HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Minutes 09-25-72 MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING
SEPTEMBER 25, 1972
The regular meeting of the City of Tustin Planning Commission
was held on the 25th day of September, 1972, at the hour of
7:30 p.m., of said day in the Council Chambers, 275 South "C"
Street, Tustin, California.
The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Commissioner Sharp.
The Invocation was given by Commissioner Larnard
Curtis, Dukleth, Edelstein, Larnard, Sharp
James G. Rourke, City Attorney
R. Kenneth Fleagle, Assistant City Administrator-
Co~Lm~unity Development Director
Pat Brown, Assistant Planning Director
Mary Ann Chamberlain, Planning Commission Recording Sec.
1. Specific Plan - Bicycle Trails and Ways
Mr. Brown summarized the Bicycle Plan and explained that the first
phase would be the adoption of a specific plan, Exhibit I, which
was enclosed in the report. The second phase would be to develop
design criteria for the two types of systems, bicycle trails and
ways. The third phase would involve the establishment of prior-
ities and the fourth phase would be the procurement of the necessary
Chairman Curtis opened the public portion of the hearing at 7:45.
Mrs. H. D. Marlett, 1972 Irvine Boulevard, commented that "no
parking" signs were put up in front of her residence when the
bike ways were constructed and added that she thought the street
is wide enough for parking and bicycles.
Frank Golledge of 1892 Irvine Boulevard, said that about ten
residents in the middle of the block had to park their cars in an
alley and walk around the block to reach their homes. After
some discussion with the County the signs were removed.
Commissioner Larnard advised the residents that were present from
the Orange County Unincorporated area that they should contact
the County Road Department in regards to complaints about their
Bike Trails.
Public portion of the hearing was closed at 7:55 p.m.
Mr. Fleagle stated that there has been an effort to coordinate the
city plan with the county bike and trail way and offered the
following alternatives.
1 - You can select streets that have rear and side property
lines so as not to deny street parking and access to
the front of the property.
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2 - You can create a lane adjacent to the curb as a
bicycling lane and designate certain hours for
bi~y~li~ and o~hcr hour~ £or parking.
3 - Widen the street and put in a parkway with a bicycle
Commissioner Larnard stated that he thought the Commission needed
more information and made a motion to continue the public hearing
on the Bicycle Plan until the October 24 meeting. The motion was
seconded by Commissioner Sharp.
There was some discussion on bike lanes and Mr. Brown reported
that bike ways can be as narrow as four feet'but it would be
more desirable to have them twice that size, and the lanes clearly
identified. Bicycle trails are by far the most preferred method
of development; however, they can be extremely costly. Bicycle
ways are the most economical system, however, their big drawback
is from the safety angle, since the cyclist is riding in the
street right-of-way. Commissioner Sharp pointed out that another
danger of bicycle ways is that often the front bicycle wheel lodges
itself in storm drains which throws the cyclist from his vehicle.
Therefore, consideration should be given to the design of storm
drain grates.
1. Procedural Rules for the Conduct of Hearings.
Mr. Fleagle reported that the procedural rules, as revised, make
no distinction for those speaking for or against a proposal. Add-
itional instructions are provided for the purpose of expedi
public hearings.
Planning Commission
Procedures for Public Hearings
Chairman shall announce the subject of the public hear-
ing as advertised.
If a request is made for continuancy, a motion may be
made and voted upon to continue the public hearing to
a definite time and date.
The Staff shall be asked to present the substance of the
application and staff reports and to answer technical
questions of the Commission and members.
Individuals wishing to speak on the subject of the hearing
shall be recognized by the Chairman. Persons desiring
to give testimony to the Commission are requested to
state their name and address for the record.
If there are numerous people in the audience who would
like to participate on the issue, and it is known that all
represent the same opinion, it is advised that a spokes-
man be selected to speak for the entire group. Your
spokesman will thus have the opportunity of speaking
for a reasonable length of time, and of presenting a
complete case. If this arrangement cannot be made,
it may be necessary for the Chairman to restrict each
speaker to a limited time in order that all may be
heard. Individuals speaking for groups may have those
people stand or by show of hands indicate that he is
their spokesman. It is the desire of the Commission
to obtain the comments of all interested or affected
individuals and organizations, and consideration will
be given to all comments or suggestions made. Irrele-
vant and off-the-subject comments will be ruled out of
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The Chairman shall, upon his motion or the motion of
any member, announce the close of the public portion
of the hearing.
The Commission shall then deliberate and either deter-
mine the matter or continue the public hearing to another
date and time certain.
Commissioner Larnard moved to adopt the procedural rules as pre-
sented and have Staff publish them. Seconded by Commissioner Sharp.
2. Placentia Development Standards
Mr. Fleagle reported that the Planning Commission had forwarded
copies of the standards to the Development Preview Commission and
requested them to make recommendations. After several discussion
sessions, the Development Preview Commission on September 13, 1972,
unanimously directed that the following comments be forwarded to
the Planning Commission:
In the absence of a Development Preview Commission,
development standards adopted by Council Ordinance and
enforced by Staff would be essential.
Standards become the minimum, whereas policy guidelines
suggest direction toward maximum desirability with
opportunities to gain the optimum.
Standards treat all properties the same whereas there
are differences between developments of raw land and
redevelopment, whereby maximum feasible amenities be-
come the objective.
Developers are now advised of the desired amenities
for landscaping and site development prior to filing
plans with the Development Preview Commission. The
Commission has had a considerable degree of success in
securing quality improvements as opposed to quantity of
inappropriate designs.
It was the recommendation of the Development Preview Commission
that landscaping and site development objectives be a matter of
flexible policy rather than of rigid minimum standards as contained
in an ordinance.
Chairman Curtis stated that he thought the Commission should take
another look at the Development Standards before making any kind
of decision on this matter.
Commissioner Sharp concurred with this thought and stated that he
felt that developers are not informed early enough in the process
what our minimum standards are.
Chairman Curtis also suggested that there should be greater coordina-
tion between the Building Official and the Community Development
Commissioner Sharp requested that the Staff analyze the best possible
method of coordination between the Building Official and the Com-
munity Development Department. It was also requested that other
cities be canvassed to explore their methods of cooperation between
the Building Department and Community Development.
Mr. Fleagle commented that his department is in the process of pre-
p~ ~ d~velopm~u guide lor developers siml±ar to tn· ~ervice
Station Policy Guide.
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Chairman Curtis moved to continue this matter until the Developers
1. Zoning Administrator
Mr. Fleagle introduced the report that will be presented to the
Cit~ Council on their October 2, 1972 agenda. It is suggested
that the Planning Commission recommend to the City Council, by
Resolution 1290, the adoption of an ordinance creating the office
of Zoning Administrator and defining the duties of the office.
Commissioner Sharp commented that a few years ago they had dis-
cussed this matter and forwarded it to the Council. ~. Fleagle
pointed out that at that particular time it was determined that
the Planning Commission's load was down enough to have them handle
problems of this nature.
If approved, the Zoning Administrator would have juri. sdiction to
hear and decide in accordance with council policy matters that in-
clude applications for variances from the terms of the zoning
regulations, applications for variances from the terms of the
Sign Ordinance and matters relating to the conforming and non-
conforming use of properties and the structures thereon.
The Planning Commission would have the power to affirm, modify
or reverse the findings and decision of the Zoning Administrator
on appeal.
Com~oner Sharp moved to adopt Resolution 1290, seconded by
Commissioner Larnard.
2. Subdivision Processing
Mr. Fleagle advised the Commission that the City Council on
September 18, 1972, introduced Ordinance 551, which amends the
procedure for processing Subdivision Maps.
Upon adoption of Ordinance 551, the Planning Commission will have
the responsibility of making recommendations to the City Council
on Tentative Subdivision Maps and the final authority for approval
will rest with the City Council.
Pending Items
1. UP-72-393 - Clyde Stockdale - to permit the temporary use of
two mobile home classrooms for a one year period
for Tustin's Kiddie Kollege.
Location: 14851 Yorba
2. UP-72-394 - Assistance League of Tustin - to permit the retail
sale of used goods in the C-2, Central Commercial
Location: 160 E. 2nd Street
3. Amendment to Zoning Ordinance - Day Care Homes- Children
4. UP-72-395 - First Western Bank and Trust Company - to permit
the development of a church and allied classrooms.
(First Christian Church)
Location: Southwest corner of Irvine Blvd. & Red Hill Ave.
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1. Letter and response - A1 Enderle
Mr. Fleagle called the Commission's attention to the letter from
Mr. Enderle and the response pertinent to the abandonment of a
portion of Yorba Street.
2. Bryan Street
Mr. Fleagle reported that Bryan Street, in the City of Irvine, is
scheduled for a public hearing on Thursday, September 28, 1972, for
the purpose of changing its classification to a primary arterial.
1. Workshop provision of Land Use Element - Tustin Area General Plan
Mr. Brown informed the Commission that the Tustin Area General Plan
has to be brought up to date by January 1, 1973, to be in con-
formance with the Zoning Ordinance, as required by State Law.
Since 95% of the land within the city is developed, some areas to
be discussed are within the sphere of influence of Tustin extending
northward from Irvine Boulevard and other newly acquired land. Also.
the zoning on Irvine Boulevard, Newport Avenue and Warner should be
updated. The County areas along Newport Avenue will also be discussed.
It was decided among the Commissioners to hold a workshop session
following the next regular scheduled Planning Commission Meeting on
October 9, 1972. The land use element will be considered by sections
to provide a detailed, yet comprehensive review of all parcels.
Commissioner Sharp requested information on the latest developments
on the civic center.
Mr. Fleagle reported that the bond issue was passed by a 70% vote
on September 19, 1972. The architect will now enter phase II which
is the preparation of the working drawings for the civic center.
The proposal for the library to be developed on the site, is in the
discussion phase with the County Libarian and Real Property Agent.
Mr. Fleagle also stated that the move-in date for the Civic Center
is progrRmed for November - December 1973.
Commissioner Edelstein moved for adjournment at 9:45 p.m., seconded
by Commissioner Sharp; unanimously carried.
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