HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Minutes 10-24-72MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING
DATE: October 24, 1972
TIME: '7:30 p.m.
PLACE: Council Chambers, 275 South "C" Street
PRESENT: Curtis, Sharp, Dukleth, Edelstein
ABSENT: Larnard
ROLL CALL .................................................. 1
MEETING OF OCTOBER 9, 1972 ............................ 1
Continued ~tem
Specific Plan - Bicycle Trails and Ways ................
New Item
ZC-72-234 - Planning Commission Initiated .............. 1
City of Orange General Plan ............................ 2-3
Final Tract Map No. 7954 ............................... 3-4
Pending Items .......................................... 4
STAFF CONCERNS ............................................. 4
Development Procedures - other cities .................. 4-5
Conference on Environmental Impact Statements .......... 5
ADJOURNMENT ................................................ 5
OCTOBER 24, 1972
The regular meeting of the City of Tustin Planning Commission was
held on the 24th day of October, 1972, at the hour of 7:30 p.mo of
said day in the Council Chambers, 275 South "C" Street, Tustin,
The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Commissioner Sharp.
The Invocation was given by Commissioner Edelstein.
Curtis, Sharp, Dulketh, Edelstein.
James G. Rourke, City Attorney
R. Kenneth Fleagle, Assistant City Administrator -
Community Development Director
Pat Brown, Assistant Planning Director
Mary Ann Chamberlain, Planning Commission Recording Secretary
OCTOBER 9, 1972
Continued Item
1. Specific Plan - Bicycle Trails and Ways
Mr. Fleagle recommended that a further four weeks continuance of this
item be considered by the Planning Commission so that a more accurate
and comprehensive compilation of information can be presented.
Commissioner Sharp moved that this item be continued to the November 27th
meeting; seconded by Commissioner Edelstein.
New Item
ZC-72-234 - Planning Commission Initiated - a zone change from a C-1
and R-3 District to the Public and Institutional District
for the property known as the Civic Center site.
Subject property is located at the northwesterly inter-
section of Main Street and Centennial Way, with frontage
of approximately 424' on Main Street and 679' along Cen-
tennial Way.
As a result of the successful passage of the recent civic center bond
issue by the citizens of Tusti~ it is proposed that the site in question
be developed as a civic center for the city. Mr. Fleagle advised that
when precise plans are available, a Use Permit will be applied for.
Chairman Curtis opened the public portion of the hearing at 7:45 p.m.,
and seeing or hearing no one for or against the issue, closed the publ
portion of the hearing at 7:46 p.m.
Commissioner Sharp inquired ~bout the moving of the maintenance depart-
ment from their present location to their new location. M_r. Fle~gle
stated that this action has not yet been determined.
Commissioner Shar~ moved for approval of ZC-72-234 by adoption of Resolu-
tion No. 1295; seconded by Commissioner Dukleth.
PC Minutes ].0/24/72
Page two
1. City o'f Orange General Plan
Mr. Brown reviewed the Orange General Plan and reported on the following:
1. Boundaries
There is apparently no conflict with our northernmost boundar-
ies which consist of Fairhaven Avenue and Foothill Boulevard.
Instead of following Foothill Boulevard in a general south-
easterly direction towards Peters Canyon Road as our Sphere
of Influence indicates, they have projected their boundary
line almost due eastward from the vicinity of Newport Avenue
which creates a pie-shaped "no-mads land" in the vicinity
south of Peters Canyon Reservoir.
2. Circulation
No eastward projection of the Garden Grove Freeway is
indicated, easterly of the Newport Freeway.
Both Hewes Avenue and Prospect Avenue have been upgraded
from the County Master Arterial Plan from a secondary
to primary status. The projection of the streets south-
ward of Fairhaven Avenue in these primary categories
is shown on their General Plan.
Peters Canyon Road is shown as a primary, which may
or may not be in conflict with the County Arterial Plan.
3. Recreation Element
They show the abandoned Southern Pacific Railroad line as
being a recreation path and greenbelt; however, they do
not indicate what kind of path, although their bicycle
plan does show this feature as being a part of that system.
4. Residential Densities
The area north of Fairhaven, between Hewes and slightly
east of Newport Avenue, has been designated low density
residential (5 d.u.'s per gross acre). Our General
Plan indicated 2.5 dwelling units per gro~s acre.
A much more dramatic residential increase is programmed
along PeterS Canyon Road, near the Irvine Lake area
and extending northward of Chapman Avenue. In this gen-
eral area they are indicating medium density residential
at 12 d.u.'s per gross acre. This is just north of the
northern limits of our Conservation area with General
Plan indications of 1.5 dwelling units per net acre.
While it is in their Sphere of Influence, it could have
many impacts on our Sphere and the surrounding Open
Space and Conservation Elements, and the regional park
system programmed by the County.
It is recommended that a letter be forwarded to the City of Orange Plan-
ning Commission with the Chairman's signature.
Commissioner Sharp questioned Staff as to whether the City of Orange
worked with the Countv and the City of Tustin to see whether it conformed
had contacted the Count},. Tho City of Tustin has not had any input for
this document. Mr. F].o~(~io explained that by law a city is required to
consult with other jurisdictions. ]{owcver, the city has the right to
determine its own use even if it does conflict with another city. There
is no arbitrative judge in these' n:~tters.
PC Minutes 10/24/72
Page three
' ' i part
SharF~ .... · r .........
Foothill ]{omeowners Association. Mr. Flea~31__qe stated that they identify
themselves as the Tustin Foothill Holneowners' Association.
Commissioner Sharp commented that he felt it is important that the
T.F.H.A. know about the Orange General Plan hearings. Chairman Curtis
added that the County Planning Department and the City of Irvine should
receive a copy of the letter transmitted to the City of Orange, and thc
Tustin Foothill Homeowners Association should be notified about the
Orange General Plan.
Commissioner Share moved to authorize the Chairman to sign and transmit
a letter, as drafted, to the City of Orange, from the Tustin Planning
Cormmission, stating Tustin's areas of concern; seconded by ~o~missioner
2. Final Tract Map No. 7954
Mr. Fleagle read the City Engineer's report to the Commission and stated
that this report was submitted to the Department late this date and
copies were furnished the Commission this evening. In addition, letters
have been presented by the Irvine Company, assuming responsibility for
certain improvements. Matters of concern from the City Engineer include
size of lots, maintenance of parkways, and Sycamore Avenue grade cross-
The Commission should determine whether or not the Final Map is in sub-
stantial conformance with the Tentative Tract Map and consistent with
applicable general and specific plans, and make a recommendation of
findings to the City Council.
Chairman Curtis stated that since it had been submitted at such a late
date, Staff did not have a chance to study it and offer recommendations
on the compatibility of the Tentative Map to the Final Map, nor did
the Commission have a previous opportunity to review it. Mr. Fleagle
stated that although the City Engineer had reviewed it, the Community
Development Department had only looked at it briefly. Commissioner Edel-
stein requested that Mr. Jager comment on some of the areas of concern
regarding the Final Tract Map.
Mr. Jaqer commented that he had spoken with Mr. Fleagle on the minimum
55' frontage and desired to take 5' from some properties in order to
make some lots 60' in order to construct homes with three car garages.
If this does not meet with the Commission's approval, he is willing
to change all the lots back to the 55' minimum frontage. This was the
first item of concern in Mr. Myers' repcrt.
The second item was that the Tentative Map indicated landscaped parkway
areas along the south side of Walnut Avenue and the City Council had de-
termined that the City would not perform the maintenance on them. The
Ayres Company now intends to install full concrete parkways with only
standard street trees for lapdscaping. Mr. Jager feels that either the
City Council has the choice of accepting the concrete parkways or set
them up as service areas, lie further stated that they did not set up
a community homeowners association and do not intend to do so. That
leaves no one to maintain the parkways.
The Ayres Company has VA approval on this tract and if they now imple-
mented a homeowners association, it would possibly take another year to
get the VA approval. They are ready to start building as.soon as the
Final Map is recorded.
The third item was that the Public Uti]~i~ Commission staff had indicated
they would recommend against an additional crossing of the railroad at
Sycamore Avenue. Mr. ,~aqer stated hhat th2 tract only goes to the rail-
road and the developer could not be hel~ to sign a Hold Harmless Agree-
ment because they v;oul, d undoubtedly be ':inished :.;itt] the tract in a few
_ . ~n(., C~ty of Tu.qtin would s~c~n '-ne aareement instead. However,
if the City w,~nts accc'~,;.~'~ acres..; t]~e r.::~:i.]road at Sycamore, the Ayres
PC Minutes 10/24/72
Page four
Company would pay for it. Mr. Jager commented that the City received
a letter from the Irvine Company stating that the Irvine Company will
dedicate the north half of Walnut Avenue and also will dedicate the Park.
Mr. Jager will bond for the improvements in the park.
Mr. Fleagle suggested that perhaps an Envirenmental Impact Statement
was needed since financing was being provided by VA. Mr. Jager said
he was informed by the VA that they were not needed on VA projects.
Warren James of the Irvine Company stated that the Irvine Company would
supply a copy of an Environmental Impact Statement if they were required
by the Veterans Administration to prepare one.
Chairman Curtis suggested that since there were no Staff recommendations,
the Commission would not be able to establish that the Final Tract Map
is in substantial conformance with the Tentative Tract Map.
Commissioner Edelstein moved to continue the consideration of Final Tract
Map 7954; seconded by Commissioner Sharp.
The matter was discussed further among the Commissioners and it was de-
cided that more information and recommendations were needed from Staff
in order to perform their job correctly, and they were reluctant to make
findings on the basis of unscheduled agenda presentations.
The ~ity Engineer, Mr. Myers, summarized his report and stated he felt
that everything was in conformance with the Tentative, although the
three items discussed thus far were not resolved.
Mr. Brown reviewed the pending items:
1. UP-72-396 - Clyde Stockdale - 14851 Yorba
2. PZ-72-137 - Roy E. Daly, Jr. - 1731 Mitchell
3. PZ-72-138 - Best Years, Inc. - 13061 Irvine
Workshop - Land Use Element
Chairman Curtis suggested that the Workshop be held after the adjourn-
ment of the Regular Commission meeting. .
1. Development Procedures - other cities
Mr. Brown gave a summary of his report of Development procedures of other
~~ in Orange County.
Chairman Curtis suggested forwarding this report to the City Council
along with a cover letter because he was interested in seeing this pro-
ject through to an end result.
Co~missioner Sha~ questioned Staff about the Interdepartmental Committee
and wanted to know whcm they reported to. Mr. Fleagle said that the trend
for most of the large cities in the area is to report to the Community
Development Director. The Commissioners discussed the matter of taking
the necessary steps to assure that the City is getting what they approved
from the beginning of a construction job to its ultimate development.
'~'hey fee~ ~na~ £ur~ner c~ntinui~y b~t~n d~t,~,t~ i~ ~,~£y b~
having ali. the departments report to one responsible person.
PC Minutes 10/24/72
Page five
Commissioner Sharp moved to transmit this report with a cover letter
fr' Li Ci i ' ' iL~' .................
izational changes and procedures. Commissioner Edolstein seconded the
2. Conference on Environmental Impact Statements
A one-day Conference on Environmental Impact Statements will be held eT
Friday, November 17, 1972 in Orange sponsored by the University of
California Extension, Irvine.
Commissioner SharE moved to request allocation of funds from City Council
for two representatives from the Planning Commission to attend this EIS
Conference. Seconded by Commissioner Dukleth.
Commissioner Dukleth expressed his concern of items appearing before the
Co~nission that were not placed on the Agenda.
Commissioner Edelstein moved for adjournment at 10:00 p.m., seconded by
Commissioner Shar~; to discuss the Land Use Element of the General Plan,
t-hen to a regular scheduled meeting on November 13, 1972.
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