No. 8033 - South Coast Development
Bounded by the A.T.&S.F. Venta Spur tracks; the easterly
extension of Walnut Avenue, proposed Cherrywood Lane and
a line approximately 1350 feet northerly of Walnut Ave.
Mr. Flea~le advised the Commission that this item would follow the same
concerns as expressed with the previous item, and therefore, Resolution
NO. 1300 is p~esented.
Chairman Shar~ requested an explanation of the difference between South
Coast Development and a letter that was received from U. S. Development,
and was advised by Mr. Fleagle that South Coast has been incorporated
within the parent company of U. S. Development.
Commissioner Larnard moved for approval to the City Council of Resolution
No. 1300, with the comments and discussion from previous item included
in this action; seconded by Commissioner Dukleth.
Extension of time - Tentative Tract No. 7721 - International Recti-
Westerly side of Red Hill Avenue between Valencia Ave-
nue and Bell Avenue
In a memorandum to the Planning Commission, the City Engineer stated that
International Rectifier Corporation has requested an 18 month extension
for the filing of their final map on their property located on the wes-
terly side of Red }{ill Avenue, between Valencia and Bell.
Commissioner Larnard moved to recommend to the City Council an 18 month
extension of time be granted on Tentative Tract 7721; seconded by Commis-
sioner Dukleth.
Chairman Sharp called for a recess at 10:15 p.m., with the meeting re-
convening at 10:25 p.m.
4. Tentative Tract Map No. 7979 - South Coast Development (Laurelwood)
Location: S/E corner of Browning and Santa Ana Freeway
Commission Larnard questioned as to this being included in with item
numbers one and two, including the action, and was advised that this was
so by Mr. Fleagle.
Mr. Fleagle stated that a resolution had not been drawn up yet by the
~ity Engineer, but would be drawn up and presented to the Commission at
the next regular meeting for adoption.
Commissioner Larnard moved to have the resolution drafted and presented
at the next regular meeting for adoption; seconded by Commissioner Dukletk.
PC Minutes 11/27/72
Page eight
i. ~;.i-,2 _,o - Her;JezL gazember
Location: West side of Williams Street at Alliance Avenue
Mr. Fleagle summarized the staff report of the City Engineer advising
that the reason for ~his Parcel Map is to create two parcels, in order
to permit the sale of Parcel #2.
He stated that in his report to the City Engineer the property was zc
from an Unclassified to PC (R-3-1750). The total property is now occu-
pied by two dwelling units.
The preferable way to develop the entire property would be in conjunc-
tion with the vacant parcel adjacent to the south now being sold by
Acacia Development, and that the next desirable way to develop the prop-
erty would be to combine Parcel #2 with the vacant Acacia property. The
least desirable is to create two separate parcels, as the division of
this property,' although it would work to a financial advantage and'
would avoid hardship to the property owner, would in effect destroy the
intent of the Planned Community District zoning, which was a concession
made to this particular property and the property adjacent to it in
order to get the highest quality of development to the benefit of the
total community.
Mr. Zarember, owner of the property, advised the Commission that he has
offered to sell the property to Acacia and they have no interest in his
property. He is in a position where he must dispose of a portion of his
property or lose all of it. He is asking for the same rights as the
other R-3 property.
Commissioner Larnard recalled the discussion relative to the zone change
for this property from Unclassified to PC-R-3(1750) and the implied
interest of the Commission at that time.
Chairman Sharp stated that he was not a member of the Commission at the
time of the z~ne change, but felt that the division of the property
would put the new owner in a precarious position if he could not in-
dependently develop his portion of the total lot.
Commissioner Larnard moved, seconded by Chairman Sharp, that PM72-58 be
continued to the next regular meeting of the Commission, and Staff be
directed to furnish the Commission with information pertinent to the
zone change action.
P_endin~ Item~
Variances for Santiago Bank, United California Bank, and First National
Bank of Orange County; UP-72-400, Jojo's Restaurant; UP-72-401 - E. Dory.
1. County UP-3366
Northwesterly side of Newport Avenue approximately 250'
southwesterly of Vanderlip Avenue, in th'e North Tustin
Mr. Fleaqle stated that the County Zoning Administrator has scheduled a
public hearing on December 14, 1972 on the application of Edgwood School
for the modification of their plot plan. The proposed change would auth¢:
ize the additbn of a 30'X27' classroom to the rear of the existing struc-
ture and conversion of a parking area to a playground area. Adequate
parking spaces remain to meet th~ requirements-of both City and County
PC Minutes 11/27/72
Page nine
Commissioner Larnard moved for a letter to be sent to the County ex-
pressing no objection to this proposal; seconded by Commissioner
Mr. Fleagle announced of two meetings of the Southern California Plan-
ning Congre--ss. Also, that the workshop session on Land Use Element will
be continued until the next regular meeting.
It was moved by Commissioner Larnard; seconded by Commissioner Dukleth,
that a Resolution of Commendation and Appreciation be prepared with all
the Commissioner's signatures, commending Pat Brown.
Commissioner Larnard moved for adjournment at 11:15 p.m., seconded by
Commissioner Dukleth.