HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Minutes 08-28-72MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE TUSTIN PLANNING COMMISSION DATE: August 28, 1972 TIME: 7:30 p.m. PLACE: Council Chambers, 275 South "C" Street PRESENT: Curtis, Sharp, Larnard and Edelstein ABSENT: Dukleth INDEX ROLL CALL APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF AUGUST 14, 1972 PUBLIC HEARINGS Continued Item New UP-72-389 Item~ PZ-72-134 - ZC-72-231 - UP-72-390 - - Robert C. Muir et al ................... UP-71-364 (re-advertisement) - Amendment to Zoning Ordinance: OLD BUSINESS - none NEW BUSINESS Pending Items UP-72-391 UP-72-392 PZ-72-135 PZ-72-136 ZC-72~232 CORRESPONDENCE Letter Letter re. Planning Commission Initiated .......... First Western Bank ..................... Standard Oil of California ............. Eugene F. Tutt ...... Condominiums ....... - Tic Toc Markets, Inc ................... - Richard C. Swatman (Greinke) ........... - Planning Commission Initiated .......... Planning Commission Initiated .......... from Carolyn Davis re. ski slope ............ from Resources Agency of California Open Space. ................................. County Case No. ZC-72-50 ........................... STAFF CONCERNS Development Standards (Placentia example referred by Mayor C. Miller) ............................ Tentative Tract No. 7846 ........................... COMMISSION CONCERNS ..................................... AUDIENCE PARTICIPATION - none ADJOURNMENT ............................................. PAGE 1-2 2 2-3 4 4-5 5 5 6 6 6 6 6 7 7 MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN PLANNING CO55MISSION A~GU~qT 9~ 1972 # The regular meeting of the City of Tustin Planning Commission was held on the 28th day of August, 1972, at the hour of 7:30 p.m., of said day in the Council Chambers, 275 South "C" Street, Tustin, California. The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Commissioner Larnard. The Invocation was given by Commissioner Edelstein. ROLL CALL: Present: Absent: Others Present: Curtis, Edelstein and Larnard Dukleth and Sharp (Sharp arrived at 7:57 plm.) James G. Rourke, City Attorney R. Kenneth Fleagle, Ass't. CA-Comm. Dev. Director Pat Brown, Assistant Planning Director Nancy Lawton, Planning Commission Recording Secretary APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING AUGUST 14, 1972 PUBLIC HEARINGS Continued Item UP-72-389 - Robert C. Muir et al. - to permit the use of a training ski slope for clubs, schools, private commercial purpose~, etc. Location: Site fronts approximately 43' on the southeast side of Newpert Avenue, has a depth of approximately 466', and is generally located southwesterly of the Tustin tIeights Shopping Center. Mr. Brown advised the Commission that this item has been continued to this meeting to permit the Staff time to give further study to customer access to this proposed sports and training facility and the feasibility of improving the street frontage area on Newport Avenue. He commented on Staff's concurrence with the City Engineer's desire that users of this facility refrain from driving their automobiles to and from that area utilizing the mutual easement drive to Newport Avenue, northerly of the County Fire Station site. Applicant has stated his cooperation in direct- ing the clients of this facility from the Tustin Heights Sporting Goods store to the facility itself, which would be from the Irvine Boulevard entrance. It is the Commission's decision as to whether the 36' street improvement section as recommended by the City Engineer is feasible and appropriate in this case. Chairman Curtis opened the public portion of the hearing at 7:42 p.m. Richard Griset, son of the owner of the property to the east of the ski slope, stated that he would like to see the parking on the ski slope area itself, and not on the easement. John Mullins, owner of Tustin Heights Sporting Goods, advised that he was available should there be any questions. He stated that the store would not be able to pay for any street improvements; and as far as he was concerned, could not foresee any traffic coming in from Newport Avenue as most people Y;ould be going to the ski slope directly from his store. The public portion of the hearing was closed at 7:47 for discussion among the Commissioners. PC Minutes 8/28/72 Page two Chairman Curtis stated that as this item is a temporary Use Permit, he would be reluctant to place the street improvements cost upon this facility. Commissioner Edelstein moved for adoption of this Use Permit by Resolu- tion No..1277; seconded by Commissioner Larnard. MOTION CARRIED: 3-0 New Items PZ-72-134 - Planning Commission Initiated - pre-zoning of subject property from the Orange County M-1 (Light Industrial) District to the City of Tustin Planned Community (Com- mercial) District, subject to annexation to the City of Tustin. Owners of subject properties are Lewis Proctor and Southern Pacific Railroad. Location: Site is located at the southwesterly corner of Main Street and New. port Avenue, with frontages of approximately 766' on Main Street, 213' on Newport Avenue, and a maximum depth of approximately 698'. Mr. Fleagle advised that the subject properties are opposite an existing car wash and City owned property proposed as the site for the new Tustin Civic Center complex. The existing uses on the properties are generally industrial or heavy commercial in nature and include: the Toxo Spray Company, a storage and maintenance area for the Holthe Disposal Company, a foreign car salvage operation, a pest control company, and a fence company. Practically all of these uses are incompatible with the Central Business District. The property is classified on the General Plan as the "town center" area. The owner of the bulk of the property, Mr. Lewis Proctor, has indicated his plans include the cessation or relocation of these uses once the annex- ation and pre-zoning actions are completed and the civic center is devel- oped. It is his hope, along with Staff's, that his property, and the properties adjacent, amalgamate with the possibility of developing a master plan concept for a commercial center of significant size. Chairman Curtis opened the public portion of the hearing at 7:53 p.m., and seeing or hearing no one for or against this issue, closed the public portion of hearing at 7:54 p.m. Commissioner Larnard moved for approval of PZ-72-134, by adoption of Resolution No. 1279; seconded by Commissioner Edelstein. MOTION CARRIED: 3-0 e ZC-72-231 - First Western Bank - a joint re-zoning request for an approximately 3.9 net acre parcel of land, from the R-1 (Single-Family Residential) District to the PR (Profes- sional) District on the southeastern 310', and the P&I (Public and Institutional) District on the northwestern 300', for the purpose of the proposed future development of a professional office complex and a church. Location: Site is located at the western intersection of Irvine Boulevard and Red tIill Avenue with frontages of approxi- mately 610' on the southwesterly side of Irvine Boulevard and approximately 283' on the northwesterly side of Red Hill Avenue. Mr. Fleagle stated that the property is presently zoned R-1 and is devel- oped with an old single-family structure and abandoned orange grove. A develop the entire site, however, this Permit has expired. -2- PC Minutes 8/28/72 Page three The applicants have submitted tentative plans for development of both the proposed F~ and ~hc l~&- secci¢)n~ of ch~3 p-operty, however, these plans are conceptual in nature only, since the architect wishes to work closely with the City Staff and the Development Preview Commission in obtaining a final product, in both cases, which would be compatible to the surrounding area. Staff feels that this rezoning would produce, once developed, the high- est and best land use for the area in question. (Commissioner Sharp arrived at 7:57 p.m.) Chairman Curtis opened the public portion of the hearing at 7:58 p.m. John Wells, architect for the professional building, said that he and his staff were available should anyone have any questions. Chairman Curtis called for a recess at 8:03 p. m. to allow the Commission and the audience to view the drawings and renderings on an informational basis. Meeting reconvened at 8:12 p.m. Mrs. Irene Pelleriti, 1411 Garland Avenue, advised that she was represent- l~ng several of her neighbors. She said that their children go to Syca- more School and that in the past two years, one child has been killed, two have been hurt and a crossing guard hurt. She has 45 letters from residents in this area written to the County, with the County denying that there is a need for a traffic light at this corner. The Church would not present a traffic problem, but she feels the professional building would. Mr. Fleagle advised Mrs. Pelleriti that seeing as how these residences are in the County, the best way they could get this traffic light woul be to incorporate and come in to the City, and then go before the City Council, which provides them direct representation. Mr. Stan Bran of 13102 Woodlawn, asked if a stop sign could be put in at Charloma and Irvine Boulevard, similar to the ones just put in on First Street, which would not be as expensive as a traffic light. He asked ~ someone from the City could contact the County as respects this. In response to this, Mr. Fleagle commented that the voice of the people is alot more effective, upon their County representative, but the Staff would contact the County. Mr. Dave Pardekooper, 1457 Garland, owns property behind this proposed new development, and was concerned about the present and future value of the property. He stated several concerns: would like to see the 6'8" wall built from the level of their property, as the proposed property is lower; trash facilities should be located between the professional building and the church, and be picked up between 8-5 so as not to dis- turb the residents; would like to see 10' tall foliage along the wall; and, lighting should be so that it does not shine into the bedrooms of the residents, as most of the bedrooms would face that property. In answer to the trash, Chairman Curtis advised Mr. Pardekooper that City regulations control the hours of the pick up. Mr. Fleagle advised that all of the other items of concern would be handled by City regulations and the Development Preview Commission. The public portion of the hearing was closed at 8:31 p.m. for discussion among the Commissioners. Commissioner Edelstein stated that the main concern'at this time is for the zone change, and moved for approval of this ZC-72-231 by adoption of Resolution No. 1280; seconded by Co~missioner Larnard. MOTION CARRIED: 4-0 -3- PC Minutes 8/28/72 Page four Mr. Fleagl~ advised the applicant that this would now be advertised for Council public hearing, along with parcel map, Use Permit application, for that portion to be developed by the First Christian Church, and precise development plans for the professional building. e UP-72-390 - Standard Oil Company of California - to permit the renovation of an existing, non-conforming service station site. Location: Site is located at the southerly corner of Newport Avenue and Nisson Road, adjacent to the Santa Ana Freeway. Mr. Brown stated that this station has been at this site for many years and to date, has never had a Use Permit approval for the use itself. However, at the Commission's May 8, 1972 meeting, a use permit was granted, in accordance with the Sign Ordinance, to permit two free-standing signs on this site. These signs being the initial stage of renovation. The plans presented indicate upgrading the site by providing new facia material for the main structure; add a new pump island and update the old one; and, wherever physically possible provide perimeter landscaping and landscaping adjacent to the main structure itself in conformance with the requirements of the Service Station Policy Guide. Chairman Curtis opened the public portion of the hearing at 8:37 p.m. Mr. James Vickers of Standard Oil advised the Commission that this build- ing is 10 years old and is due for renovation in keeping with the cor- porate identity worldwide. He stated that their company would agree with the conditions recommended by the Development Preview Commission. Upon questioning by Chairman Curtis as respects the .traffic light to be installed at Nisson Road, which was part of the May 8th approval, Mr. Vickers said that they would like to do this as part of the entire project, and not piecemeal. Public portion of the hearing was closed at 8:42 p.m. for discussion among the Commissioners. ~ommissioner Larnard moved for approval of UP-72-390, by adoption of Resolution No. 1281; seconded by Commissioner Sharp, with Commission con- curring with the Development Preview Commission's conditions. MOTION CARRIED: 4-0 e UP-71-364 (re-advertisement) - Eugene F. Tutt - to permit continued use of subject property as a landscape nursery with sales of plant materials, for a six month period, subject to further six-month extensions of time. Location: Site fronts approximately 110' on the northeast side of Nisson Road, and is located approximately 435' south- easterly of the centerline of Red Hill Avenue. Mr. Brown summarized Staff report, advising Commission that the original Use Permit was granted by their body on August 23, 1971. At their March 13, 1972 meeting, Commission granted the six months continuance of this use, with the stipulation that consideration of any further exten- sions of time would require a re-advertisement and public hearing. The applicants are proposing no further expansion or modifications either in the site or its facilities, but wish only to continue this interim use of the land. The operators of this facility have done an excellent job of maintaining this site, and there have been no reported traffic circulation problems. The present request is to allow additional one year use, subject to six month extensions of time with review by Staff and Planning Commission without the necessity of public hearing. The City Engineer recommended that now that the one year period is up, street improvements were to be made. Also, Staff feels that the bill- board on this property should be a matter of Commission concern. -4- PC Minutes 8/28/72 Page five Chairman Curtis opened the public portion of hearing at 8:55 p.m. Luke Wall, one of the operators of this facility, advised that there had Seen no complaints from the surrounding residents, they would be contrib- uting more in taxes in 1973, they have made major improvements in the property, and their products produce clean air. He doesnt feel his company should have to make the street improvements since this is a temporary use. Public portion of the hearing was closed at 9:04 for discussion among the Commissioners. The Commission felt that Mr. Tutt should be made aware of the Staff's con- cerns relative to the billboard and street improvements before any decis- ion is made. Commissioner Larnard moved to continue this item until the September 11, 1972 meeting to allow Staff time to receive Mr. Tutt's comments; seconded by Commissioner Edelstein. MOTION CARRIED: 4-0 Commissioner Sharp commented that he did not wish to see any hardship incurred by the Walls, and that when full development is done, then the street improvements should be established. 5. Amendment to the Zoning Ordinance - Planning Commission Initiated RE: Condominiums Mr. Fleagle advised that in order to strengthen the City's legal status relative to the appropriateness of conversions of apartments to condo- miniums, the following amendments are suggested: Se An amendment to Section 4.6 of Ordinance No. 157, as amended, by the addition of the following: "Uses Permitted" - Condominiums, subject to a Use Permit, and when developed or to be developed, pur- suant to the criteria of the Planned Development District. be An amendment to Section 5-29 Of Ordinance No. 157, as amended, by the addition of the following: "Uses Permitted - Condominiums Subject to the criteria and requirements of the District. Chairman Curtis opened public portion of the hearing at 9:13 p.m., and seeing or hearing no one, closed the public portion of the hearing at 9:14 p.m. for discussion among the Commissioners. Commissioner Larnard moved for approval by adoption of Resolution No. 12781 seconded by Commissioner Edelstein. MOTION CARRIED: 4-0 OLD BUSINESS - none NEW BUSINESS Pgn~ing Items 1. UP-72-391 - Tic Toc Markets, Inc. Location: 12892 Newport Avenue -5- PC Minutes 8/28/72 Page s ix 2. UP-72-392 - Richard C. Swatman (Greinke) Location: 1001 Laguna Road 3. PZ-72-135 - Planning Commission Initiated Locat'ion: 13061 Irvine Boulevard PZ-72-136 ZC-72-232 - Planning Commission Initiated Location: Elizabeth Way & Irvine Boulevard CORRESPONDENCE Mr. Flea~le advised of a letter received from C~rolyn Davis re- ~lecting her support of the ski slope training-facility. e Letter from Resources Agency of California re. Recreation Element Open Space-Conservatio~ Mr. Flea~.le advised that the subject agency stated that this element met the requirement of the Open Space plan contained in the regulations for administering the Open Space Subvention Act. 3. County Case No. ZC-72-50 Location: Subject property is located on the northwesterly side of Newport Avenue approximately 133' northerly of the center- line of Mitchell Avenue. Mr. Brown advised that this would be a rezoning from CC/35 (SR) "Commer- cial Community (Sign Restrictions)" District to the C1 (SR) "Local Busi- ness (Sign Restrictions)" District. This is another of such County actions to bring this area into more appropriate zoning-confora~ce with the General Plan. Commissioner Larnard moved to have Staff direct a letter to the Orange County Planning Commission recommending their approval; seconded by Commissioner Edelstein. MOTION CARRIED: 4-0 STAFF CONCERNS 1. Development Standards (Placentia example referred by Mayor C. Miller) Mr. Fleag~ outlined some items contained in this report and requested the ~o~mission to read it over and offer their comments. Chairman Curtis suggested this be shown to the Development Preview Commis- sion and returned to the Planning Commission with their comments. Commissioner Sharp moved to have this item referred to the Development Pre- view Commission; seconded by Commissioner Larnard. MOTION CARRIED: 4-0 2. Tentative Tract Map No. 7846 Mr..Fleagle advised that a petition was filed by the residents on Laurinda W~ay as respects the pedestrian access way. They do not wish this access way, and feel it would create more problems. If the Commission feels it necessary, the provision may be deleted from the Resolution approving this Tentative Tract Map. The Commission felt that if the residents objected to this access way, and they were the only ones invo±ved, this should be deleted. Commissioner Larnard moved for deletion of this item; seconded by Commis- Sioner Edelstein. MOTION CARRIED: 4-0 -6- PC Minutes 8/28/72 Page seven COMMISSION CONCERNS Commissioner Shard inquired as to what the time plan for the professional offices was under ZC-72-231. Mr. Flea$1e said that the plans were in Plancheck and have been approved. Upon questioning from Chairman Curtis, Mr. Fleaqle advised that the Seta Bella Restaurant on Newport Avenue should be opening in about one month. AUDIENCE PARTICIPATION - none ADJOURNMENT Commissioner Edelstein moved for adjournment at 9:40 p.m.; seconded by Commissioner Larnard. Unanimously carried. CH/%IRMAN OF THE 'PLANNING COMMISSION PLANNIN~ COM~SION RECORDING SECRETARY -7-