HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Minutes 06-12-72MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING
DATE: June 12, 1972
TIME: 7:35
PLACE: Council Chambers, 275 South "C" Street
PRESENT: Curtis, Dukleth, Edelstein, Sharp
ABSENT: Larnard
ROLL CALL .........................................
22, 1972 .......................
Malo, Inc.
- Dan Jones
- Vandenberg
(Kartopia) ...........
(Shopping Center) ......
(Shopping Center) .....
UP-69- 332 -
UP-72- 379
Amendment to Section V, H. Offstreet Parking
Attached Single-family Units, Appendix B,
Ordinance No. 528 ..........................
Housing Element to the Tustin Area General Plan
Open Space - Conservation - Recreation Element
to the Tustin Area General Plan ............
Ayres Neighborhood Plan ......................
Tentative Tract Map No. 7813 (Alternate Plan B)
Newport Shores Builders ....................
Neighborhood Plan (South Coast Development Corp.)
Pending Applications .........................
Orange County Tentative Map of Tract 7873 ....
L~ague of Cities Letter ......................
Tract Map No. 7420 ...........................
ADJOURNMENT~ ......................................
JUNE 12, 1972
The regular meeting of the City of Tustin Planning commission
was held on the 12th day of June, 1972, at the hour of 7:30 p.m.,
of said day in the Council Chambers, 275 South "C" Street, Tustin,
The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Commissioner Edelstein.
The Invocation was given by Commissioner Dukleth.
Curtis, Dukleth, Edelstein and Sharp.
James G. Rourke, City Attorney
R. Kenneth Fleagle, Assistant City Administrator-
Community Development Director
Pat Brown, Assistant Planning Director
Mary Ann Chamberlain, Planning Commission Kecording
Secretary '
Commissioner Larnard was called out of town on business and ex-
pressed ~is ~incere regrets in not being able to attend this
OF MAY 22, 1372
Amendment to Use Permit 69-332 - Malo, Inc. (Kartopia) -
to permit an amendment to Use Permit 69-332, to permit
various types of electronic games in conjunction with a
permitted Go-Cart facility.
Site fronts approximately 300' on southwest side
of Laguna Road and is located approximately 230'
southeasterly of the center line of Newport Ave.
Mr. Fleagle summarized the Staff report and recommended that
Resolution 1140, Use Permit 69-332, be amended to permit various'
types of electronic games in conjunction with the permitted Go-
Cart facility operation, by the adoption of Resolution 1267. The.
comments of Police Chief Sissel were read into the record to the
point that:
1. All State and City laws be followed.
2. All machines be licensed.
Commissioner Sharp wanted to know if there were any gambling
aspects connected with the machines. Mr. Fleagle stated that
the Use Permit would be subject to revocation if gambling were
.reported and the Resolution would require self policing.
Public portion of hearing was opened at 7:40 by Chairman Curtis,
seeing and hearing no one to speak for or against the issue, the
public portion was closed at 7:41 for discussion among the
Commissioner Sharp questioned Mr. Fleagle about the'closing time.
Mr. FleaGle stated that the closing time permitted by Use Permit
69-332 i~ 10:00 p.m.
Commissioner Sha£p moved that Resolution No. 1267 be adopted,
~en-di-ng Use Permit 69-332. Commissioner Ed~ein seconded
that motion.
Amendment to Use Permit 72-379.
Location: Southwesterly corner of 17th Street and Prospect Avenue
with a frontage of approximately 569' on the southerly side of
17th Street.
Mr..Fleagle summarized the Staff report and recommended that the
P~anning Commission either reject the proposal as submitted or
continue the matter to the next regular meeting as an open hearing
for the purpose of providing the applicant with an opportunity to
revise the plans to incorporate those design features the Planning
Commission deems essential for the project.
The City Engineer has not had an opportunity to review the plans
and requested that the public hearing be continued for two weeks
to give him more time to better evaluate this proposal.
Mr. Fleagle suggested that Public }{earing Items No. 2 & 3 be con-
sidered together because of their inter-relationship. Commissioner
Sharp moved to combine Items 2 & 3, Commissioner Ede]st~in seconded
Mr. Flea~le invited the Commissioner's attention to a letter
received from Mr. A1 Enderle, this date, outlining the history
of Use Permit 72-379, as related to his property.
Public portion of hearing was opened at 7:55 p.m. by Chairman
1. Mr. Don Thamer, 1666 North Main Street, Santa Ana, CA,
attorney for Mr. Dan Jones, wanted to clarify that Mr. Jones,s
Use Permit application was separate from Mr. Vandenberg's Use
Permit application. This had also been brought to the attention
of the Development Preview Commission so they could also
them as separate items. However, the original approved precise master
plan conside~ them as one item, not separately. Mr. Thamer further
discussed the building set-back on the rear property line, saying
that it should not be more than 60', otherwise, it would take away
too much parking area in the front that was needed. He also stated
that the owner felt that a public road was not necessary along the
rear property line.
Commissioner Edelstein asked Staff if the parking was adequate.
Mr. Fleagle stated that he had not reviewed the new plans and
~id not know if it met standards, since the revised plans are
being presented for the first time at this meeting.
2. Mr. Bob French,4500 Campus Drive, Newport Beach, CA, commented
that the only difference between the plans that had been reviewed
by the Development Preview Commission, and the new plans this
evening, was the building set-back on the rear property line
therefore cutting down the amount of parking spaces. He also
commented that the City Engineer thought that the road was not
necessary but desirable. Mr. French further stated that when
Western Mortgage dropped the options he was forced to drop the
Enderle Property which is adjacent to the Vandenberg property on
the West. ~
3. Mr. A1 Enderle, 3662 Carmel, Irvine, gave a brief history of
the o-~g~in'al precise master plan. His concern was the traffic flow
and the rear road, since he has already donated three acres of land
to have the road built. Mr. Ender]e wondered if his easements
wou].d be returned to him if the master plot plan were not used.
The public portion of the hearing was closed at 8:15.
Conunissioner Sharp questioned the location and use of the Flood
Contr--6]l-'~-h-~l and the possibility of building on top of it
versus covering it or remaining as an open channel. " Flea,lc_
stated that part of it is covered and may be construct. J upon.
The developer intends to construct upon part of it and the re-~
maining part has to be covered or screened and landscaped.
Commissioner S~ar~ stated that if the present plan of having the
rear road end in a cul-de-sac, and Mr. Enderle wanted his dedicated
land returned to him, then the City would be back to where it
started 4 years ago, with no master plan. The Commissioners
decided they do not want to make a hasty decision on this plan
because they want a quality development, something worthwhile.
Mr. Fleagle suggested that a workshop session be held to iron
out all the problems, and get an understanding of what the City
The Commissioners then discussed the possible traffic problems
that would result on 17th Street without a rear public road access.
Mr. Edelstein moved, seconded by Mr. Sharp that a workshop session
e~cheduled between now and the next Planning Commission meeting,
with recommendations from Staff. Mr. French and Attorney Thamer
felt that a workshop session would have no value since Mr. Jones
does not want to dedicate one acre for the road.
Attorney Rourke suggested that the Commission gather all 'the Staff
recom~endations and continue the hearing before making a definite
decision and sending it to the City Council. Mr. Fleagle stated
that the benefit of continuing it would be for Staff's specific.
proposals and justifications for any change that might be made in
the master plan. The Staff can present reasons that would justify
change, and reasons and data that would not justify change. If
it were appealed to the City Council, the Staff would have the
same obligations. The Commission does serve as the final authority
on a Use Permit unless it is appealed to the City Council. I~ it 'is
appealed to the City Council, they would need the benefit of the
reasons and justifications for the denial by the Commission. By
continuance it gives the Staff the opportunity to present to the
Commission in Resolution form those reasons why the master plan
should not be changed and by Resolution those elements which
could be changed without injury to. the City.
Commissioner Dukleth inquired about a traffic report from Staff
concerning the traffic on 17th Street. Mr. Fleagle answered that
this could be done within the next two weeks.
Commissioner Edelstein moved a substitute motion to continue the
open public hea~i~gs on amendment to Use Permit 72-379 to the
next regular meeting of the Commission on June 26, 1972. Commissioner
Sharp seconded that motion.
4) Amendment to Section V, H. Offstreet Parking Attached Single-
Family Units, Appendix "B", Ordinance No. 528.
Mr. Fleagle summarized the Staff report and recommended that the
guest parking space be reduced from one to ½ space for each unit to
provide additional landscape area, by ~pproval of Resolution No. 1270.
Due notice of a public hearing at this time and place had been
given to the proposed amendment.
There was some discussion of the size of the units and the effect
of the parking on streets because of this Resolution. Mr. Fleagle
pointed out to the Commissioners that this is a self-contained
project served by private streets and the overflow guest parking
would be on private streets within the project. This would not
effect guest parking on public collector streets.
The public portion of the hearing was opened at 8:55 p.m. by
Chairman Curtis; seeing and hearing no one to speak for or
against the issue, the public portion was closed at 8:56 p.m.
Commissioner Edelstein moved that Resolution 1270 be adopted,
seconded by Commissioner Dukleth.
5) Housing Element to the Tustin Area General Plan.
Mr. Flea~le summarized the report, advising that the adoption of
a Housing Element is required by California State Law. This Element,
has been forwarded to all adjacent cities, the County of Orange,
and the Local Agency Formation Commission, according to the
Government Code. Comments have not been received from any of
these agencies. It is recommended that, if the Housing Element
meets the context and intent of the Government Code, Resolution
1269'be adopted, recommending approval of the Housing Element to
t-~City Council.
Public portion of hearing was-opened at 8:57 p.m. by Chairman
Curtis; seeing and hearing no one to speak for or against the
~ssue, the public portion was closed at 8:58 p.m. for discussion
among the Commissioners.
Commissioner Sharp moved to approve Resolution 1269, seconded by
Commissioner Edelstein.
6) Open Space - Conservation - Recreation Element to the
Tustin Area General Plan.
Mr. Brown summarized the report stating that Staff had combined
Open Space, Conservation, and Recreation because of the corre-
lation between the subjects, and in conformance with a model plan
propagated by the State of California. It is recommended that if
the Planning Commission feels the Open Space - Conservation -
Recreation Element as presented is a desirable and functional one,
meeting the context and intent of the Government Code, Resolution
No. ~268 be adopted, recommending approval to the City Council.
Public portion of hearing was opened at 9:05 p.m. by Chairman
Curtis; seeing and hearing no one to speak for or against the
~ssue, the public portion was closed at 9:06 p.m. for discussion
among the Commission.
Commissioner Edelstein moved that Resolution 1268 be adopted,
seconded by Commissioner Sharp.
1) Ayres Neighborhood Plan
Location.: South of Walnut Avenue, north of mainline SFRR,
bounded on the west by Venta Spur Line and on the east by the
proposed alignment of Jamboree Road.
Mr. F]eag]e summarized the report and reconm~ended that the Neigh-
borhood Plan be approved and a Tentative Subdivision Map be con-
sidered, based upon the a~proved concept:] of the neighborhood
The following stipulations are recommended as conditions
c~ approval of the neighborl~ood plan:
1. Jamboree Road shall be fenced off from being a pl~lic
acCeSS way.
2. Slope areas of Jan%boree Road be planted with a ground
cover, trees, and irrigat.~on system, maintained by the Irvine
Company, until such time the roadway is dedicated and accepted.
3. Walnut Street, for the frontage of the development,, shall
be improved to full street width in conjunction with tha
development and occupancy of the first phased development
with costs shared on an equal basis by adjoining projects.
4. Landscaped ber_ms on the southerly perimeter of the
tract shall be constructed as sound barriers, within the
confines of private property limits, with deed restrictions'
to assure the perpetuation of the sound barriers.
There was discussion on these four stipulations and Mr. Mike
Jager was called upon to give his views at this time.
Mike Jager, Newport Shores Builders, stated that he did not want
to be responsible for the stipulation of irrigation of the slope
areas of Jamboree Road for ten or fifteen years. Also they are
obligated to develop Walnut Street to the center line. Newport
Shores Builders feel they should not be obligated to completely
develop the street if the South Coast Development property were
sold meanwhile, to someone else. Mr. Fleagle pointed out to the
Commissioners that since there is only one owner involved, (The
Irvine Company) the development of the street should be an internal
arrangement with the Irvine Company between the two developers.
The cost of the improvements should be shared so that it doesn't
become a burden upon any one developer.
After some discussion, it was agreed upon that No. 3'of the
Recommendations should be changed to read: Walnut Street, for the
frontage of the development, shall be improved to full street
width prior to certificate of occupancy, for the first phased
development with costs shared on an equal basis by adjoining pro-
There was discussion about the drainage for Jamboree Blvd. and
Mr. Fleagle suggested that since Jamboree is technically outside
of the tract but in the neighborhood, it would be appropriate to
include it within the neighborhood plan. Therefore it would be
condition No. 5:
Drainage for Jamboree Boulevard shall be subject to
approval by the City Engineer.
Chairman Curtis asked the other Commissioners if No. 2 of the
recommendations was going to remain unchanged, since it was
stated earlier in the discussion that Ayres did not want to
get involved with installing an irrigation system on the slope
areas of Jamboree Boulevard. After some discussion, the commission-
ers agreed that No. 2 of the recommendations should remain as is,
and the irrigation system should be installed. Commissioner Sharp
moved that the Neighborhood Plan be approved with the Staff's
recommendations, modifying No. 3 and adding No. 5. This motion
was seconded by Commissioner Edelstein.
2) Tentative Tract~Map No. 7813 (Alternate Plan B) - Newport
Shores Builders
Mr. Fleagle summarized the Staff report and made the following
suggestion that somewhere in the recommendations there should be
an offering of the dedication of Jamboree Boulevard, by the Irvine
Company, at such time it is required for public purposes.
Approval of Tentative Tract No. 7813 is recommended for approval
by the City Engineer and Conununity Development Department subject
to the following conditions:
1. Dedication of right-of-way including corner cutoffs for
all interior streets to the right-of-way widths as shown on
the tentative map with the exception that "E" Street
between "A" Street and "B" Street be dedicated with a 60'
9_. Dedication of right-of-way for Walnut Avenue, as required
by the City Engineer and offer of dedication of Jamboree
Boulevard, by the Irvine Company, at such time as it is re-
quired for public purposes.
3. Installation of full street improvements on all interior
streets including curb and gutter, sidewalk, paving, driveway
aprons, cross gutters and underground conduit street lighting
including annexation of the entire tract to the Tustin
Lighting District, all being constructed to the grades approved
by and to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. Tangent
curbs to have an absolute minimum grade of 0.40%. Curb radiuses
cul-de-sac curbs 'and cross' gutters to have a minimum grade of
1.00%. "E" Street between "A" Street and "B" Street to be
constructed to 40' curb to curb width centered within the
right-of-way and loop collector streets to be constructed with
a 40' curb to curb width with a 9' parkway on one side and
an 11' parkway on the opposite side.
4. Construction of full street improvements on the south half
of Walnut ·Avenue as required and to the satisfaction of the
City Engineer, with the balance of full street improvements
to be constructed by others prior to certificate of occupancy.
5. Construction of underground storm drainage facilities and
inlets as required and to the satisfaction of the City Engineer
to allow no more than 1000 lineal feet of over the surface drain
age before being intercepted by a storm drain inlet.
6. Provide domestic water system and public sewers to serve
all lots including any required off-site construction.
7. Installation of street trees on all frontages in accordance
with the Master Street Tree Plan.
8. Installation of all utilities underground in all phases
of the development. No overhead poles to be set within the
p roper ty.
Commissioner Edelstein moved that Tentative Tract No. 7813 be
approved as outlined and amended by Staff. Co~missioner Sharp
seconded this motion.
3) Neighborhood Plan (South Coast Development Corporation)
Location: 74 acre parcel north of Walnut, east of B~owning
and south of the Santa Ana Freeway.
Mr. Fleagle summarized the S'taff report and recommended that the
Planning Commission adopt a minute order substantially as follows:
It is moved that the neighborhood plan for Roundtree Develop-
ment as approved on March 27, 1972, is hereby revoked and in
lieu thereof there is herewith approved a neighborhood plan
as submitted by the South Coast Development Corporation dated
May 15, 1972,. authorizing the preparation of a Tentative Tract
Map for the area identified as Area ~4 of the Irvine Planned
Community District, to be developed with 40 acres as detached
single-family residential units at 6 units per acre and 30
acres as garden townhouses at 10 units per acre and 4 acres
for private recreation and park area.
Commissioner E~elst¢:in commented that he had two comments to make
cc ~eruing the proposed single-family units.
1. The front set back of 6' is the same on every unit
an(] some variation s],ou].d be accoimnodated.
2. All the garage:; are in the rear of the units therefore
special design treatment is required for the rea' rvice
Mr. Ed Akins showed his slides of a comparable tract in Seal Beach.
Commissioner Edelstein moved that the minute order, as outlined
by the Staff, be approved. Com~missioner Dukleth seconded this
1) Application of Shell Oil Company for a Use Permit (UP-72-386),
to permit the construction of a new service station facility to
replace a nearby existing facility. Location is the easterly
corner of the intersection of Newport Ave. and Main Street.
2) Application of William J. Doherty for a Use Permit (UP-72-387),
to permit the operation of a health club in an existing shopping
center. Location is the easterly corner of the intersection of
Newport Avenue and Old Irvine Boulevard.
3) Applicaton of George Argyros for a Use Permit (UP-72-358),
to permit the six month display of promotional banners and flags
in the parkway area for the purpose of advertising vacancies at
the Villa Viento Apartments. Site is located at 345 W First St.
1) Orange County Tentative Map of Tract 7873.
Location: Subject property, consisting of approximately 4.6
acres, is located on the southeasterly side of Red Hill Avenue
approximately 230' northeasterly of the centerline of San Juan
Mr. Brown summarized the Staff report and recommended that the
Planning Commission recommend to the Orange County Planning
Commission, that the present request and future similar requests
be approved only if the property to be converted from multiple-
family to condominium status meets the necessary site development
criteria of a planned unit development district.
Commissioner Edelstein moved that Staff's recommendation be
approved; seconded by Commissioner Sharp.
2) League of Cities Letter:
Consideration of Annual Conference Program.
Mr. Fleagle referred to the correspondence from the League of
California Cities that announced their Annual Conference on October
18-19, 1972. They request a response to the Berkeley Office
advising what the Planning Commission considers their most import~
problems at this time. The Commissioners instructed the Staff to
respond for the Commission on the following matters of concern:
1. An amondment to the annexation laws.
2. Impact of the new sub-division map act.
3. Return to the philosophy of state enabling acts for local
planning rather than the mandatory requirements of State
Planning Law.
4. An Amendment to the 1965 Act that puts definition and
terms into that act.
· -STAFF CCNCERNS ~ ..... . .... : · ..
! '". '.' I
Tract Map No. 7420 - .
Location: East side of Prospect Avenue, approximately 150'
north of Beneta Way - Andrews Construction Company.
Mr. Fleagle sun%~arized the report .of' Staff and reco~,~.ended
that the Commission adopt by minute order a finding substantially
as follows:
Tract No. 7420 (Andrews Construction Company) located on the
east side of Prospect Avenue, approximately 150' north of
Beneta Way, has been approved by the Planning Com_~.ission
and City Council of the City of Tustin. Primary access to
%he tract is to be provided by a bridge across the Flood
Control Channel as approved in design by the District and
-the Development P'review Con%~ission. Said tract is in the
'~-1 District; approved for single-family residential
development; and in conformance with the Tustin Area General
Plan. No adverse environmental impact will result from the
design of the sub-division or from the design and structure
of the accessways.
Commissioner Sharp moved that the Commission adopt the above
m/nute order; seconded by Conunissioner Edelstein.
Commissioner Edelstein moved for adjournment at 10:40 p.m.;
seconded by Corcn~issioner Dukleth; unanimously carried.